Special text: Unusual railways
Special text: Underground railways.
Special text: Power supply system.
Special text: Carriages and wagons
Special text: In search of higher speeds
Special text: Automation in Railways
Special text: Bridge building
Special text: Tunnel construction
Special text: Railway Electrification system.
(1) In the course of railway history many researches were carried out to develop cheaper and
more efficient means of transportation. Here are some interesting examples of unusual
railways. In 1862 L.D. Girard, a French inventor, surprised the world that he invented Gliding
Railway based on the entirely new wheelless design. According to the project the train was to
move on six plates. While the train was running the water was to be spread evenly between
the plates and the track. When constructed the experimental line was a success. People
travelling on this strange railway were surprised by its smoothness, noiseless operation of
trains and speed attained. This railway proved much cheaper in the comparison with
conventional railways since it did not need a rail track.
(2) In early 1900s there appeared one of the strangest mountain railways in Austria. It was a
balloon railway whose function was to facilitate and speed up the transportation of passengers
up a high mountain near Salzburg. It consisted of a large balloon connected to the car. Instead
of wheels the car had a slide3 running on a single rail. When loaded, the car carrying ten
passengers rose up the mountain. But when it was to run down, a large tank installed under the
car had to be filled with water. It was the increased weight that made the car run down again.
(3) William H. Reinolz, USA, proposed to use a water base for his track. But the water was to
be frozen and the trains were to move over a bed of ice. According to Reinolz the atomic
energy ought to be used for freezing water, and the track ought to be enclosed in a gallery of
transparent plastic to decrease air friction and power losses. The streamlined4 trains should be
made of aluminium.
(4) The idea of using underground tunnels or tubes for high-speed running is being carefully
studied by scientists. According to the so-called tube-flight concept5 streamlined vehicles are
to run in a tube. The power source should be installed in cars and they are to transfer air by
propellers from the front to the rear. Running in the tube the trains will have small power
losses, so speeds up to 2000mph can be theoretically attained.
Not all of the proposals for unconventional railways have found a practical application. But
these ideas have made it possible to build modern high-speed transportation systems.
G'ayrioddiy temir yo'llar
(1) Temir yo'l tarixi davomida arzonroq va samaraliroq transport vositalarini yaratish uchun
ko'plab tadqiqotlar olib borildi. Bu erda g'ayrioddiy temir yo'llarning qiziqarli misollari
keltirilgan. 1862 yilda L.D. Frantsiyalik ixtirochi Jirard butunlay yangi g'ildiraksiz dizayn
asosida Gliding Railway ixtiro qilgani butun dunyoni hayratda qoldirdi. Loyihaga ko'ra, poezd
oltita plastinkada harakatlanishi kerak edi. Poezd harakatlanayotganda, suv plitalar va yo'l
o'rtasida teng taqsimlanishi kerak edi. Eksperimental chiziqni qurishda muvaffaqiyat qozondi.
Ushbu g'alati temir yo'lda sayohat qilayotgan odamlar uning silliqligi, poezdlarning shovqinsiz
ishlashi va erishilgan tezligidan hayratda qolishdi. Bu temir yo'l oddiy temir yo'llarga nisbatan
ancha arzon bo'ldi, chunki unga temir yo'l kerak emas edi.
(2) 1900-yillarning boshlarida Avstriyada eng g'alati tog'li temir yo'llardan biri paydo bo'ldi.
Bu havo sharli temir yo'l edi, uning vazifasi Zalsburg yaqinidagi baland tog'ga yo'lovchilarni
tashishni osonlashtirish va tezlashtirish edi. U mashinaga ulangan katta shardan iborat edi.
Mashinada g'ildiraklar o'rniga bitta relsda ishlaydigan slayd3 mavjud edi. Yuk ortilganda o‘n
nafar yo‘lovchini olib ketayotgan mashina tog‘ga ko‘tarildi. Ammo u tugashi kerak bo'lganda,
mashina ostiga o'rnatilgan katta rezervuarni suv bilan to'ldirish kerak edi. Mashinaning yana
ishdan chiqishiga sabab bo'lgan og'irlikning ortishi edi.
(3) Uilyam X. Reynolz, AQSH, o'z izi uchun suv bazasidan foydalanishni taklif qildi. Ammo
suv muzlashi va poezdlar muz to'shagidan o'tishi kerak edi. Reynolzning fikriga ko'ra, atom
energiyasi suvni muzlatish uchun ishlatilishi kerak va havo ishqalanishi va quvvat
yo'qotilishini kamaytirish uchun yo'l shaffof plastik galereyasiga o'ralgan bo'lishi kerak.
Oqimli4 poyezdlar alyuminiydan yasalgan bo'lishi kerak.
(4) Yuqori tezlikda yugurish uchun er osti tunnellari yoki quvurlardan foydalanish g'oyasi
olimlar tomonidan diqqat bilan o'rganilmoqda. Quvurli parvoz kontseptsiyasiga ko'ra, 5 ta
soddalashtirilgan transport vositalari quvurda harakatlanishi kerak. Quvvat manbai
avtomobillarga o'rnatilishi kerak va ular havoni old tomondan orqaga pervanellar orqali
o'tkazishlari kerak. Quvurda harakatlansa, poezdlar kichik quvvat yo'qotadi, shuning uchun
nazariy jihatdan 2000 mil / soat tezlikka erishish mumkin.
Noan'anaviy temir yo'llar bo'yicha barcha takliflar amaliy qo'llanilishini topmagan. Ammo bu
g‘oyalar zamonaviy yuqori tezlikdagi transport tizimlarini qurish imkonini berdi.
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