Bog'liq Professional Front Office Management Pearson New International Edition by Robert Woods, Jack D. Ninemeier, David K. Hayes, Michele A. Austin (
Detained property Personal property of a guest that is held by a hotel until payment is
made for the purchase of lawful products or services.
Dialogue training Teaching employees about what to say in conversations and how to
respond to common situations that occur on the job.
Dial-up Internet Method of Internet connection that uses a standard telephone and tele-
phone call (usually a local or toll-free call) for connection to the World Wide Web.
Typically, dial-up systems upload and download data in a slower manner than do high-
speed Internet access systems.
Direct bill Special arrangement that allows a guest to purchase hotel services and products
on credit terms because the guest’s creditworthiness has been preapproved by the hotel.
Direct report Employee’s immediate supervisor; also called superordinate. Discount fee Amount (percentage) payment card issuers charge merchants for the right to
accept their cards. Discount fees may range from 1 percent to 5 percent of a consumer’s
total purchase.