Lesson 3.
Predloglar gaplar va jumlalar orasidagi munosabatni ko‘rsatib beradi. Taxminan 50 ga yaqin predloglar mavjud bo‘lib, ingliz tilida ular juda muhim. Shuning uchun asosiylarni o‘rnatib, qolganlariga esa matn va mashqlarga diqqatimizni qaratamiz.
Rus tilidagi mos keladigan predlog
about the computer,
about 5 o’clock
komp’yuter haqida,
5 lar atrofida
keyin, so‘ng
after the meeting
majlisdan so‘ng
along the road
yo‘l bo‘ylab
huddi shunday
to work as an engineer
injenerday ishlaydi
atrofida, yonida, ustida, - da
at the table;
at the wall;
at the briefing;
at 5 o’clock
stol atrofida
devor yonida
5 da
because he wasn’t ready
chunki u tayyor emas edi
because of
because of errors
xatolar uchun
space between lines and paragraphs
satrlar va abzaslar o‘rtasidagi masofa
all but you
sizdan tashqari, hamma
yonida, atrofida (geruniy bilan ishlatiladi)
by the fire;
by Monday;
by the group of users;
by sending
o‘t yonida
jamoasi bilan yuborib
Uchun, davomida, sababli, natijasida (infinitive bilan ishlatiladi)
useful for work;
for a second;
necessary for the user to do it;
for some reason;
for lack of energy;
for more information
ish uchun foydali;
daqiqa davomida;
bu ishni foydalanuvchi qilishi zarur;
sababga ko‘ra;
quvvat etishmovchiligi natijasida;
so‘ngi ma’lumotlarni
- dan
to come from an office
ofisdan kelmoq
from…to (till)
- dan - gacha
- dan - ga
from the beginning to (till) the end; from one place to the other
boshdan ohirigacha, bir joydan ikkinchi joyga
- da
in the lab;
in March;
in an hour
bir soatdan keyin
to put into the box
quti ichiga qo‘ymoq
- ning
memory of the computer
komp’yuter xotirasi
on (upon)
ustida, uchun hafta kunlari va sana oldida ishlatiladi
on the table;
on Monday;
on receiving;
to speak on international situation
stol ustida;
olib olgach;
xalqaro vaziyat
ustidan ortiq + dan;
over the town;
over a hundred people;
to fly over the North Pole
shahar ustidan
100 odamdan ortiq
Shimoliy polyusdan o‘tmoq
since autumn
kuzdan boshlab
orqali; ichidan;
uchun; natijasida
through the forest;
trough your carelessness
o‘rmon orqali;
sening beparvoligingdan
yo‘nalishni ifodalash uchun qaerda? Degan savolga javob beradi
to go to the car;
to write a letter to a friend
mashina oldiga bormoq
do‘stga xat yozmoq
with his brother;
to cut with a sharp knife
akasi bilan
o‘tkir pichoq bilan kesish
- emas (gerundiy bilan)
without your help;
without making mistakes
sening yordamingsiz;
hatolar qilmasdan
Mana eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan birikmalar va predloglarning ro‘yxati:
as well as ham
as soon as tez orada
by no means nima bo‘lishidan qat’iy nazar
such as o‘xshash
as for; as to taaluqli
as well ham
at least kamida
at a/one time bir zumda
up-to-date zamonaviy
out-of-use iste’moldan chiqqan
out-of-date eskirgan
on purpose maqsadida
in fact haqiqatdan
in spite of qaramasdan
in order to uchun
for example/instance masalan
Exercise 1. Nuqtalar o‘rnini predloglar bilan to‘ldiring.
Ko‘rishamiz See you
12 da …12
dushanbada …Monday
1 haftadan so‘ng …week
Mayda …May
Bu ishni bajar Do this work
Dekabrgacha …December
2 haftadan so‘ng …two weeks
Seshanbagacha …Tuesday
2017 gacha …the year 2017
1 oy ichida …the month
Exercise 2. Gaplarni tarjima qiling.
1. This is an example of a system.
2. A monitor can be used for displaying output.
3. He has been programming since 1969.
4. Data passes through the I/O ports.
5. The cursor keys are also known as arrow keys.
6.The CPU sends and receives data along a bus.
7. Such boards can be plugged into the system board.
8. Data travels to and from the CPU.
9. I/O ports connect chips to the CPU.
10.Multitasking is an ability of a CPU to perform several tasks at a time by quickly switching
its attention among the programs.
Exercise 3. Nuqtalar o‘rnini predloglar bilan to‘ldiring va gaplarni tarjima qiling.
Software is programs, languages and routines that control the operations … a computer … solving a given problem.
Hardware is the physical equipment and components … a computer system.
Liveware is all people engaged … production … computers and maintained … its work.
Firmware is a program built … the circuitry … a ROM that controls the operations … a computer.
A printer prints the output … the CPU … paper.
The CPU is the electronic unit … the centre … the computer system.
A storage device is a peripheral used … the permanent storage … information.
The escape key allows the user to stop the program … any time … losing data or the program … the main memory.
The break key clears the program and all data … the main memory.
The copy key allows copying characters … one part of the screen … another.
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text. O’qib tarjima qiling.
Design Philosophy.
Before leaping into the following chapters, we should discuss the design philosophy behind the PC family. This will help -you understand what is (and what isn't) important or useful to you.
Part of the design philosophy of the IBM personal computer family centers around a set of ROM BIOS service routines that provide essentially all the control functions and operations that IBM considers necessary. The basic philosophy of the PC family is: let the ROM BIOS do it; don't mess with direct control. In our judgment, this is a sound idea that has several beneficial results. Using the ROM BIOS routines encourages good programming practices, and it avoids some of the kludgy tricks that have been the curse of many other computers. It also increases the chances of your programs working on every member of the PC family. In addition, it gives IBM more flexibility in making improvements and additions to the line of PC computers. However, it would be naive for us to simply say to you, "Don't mess with direct control of the hardware." For, good reasons or bad, you may want or may need to have your programs work as directly with the computer hardware as possible, doing what is colorfully called "programming down to the bare metal."
Still, as the PC family has evolved, programmers have had the opportunity to work with increasingly powerful hardware and system software. The newer members of the PC family provide faster hardware and better system software, so direct programming of the hardware does not necessarily result in significantly faster programs. For example, with an IBM PC running DOS, the fastest way to display text on the video display is to use assembly-language routines that bypass DOS and directly program the video hardware. Video screen output is many times slower if you route it through DOS. Contrast this with a PC/AT or PS/2 running OS/2, where the best way to put text on the screen is to use the operating system output functions. The faster hardware and the efficient video output services in OS/2 make direct programming unnecessary.
As you read the programming details we present in this book, keep in mind that you can often obtain a result or accomplish a programming task through several means, including direct hardware programming, calling the ROM BIOS, or using some service. You must always balance portability, convenience, and performance as you weigh the alternatives. The more you know about what the hardware, the ROM BIOS, and the operating system can do, the better your programs can use them.
Exercise 5.
Matnni xar bir satr boshli qismini ko‘rib chiqing va unga asosiy savolni keltiring.
Savollarni quyidagi so‘roq so‘zlardan boshlang:
1 satr boshi — why should
2 — what is,
3 — what makes,
4 — why must.
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