For example:
depositary - “Institute for the Preservation of International Documents cops
at the UN”; (BMTdagi Xalqaro hujjatlarni saqlash instituti)
persona grata - in diplomatic practice, diplomatic representative for whom
the host the state has agreed to his appointment and arrival. (diplomatik
amaliyotda diplomatik vakil lavozimiga tayinlanishi mo‘ljallangan shaxsni
qabul qiluvchi davlat tomonidan maqbul shaxs deb topilishi)
persona non grata – “a person with a diplomatic rank, residing in another
country, but at the same time, by definition for certain reasons, which has
become undesirable in this country”; nomaqbul shaxs - (Persona non grata).
Nomaqbul shaxs deb e’lon qilinish –diplomatning, uning oila a’zosi yoki
diplomatik vakolatxonaning boshqa bir xodimining o‘sha davlat hududida
qolishi istalmagani to‘g‘risida davlatning bayonoti.
ratification (ratifikatsiya)- “signature and acceptance of a treaty (inter-
international) at the highest level (President, Parliament, Senate), which will
have a mandatory character”; (majburiy xususiyatga ega bo‘lgan (Prezident,
parlament, senat) eng yuqori darajadagi shartnomani (xalqaro) imzolash va
qabul qilish.
convention (konvensiya) - “a document drawn up and having an obligation
the strict nature of the fulfillment of its conditions by the signatories and other
new members” (convention) –“konvensiya - bu uni imzolaganlar va boshqa
yangi a’zolar tomonidan o‘z shartlarini bajarishning qat’iy xususiyatiga ega
bo‘lgan va majburiy bo‘lgan hujjat.
Declaration (deklaratsiya)– “a document drawn up and having a
recommendation mandatory in the implementation of its terms and conditions
by signing their participants and other new members”).
In diplomatic terminology, as in the terminology of any other branches of
science, in the linguistic aspect there are mainly two varieties of terms:
– One-word terms: Ambassador - elchi, consul -konsul, agreement –
shartnoma (rozilik), acclamation –akklamatsiya (xitob, nar’a), agent - agent,
dragoman -dragoman, etc.
– Two-word terms: Diplomatic channel - diplomatik kanal, diplomatic act-
dipomatik akt, verbal note – verbal nota, international relations – xalqaro
munosabatlar, diplomatic visit – diplomatik tashrif, etc
Diplomacy, being a political science, more precisely, a branch political
sciences, is strongly intertwined with another, no less famous and important
science - jurisprudence, more specifically, with such a branch as international
law. The diplomatic terminology used can be divided into twovarieties:1) the
terms of political, diplomatic and general legal character, which has been given
a specific interpretation;2) international legal terms. The first group includes
the terms political - sovereignty, self-determination of peoples and nations,
peace, security, war, aggression; diplomatic - diplomatic relations, diplomatic
immunities, consular district, international organizations; The second group
includes legal terms - general legal -legal norm, source of law, legal personality,
legal responsibility, etc. Their international legal interpretation gave rise to
derived phrases: the principle of the sovereign equality of states, contracting
states, international security law, abandonment of aggression as an
international crime and responsibility for aggression, diplomatic and consular
law, international legal norm, source of international law, international legal
personalities. Situations are possible when one term has in the domestic
military and international law ambiguous meaning (for example, various
qualitative characteristics are characteristic of the term "contract", in national,
labor or civil law, and on the other - and in inter-popular law) (4, Саидов Х.А.).
Diplomatic terminology is complex dynamic system that includes terms
from such spheres of diplomacy, as a diplomatic service, diplomatic law,
diplomatic protocol, diplomatic etiquette, etc. A significant part of the terms the
area under study consists of names related to the following terminology
groups: diplomatic agents / representatives, diplomatic ranks, diplomatic
documents, diplomatic procedures, diplomatic visits, diplomatic missions,
diplomatic rights and privileges, diplomatic receptions, etc.
Group “ diplomatic agents / diplomatic ranks” positions and diplomatic
ranks' includes, for example, terms such as “ambassador” (elchi) , “ambassador
extraordinary” (Favqulodda elchi) , “ambassador extraordinary and
plenipotentiary” (favqulodda va muxtor elchi), “attaché” (attashe), “chargé
d`affaires” (muvaqqat ishlar vakili), “consul” (konsul), “consul general” (bosh
konsul), “counselor” (maslahatchi), “diplomat” (diplomat) , “doyen”- petty
officer of the diplomatic corps' (duayen, diplomatik korpusning kichik xodimi),
“envoy” (xabarchi), etc.
The terminological group “diplomatic documents” includes for
example, the names of diplomatic documents such as “accord” (kelishuv);
“aide-mémoire” (eslatma); “concordat” (kelishuv; jismoniy shaxslar,
hukumatlar o‘rtasidagi shartnoma); “contract” (shartnoma), “convention”
(konvensiya), credentials (letters of credence) (ishonch yorlig‘i); letters of
recall (chaqirib olish yorlig‘i), “note verbal” (verbal nota), etc.
The names of diplomatic missions are united in group “diplomatic
bodies”: chancellery (kansler va unga taaluqli xodimlar ishlaydigan joy),
“consulate” (konsulxona), “embassy” (elchixona), “consulate general” (bosh
The group “diplomatic procedures” unites the names of various
diplomatic procedures: “accession”, “accreditation”, (accreditation of
diplomatic representatives), “arbitration” (arbitration court); “diplomatic
asylum” (diplomatic refuge), “demarche”, “diplomatic step” “exequatur”
(exequatur certificate of recognition of a foreign consul), “extradition”,
(extradition to a foreign state of a criminal), ratification and etc.
To the terminological group “diplomatic privileges and immunities”
include such names as “extraterritoriality”, “inviolability of person” (shaxs
daxlsizligi), “inviolability of domicile” (uy daxlsizligi), exemption from local
taxation (mahalliy soliqlardan ozod qilinishi), exemption (from local criminal
and civil jurisdiction) (mahalliy jinoiy va fuqarolik yurisdiktsiyasidan ozod
qilish), etc.
The group “diplomatic receptions” includes the names of various types
of diplomatic receptions (official / unofficial; day / evening; with / without
seating): a glass of wine (stakan sharop), a glass of champagne (bir stakan
shampan), “breakfast” (nonushta), lunch buffet, “dinner” (tushlik), cocktail; (5,
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