The teaching listening has been a key issue to the teachers especially, in non-native countries. As we witnessed listening requires a big attention to study. Before learning styles, it is essential to emphasize what is the listening notion. Most scientific works were paid attention to the exist dilemmas not the theory problems. I tried to compare different opinions about listening and stress will be put on learning problems especially among EFL learners. The main reason to choose the EFL learners’ problems is that it is common to come across issues in teaching and learning listening in non-native countries it is because English has irregular pronunciation that vice-verse the written form of the word. Not only the listening has problems but also other sections have their own learning difficulties. In order to overcome these kind of issues is related to the various methods. Moreover, it is related to the teachers’ pedagogical skill.
There are countless methods, approaches and ways of teaching listening skill.
One of the effective ways of teaching to young learners is through “Listen and Do” songs. It is because songs have many merits:
Songs helps to practice and repetition
Songs are essential to create a welcoming atmosphere
Songs are best chance to listen natural language
What is more, for young learners singing a song gives a full enjoyment. Except teaching with the help of songs, the best way is utilizing technological advancements effectively in the classes. The main reasons of choosing technology as one of the best strategies is because of
Lack of authentic materials
Expensiveness of the books
In order to encounter these issues technology is a great way for both learners and teachers.
To sum up, I tend to say that teaching not only listening but also other skills require a big attention from teachers. Utilizing from which strategy and method is related to the teacher and his or her creativeness.
Barchamiz guvohi bo’layotganimizdek, chet tillarini ayniqsa ingliz tilini o’rganishga bo’lgan talab kun sayin ortib bormoqda.Talabning osishi bilan bir qatorda o’rganish va o’qitish muammolari ham vujudga kelmoqda. Ingliz tilida tinglab tushunish kompetensiyani o’qitish yozish, o’qish va gapirishga nisabatan ko’proq kuch va yondashuv talab qiladi.Tinglab tushunishni o’qitish barcha darajadgi va yoshdagi o’rganuvchilar uchun bir xil emas. Bizning tadqiqot ishimiz uchun muhim bo’lgan, tinglab tushunishni yosh o’rganuvchilarga o’qitish alohida yondashuv talab etadi. O’qitish uchun turli xildagi metod va uslublarni eslatib o’tishdan oldin, tinglab tushunish tushunchasi nima ekanligi, olimlarning turli xildagi fikrlari kur ishimiz uchun muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bundan tashqari, muammolar va fikrlar xususidan berilgan bayonlar nazariy jihatdan muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.
Yuqoridagilarga qo’shimcha ravishda, ingliz tilini xorijiy til sifatida o’rganuvchilar orasida yuzaga kelayotgan mavjud maummolar yuzasidan to’xtalib o’tishimiz va mavjud muammolarga ehtimoliy yoki aniq yechimlar berishimiz tadqiqot ishhimizning ahamiyatli tomonidir.
Tinglab tushunishni o’qitish uchun bir qator yondashuvlar, metod va strategiyalar mavjud. Ushbu mavjud usullar orasida yosh o’rganuvchilar uchun ahmaiyatli va foydali bo’lgan qo;shiqlar orqali o’qitish samarali usullardan biridir. Yosh o’rganuvchilarga qo’shiqlar orqali tinglab tushunishni o’rgatish usulining bir qator afzalliklari borligiga guvohi bo’ldik.
Qoshimcha ravishda texnologiya asrida ta’lim uchun ayniqsa xorijiy tillarni o’qitish uchun foydalanish zamon talabi desak mubolag’a bo’lmaydi. Zamonaviy texnologiyalar asosida o’qitish bir qator afzalliklar va qulayliklar takli etadi. Texnologiyalardan foydalanishning asosiy sabablaridan bir tinglab tushunish uchun bosib chiqarilgan manbalar kmaligidir. Texnologiyalar yordamida har qanday turdagi video, audio va matnlarni oson yuklab olishimiz va darslar davomida o’rinli foydalanishimiz maqsadga muvofiqdir.
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