ФИО авторов:
Shahlo Nariman qizi, Ergashev Akramjon Mavlonboy
o`g`li, Malikov Shodiyorjon Abdurashidjon o`g`li
Учебное заведение (населенный пункт):
State Agrarian University,
master`s degree, Tashkent State Agrarian University, master`s degree
Название публикации:
Cotton is grown only for raw cotton. Due
to the mass gasification of
cotton growing areas, the use of cotton stalks as fuel in rural areas is losing its former
importance. The processing of cotton stalks to obtain building materials from it is being
partially started. The main product made from raw cotton is cotton fiber. Therefore, it
is classified in the world by the quality of cotton fiber.
Cotton, cotton, cotton fiber, quality, varieties, color.
Uzbekistan has adopted a system of classification of cotton fiber quality. At present,
the method of fiber classification involves the division into types (vertical
classification) and industrial varieties (horizontal classification). Accordingly, the
quality of cotton fiber is divided into certain types and industrial varieties. According
to current standards, fiber is divided into 9 types in terms of mass length, relative tensile
strength and linear density. The current standards for fiber quality are given in Table
1.3 by type. Oz DSt 604: 2001. “Cotton fiber. Specifications. according to the standard,
the type of cotton fiber is determined by the lowest value of the staple mass length or
linear density.
Each type of cotton fiber is divided into five industrial navigators (I, II, III, IV, V)
depending on their appearance, color and maturity. The ripening coefficient is 2.0 to
1.2 for long-fiber selection varieties, depending on the industrial navigation, and 1.8 to
1.2 for medium-fiber varieties. The type of fiber is determined
by the color and the
lowest degree of maturity. In addition, cotton fiber is divided into classes according to
the amount of dirt and defects. Grades I and II - high, good, medium, simple, dirty;
III and IV are good, medium, simple, dirty, and V is medium, simple, dirty.
The main raw material used for knitting in the world market is type 4
cotton fiber,
which remains in high demand. In recent years, the production of type 4 cotton fiber
has increased significantly and reached 28% of the total (common varieties Bukhara 6,
S-6524, Khorezm 127). Production of Type 4 cotton fiber is expected to increase by
35% in the future. Quality B-type cotton fiber is also
in high demand in the world
market, accounting for 70% of the volume of cotton produced. The most common high-
fiber varieties in the Republic of Uzbekistan: Bukhara 6, Namangan 77, An-Boyovut
2, Aqdarya 6.