Acquisition in year I/S pro rate inclusion of sub
Calculate GW
Pro rata NCI in the year
Think about component auditors
Materiality will now increase
Group accounting audit
Ensure sub uses same accounting policies and same year end as parent
Analytical procedures may be enough for the audit of this acquisition (if its in the same industry as us)
New related party transactions (with the sub)
Further acquisition? e.g. from 60% to 80%
Any "profit" goes to equity NOT I/S
Partial Disposal eg. 80% to 60%
Any profit goes to equity NOT I/S
Full Disposal eg 60% to 30%
Any profit goes to I/S
The sub is taken out completely from group accounts (NA, GW, NCI)
Is replaced by an associate at FV
Investment property
So here we are dealing with a situation where a company owns a
building (or land) but doesn’t use it . Instead it is just an investment for