Socrates programme

Participating Institution nr 62. University of Cluj-Napoca

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Participating Institution nr 62. University of Cluj-Napoca
Type: Universitatea Babes-Bolyai was founded in 1919 but its remote beginnings can be traced back to the Middle Age, when the Diet of Transylvania decreed the creation of the first “College”. Today, the University presents a multicultural profile rooted in a multilingual basis. Located in Cluj-Napoca, in the heart of Transylvania, the University is the main centre of human resources development and higher education in this region. Its history and linguistic complexity are outcomes of the history of this region, of its participation to the European culture and democratisation process in Romania.

A state run higher education institution with an enrolment of 31997 students out of which 755 foreign students, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai is organised within 18 faculties covering 90 minor subject areas: Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biology, Geology, Geography, History, Philosophy, Social Work, Letters, Law, Political Sciences, Journalism, European Studies, Business, Economics, Psychology, Sciences of Education, Physical Education and Sport, Theology (Orthodox, Catholic, Greek-Catholic and Protestant).

The Babes-Bolyai University has a comprehensive (multidisciplinary) and multicultural character offering general courses in Romanian, Hungarian and German languages. Thanks to its dynamism in promoting the higher education reform, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai of Cluj-Napoca has been nominated within the PHARE Programme for the Higher Education Reform in Romania (HER) among the eight Pilot universities ranged as Level One Institutions destined to play a key role in the process of European academic integration.

Size: a. personnel (absolute numbers and full time equivalents): - academic staff: 2415 - administrative staff: 743 - international relation staff at central level: 10, b. learners: 24429 full time + 7568 part time

Expertise: Research and Teaching of History and European Studies;

Experience: The University is developing a policy of openness and internationalisation that is reflected in the numerous agreements with different universities of high reputation in Europe and on other continents, as well as in the attempt to render its structures and achievements compatible with those internationally accepted.

In this sense, the University approached almost all European programmes for education and/or research: TEMPUS, ACE-PHARE; PHARE-DEMOCRACY; COPERNICUS, PECO, but has also benefited from other programmes such as World Bank, the governmental programmes DAAD, Prosper, Access, Forschungsgemeinschaft, a.s.o. Out of these, TEMPUS has been highly used by the University to achieve some of its strategic aims for short and medium term in compliance with the general reform. Since 1991, 50 structural projects and 6 Complementary Measure projects have been in run making possible important institutional changes.

In 1997 the University joined the SOCRATES Programme and ever since it extended bilateral agreements with 174 universities from the EU member state countries for student and teaching staff exchange as well as for joint projects for curriculum development. In 1998/1999 the University sent out 207 ERASMUS students (76,10% take up rate at national level) and 44 teaching staff; in 1999/2000 the rate was raised: 261 outgoing students (79,09%) and 53 outgoing teaching staff (63,85%); in the current academic year 2000/2001 425 students are planned to go out as ERASMUS students and 164 teachers. The University is currently involved in 1 CDA and 3 CDI projects.

Participating Institution nr. 63. University of Suceava

Type: University. 7 Faculties and 1 College. Subject areas: 01.6 Forestry; 04 Business studies and Management Sciences, 05 Education, Teacher Training, 06 Engineering Technology, 07 Geography, Geology, 08 Humanities, 09 Languages and Philological Sciences, 14.6 International Relations, European Studies, Area Studies, 15.6 Museum Studies, Conservation, 16.1 Physical education, Sport Science. Types of Activities: Classical University teaching and training. Following degree studies: Master, Doctorship.

Size: a. 311 teaching staff, 282 administrative staff, b. 7000 full time students, 1650 part time students, app. 100 PhD students;

Expertise: History

Experience: In the University of Suceava there are Faculties of History and Geography, Economic Sciences & Public Administration and College for Teacher Education that hold many historical disciplines. In particular, the University has a Department of History, acting in deep inter-disciplinary cooperation with Geography and Philosophy with research programs in the fields of ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary history, cultural studies, European history and international relations, economic and social history. The University has experience in cooperation at a local (“Bucovina” Museum of Suceava, National Archives of Suceava, Education Inspectorate of Suceava County etc), regional and national level (within the North-East Development Region, University of Iasi, University of Bacau, National Archives of Iasi, Biological, Geographical and Geological Research Centre “Stejarul” of Piatra-Neamt, Romanian Academy Centre for Research of the Bucovina Problems – Radauti etc.). The University has also a wide experience with reference to Socrates, Erasmus, Leonardo and Tempus Programs of the European Union (France: University of Rouen, University of Lille, University of Nice, University of Strasbourg, University of Poitiers, University of Lyon, University of Lille, University of Savoie Chamberry; Italy: University of Messina, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, University of Pescara, University of Torino, University of Catania, University of Cagliari, University of Ferrara; Germany: University of Bielefeld, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, University of Applied Sciences Trier, University of Augsburg; Spain: University of Palma de Majorca, Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, University of Santiago de Compostela; Brazil: University of Contestado – UnC Mafra; Ukraine: National University of Chernivcy; Technical University of Vinitsa; United Kingdom: University of Durham; Belgium: University of Liege, University of Gent; Austria: University of Wienn etc.).

Participating Institution nr. 64. University of Maribor

Type: University: research work and educational process in the areas of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, arts, engineering, informatics, medicine, , management and agricultural sciences;

Size: a. 945 = 757 full time b. 11412 full time, 5886 part time;

Expertise: E-Com Bled 2000 – Information Society Technologies IST Programme (Fifth framework programme);

Experience: Distance education at the University of Maribor (Tempus-PHARE). Innovation Relay Centre Slovenia (Fifth framework programme). Advanced Approaches in Small Farms for Food Production (Socrates-Grundtvig); CLIOH PROG programme.

Participating Institution nr. 65. University of Bratislava
Type: Comenius University is the "first" university of Slovakia, its research and teaching activities cover all fields of Humanities, Natural sciences, Medicine, Law etc. (not technical sciences and economy) Department of Slovak History in cooperation with the Department of General history, Dept. of Archive sciences, Dept. of Archaeology....) has an leading position in scientific research in Slovak history (medieval and modern) and in the education of "professional historians" and teachers of history on secondary schools in Slovakia as well.

Size: University: teaching staff 1999/2000: 2124 Departments of History on the Faculty of Arts: 24 teachers: b. learners number of students in the academic year 1999/2000: 17. 138 (full time), 3.691 (part time) number of students of History (major subject): 481;

Expertise: My personal expertise (the Institutional is of coarse broader) in behalf of our project:

the responsible person (coordinator) for the transfer of the "old" system to the ECTS system for History on the Comenius University (in this academic year 2000/2001 we just launched the new credit-system for the freshmen);

Experience: participation in international project within the EU org. (like the national coordinator and Expert for the program History and Identity in the years 1996-1998).

Participating Institution nr. 66 Cukurova University
Type: University. 10 Faculties including all principal subject areas.
Size: a. 1883 teaching staff, 2419 administrative staff, b. 31470 full-time students, of which 4611 graduated in 2002/2003;
Expertise: Cukurova University was founded on November 30, 1973 in Adana city of Turkey.
Cukurova University has become the symbol of contemporary teaching and learning to educate knowleadgeable and qualified young people with its 10 faculties (Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Letters, Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Divinity, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Fine Arts). Within the roof of the university, there are 3 Schools of Higher Education (Adana School of Health, The School of Physical Education and Sports, The School of Tourism and Hotel Management), and 9 Vocational Schools of Higher Education attempt to educate talented young people to work in various employment positions needed by our nation.

     Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences are among the educational institutions, of which our country feels proud. Çukurova University is one of the 16 state universities which provides doctorate education, and one of the 8 centers providing English language education to master students. The State Conservatory, succesfully maintains its mission to be the resource for the world of art.

Experience: Çukurova University has signed cooperation protocols with 61 universities from 20 countries. Joint-research projects are conducted, and student exchange programs are promoted to further student and academic staff members' practice with their counterparts.

Çukurova University is among the Turkish Universities which will join to the SOCRATES-ERASMUS student exchange programme starting at the academic year of 2003-2004.

In these case, Cukurova University is matching with Linkoping University(Sweden). Dept of Food Engineering, Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Dept.of Economics were selected for Pilot Project for the academic year 2003/2004. The implementation results will be disseminated to other Turkish universities to make them ready for the mobility scheme of the full participation period to begin in 2004.

Participating Institution nr. 67. Ortadogu Technical University, Ankara

Type: University. Subject Areas: 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 13 and 14. 37 undergraduate (bachelor’s degree) programs in 5 faculties, and 77 master’s and 51 PhD programs in 5 graduate schools. Activities: Teaching and research

Size: (a) Academic staff: 2,700, administrative staff: 1700 (b) Learners: 21,033 (as of Feb. 2004)

Expertise: Department of History of Architecture (METU, DHA) was founded in 1988 as a graduate program. It has recently been converted into a department of the METU Institute of Social Sciences. This is the only graduate program in Turkey that offers Master of Arts degree in history of architecture; therefore, conditioned by the concerns of the humanities. It intends to equip students with a broad base in the history and theory of architecture from the earliest times to the present; to train students with a thorough knowledge of past and current architectural developments within a cross-cultural framework; to familiarize students with research techniques and to equip them with skills of critical judgment and interpretation with a contextual approach. The department investigates architectural history within a wide perspective. Research interests and disciplinary backgrounds of the program staff cover various fields of history and theory of art and architecture. They hold Ph. and post-doc degrees awarded by renowned institutions abroad (like Cornell, Suny at Binghampton, Canadian Centre For Architecture, LA ACCD). Studies pursued by the graduate students are based on inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural approaches, primarily aiming at the advancement of knowledge on socio-political, aesthetic and theoretical aspects of architectural history. All teaching facility and student works are pursued in English.

Experience: The Centre for European Studies (CES-METU) was founded in 1997 as an interdisciplinary academic unit to undertake research and training on European integration and to enhance collaboration with universities and research centers in the EU countries. The Centre has launched a Jean Monnet project, called Researching Europe: European Integration by the View of Young Researchers. Significantly, a Jean Monnet Chair on European Political Integration has recently been awarded to the METU International Relations Department. METU European Society was founded in 1993 and accepted by AEGEE network as AEGEE-Ankara by an Agora decision taken 1995. With Turkey becoming an associated country after the Helsinki Summit, METU has established the European Union Affairs Office in 2000 to coordinate the research and higher education activities between Turkey and EU. Starting in early 90’s, METU took part in several Med-Campus, MEDA, Jean Monnet and 5th Framework projects. At present our academics are involved in six different 6th Framework projects either as partners or as leaders. In this framework, the total budget of ongoing projects allocated to METU is around 2 million Euros.

Participating Institution nr. 68 Fatih University
Type: University. 4 faculties, 3 institutes and 3 schools including subject areas of 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, and 13.



Number of teaching staff in 2002/2003: 257

Number of administrative staff in 2002/2003: 150

Number of students enrolled in 2002/2003 on higher education courses: 2578

Number of students graduated in 2002/2003: 571



The program is designed to familiarize students with the experiences of past generations in order to enable them to understand the present better, concentrating on Ottoman political history and administrative institutions, Modern Turkey, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia with an emphasis on interdisciplinary comparisons within the broader context of world history. (i.e. courses on the History of Civilizations and Cultures, Ottoman History, and Medieval European History). Besides Ottoman paleography & diplomatics, students may take a European language such as German or French that will encourage students to diversify their research interests by specializing in research languages. Department has corporation with many organizations and join to symposiums with many universities, i.e. SUNY, Binghamton.


 Fatih University has made cooperation agreements with foreign universities since the early years of its foundation. It has carried out many activities with international organizations. A Symposium on "El Mediterraneo Otomano", which is held in Spanish; a conference on "The Humanities on the Birth of the Third Millennium" with Binghamton University (USA); a conference on "The Geopolitical and Economic Transition in Eurasia" with Indiana University (USA); and "Functional Polymers" seminar series with Max-Planks Institute (Germany) are among important international activities that Fatih University has organized. In addition, the Institute of Social Sciences and Institute of Science and

Engineering frequently organize seminars to which distinguished international speakers also attend.

In Fatih University, ECTS and DS studies have been started and within the framework of European Union Education programs, project development studies have been continuing. Projects related to European Union Socrates programs Lingua and Minerva projects were developed and presented to the Technical Office. Pre-proposal of Minerva was accepted and its full proposal will be submitted to the Technical Office.
Participating Institution nr. 69 Karadeniz Technical University
(Outside Partner) Participating Institution nr. 70. University of Basel

Type: University; including 7 faculties (Theologische Fakultät, Juristische Fakultät, Medizinische Fakultät, Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät, Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Fakultät für Verhaltenswissenschaften) with approximately 75 departments.

Size: a. 850 senior, 400 junior teaching staff, b. around 8000 students;


Ancient History with special interest of research in: History of Greece and Rome, History and Culture of Hellenism and problems of east-west relationships from the Immigration of the Greek up to the early Byzantine period, Roman Historiography, Constitution and Crisis of the Roman Republic

Medieval History with special interest of research in: Social and economic History of the Late Middle Ages, History of late medieval Mentalities, History of social conflicts (urban History, religious and social Movements, problems of minorities, Buidling of Nations, medieval shapping of Traditions), History of medieval Daily Life, History of the Swiss Confederatio in the Middle Ages, Medieval Archeology, Gender History of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, Comparing History of Urban Development in the Middle Ages, History of Plagues and Diseases in the Middle Ages, Paleography of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Italian History of Late Middle Ages and Renaissance, History of Politiccal Ideas of the Middle Ages, History of Images.

Modern History with special interest of research in: History of Humanism and Religious Reform, History of France, England and Germany, History of European Border Regions especially Ireland, History of Internatinal Relations, Social and Economic History of Modern Switzerland, Political History of Switzerland, Regional History of the Upper Rhine, History of Basel, Social History of the Industrialization, Gender History of the Modern Period, History of Western and South Africa, Social History of the Early Modern Period, Historical Anthropology, Environmental History, History of Nutrition, History of Historical Sciences and Historiography.

Eastern European History with special interest of research in: Social History of Russia and Sovjet Union, History of the east jewish populations, Urban and rural History of Eastern Europe.

Experience: Erasmus/Socrates Exchange programme. MAUI-Utrecht Network Exchange Programme. Exchange agreements with the Universities of USA, CDN, Czech Republic, Italy and China. Eucor-Programme.
Outside Partner) Participating Institution nr. 71. International Students of History Association - ISHA
Type: International Students Association;

Size: a. 11 administrative staff, b. 16 full member associations and 8 observing associations, consisting of several hundred active students of history in over 15 countries across Europe.

Expertise: ISHA is the only international students of history association, active across Europe and with contacts beyond.

Experience: In the past ISHA has been involved Unesco programmes relating to higher education. ISHA publishes a regular academic journal, the only such journal specially aimed at students of history. Annually, ISHA organises several international seminars and conferences on historical topics. Each activity is hosted by one or more of our local members, and is attended by up to 150 students of history from across Europe and beyond. At a local level activities and participation are also taken care of by individual member associations. ISHA’s prime resource is the international network connecting students of history across Europe.
Associate Partner) Participating institution nr. 72. University of Tirana
Type: University of Tirana was founded in 1957. In 1991 Polytechnic University of Tirana emerged from this university .Today there are 7 faculties:

History and Philology Faculty ;Natural Sciences ,Social Science ,Medicine, Economic and Law.

The Department of History is part of History and Philology Faculty. It is divided into two sections: the section of the History of Albania and that of World History.

Size: The department has 13 teachers, and of them 5 have the title “Professor”,5 others the title of “Assoc.Professor”, 2 have the title “ Doctor of Science”, and one has a master degree. Apart from those who work full time, there are dozens of others teachers engaged part time.

Expertise: Research and teaching of History

Experience: Historical studies had been made in the framework of the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tirana. This faculty was created in 1951 as part of the high Pedagogical Institute ,which has been the first Institution to prepare teachers ,having college education ,for Human and Natural sciences .The teaching staff of this Faculty has made a significant contribution to the establishment and functioning of the faculties of the other Universities of Albania, including the University of Pristina.

During 1990-2000 years, as a result of the integration of Albania’s scholarly communities into the international historians community, increasing contacts with the world after the 90-ies, the visits of western historians in Albania , the qualification of the Albanians historians in the Western Universities ( mainly with TEMPUS and FULLBRIGHT scholarships, financial support of SOROS Foundation and other kinds of scholarships, their contacts with the libraries of these universities or the study centres of Europe and U.S and the translation of some masterpieces of the world historiography in Albanian Language, have influenced on the way the history is conceived and written.

(Associate Partner) Participating Institution nr. 73. University of Banja Luka
Type: Faculty of Philosophy. 10 departments. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Teaching Training, Teaching, Research.

Size: a. 184 teaching staff, 30 administrative staff, b. 3500 students.

Expertise: Teaching and research of History at highest level. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies, Education of University, secondary School and Primary school Teachers,

Research Candidates and Doctors.

Experience : Experience in Local, Regional, National and International level of teaching and research cooperation (e.g. with Sarajevo U., Belgrade U., Skopje U., Bari U., Stockholm U.)
Associate Partner) Participating Institution nr 74 University of Sarajevu

Type: University. 20 Ffaculty; 3 Academy; 2 College:- Drama Academy, - Faculty of Architecture, - Faculty of Economics, - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, - Faculty of Criminal Sciences, - Faculty of Political Sciences, - Faculty of Physical Education, - Faculty of Metallurgy and Raw Materials in Zenica, - Faculty of Transportation and Communications, - Faculty of Pharmacy, - Faculty of Philosophy, - Faculty of Civil Engineering,- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica,- Medical Faculty, - Music Academy, - Teacher Training College,- College of education in Zenica,- Faculty of Agriculture, - Faculty of Law, - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, - Faculty of Dental Medicine, - Faculty of Forestry, - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, - Medical Health Care College .

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