Human language and its context have a close relationship defining pragmatic is the study of the conditions of use of human language because it is determined by the context of society. pragmatic is the study of meaning in relation to speech situations. pragmatic is the study of the use of language, i.e. the study of the relationship between language and the fundamental context for language comprehension accounts that involves making conclusions that will link what is said to what is assumed or what has been said before. Pragmatists can also solve problems between speakers and listeners, especially issues about point of view. pragmatic involves problem solving both from the speaker's point of view and from the speaker's point of view. The problem of the speaker's point of view is how to produce speech that will make the result. He stated that pragmatic is the study of the meaning of the speaker. Pragmatic is the study of contextual meaning, the second definition. The third definition, pragmatic is the study of how more 8 are communicated than said. The last definition is that pragmatic is the study of relative distance expression.
To conclude, we admit that, in many cases, we deal with similar logical and semantic patterns in all investigated language because of the existence of the same human universal spirit, of a resembling ontological experience, of a common European identity. We could also assert, on the basis of the previously analyzed descriptive material, that there are unique phraseological units in the cultural and mentality of each community, determined by different economic, social, historical and psychological aspects. Since phraseology in comparative linguo-cultural studies is still relatively young field of research, much more corpora are necessary to learn and understand the national spirit of the certain ethnic group through cultural concepts. This is one of the first attempts when these languages- Uzbek, English, Russian, have been compared. Therefore, the prospects of further investigation relate to the comparison of phraseological units in the anthropocentric paradigm expanding the study by the large group of phraseological idioms. The comparison will be continued, and the conclusions of the proposed research have a premature character.
Mashhur tilshunos Maykl Xollidey yozganidek: “Til mohiyatan qat’iy yoki formulali iboralar yig‘indisidir, ularning har biri o‘ziga xos ma’noga ega bo‘lib, ularni boshqarib, birlashtirib, cheksiz xilma-xil murakkabroq iboralar hosil qilish mumkin”. Ushbu turg'un yoki formulali iboralar biz frazeologik birliklar deb ataladigan narsadir va ular tilning hal qiluvchi tarkibiy qismi bo'lib, muloqotda asosiy rol o'ynaydi.
Ushbu kurs ishida biz frazeologik birliklarning til va aloqada qo'llanilishining lingvistik va pragmatik tomonlarini o'rganamiz. Frazeologik birliklar ham tilshunoslikda, ham pragmatikada muhim ahamiyatga ega, chunki ular til tuzilmalari va kommunikativ strategiyalarning muhim tarkibiy qismidir.
Biz frazeologik birliklarning turkumlanishi, morfologik tuzilishi, sintaktik qoliplari, semantik xususiyatlari kabi lingvistik jihatlarini o‘rganishdan boshlaymiz. Tasniflash frazeologik birliklarning hal qiluvchi jihati hisoblanadi, chunki u o‘xshash iboralarni ularning grammatik va semantik xususiyatlariga ko‘ra guruhlash imkonini beradi. Morfologiya va sintaksis esa frazeologik birliklarning shakllanishi va qo‘llanilishida muhim rol o‘ynaydi, chunki ular bu iboralarning gapda tuzilishi va qo‘llanilishini boshqaradi.
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