2. Aniqlovchi aniqlanmishga nisbatan klassifikasiyalashtirish vazifasini bajarsa,
birlikdagi ot noaniq artikl bilan, ko‘plikdagi ot esa artiklsiz ishlatiladi: 1. A letter
which is written in pencil is difficult to read. 2. Vessels built for the transportation
of ail are called tankers. 3. A rectangle with equal sides is called a square.
3. Agar aniqlovchi aniqlanmishni tasvirlab yoki u haqda qo‘shimcha axborot
berib kelsa, ot qoidaga muvofiq aniq/noaniq artikl yoki some/any olmoshlari bilan
ishlatiladi: 1. I went to the lake, which was very stormy that day. 2. I spoke to the
manager who promised to ship goods at once. 3. We have received a letter, which
has interesting information. 4. I have a wonderful clock, which is one hundred
years old. 5. The professor stated some figures, which clearly show the
development of our country. 6. They sold a cargo of 6000 tons of ore. 7. They sent
us a cheque for 3000 soms.
4. Agar aniqlovchi oddiy yoki qiyosiy darajadagi sifat bilan ifodalansa,
aniqlanmish qoidaga muvofiq aniq/noaniq artikl yoki some/any bilan ishlatiladi:
1. Give me a red pencil. 2. I can not find the red pencil, which you gave me
yesterday? 3. We stopped before a big house. 4. The big house at the end of the
street is the town library. 5. I want a bigger trunk. 6. I’ll carry the bigger trunk
(of the two).
5.Agar aniqlovchi orttirma darajadagi sifat bilan ifodalansa, ot aniq artikl bilan
ishlatiladi: Moscow has the best underground in the world. This is the most
interesting book I have ever read.
6.Aniqlovchi same, next, following, last, very, only so‘zlari bilan ifodalansa, ot
aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi: 1. They bought the same books. 2. She will come the
next week. 3. I found him in the last carriage. 4. You are the very person I need.
5. This is the only book I have on this question. Kelgusi ma’nosida ishlatilgan next
va o‘tgan ma’nosidagi lost quyidagi iboralarda artiklsiz ishlatiladi: next week,
next month, next year, last week, last month, last year.
7.Aniqlovchi tartib son bilan ifodalangan bo‘lsa ot aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi: 1.
The office is on the second floor. I took a seat in the third row. Agar tartib son
«yana bitta» «yana boshqa» ma’nosida ishlatilsa noaniq artikl ishlatiladi: A third
patient entered the dentist’s surgery.
8.Aniqlovchi sanoq son bilan ifodalangan bo‘lsa, ot artiklsiz ishlatiladi: Two men
were speaking in the garden.
9. Sanoq son bilan aniqlangan ot oldindan eslatilgan bo‘lsa (bu ikki, bu uch, bu
to‘rt va boshqalar) aniq artikl ishlatiladi: I bought Uzbek and English books. The
two books are very interesting.
The use of the article with uncountable nouns
(Sanalmaydigan otlar bilan artiklning ishlatilishi)
Moddiy otlar quyidagi hollarda artiklsiz ishlatiladi:
1.Moddiy ot haqida umuman fikr yuritilsa: Water is necessary for life. I like milk.
2. Bir moddiy ot ikkinchisi bilan taqqoslansa, biri ikkinchisiga qarshi qo‘yilsa
yoki tanlansa: Which do you prefer: tea or coffee. Bunday holda ikkinchi moddiy
ot eslatilmasligi ham mumkin: The man uses gas for his car (and not petrol).
3. Moddiy otlar some/any olmoshlari bilan birikadi. Moddiy otning bir qismi
haqida fikr yuritiilsa, darak gaplarda some, so‘roq va bo‘lishsiz gaplarda any va
«har qanday» ma’nosida darak gaplarda ham any ishlatiladi: I have bought some
sugar. Bring me some salt, please. Isn’t there any water in the bucket? There is
not any water in the bucket. Some/any dan tashqari moddiy otlar much, little, a
little so‘zlari bilan ham birikadi: There is very much water in the bucket. There is
very little sugar in the cup. Agar some so‘zi moddiy ot oldidan tushirilsa, unda
eslatilgan ot boshqa otga qarshi qo‘yiladi: Bring me some butter.( Menga bir oz
yog‘ keltiring.) Bring me butter.( Menga yog‘ keltiring (boshqa narsa emas). Is
there any water in the bucket?( Chelakda bir oz suv bormi?) Is there water in the
bucket? (Chelakdagi suvmi? (yoki boshqa narsami?).
4. Aniq hajmdagi moddiy otlar haqida fikr yuritilsa, aniq artikl ishlatiladi. Bunda
so‘zlovchi mavjud sharoitdagi jami hajmni ko‘zda tutadi: Will you pass the salt,
please.( Menga tuzni uzatib yuboring (tuzdoni bilan). Will you bring me some salt,
please.( Menga bir oz tuz keltiring.) Bring me the milk from the kitchen.( Menga
oshxonadan tuzni keltiring.) Bring me some milk from the kitchen.( Menga
oshxonadan bir oz sut keltiring.)
5. Oldindan eslatilgan ma’lum hajmdagi ot yana suhbatda yoki matnda eslatilsa
aniq artikl ishlatiladi: I bought some cheese and some butter. The cheese was not
very good, but the butter was excellent.
6. Bir moddiy otni boshqalaridan ajratib ko‘rsatadigan aniqlovchiga ega bo‘lgan
ot aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi: The water in this river is very cold. (Bu ariqning
suvi juda sovuq.)
7. Moddiy otni ma’lum xilga, sortga ajratish, uni klassifikatsiyalashtirish uchun
ishlatilgan aniqlovchili otdan oldin artikl ishlatilmaydi: Silk which is used for the
table cloth is of highest quality. (Dasturxon uchun ishlatilgan shoyi (mato)- ning
sifati a’lodir.) Butter which is made of boiled cream tastes good. ( Qayna- tilgan
qaymoqdan olingan yog‘ning mazasi yaxshi.)
8. Agar izohlovchi aniqlovchi moddiy ot haqida qo‘shimcha axborot bersa,
moddiy ot qoida bo‘yicha aniq artikl bilan, artiklsiz ishlatiladi yoki some/any
olmoshini qabul qiladi: The waitress brought the coffee which we drank with
pleasure.( Xizmatchi keltirgan kofeni huzur qilib ichdik.) Bulgaria exports
tabakko which is of the main agricultural products of the country. (Bolgariya
mamlakati, qishloq xo‘jaligining asosiy mahsulotlaridan biri bo‘lgan tamakini
eksport qiladi.) I have bought some silk which I want to give my mother for a
dress.( Men shoyi sotib oldim, uni oyimga ko‘ylaklik uchun bermoqchiman.)
9. Agar orttirma darajadagi sifat aniqlovchi bo‘lib kelsa aniq artikl ishlatiladi:
This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.( Bu men umrimda ko‘rgan eng
chiroyli qiz.)
10. Agar aniqlovchi oddiy yoki qiyosiy darajadagi sifat bilan ifodalansa, qoidaga
muvofiq aniq artikl, artiklsiz yoki some/any olmoshlari bilan ishlatiladi: I like
cold milk.( Men sovuq sutni yoqtiraman.) I drank the cold milk she brought me.(
U menga keltirgan sovuq sutni ichdim.) Will you bring me some cold milk. (Menga
sovuq sut keltiring, iltimos.) I usually drink sweet tea. (Men odatda shirin choy
ichaman.) Which is the sweeter wine?( Qaysi vino shirinroq?) I want some warm
warter. (Men iliqroq suv ichmoqchiman.)
Ba’zi moddiy otlar xil va turni ifodalab, sanaladigan otlar qatoriga kiradilar,
shuning uchun grammatik qoidaga bo‘ysinib artikl qabul qiladilar: It is a very
good wine. (Bu juda yaxshi vino.) I prefer Crimean wines. (Men qrim vinolarini
afzal ko‘raman.)
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