March 9, 2011
9in x 6in
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
Russian Mathematics Education: Programs and Practices
Karp, A. (1991). Daiu uroki matematiki [Math Tutor Available]. Moscow: Prosves-
Karp, A. (2003). Zadaniya po matematike dlya organizatsii itogovogo povtoreniya i
provedeniya attestatsii v 11 klasse gumanitarnogo profilya [
Mathematics Assignments
for Organizing a Final Review and Conducting a Certification Procedure in Grade
11 of a School with a Humanities Slant]. Moscow: Prosveschenie.
Karp, A. (2003). Exams in mathematics: Russian experiments. Mathematics Teacher,
96(5), 336–342.
Karp, A. (2007a). Exams in algebra in Russia: toward a history of high-stakes testing.
International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education,
2(1), 39–57.
Karp, A. (2007b). “We all meandered through our schooling
. . . .” Notes on Russian
mathematics education during the first third of the 19th century. British Society for
the History of Mathematics Bulletin,
22, 104–119.
Karp, A. (2010). Reforms and counterreforms: schools between 1917 and the 1950s.
In: A. Karp and B. Vogeli (Eds.), Russian Mathematics Education: History and
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Karp, A. P., and Nekrasov, V. B. (2001). Sbornik zadanii dlya provedeniya itogovoy
attestatsii v 11 klasse (eksperimental’nyi) [
Problem Book for Conducting a Final
Certification Procedure in Grade 11]. St. Petersburg: SMIO.
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Matematika v shkole,
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Kuznetsova, L. V., Bunimovich, E. A., Pigarev, B. P., and Suvorova, S. B. (2002).
Algebra. Sbornik zadanii dlya provedeniya pis’mennogo ekzamena po algebre za kurs
osnovnoy shkoly. 9 klass [
Algebra. Problem Book for Conducting a Written Exam in
Algebra for the Basic School Course. Grade 9]. Moscow: Drofa.
Lukicheva, E. Yu., and Mushtavinskaya, I. V. (2005). Matematika v profil’noy shkole
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Maizelis, A. R. (2007). Iz zapisok starogo uchitelya [Notes of an old teacher].
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MP RSFSR (1985). Sbornik zadanii dlya provedeniya pis’mennogo ekzamena po
matematike v vos’mykh klassakh obscheobrazovatel’nykh shkol RSFSR [Problem Book
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Potoskuev, E. V., and Zvavich, L. I. (2003). Geometriya. 10 klass. Uchebnik dlya klasov
s uglublennym i profil’nym izucheniem matematiki [
Geometry. Grade 10. Textbook
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