Salomlashuv va xol-ahvol so‘rash
Hello! - Salom!
Good morning! - Xayrli tong!
Good afternoon! - Xayrli kun!
Good day! - Xayrli kun!
Good evening! - Xayrli oqshom!
You are welcome! - Xush kelibsiz!
I'm glad to meet you - Sizni uchratganimdan xursandman
How are you? - Yaxshimisiz?
How are you getting on? - Ishlaringiz qalay?
How is everybody at home? - Uydagilar yaxshimi?
How is your wife (son, daughter, children...)? - Turmush o'rtog'ingiz (o'g'lingiz, qizingiz, bolalaringiz) yaxshimi
Thank you, quite well - Rahmat yaxshi
And you? - Siz-chi?
Very much the same - O'zgarishlar yo'q
Perfectly all right, thank you - Juda yaxshi rahmat
Not so bad - Yomon emas
So, so - O'rtacha
Not so well - Uncha
yaxshi emas
Fine - Juda yaxshi
Hi! - Salom!
Welcome! - Xush kelibsiz!
Hello my friend! - Salom, do'stim!
How are you? (friendly) - Qalaysiz?
How are you? (polite) -Yaxshimisiz?
I'm fine, thank you! - Rahmat, yaxshiman!
And you? (friendly) - O'zingizchi?
And you? (polite) - O'zingizdan so'rasak?
Good! - Yaxshi!
Not so good! - Unchalik emas!
Long time no see! - Anchadan beri ko'rishmadik!
I missed you! - Sizni sog'indim!
What's new? - Yangiliklar bormi?
Nothing new! - Yangilik yoq!
Thank you (very much)! - Katta rahmat!
You're welcome! (for "thank you") - Marhamat!
My pleasure! - Arzimaydi!
Come in! (or: enter!) - Kiring!
Make yourself at home! -O'zingizni uyingizdagidek his qiling!
In short. – Xullas (qisqasi)
It doesn't matter – muhim emas (farqi yo’q)
It is a good idea – Bu yaxshi fikr
It is new to me – Bu men uchun yangilik
Let us hope for the best – Keling, yaxshi niyat qilaylik
May I ask you a question? – Maylimi savol bersam
On the one hand. – Bir tomondan…
On the other hand. – Boshqa tomondan…
Say it again, please – Iltimos, qaytarib yuboring
That's where the trouble lies – Mana gap nimada
What do you mean by saying it? – Bu bilan nima demoqchisiz?
What is the matter? – Nima bo’ldi?
Where were we? – Qayerda to’xtagandik?
You were saying? – Biror narsa dedingizmi?
Anyway - Har qanday holatda ham
Always at all - Umuman
Therefore - Shu sababga ko'ra
Though - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
Although - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
Mean - Ungacha, hozircha
Nevertheless - Lekin, shunday bo'lsada, baribir
Perhaps - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
Probably - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
To put it mildly - Yumshoq qilib aytganda
At all - Umuman
In any case - Har qanaqa holatda hanlm
To tell the truth - To'g'risini aytganda
So - Ho'sh
How awful! - Qanday yomon!
On short time - Tez orada
Come up - Paydo bo’lmoq
Fortnight - Ikki hafta
Condition - Shart
Now and then - Onda sonda
Moreover - Undan tashqari
Are you free tomorrow evening? - Ertaga kechki payt bo'shmisiz?
I would like to invite you to dinner - Kechki ovqatga taklif qilmoqchiman
You look beautiful! (to a woman) - Ko'rinishingiz yaxshi
You have a beautiful name -
Ismingiz chiroyli ekan
Can you tell me more about you? - O'zingiz haqida ko'proq gapirib beraolasizmi?
Are you married? - Turmush qurganmisiz?
I'm single - Bo'ydoqman (for men) / Turmushga chiqmaganman (for women)
I'm married - Uylanganman (for men), / turmushga, chiqqanman (for women)
Can I have your phone number? - Telefon raqamingizni bera olasizmi?
Can I have your email? - Elektron manzilingizni bera olasizmi?
Do you have any pictures of you? - Rasmingiz bormi?
Allergy [ˈalədʒi] - Allergiya
Brain attack [breɪn əˈtak] - Insult
Bronchitis [brɒŋˈkʌɪtɪs] - Bronxit
Burn [bəːn] - Kuyish
Cancer [ˈkansə] - Saraton
Chicken pox [ˈtʃɪkɪnpɒks] - Chipqon
Cold [kəʊld] - Shamollash
Colitis [kəˈlʌɪtɪs] - Kulunj (yo'g'on ichak yallig'lanishi)
Contagious disease [kənˈteɪdʒəs dɪˈziːz] - Yuqumli kasalliklar
Diabetes [ˌdʌɪəˈbiːtiːz] - Diabet
Disordered stomach [dɪsˈɔːdəd ˈstʌmək] - Oshqozon og'rig'i
Dysentery [ˈdɪs(ə)nt(ə)ri] - Dizenteriya
Epilepsy [ˈɛpɪlɛpsi] - Tutqanoq
Food poisoning [fuːd ˈpɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ] - Oziq-ovqatdan zaharlanish
Gastritis [gaˈstrʌɪtɪs] - Gastrit
Heart attack [hɑːt əˈtak] - Yurak xuruji, infarkt
Hypertension [hʌɪpəˈtɛnʃ(ə)n] - Gipertenziya
Inflammation [ɪnfləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] - Yallig'lanish
Influenza [ɪnflʊˈɛnzə], flu [fluː] - Gripp
Measles [ˈmiːz(ə)lz] - Qizamiq
Nephritis [nɪˈfrʌɪtɪs] - Nefrit
Pharyngitis [ˌfarɪŋˈdʒʌɪtɪs] - Farangit
Pneumonia [njuːˈməʊnɪə] - Pnevmoniya
Rheumatism [ˈruːmətɪz(ə)m] - Revmatizm
Smallpox [ˈsmɔːlpɒks] - Chechak
Tuberculosis [tjʊˌbəːkjʊˈləʊsɪs] - Sil
Tumour [ˈtjuːmə] - Shish, o'simta
Ulcer [ˈʌlsə] - Oshqozon Yarasi
all the same - baribir, qaramasdan
keep the house - uyni boshqarmoq
by the time - borib, -guncha
lay the table - dasturxon yozmoq
by the way - aytgancha
on the contrary - aksincha
make the bed - yotoqni yig'ishtirmoq
do the bed - yotoqni tayyorlamoq
do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq
do the washing up - idishlarni yuvmoq
on the whole - umuman olganda
tell the time - vaqtni aytmoq
tell the truth - haqiqatni aytmoq
do the shopping - bozor qilmoq
for the sake of - sharafiga
the same - bir xil
for the time being - hozircha
the right side - toʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
the wrong side - notoʻg’ri yoʻlda/tarafda
under the influence of - ta’sirida, ta’siri ostida
under the impression - taassurot ostida
in the distance - uzoqda
in the daytime - kunduzi
in the end - oxiri, nihoyat
in the long run - borib-borib, oxirida
in the sun - quyoshda
in the dark - qorong’uda
in the shade - soyada
in the rain - yomg’ir ostida
in the meantime - hozirda
in the past - oʻtmishda
in the original - o'z tilida
on the phone - telefonda
in the face of - biror sharoitga qaramasdan, natijasida
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: