Bog'liq Electric Circuit Analysis by K. S. Suresh Kumar
12.13 proBLemS 1. A pure LC circuit with L =
100 mH and C =
m F has 0.05 Joules in the capacitor and 0.2 Joules
in the inductor at t =
.The circuit is allowed to carry out its free-response from t =
0. (i) Find
the frequency of oscillations and amplitude of voltage and current oscillations. (ii) If the voltage
across the capacitor is found to be 150 V at a particular instant, what is the current in the circuit
at that instant?
2. A pure LC circuit in free-response is found to have 15 V amplitude voltage and 1.5 A current
sinusoidal oscillations with a frequency of 2
p ×
rad/s. (i) Find L and C. (ii) Find the total
initial energy storage. (iii) Can the initial voltage across capacitor and initial current through
inductor be found out from this data? Explain.
3. A lightly damped series RLC circuit uses 100 mH inductor and 1
m F capacitor and starts its free-
response at t =
0 with an initial energy of 0.1 J. The voltage across capacitor is 200 V and current
through the circuit is 0.4 A after 4 ms. Find
x , Q and
w d .
4. The Q factor of a 1
mH inductor at 10 kHz is measured to be 25. (i) What is the value of capacitor
needed to make a series RLC circuit resonant at 10 kHz using this inductor? (ii) What will be the
maximum percentage overshoot in the step response of the series circuit made with this inductor
and calculate the value of capacitance?
5. Show that the amplitude of steady-state voltage across capacitor in a series RLC circuit is
w 2
w >>
w n where
w is the angular frequency of sinusoidal input voltage and
w n is the undamped
natural frequency of the circuit.
6. Show that the amplitude of steady-state voltage across inductor in a series RLC circuit is
w 2
w <<
w n where
w is the angular frequency of sinusoidal input voltage and
w n is the undamped
natural frequency of the circuit.
7. Show that the amplitude of steady-state voltage across resistor in a series RLC circuit is
w for
w >>
w n where
w is the angular frequency of sinusoidal input voltage and
w n is the undamped
natural frequency of the circuit.
8. The total energy storage in a parallel RLC circuit in free-response mode is found to be 70% of
total initial energy storage after three full oscillations. The input admittance of the circuit is found
to be resistive with a value of 0.01 siemens at 100 kHz. If this circuit is used as a band-pass filter,
find the centre frequency, half-power frequencies and bandwidth of the filter.
9. A series RLC circuit with zero damping ( i.e., with R =
0) is driven by a sinusoidal voltage source
of unit amplitude. The angular frequency of the source coincides with the value of
w n of the circuit.
Show that the zero-state response for capacitor voltage in this case is
0 5
0 5
. sin
. (
) cos
w w w n n n t t t -
if input is unit amplitude sine function. Does the circuit reach a steady state?