arm in arm - qoʻl ushlashib
ask for permission - ruxsat soʻramoq
at first - boshida
at first sight - bir koʻrishda
at peace - tinchlik davrida
in despair - chorasiz
in doubt - shubhada
in trouble - tashvishda
in love with - sevib qolgan
beyond recognition - tanib bo'lmas darajada
by accident - tasodifan
by chance - tasodifan
by heart - yoddan
by mistake - adashib, bilmasdan
do research - izlanish olib bormoq
from morning till night - ertalabdan kechgacha
have difficulty - qiynalmoq
have trouble - muammoga duch kelmoq
in charge of - javobgar, mas'ul
in common - umumiy, birga
in demand - bozori chaqqon
in debt - qarzdor, qarzga botgan
in person - shaxsan
in secret - mahfiy, yashirin
in vain - bekorga
in touch - aloqada
on account of - nomidan
take into account - hisobga olmoq
on horseback - ot ustida
on board - kemada
on deck - bortda
on leave - ta'tilda (mehnat, homiladorlik)
on purpose - ataylab
on sale - sotuvda
on strike - ish tashlashda
out of date - eskirgan
out of doors - tashqarida
out of order - buzilgan
day after day - kundan kunga
take refuge - boshpana so'ramoq
in power – hokimiyatda
Holiday — ta'til
Schedule — jadval
Mediterranean — O‘rtayer dengizi
Picturesque — xushmanzara (joy)
Excursion — ekskursiya
Climb— tirmashib chiqmoq
Fascinating — jalb qiladigan
Opportunities — imkoniyatlar
Qo'shimcha so'zlar va iboralar
As far as I know - Bilishimcha
Perfect - Juda zo’r
Feel well - Yaxshi his qilmoq
Sleep well - Yaxshi yotib turing
Cheers - Oldik (qadah so’zi)
Bless you - Sog’ bo’ling (aksa urganda)
Frankly speaking - Ochiqchasiga aytganda
To cut it short - Qisqa qilib aytganda
So to speak - Deylik
Meanwhile - Vaqtida, paytida
By the way - Aytgancha
It goes without saying - O'z - o'zidan ma'lum
Indeed - Rostdan ham
In other words - ya'ni
However - Biroq
So well - Demak, shunday ekan, shunday qilib, binobarin.
Besides - Bundan tashqari
Also - Shuningdek
Сertainly - Albatta
Geografik nomlar
Republic of Uzbekistan - O'zbekiston Respublikasi
Karakalpakstan - Qoraqalpoqiston
Regions - Viloyatlar
Andijon - Andijon
Bukhara - Buxoro
Namangan - Namangan
Samarkand - Samarqand
Syrdarya - Sirdaryo
Surkhandarya - Surhondaryo
Tashkent - Toshkent
Fergana - Farg'ona
Khorezm - Xorazm
Kashkadarya - Qashqadaryo
Regional centres -
Viloyatlarning markazlari
Andijan - Andijon
Bukhara - Buxoro
Namangan - Namangan
Samarkand - Samarqand
Gulistan - Guliston
Termiz - Termiz
Tashkent - Toshkent
Ferghana - Farg'ona
Urgench - Urganch
Kharshi - Qarshi
Mountains - Tog'lar
the Tien Shan - Tyanshan
The Gisaro-Olay - Hisor-Oloy
Rivers - Daryolar
The Syr-Darya River - Sirdaryo
The Amu-Darya River - Amudaryo
The Norin River - Norin
The Chirchik River - Chirchiq
Lakes - Ko'llar
The Aral Sea - Orol dengizi
The Sudochye Lake - Sudoche ko'li
The Arnasoy - Arnasoy ko'li
Deserts - Cho'llar
The Kizil-Kum - Qizilqum
Ingliz tilidagi ba’zi donalab sanalmaydigan otlar ro‘yxati:
accommodation — turar joy, bosh-
advice — maslahat
baggage — bagaj, yuk
bread — non
furniture — mebel
money — pul
homework — uy ishi
luck — omad, baxt
luggage — yuk, bagaj
information — ma’lumot
sand — qum
measles — qizamiq
mumps — tepki
food — oziq-ovqat
soap — sovun
chaos — xaos, tartibsizlik
damage — nosozlik, buzilish
work — ish
economics — iqtisod
news — yangilik(lar)
permission — ruxsat
progress — yutuq, muvaffaqiyat
scenery — manzara
traffi c — qatnov
weather — ob-havo
air — havo
meat — go‘sht
physics — fizika
advertising — reklama qilish
mathematics — matematika
politics — siyosat
So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
I didn’t mean to - Men xohlamagandim
It was an accident - Bu tasodifan bo‘lib qoldi
It doesn't matter - Buni farqi yo‘q
It’s all so complicated - Hammasi shunchalik chalkash.
You make me mad - Sen meni aqldan ozdirasan
Talk to you later - Keyinroq gaplashamiz
Are you still here? - Haliyam shu yerdamisiz?
Until we meet again - Yana ko'rishguncha
It's early (yet) - Hali vaqtli
No, thanks - Yo‘q, rahmat
No way! - Hech ham!
I'm (so) sorry! - Kechirasiz
I'm sorry, I can't - Kechirasiz men qila olmayman
One minute, please - Bir daqiqa, iltimos
What a good chance! - Qanday yaxshi imkoniyat!
Correspondingly - Mos ravishda
Equally - birdek
Similarly - shu bilan birga
Consequently - Natijada
As a result- Natijasida
Thus- Shu sababli
Hence - shundan so'ng
Since - sababli
Because - chunki
Therefore - shuning uchun
Accordingly - muvofiq ravishda
This suggests that - Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki
For this reason - shu sababli ham
Alternatively - muqobil sifatida
However - shunday bo'lsa ham
On the other hand - boshqa taraflama
Instead - o'rniga
On the contrary - taqqoslaganda
Despite/in spite of - qaramasdan
While (not whilst!) - esa
Even so - shunga qaramasdan
Nevertheless - shunga qaramay
Nonetheless - shunday bo'lsa ham
Admittedly - tan olish kerakki
Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami
Mavzu: Yo‘nalishlar
to‘g‘riga yurishni davom eting — keep moving forward
to‘ppa-to‘g‘rida — straight on
boshqa tarafda — on the other side
o‘ngga buriling — turn right
chapga buriling — turn left
bank yonida — near the bank
yo'l bo'ylab — along the road
butun aylana qiling — make a full circle
kesishgan joy — intersection
Qanday qilib ... yetib boraman? — How do I get to ...?
Qanday qilib mehmonxonaga yetib boraman? — How can I get to the hotel?
Qayerda ... ? Where is ...?
Pul ayirboshlash qayerda? — Where is the currency exchange?
Poezd vokzali qayerda? — Where is the railway station?
Hammaga omadli sayohat tilaymiz — We wish all of you a pleasant journey
Daryoning o'ng tomoni — The right side of the river
Daryoning chap tomoni — The left side of the river
Buyoqqa keling — Come here
Men ham borsam bo'ladimi? — Can I also go?
Men bilan yur — Come with me
Sardor bu yerga kelyapti — Sardor is coming here
Ular bu yerga kelishyapti — They are coming here
Men tez orada kelaman — I will be soon
Menimcha men bora olaman — I think I can come
Men bora olmayman — I can not come
Borishni xohlaysizmi? — Do you want to go?
Toshkentga bormoqchiman — I want to go to Tashkent
Rostdan ham bormoqchiman — I really want to go
Bormoqchi emasman — I do not want to go
Rostdan ham bormoqchi emasman — I really do not want to go
(Men) Ketyapman — (I'm) coming
(Men) Ketmayapman — (I'm) not coming
Bordingmi? — Did you go?
(Men) Bormadim — (I) Did not go
Ketma — Do not leave
etishim kerak — must leave
Ketdik — Come on
Ketdik birgalikda — Let's go together
Qayoqqa ketayapsiz? — Where are you going?
Qayoqqa ketayapsiz? — Where are you going?
metro bekati — subway stop
bank — bank
sohil — beach
ko‘prik — bridge
kafe — a cafe
kinozal — cinema hall
masjid — mosque
shifoxona — hospital
muzey — museum
bog‘ — a park
pochta — post office
hojatxona — WC
milisiya bo'limi — police department
universitet — university
hayvonot bog'i — zoo
taksi — Taxi
qirg‘oq — coast
joy — a place
Mavzu: Yo‘nalishlar (davomi)
Qayoqqa ketayapsiz? — Where are you going?
metro bekati — subway stop
bank — bank
sohil — beach
ko‘prik — bridge
kafe — a cafe
kinozal — cinema hall
masjid — mosque
shifoxona — hospital
muzey — museum
bog‘ — a park
pochta — post office
hojatxona — WC
milisiya bo'limi — police department
universitet — university
hayvonot bog'i — zoo
taksi — Taxi
qirg‘oq — coast
joy — a place
Munosabat bildirish
He felt in with me on that point - Bu masalada u mening fikrimga qo'shildi.
Willingly - Jon deb.
I am with you on that - Bunga qo'shilaman.
Quite so - Ha, men ham shuni aytaman-da.
By all means - Albatta
Yes, certainly - Ha, albatta
Exactly - To'ppa-to'g'ri
You are mistaken - Siz xato qilyapsiz .
I don't agree with you - Sizning gapingizga qo'shilmayman
I don't think so - Menimcha unday emas, Men unday deb o'ylamayman
I can't agree with you - Sizga qo'shilolmayman
I am of a different opinion - Men boshqa fikrdaman
He holds a different view - U bunga boshqacha qaraydi
This is out of the question - Bu haqda gap ham bo'lishi mumkin emas
Suhbat uchun odatiy iboralar
Siz meni tushunayapsizmi? — Do you understand me?
Men sizni tushundim— I understand you
Men sizni tushunmadim — I did not understand you
Nima xizmat? — How can I help?
Kimni qidirayapsiz? — Who are you looking for?
Nima qidirayapsiz? — What are you looking for?
Kimdan savol so'rasam bo'ladi? — Who can I ask?
Menejerni qayerdan topsam bo‘ladi? — Where can I find the manager?
Nima bo'ldi? — What has happened?
Biror kor-xol yuz berdimi? — Has something happened?
Nimani nazarda tutayapsiz? — What do you mean?
Iltimos, asta sekin gapiring — Please speak more quietly
O‘zbekcha tushunasizmi? — Do you understand Uzbek?
O‘zbekcha gapira olasizmi? — Can you speak Uzbek?
Men o‘zbekcha yaxshi gapira olmayman — I speak bad Uzbek
Men o‘zbekchani yaxshi tushunmayman — I do not good understand Uzbek
Afsuski Ruscha gapira olmayman — Sorry but I can not speak Russian
Ozgina bilaman — Know a little
Ozgina tushunaman — I understand a little bit
Nima dedingiz? — What did you say?
Yozib bering, iltimos — Write, please
Qaytarib yuboring, iltimos — Repeat, please
Iltimos, yordam bera olasizmi? — Please, can you help?
Tarjima qilib bering, iltimos — Translate, please
Yozib bering, iltimos — Write, please
Bizga tarjimon kerak — We need a translator
Sabr qilganingiz uchun rahmat — Thank you for your patience
Meni diqqat bilan tinglaganingiz uchun rahmat — Thank you for listening to me attentively
Kattakon rahmat, menga juda ham katta yordam berdingiz — Thank you very much, you helped me a lot
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |