The Dilemma. Imagine you’re a nice, caring person—as you probably are—usually.
You love your spouse and feel lucky to have them as your partner. But when
they violate one of your rules, like letting the garbage overflow before taking it
out, you feel personally betrayed and start criticizing. It begins with “I’ve told
you a thousand times,” then moves on to “You never do anything right.” When
they still don’t seem properly ashamed, you flare, insulting their intelligence
(“Maybe you aren’t smart enough to remember garbage”) and their character (“If
you weren’t so irresponsible, you wouldn’t…” “If you cared about anyone but
yourself, you’d…”). Seething with rage, you then bring in everything you can
think of to support your case: “My father never trusted you, either,” or “Your
boss was right when he said you were limited.” Your spouse has to leave the
premises to get out of range of your mounting fury.