Most of the flowers in the garden were planted by the schoolchildren.
Bog‘dagi gullarning ko‘plari o‘quv-chilar tomonidan o‘tqazilgan edi.
Most of the gentlemen looked angry.
Erkaklarning ko‘pchiligi achchiq-langan edi.
Ot umumiy ma’noda ishlatilib, aniq bo‘lmagan shaxs yoki buyumlar haqida gapirilganda, mostdan keyin kelgan ot oldida artikl ishlatilmaydi:
Most flowers smell sweet.
Ko‘p gullar hushbo‘y hid beradi.
Ba’zi so‘z birikmalari va iboralar bilan doimo noaniq artikl ishlatiladi.
A lot of/ a great deal of, a good deal of, a great number of, a good many, a great many ko‘p
a few bir nechta, oz
to be at a loss qiynalmoq
a little oz
at a speed of tezlikda as a result of natijasida
at a time when vaqtda, mahalda, -da
at a time bir vaqtda, bir martada on a large (small) scale katta (kichik) hajmda
all of a sudden to‘satdan
to go for a walk sayr qilmoq
it is a pity afsus
as a matter of fact haqiqatda
to have a good time vaqtni yaxshi o‘tkazmoq
for a short (long) time qisqa (uzoq) vaqt davomida
to have a mind – moqchi bo‘lmoq
in a loud (low) voice qattiq (past) tovushda
to be in a hurry shoshilmoq
to be in a position holatda bo‘lmoq
to have a look qaramoq
to have a cold shamollamoq
to have a headache boshi og‘rimoq
to take a seat o‘tirmoq
Ba’zi so‘z birikmalari va iboralar bilan faqat aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
in the morning ertalab
in the evening kechqurun
in the afternoon tushdan keyin
thein the night tunda what is the time? Soat necha?
the day before yesterday o‘tgan kun the day after tomorrow ertadan keyin
on the right (left) o‘ngda (chapda)
in the country qishloqda,
dala-dashtda (shahardan tashqarida)
on the one (other) hand bir (boshqa) tomondan
on the whole umuman
the other day shu kunlarda, yaqinda
to go to the theatre (the cinema, pictures) teatrga (kinoga) bormoq
to play the piano, the violin pianino,
to tell the time vaqtni aytmoq
skripka chalmoq
to tell the truth haqiqatni aytmoq
to pass the time vaqtni o‘tkazmoq
to run the risk tavakkal qilmoq,xavf-xatarga qo‘ymoq
Quyidagi so‘z birikmalari va iboralari artiklsiz ishlatiladi.
at night tunda
by day kunduzi
at home uyda
at work ishda at sunset kun botar mahal
at first sihgt birinchi qarashda(ko‘rishda)
at peace tinch(likda)
at war urush holatida
by tram (train, boat, bus) tramvay
(poyezd, kema, avtobus) bilan
by air havodan (samolyotda)
at table stolda (tushlikda,nonushtada,
kechki ovqatda, dasturxonda degan
to go to school maktabga (o‘qishga)
at school o‘qishda
to be in town shaharda bo‘lmoq
to go to town (yaqin) shaharga bormoq
to go to bed o‘ringa yotmoq
to be in bed to‘shakda bo‘lmoq
by sea dengiz orqali
by land quruqlik orqali
by water suv orqali
by post (airmail) pochta (havo
pochtasi) orqali
by heart yoddan
by chance tasodifan
by mistake adashib, xato qilib
by name nomi bilan
by order of –ning buyrug‘i bilan
by means of –ning vositasida
at dinner (breakfast, supper) tush likda (nonushtada, kechki ovqatda)
in time vaqtida
in demand talab katta bo‘lmoq
on demand talabi bilan
in sight ko‘rinishda
in fact amalda
in conclusion natijada
in debt qarzga
on board ship kema bortida
on deck palubada
on sale sotuvda
day and nightkechayu kunduz
day after day kundan kunga
from … to predloglari bilan kelgan iboralarda:
from morning to (till) night
ertalabdan tungacha
from head to foot boshdan oyo- g‘igacha
from time to time vaqti-vaqti bilan from day to day kundan-kunga from shop to shop magazindan - magazinga
Umumiy ma’lumotlar Shaxs yoki buyumning belgisini bildirgan so‘zlar sifat deyiladi.
A young man = yosh kishi; a young woman= yosh ayol; young people = yosh kishilar.
Sifat faqat darajalar bo‘yicha o‘zgarishi mumkin: long – uzun; longer – uzunroq; longest – eng uzun.
( Degrees of Comparison ).
Sifatning uchta darajasi bor: Oddiy (the Positive Degree), qiyosiy (the Comparative Degree) va orttirma ( the Superlative Degree).
The Missippi is a long river. (long – oddiy daraja.).
Missippi uzun daryo.
The Missisippi is longer than the Volga. ( longer – qiyosiy daraja)
Missisippi Volgadan uzunroq.
The Missippi is the longest river in the world. (longest – orttirma daraja)
Missisippi dunyodagi eng uzun daryo.
Qiyosiy daraja
Ikkita shaxs yoki buyum qiyoslanadi
Orttirma daraja
Uch yoki undan ortiq shaxs yoki buyum qiyoslanadi va bittasining darajasi hammasidan ziyoda bo‘ladi.
Sodda sifatlarning (bir – ikki bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning) qiyosiy darajasi –er qo‘shimchasini qo‘shish bilan, orttirma darajasi –est qo‘shimchasini qo‘shish bilan yasaladi:
Oddiy daraja
Qiyosiy daraja
Orttirma daraja
sharp – o‘tkir
cold – sovuq
deep – chuqur
busy – band
dirty – iflos
clever – aqlli
narrow – tor
able – layoqatli(qodir)
noble –himmatli
polite – odobli
severe – shafqatsiz
sincere – sofdil, samimiy
simple – (oddiy) sodda
common – oddiy
sharper – o‘tkirroq
colder – sovuqroq
deeper – chuqurroq
busier – bandroq
dirtier – iflosroq
cleverer –aqlliroq
narrower – torroq
abler – layoqatlioroq
nobler – himmatliroq
politer – odobliroq
severer – shafqatsizroq
sincerer – sofdilroq
simpler – soddaroq
commoner – oddiyroq
Sharpest – eng o‘tkir coldest – eng sovuq
Deepest – eng chuqur
Busiest – end band
Dirtiest - eng iflos
Cleverest – eng aqlli
Narrowest – eng tor
Ablest – eng layoqatli
Noblest – eng himmatli
Politest – eng odobli
Severest – eng shafqatsiz
Sincerest – eng sofdil
Simplest – eng sodda
Commonest – eng oddiy
Ko‘pgina ikki bo‘g‘inli, hamda uch va ko‘p bo‘g‘inli sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasi sifatning oldiga more, orttirma darajasi sifatning oldiga most so‘zlarini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:
Oddiy daraja
Qiyosiy daraja
Orttirma daraja
active faol
famous mashhur
difficult qiyin
comfortable qulay
interesting qiziq
more active
more famous
more difficult
more comfortable
more interesting
Most active
Most famous
Most difficult
Most comfortable
Most interesting
Orttirma darajadagi sifat bilan kelgan ot aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi. Ba’zan ot tushib qolganda ham artikl saqlanib qoladi:
This is the shortest way to the station.
Bu stansiyaga eng yaqin yo‘l.
This is the most interesting story in this book.
Bu ushbu kitobdagi eng qiziq hikoya.
The Moscow underground is the best in the world.
Moskva metrosi dunyodagi eng yaxshi metro.
Ba’zi sifatlarning darajalari qoidaga bo‘ysunmasdan o‘zakdan o‘zgaradi:
Oddiy daraja
Qiyosiy daraja
Orttirma daraja
Better yaxshiroq
Worse yomonroq
Less ozroq
More ko‘proq
best eng yaxshi
worst eng yomon
least eng oz
most eng ko‘p
7.Far sifatining qiyosiy va orttirma darajalarida ikkitadan shakli bor:
Oddiy daraja
Qiyosiy daraja
Orttirma daraja
far uzoq
Farther uzoqroq
Further uzoqroq
Farthest eng uzoq
Furthest eng uzoq
eng keyingi
Masofaga nisbatan farther, further va farthest, furthest baravar ishlatiladi.
I found him in the farthest (furthest) corner of the park.