TOPICS: Simple harmonic vibrations. Free vibrations. Damped vibrations- derivation of expressions for displacement of damped harmonic motion. Discussion of types of damped vibrations. Forced vibrations-derivation of expression for amplitude and phase Resonance. Condition for amplitude resonance. Mention of applications of resonance.
MAVZULAR: Oddiy garmonik tebranishlar. Erkin tebranishlar. Sönuvchi tebranishlar- so'ngan garmonik harakatning siljishi uchun ifodalarni hosil qilish. Sönuuvchi tebranish turlarini muhokama qilish. Majburiy tebranishlar - amplituda va fazali rezonans uchun ifoda hosilasi. Amplitudali rezonans uchun shart. Rezonansning qo'llanilishini eslatib o'tish.
WAVE: transport of energy without the transport of matter. In conclusion, a wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium, transporting energy from one location (its source) to another location without transporting matter.
TO'LQIN: materiyada energiyani tashish. Xulosa qilib aytganda, to'lqinni muhit orqali o'tadigan, energiyani bir joydan (uning manbasidan) boshqa joyga materiyani o'tkazmasdan o'tkazadigan buzilish deb ta'riflash mumkin.
the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure
about a central value
Tebranish: markaziy qiymat haqida ma'lum bir o'lchovning odatda vaqt ichida takrorlanadigan o'zgarishi
Davriy ravishda takrorlanadigan harakatlarga yoki jarayonlarga tebranishlar deyiladi.
Oscillation in other terms it is called as vibration
Graphically representation of wave
To'lqinning grafik tasviri
DISPLACEMENT ( x ): At a particular instant of time, the distance of the location of the body from
SILJISH ( x ): Vaqtning ma'lum bir lahzasida jismning joylashuvi orasidagi masofa.
AMPLITUDE (A ): The maximum value of displacement that the body can undergo on either side of its equilibrium
position during oscillation
AMPLITUDA ( A ): tebranish paytida jismning muvozanat holatining har ikki tomonida sodir bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan siljishning maksimal qiymati
Frequency(ν) : Number of oscillations executed by an oscillating body
in unit time is called as
Chastota (ν): vaqt birligi ichida tebranayotgan jism tomonidan bajariladigan tebranishlar soni chastota deyiladi.
Frequency, the S.I unit is HERTZ(HZ
PERIOD(T): It is time taken by a body to cover one oscillation
DAVR(T): Bu jism bitta tebranishi
uchun ketadigan vaqt
Equilibrium position: it is the position of a body at which came for the rest or halt
Muvozanat holati: bu jismning dam olish yoki to'xtash
uchun kelgan holati
Angular frequency = angle covered / time taken