Personal life and literary works of charles dickens. Scientific supervisor: iskandarova I. B. Student: abdullayeva yulduz

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22. Abdullayeva Yulduz

The main material оf the course paper are creations of Charles Dickens, in addition that, personal life and literary works.
The structure оf the course paper inсludеs intrоduсtiоn, 2 chapters, 6 paragraphs, соnсlusiоn аnd usеd litеrаturе. Thе chapters are dеvоtеd tо personal life and literary works and creations of Charles Dickens because only little work has been done on the explicit knowledge. Thе first paragraph contains general information about personal life of Charles Dickens. Thе second paragraph contains general information about literary works and creations of Charles Dickens. Thе rеsult аchiеvеd during thе invеstigаtiоn аrе summаrizеd in cоnclusiоn. Bibliоgrаphу lists аll thе sciеntific аnd intеrnеt sоurcеs аnd rеfеrеncеs usеd fоr invеstigаtiоn.
List оf used literatures is аll thе sсiеntifiс, literary аnd intеrnеt sоurсеs аnd rеfеrеnсеs.



British Empire
In Victorian times, Britain had colonies all over the world. Indeed, by the early 1900s, the empire had ruled over almost a quarter of the world and one-fifth of the planet’s population. For British citizens, this meant all sorts of new imports from far corners of the world. British citizens took a serious interest in the customs, traditions, and beliefs of exotic places, although often the English methods were considered superior, and there was a strong sense of British nationalism. The records of British citizens who lived in certain parts of the empire and wrote about their experiences became popular. One such example is Rudyard Kipling.
Kipling was born in India but studied in England. At the age of sixteen, he returned to Bombay. The tendency of the British Empire was often to add English values and beliefs to ancient cultures, and this can be seen in some parts of Kipling, especially in his short stories. For example, in The Beast Sign, the struggle between the Christian gods and the Indian gods led to a terrible experience [7; 85].
Other important Victorian writers who have shared their adventures on the edge of the empire and on the continent include E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence, Catherine Mansfield, Olive Schreiner, Robert Brown, Wilkie Collins, William Howitt, Anthony Trollope, and Grant Allen. Joseph Conrad should also be mentioned here. Although he was born in Poland, he received British citizenship in 1886 and was fluent in English.
Who was Charles Dickens?
Most of Dickens doesn’t live because he has very little fit for life. He was the epitome of the rooster world, the cartoonist who thought of the moral; he had to continue short stories. In the future, if his novels are read at all, people will wonder what we saw in them.
Although many readers continued to read Dickens’s novels, his literary reputation declined. There was a tendency to find his novels suitable for children and young people. From 1880 to the early 20th century, Russian writers came into vogue and they were superior to Dickens. This advantage is ironic, as Russian novelists also admired and learned from Dickens. Turgenev praised Dickens 'work and even wrote for Dickens' Home Words magazine during the Crimean War. Tolstoy wrote of Dickens: "All his heroes are my personal friends - I always compare them with living people, and with living people with them, and what spirit was in everything he wrote." Dostoevsky was so impressed that in his Insulted and Wounded (1862) he imitated Nell Jr.'s death, including sentimentality, in describing Nellie Valkowski's death. It is believed that during his exile in Siberia he read only Pickwick Papers and David Copperfield. Although the story is apocryphal, Dickens's influence on Dostoevsky's novel Uncle's Dream and Family Friend (1859), written while he was in Siberia, is unquestionable. Another interesting fact is that in the 1880s, British critics were amazed at Dostoevsky's resemblance to Dickens. "and Humphrey House's full-length study, Dickens' World. Critics discovered complexity, darkness, and even bitterness in his novels, and by the 1960s some critics, like Shakespeare, argued that Dickens could not be divided into existing literary categories. Dickens's view of unequalism continues throughout the twentieth century [10; 21].
Edgar Johnson's assessment of Dickens reflects the view that prevailed in the 20th century: He is one of the great poets of the novel, a genius of his own art. "This does not mean that every critic or reader will accept Johnson's opinion; F.R. Leavis could not take Dickens seriously:" Adult consciousness, as a rule, does not fight against the extraordinary and persistent seriousness in Dickens. " His essays, sketches, and articles have received attention and praise. According to K.J. Fielding, "If he had not been less well known as a novelist, he could have been recognized as a great English essayist."
Charles Dickens has published more than a dozen major novels, many short stories (including a series of Christmas-themed stories), several plays, and several non-fiction books. Dickens’s novels were first published in series in weekly and monthly journals, then reprinted in standard book formats [1; 56].
All of Dickens's great works include Oliver Twist (1837-38), the life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (1838-39), The Old Curiosity Shop (1843-44), and Martin Chuzzlevit (1843-44).
Dombey and His Son (1846–48), the personal history of David Copperfield (1849–50), The Scary House (1852–53), The Hard Times for These Periods (1854), The Little Dorrit (1855–57), The Tale of Two Men Cities (1859), Great Expectations (1860–61) is a profound moral message.
At the same time, Dickens seeks to address public grievances such as the shortcomings of the new horrific Poverty Act and the business system, the unhappiness of debtor prisons, and the rudeness and injustice of government and legal systems. Dickens is excellent at depicting low and middle class life and inventing unforgettable great heroes. Many of them have become recognized species in English fiction.
Dickens also tried his hand at writing historical novels, such as Barnaby Raj (1840–41) and The Tale of Two Cities, in many short stories, as well as for the stage.
His most recent novels, Our Mutual Friend (1864–65) and The Unfinished Detective Story of The Edwin Drood's Mystery (1870), were the most famous and effective writers, including Charles Dickens, who combined social criticism with comedy and emotion.
The world defines Lake Victoria cancer and before that Shakespeare. Dickens enjoyed many memorable characters in his novels, such as Olive Twist (1837-39), A Tale of Two Cities (1899), and The Great Hope (1860–61).

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth. The city is located in Hampshire, England and is 70 miles southwest of London.

Birthplace of Charles Dickens, Portsmouth, England
His father, John Dickens, was secretary of the Navy's payroll department. John Dickens was an inspiration for the image of Mr. Micawber in David Copperfield [9; 74].
His mother, Elizabeth (Barrow) Dickens, was inspired by the images of Mrs. Nickleby in Nicholas Nikbi and Mrs. Mikauber in David Copperfield.
Charles was the second of the couple’s eight children.
Finance was a constant concern for the family. John and Elizabeth were an open and social couple. The cost of having fun and having a large family was too much for John’s salary. When Charles was four months old, the family moved to a smaller home to reduce expenses.

John Dickens, father of Charles Dickens

Elizabeth Dickens, mother of Charles Dickens
Despite the financial difficulties of the family, young Charles dreamed of becoming a gentleman. In 1824, at the age of 12, his dreams seemed to never come true.
That year, the family sent Charles to work in a stamping or shoe dyeing factory. Charles felt these experiences deeply. He rarely spoke about that period of his life.
Dickens works in a shoe factory

A photo of Fred Bernard working in a shoe factory with young Charles Dickens. (From the 1892 edition of Forster's Dickens Life)
Happily, John Dickens was able to reach an agreement with his creditors within a few months of his arrest. Shortly afterwards, he completed his son's work in a black factory and enrolled him in Wellington House Academy in his place.
Dickens joined the labor force in 1827-1831.
In May 1827, Dickens left Wellington House Academy and began working as a lawyer for Ellis and Blackmore. His responsibilities include keeping small funds, submitting documents, completing assignments, and a variety of other tasks.
In 1829, he changed his profession and became a court stenographer. To hold this position, Dickens Gurney had to study the transcript system [2; 24].
In 1831, he became a stenographer for the Parliamentary Mirror newspaper. The publication provided information on the activities of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
During this time, Dickens thought about becoming an actor. He took the matter so seriously that he prepared for the audition at the lyceum theater. However, he fell ill on the day of the trial and was unable to attend.
Marriage and Glory 1833 – 1854.
In December 1833, Charles Dickens' first literary work was published. It was a sketch or essay called "Dinner at the Poplar Walk." Soon other sketches appeared.
In 1834, Dickens met his wife, Catherine Hogart. They were engaged in 1835 and married in April 1836. In January 1837, the first of their ten children was born.


The Pickwick Papers is the first novel by Charles Dickens. It appeared in monthly installments from March 1836 to November 1837.
Charles Dickens was the author of 15 novels. He also wrote short stories, essays, articles and novels. See list of works by Charles Dickens.
In June 1837, there was only one incident in Dickens' career. He missed the deadline. He simultaneously wrote two series of novels: The Pickwick Papers and Oliver Twist. However, in June 1837 Pickwick passed away. Oliver Twist was absent. Instead, a funeral took place.
At the time, Dickens' sister, Mary Hogarth, was living with Charles and Catherine. Mary was the couple's favorite and was like Charles' sister. On the evening of May 6, Mary and the couple went to the St. James Theater. Everything seemed to be in order. The group returned in the evening, and Mary left at night. Shortly thereafter, Dickens heard a scream from Mary's room. He was sick. Despite the help of a doctor, Mary died the next day at the hands of Dickens.
Dickens relived this tragic event in his life when he wrote The Old Interests Shop. He was severely injured by Little Nell's death in this novel. Dickens wrote to a friend about Little Nell's death: "When I think of this tragedy, old wounds bleed again" [14; 63].
Nicholas Nicklibee, Charles Dickens' third novel, published in installments from 1838. One of Dickens' goals in writing Nicholas Nicklibee was to expose the ugly truth about Yorkshire's boarding schools.
In 1841 Charles and Catherine traveled to Scotland and the book "Barnaby Rudge" was published.
Georgina Hogarth
Charles Dickens' sister-in-law, Georgina Hogarth, in later years.
Charles and Catherine went to America in 1842. During the tour, Dickens often spoke of the need for an international copyright agreement. The absence of such an agreement allowed his books to be published in the United States without his permission and without royalties.
The United States made a very bad impression on Dickens.
Dickens was horrified by slavery, horrified by the spitting of tobacco, and outraged at his treatment by the press [12; 41].
His feelings appeared in American notes, and then in Martin Chuzzlewit.
Since Washington can be called the headquarters of the tobacco tincture of saliva, the time has come for me to admit, without hiding from anyone, that these two disgusting practices of chewing and spitting are no more than acceptable at the time. did not have. and soon became the most offensive and bitter. This dirty habit is known in all public places in America. In the courts there is the saliva of a judge, a screamer, a witness, and a prisoner; provided for the jury and spectators, as many people in nature want to spit incessantly.
In 1842, Catherine's sister Georgina moved in with the couple. Georgina helped with the children and the house. He remained part of the Dickens family until his father-in-law died.
In September 1843, Dickens visited the Field Lane Ragged School. In a letter to her friend Miss Coutts, she described what she saw at school.
In all the strange and frightening things, I have seen in London and elsewhere, I have rarely seen such terrible things as the serious neglect of mind and body in these children. And even if I knew; and I'm sure it could be because no one else did; In the terrible poverty and ignorance of the overwhelming mass of people in England, a certain seed of its destruction has been sown.
In October of that year, Dickens began work on A Christmas Carol. It was published on December 19, 1843.
Christmas carol
1851 was a difficult year. Charles Dickens' father, John Dickens, died in March. Katherine Dickens had a nervous breakdown. Later, Charles and Catherine's youngest daughter, Dora Dickens, died when she was only eight months old.
In 1851 there were also bright spots. It was last year that Dickens moved into Tavistock House. It was there that he wrote the novels Scary House, Hard Times and Little Dorrit.
Later years 1856-1870
Dickens bought Gad's Hill Place in 1856. The house belongs to him for the rest of his life.
In 1857, Dickens met Ellen Ternan, a woman who accompanied him until his death. Dickens was already disappointed in his wife. He wrote to a friend: "Poor Catherine and I are not created for each other and nothing can be done. Not only does it make me uncomfortable and unhappy, but I make it the same and even more so.

The meeting with Ellen highlighted the difference between Dickens ’marriage and the relationship he wanted. Later, in 1857, Charles and Catherine rented separate bedrooms. In 1858, they officially divorced.
In 1858, Charles Dickens began his professional studies. The readings were a combination of eloquence and passionate acting. They were very popular and Dickens continued to give them his life.

Charles Dickens in public reading
"As Charles Dickens reads." Picture in Harper's Weekly, December 1867
Charles Dickens founded the weekly publication throughout the year. The first issue was published in April 1859. Dickens was an editor and publisher. One of the distinctive features of the publication was that it was a series of novels.
The first novel published throughout the year was The Tale of Two Cities.
The publication of "Great Hopes" began in 1860. It has also been published in Year-round magazine [13; 85].
In June 1865, Charles Dickens died. Dickens, Ellen Ternan, and her mother were involved in a train crash in Staplehurst. The first seven carriages of the train derailed from the bridge under repair.

Railroad crash in Staplehurst
Dickens was not injured and assisted the victims of the accident. When help finally arrived and the scene was evacuated, Dickens remembered something. He returned to the train that had crashed for the last time and picked up the last part of the novel Our Mutual Friend, which he was writing at the time.
This would be the last novel he finished.
Dickens returned to America in 1867 for an extensive study tour.
In 1869, Dickens's physician advised him not to conduct any other mass readings. The activities were popular, but the load on his body was huge [5; 16].
In October 1869, at Gads Hill Place, Dickens began work on The Edwin Drood's Secret. He will never finish it.
Dickens organized a farewell voyage and made his final reading in March 1870. The impact of the readings is believed to have been one of the factors that led to his death.
On June 9, 1870, Dickens died at Gads Hill Place.


When it comes to Victorian literature, no one has been as prolific or influential as Charles Dickens - we still use the word “Dickensian” to describe things that are reminiscent of his work! If you had to read “Great Hopes” or “A Tale of Two Cities” at school, you probably have a good idea of what Dickens meant: bright characters, intricate plots, surprising twists (often associated with the undercover person) and a healthy dose of social commentary and satire. But what you may not know is how many of these writers – indeed.
Dickens has created thousands and thousands of pages in his literary career. Luckily, we’re dedicating these pages to you right now so you can decide which title you want to address first. Here are 20 books by Charles Dickens: Novels and novels that define Victorian literature. Since most were originally published in serial form, we ordered them by the end date of each book. Pickwick Papers, one of Dickens ’first and best works, is a collection of more stories than a traditional novel. However, the stories revolve around a Mr. Samuel Pickwick: about an elderly gentleman who is angry across England with members of his “Pickwick Club”. The Pickwick Club is committed to scientific research, i.e. visiting as many southern villages as possible. Along the way, they meet a lot of unusual people, consume large amounts of alcohol, and fall into a number of sticky situations, but even so, they always appear on their own [4; 124-127].
From the wise sayings of Pickwick’s clever valet on the street to the wild fairy tales of the ubiquitous charlatan, the stories within these stories demonstrate Dickens’ ability to convey countless plots, while also capturing the readers’ attention. Pickwick Papers also set up many elements of Dickens’ trademark story: funny and satirical situations, English settings, and an ensemble of some of the so-called most memorable heroes (including Agustus Snodgrass and Alfred Jingl).
Oliver Twist (1839)
The inspiration for the hit music film was the basis for the Oscar-winning film, and "Please, sir, can I have some more?" (which is actually a bit of a misnomer), Oliver Twist was Dickens ’first straight social novel. He used the tale of the helpless orphan Oliver, captured by his pocket sons, to criticize the social conditions in England at the time, namely how poverty forced children, especially orphans, into horrible situations. But despite the misfortune and cruelty that befell him, Oliver is a beacon of hope and purity, able to resist the temptations of corruption largely throughout the story. (Sure, he tries to beat the other kid at one point in the story, but that’s just because the kid is stroking his mother!) Also, Oliver is a great hero and his fascinating journey is accompanied by the terrifying details of the fairy tale. Victorian period London for a great read.
Nikolas Niklebie(1839)
We descend into a more complex Dickens with Nicholas Niklebi, a two-faced novel, part of the Pickwick comedy, part of the Oliver Twist tragedy. This great work continues the adventures of Nicholas Niklebi, whose father’s death forces him to look after his mother and sister. Soon he manages to find a job at Dotheboys Hall School on the dark side of Yorkshire. However, Director Walkford Squeers (whose unfortunate name reflects his unfortunate character) decided to make Nicholas’s life miserable - even after Nicholas finally escaped from under his thumb. Still, the air of humor is preserved throughout this melodrama, especially when Nikolai and his friend Smike meet the theater manager for no apparent reason and become a star vibe. Talk about melodrama ... and there’s more to come up with this third Nickelby act (we’ll leave it to you to discover for yourself) [3; 29].
Old Curiosity Shop (1841)
Old Curiosity Shop is the story of Nell Trent, a sweet young girl who lives with her grandfather and works in a title store. But his grandfather (never mentioned his name).

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