Scientific Collection «InterConf», (39): with the Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Science and Practice: Implementation to Modern Society» (December 26-28, 2020) at Manchester, Great Britain

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Materials of GREAT BRITAIN Conference

Key words: cooperation, Tajikistan, India, economy, trade, scientific and technical 
Economic cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of 
India was established on the basis of interstate agreements after the establishment of 

diplomatic relations between the two countries (August 28, 1992). In the period from 
1992 to 2007, a solid foundation of cooperation was laid and its further expansion was 
planned. The role of the Tajik-Indian Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and 
Technical Cooperation is important in strengthening economic cooperation. On 
November 21, 2008 in Delhi the fifth joint meeting of the commission was held under 
the chairmanship of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic 
of Tajikistan G. Bobozoda and the First Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry of the 
Republic of India G.K. Pillai [3, 118]. The commission reported on the implementation 
of the protocol of the fourth meeting of the trade-economic and scientific-technical 
commission, signed on October 11, 2007 in Dushanbe. 
The parties agreed that the relevant ministries and departments will continue to 
work on implementing the decisions of the protocol of the fourth meeting of the 
commission. It was noted that the volume of bilateral trade in 2007-2008 compared 
with 2006-2007 increased by 42.5%. Given the current state of trade and economic 
relations between the two countries, the commission stressed the need to strengthen 
and improve trade and economic relations between the parties and noted that measures 
will be taken to increase the volume and expand mutually beneficial trade between the 
two countries. India asked Tajikistan to provide additional information on the country's 
investment potential and regulatory framework for trade and economic cooperation
[6, 32-35]. 
One of the forms of expanding trade and economic relations was the holding of a 
business forum of the two countries. The Forum of Entrepreneurs of Tajikistan and 
India was held on October 12, 2007 in Dushanbe. Given the export potential of India, 
the commission recommended that Tajikistan study the possibility of importing wheat, 
flour, sugar, butter, chocolate and tea from India. The Commission confirmed that 
cooperation in the field of investment is a key factor in the development of trade and 
economic relations between the two countries and the need to establish cooperation in 
industry, the use of local raw materials and production facilities. The Tajik side noted 
not only the potential for the development of mining ties in the chemical and mining 

industries, the production of building materials, but also large reserves of primary 
aluminum, cotton fiber, leather, precious stones and metals, joint production of finished 
In this regard, the commission recommended the relevant ministries and 
departments of industry of Tajikistan and India to take measures to create joint ventures 
in their countries in the following areas: creation of joint ventures for processing cotton, 
wool and leather, mining and processing of minerals, chemical production, creation of 
enterprises for the extraction and processing of marble, the creation of joint ventures 
for the production of surface materials, the creation of joint ventures for the assembly 
of buses, the processing of fruits and vegetables, the organization of practical courses 
for specialists in the electronic and light industry. 
The parties noted the need to strengthen the regulatory framework, contributing 
to the development of trade and economic relations between Tajikistan and India, as 
well as to create favorable conditions for entrepreneurs of the two countries to conduct 
business and investment based on free trade competition. The Commission noted with 
satisfaction the Agreement between Tajikistan and India on the avoidance of double 
taxation and the prevention of tax evasion with respect to taxes on profits and capital, 
signed on November 20, 2008 at a joint meeting of the Commission. 
On September 7, 2009, President of the Republic of India P. Patil and President 
of the Republic of Tajikistan E. Rahmon took part and spoke at the Forum of 
Entrepreneurs and Investors of the two countries [13]. 
The leaders of the two countries noted the existence of a broad political, legal and 
investment base for the development of economic and trade cooperation. They called 
on businessmen and investors of the two countries to maximize the development of 
mutually beneficial cooperation. 
Within the framework of economic cooperation, the Ayni military airport, 
construction of which began in 2002, was renovated for $ 70 million with technical 
assistance and funding from the Republic of India and opened on September 3, 2010 

On May 16, 2011 in Dushanbe, the sixth meeting of the Tajik-Indian Commission 
on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation was held under the 
chairmanship of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of 
Tajikistan F. Khamraliev and Special Secretary of the Department of Trade of the 
Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of India P.K. Chowdhury passed in an 
atmosphere of mutual understanding and traditional friendship between the two 
countries [1]. 
Both sides recognized that all agreements, memorandums of understanding and 
protocols provide a bilateral legal basis for strengthening cooperation between the two 
countries, and despite the great potential for bilateral cooperation, the level of bilateral 
trade and economic cooperation should be high. In order to fully unleash the potential 
of bilateral cooperation, it is necessary to implement special projects and programs. It 
was believed that such an approach would speed up the process of realizing the full 
potential of cooperation between the two countries. It was decided that the relevant 
ministries will continue to implement the agreements reached in the Protocol of the 
sixth meeting of the Commission. 
The Republic of Tajikistan has large reserves of precious and semi-precious 
stones, and the Government of India has been called upon to find opportunities. The 
representatives of the Republic of India proposed to exchange experience with India 
through the State Trade Corporation (STC) for the installation of these workshops in 
Tajikistan. At the same time, cooperation in the field of mining, textile industry, 
science and technology, information technology, human resource development, 
tourism, pharmaceuticals, transport and civil aviation was discussed. 
On September 3, 2012 at the meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan 
E. Rahmon and the Prime Minister of the Republic of India M. Singh expressed their 
interest in expanding trade and economic cooperation, investments in transport, 
agriculture, industry, especially in the field of exploration and processing of minerals, 
chemistry, pharmaceuticals, building materials [14]. On the same day, to expand trade, 
economic and investment cooperation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan

E. Rahmon met with delegations from the Federation of the Chamber of Commerce and 
Industry, the Confederation of Industry and the Center of the Indian Association of Trade 
and Industry. From 2007 to 2013, India invested $ 19.5 million in the Tajik economy. 
There are currently 43 Tajik-Indian joint ventures in Tajikistan funded by India [4]. 
The seventh meeting of the Tajik-Indian Commission on Economic and Trade 
Cooperation was held on February 19-20, 2013 in New Delhi. It was noted that Indian 
investments in Tajikistan during this period amounted to US $ 5.8 million. Given the 
good opportunities for profitable investment in information technology, 
pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, poultry, fruit and vegetable processing, oil and 
gas, mining, coal, science and technology, textiles, wool and leather processing, it is 
important to attract the right people. 
The development of close institutional ties with the main investment agency 
between the two countries is an important source of information on existing investment 
areas, investment rules and incentives, as well as promising investment partners, 
exchange of trade and industry representatives, the level of awareness of the parties 
was deemed necessary. The Tajik side proposed to hold an exhibition of Indian goods 
and a business forum in Tajikistan in 2013. 
On April 15, 2013, at the meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan 
E. Rahmon and Vice-President of the Republic of India M.Kh. Ansari, among other 
issues, discussed trade, economic and investment cooperation, and also noted the need 
to activate the intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation and the effective 
implementation of the signed documents [11]. 
On May 7, 2014, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan E. Rahmon met with 
the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 
Republic of India S. Singh to discuss economic, trade and investment cooperation 
between the two countries. Sujatha Singh called his meeting with the President of the 
country useful and a basis for further strengthening economic cooperation. 
On July 13, 2015 in Dushanbe, a meeting was held between the Prime Minister of 
the Republic of India N. Modi and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan E. 

Rahmon [12]. At the meeting, it was considered timely to activate the Joint 
Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical 
Cooperation for the implementation of the signed documents between the two 
countries, and expressed confidence that economic, trade and investment relations will 
expand in the future. 
The creation of joint ventures and the contribution of Indian companies to the 
implementation of investment projects in Tajikistan were identified as ways to expand 
economic ties. Negotiations were held on the establishment of joint ventures in the 
processing, light and food industries, as well as in the field of information and 
communication technologies [17]. Indeed, the building potential will give a serious 
impetus to the development and expansion of practical cooperation between the 
countries. The President of Tajikistan stated that he is ready to help Indian investors, 
as he hopes to bring relations with India in this direction in a new form and quality. 
The Prime Minister of India announced his intention to develop two directions 
for the development of economic and trade cooperation. The commission was entrusted 
with completing work in this direction in the future. The emphasis was on 
strengthening regional ties, such as participating in transport and energy projects aimed 
at transferring electricity from Central Asia to South Asia and exchanging goods 
between these countries. 
On July 13, 2015, the Tajik-Indian Agricultural Forum was held in Dushanbe [14]. 
President of the Republic of Tajikistan E. Rahmon in his speech stressed that trade and 
economic relations between Tajikistan and India should correspond to the potential for 
cooperation. It was noted that the chairmen of the Joint Commission of Tajikistan and 
India on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation were instructed to 
develop a strategy for the development of trade and investment relations and identify 
specific steps to develop business cooperation. 
In the conversation between the President of the country E. Rahmon and the Prime 
Minister of India, the importance of agriculture in the economies of countries and the 
strengthening of cooperation in the field of agriculture were considered necessary. 

India has made great strides in agriculture and food security as a result of the Green 
Revolution. Studying India's experience in this direction is of immense importance. 
On December 17, 2016, at the meeting of the President of the Republic of 
Tajikistan E. Rahmon and the Prime Minister of the Republic of India, it was 
considered necessary to strengthen the activities of the Joint Intergovernmental 
Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation between 
Tajikistan and India to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. E. Rahmon 
emphasized the importance of India's participation in the implementation of the project 
for the construction and reconstruction of hydropower facilities in Tajikistan. 
On the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of 
Tajikistan and the Confederation of Indian Industrialists, on March 28, 2016, a business 
forum of trade and economic cooperation between Tajikistan and India was held in 
Dushanbe. Within the framework of the business forum, the Chairman of the Chamber 
of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan Sh. Said and the head of the 
Confederation of Indian Industrialists Kiran Vassant Kalbag signed a Memorandum of 
Understanding. The Indian delegation held exhibitions in the regions of the Republic 
of Tajikistan and held a business forum of Tajik-Indian trade and economic 
cooperation, highlighting the potential of bilateral cooperation in all areas, including 
information technology, pharmaceuticals and textiles [4]. 
There is cooperation between Tajikistan and India in the production and processing 
of consumer goods. In the Republic of Tajikistan, Indian workshops and equipment are 
used in the production of some of the necessary materials. For example, the publishing 
house and printing house "Ganj" located in Dushanbe, specializing in the production of 
all printed materials in the country, is equipped with equipment from foreign companies, 
including the Indian Linomatic. This equipment allows high quality printing of all types 
of printing and plastic products. At the same time, Komron Agroholding in Khujand is 
using Indian technology Tekhnokhim to refine cottonseed oil. 
On May 4, 2018, in Dushanbe, at the meeting of the President of the Republic of 
Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of India M.J. 

Akbar noted that the implementation of projects in the field of agriculture, industry, 
technology and transport between the two countries is one of the priority areas of 
cooperation [7]. The creation of joint ventures for the processing of various fruits, 
vegetables and minerals, pharmaceuticals, the production of various juices, sugar, salt 
was considered useful for the economic development of the two countries. 
On June 9, 2018 in the city of Qingdao (China), the President of the Republic of 
Tajikistan E. Rahmon and the Prime Minister of the Republic of India N. Modi noted 
the importance of expanding political, trade and economic cooperation and the 
Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation in the process of 
its development [8]. The readiness of Tajikistan to attract Indian capital in the 
implementation of industrial, trade and energy projects, the creation of joint ventures 
was noted. 
On September 23, 2019, within the framework of the 74th session of the UN 
General Assembly, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan S. 
Mukhriddin and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of India S. Janshaikar 
met. The parties discussed bilateral economic cooperation, air transport and trade [9]. 
At the same time, the conditions for attracting financing and technologies of Indian 
companies to the economy of Tajikistan were discussed. 
On February 24-25, 2020, the 11th meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental 
Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of India on Economic 
Cooperation was held in New Delhi. The meeting discussed the state and prospects of 
cooperation between the two countries in the field of economy, trade, finance and other 
issues. The 11th Protocol of the Commission on Economic and Scientific Cooperation 
was signed [5]. This protocol came into force. 
Thus, Tajikistan is interested in studying and applying India's rich experience in 
industry, construction, banking, agriculture, new technologies and infrastructure. 
Economic cooperation will enable the Republic of Tajikistan to learn from India's 
significant achievements and make progress in the process of economic reform and 
achievement of national economic development goals. 

India is one of the ten most economically and industrialized countries in the world. 
The annual GDP growth rates in recent years have ranged from 5.1 to 12.5%. It is 
important for Tajikistan to learn from India's experience [6, 35-37]. 
It is clear that the Republic of India has made great advances in agriculture as a 
result of the Green Revolution, and many countries are benefiting from India's 
agricultural expertise. Therefore, effective cooperation with India in the field of 
agriculture requires the involvement of Indian companies in the processing of 
agricultural products, the exchange of experience and advanced research methods for 
the introduction of new technologies in this important sector of the national economy, 
which is one of the four strategic goals of the country. 
In this regard, cooperation in the creation of joint ventures in the field of 
agricultural products processing, wool and leather processing, cotton growing and 
horticulture and vegetable growing, animal husbandry, beekeeping, as well as the 
introduction of innovative technologies from India is of great importance. 
In India, high-yielding varieties of wheat (45-50 kg / ha), corn and other crops are 
grown. Using the experience of India and working with it, we can achieve significant 
success in the cultivation and development of crops. Agriculture is one of the most 
important priority sectors of the country's development. In this regard, investment and 
expansion of fruitful cooperation and exchange of experience between farmers in 
Tajikistan and India are needed. In India, livestock productivity has increased as a 
result of the "white" revolutions. In animal husbandry, using the experience of India, it 
is necessary to import from India highly productive livestock adapted to the climatic 
conditions of Tajikistan. 
With the support of India, it became necessary to establish joint ventures in the 
field of processing building stone, vegetables and fruits, and medicinal juices. For 
example, by growing and producing sugar beets, you can create a sugar factory in 
Economic cooperation between Tajikistan and India is based on agreements of 
economic importance between the two countries. In the Republic of Tajikistan, more 

than 600 mineral deposits have been discovered and prepared for development. Of this 
number, today only 40 deposits are in operation, where more than 40 types of minerals 
are extracted. In this regard, it is necessary to establish cooperation with India in the 
processing industry, mining and production of building materials. Cooperation with 
Indian entrepreneurs in the mining and quarrying of minerals will be in the interests of 
both countries. With the involvement of Indian specialists and Indian capital, we can 
build a number of industrial enterprises, taking into account the laws of the economy, 
such as the location of raw materials, labor, transport, roads and railways. 
India has rich and many years of experience in the field of light industry, in 
particular, the production of fabrics and cotton products, leather goods. In this respect, 
the creation of joint ventures with Tajikistan will be very effective. The use of existing 
natural opportunities, the creation of joint ventures in animal husbandry, beekeeping, 
production and export of fruits and vegetables, processing of agricultural products, 
export of high-quality drinking water will be economically beneficial for our Indian 
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