Bir kuni u gilamcha to‘qiyotganida kuchuk bolasini ko‘rib qoldi va uni quvib ketdi, lekin kuchukcha g‘oyib bo‘ldi.
U gilamcha to‘qishni bilar edimi?
Ha, u gilamcha to‘qishni bilar edi.
U gilamcha to‘qir edimi?
Ha, u gilamcha to‘qir edi.
U ko‘chalami supurar edimi?
id she say “I had have to buy a car”
No, she didn’t say “I had have to buy a car”
Did she dream of entering to the university?
No, she did not dream of entering to the university.
Was she a dreamer?
Yes, she was a dreamer.
What did she tell?
She told herself “I had have to make a lot of friends.
One day weaving a rug she saw a puppy and chased it, but the puppy disappeared.
Did she know to weav a mg?
Yes, she knew to weav a rug.
Did she weav a rug?
Yes, she weaved a mg.
Did she sweep streets?
No, she didn’t sweep streets.
Did she see a cat while she was knitting socks?
No, she didn’t see a cat while knitting socks.
Did she see a girl who looks like herself?
No, she didn’t see a girl who looks like herself.
Did she see a handsome boy while weaving a mg?
No, she didn’t see a handsome boy while weaving a rug.
When was she weaving a rug did she see a snake?
No, she didn’t see a snake when she was weaving a rug. Was she weaving winter socks?
No, she wasn’t weaving winter socks.
What did she see?
She saw a puppy.
Was it a dog or a puppy?
It was a puppy.
Yo‘q, u ko‘chalami supurmas edi.
U paypoq to‘qiyotganida mushukni ko‘rib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, u paypoq to£qiyotganida mushukni ко‘rib qolmadi.
U ocziga o‘xshaydigan qiz ко‘rib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘ziga o‘xshaydigan qiz ko‘rib qolgani yo‘q.
U gilamcha to‘qiyotganida kelishgan yigitni ко‘rib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, u gilamcha to‘qiyotkanida kelishgan yigitni ко‘rib qolmadi.
U gilamcha to‘qiyotgan paytida ilon ко‘rib qoldimi? Yo‘q, u gilamcha to‘qiyotgan paytida ilon ko‘rib qolmadi.
U qishki paypoq tocqiyotgan edimi?
Yo‘q, u qishki paypoq to‘qimayotgan edi.
U nimani ko‘rib qoldi?
U kuchuk bolasini ко‘rib qoldi.
U kuchuk edimi yoki kuchuk bolasimi?
U kuchuk bolasi edi.
When did she see a puppy?
Weaving a rug she saw a puppy.
Did she call the puppy?
Did she throw a stick to the puppy?
No, she didn t throw a stick to Yo4q, u kuchukchaga tayoq
o, she didn’t call the puppy.
a puppy.
Did she follow a puppy?
Yes, she chased it.
Was the puppy scared? Yes, the puppy was scared. Did she chase a butterfly? No, she didn’t chase a butterfly.
Did she like puppies?
Yes, she liked puppies.
Could she catch it?
No, she could not catch a puppy.
U kuchuk bolasini qachon fo^rib qoldi?
Gilamcha to‘qiyotganda kuchuk bolasini ко‘пЬ qoldi. U kuchukchani chaqirdimi? Yo4q, u kuchukchani chaqirmadi.
U kuchukchaga tayoq otdimi?
U kuchukchani orqasidan bordimi?
Ha, u uni quvib ketdi.
Kuchukcha qo‘rqib ketdimi?
Ha, kuchukcha qo‘rqib ketdi.
U kapalakni quvib ketdimi?
Vo‘q, u kapalakni quvib ketmadi.
U kuchuk bolalarmi yoqtirar edimi?
Ha, u kuchuk bolachalarini yoqtirar edi.
U uni tutib oldimi?
Yo‘q, u kuchukchani tutib ololmadi.
Because a puppy disappeared. Chunki kuchukcha g'oyib
boigan edi.
Did the cat disappeared? Mushuk g'oyib bo‘!dimi?
No, the cat didn’t disappear.
Suddenly she heard a door squeak, turned back and saw a nice guy holding that dog on his hand. Guy asked 44 hey, were you chasing this pisppy?”8600 4829 3957 1904
Did anybody start to knock the door?
No, nobody knocked the door.
Did he hear a gate squeak?
No. he didn’t hear a gate squeak.
Did she hear the windows squeak?
No, she didn't hear the windows squeak.
Did she hear a dog bark?
No, she didn’t hear a dog bark.
Did she hear a horse neigh?
No, she didn’t hear a horse neigh.
Yo‘q, mushuk g‘oyib bo‘lmadi.
To‘satdan u eshik g‘ichirlashini eshitdi, orqaga burildi va o‘sha kuchukchani qo‘lida tutib turgan istarali yigitni ko‘rdi. Vlgit so‘radi: “Hoy, sen bu kuchukchani quvayotgan edingmi?”
Kimdir eshikni taqillatishni boshladimi?
Yo‘q, hech kim eshikni taqillatishni boshlamadi.
U darvoza g ichirlaganini eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, u darvoza gichirlaganini eshitmadi.
U oyna gichirlaganini eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, u oyna gichirlaganini eshitmadi.
U kuchuk xuriganini eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, u kuchuk xuriganini eshitmadi.
U otning kishnaganini eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, u otning kishnaganini eshitmadi.
No, she didn’t hear a cat mew.
Did she hear a cat mew?
id she hear the birds sing? No, he didn’t hear the birds sing.
What kind of sound did she hear?
Well, she heard a door squeak.
Did she run away after hearing a door squeak?
No, she didn’t run away.
Did she hide after hearing the doors squeaks?
No, she didn’t hide after hearing the door’s squeaks. Was she scared?
No, she wasn’t scared.
What did she do then?
She turned back.
Did she see a dog?
No, firstly she saw a nice guy.
Did the boy standing at the door?
Yes, he was standing at the door.
Was the boy plump?
U mushukning miyovlaganini eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, umushuk miyovlaganini eshitmadi.
U qush sayrashini eshitdimi? Yo‘q, u qush sayrashini eshitmadi.
U qanday ovoz eshitdi?
Xo‘p, u eshik g‘ichirlashini eshitdi.
U eshik g‘ichirlashini eshitib qochib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, u qochib ketmadi.
U eshik g‘ichirlashidan keyin berkinib oldimi?
Yo‘q, u eshik g‘ichirlashidan keyin berkinib olmadi.
U qo‘rqib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, u qo'rqib ketmadi. Keyin u nima qildi?
U orqasiga burildi.
U kuchukni ko‘rdimi?
Yo‘q, awal u kelishgan yigitni ko‘rdi.
Yigit eshik yonida turgan edimi?
Ha, u eshik yonida turgan edi. Bola semiz edimi?
No, he wasn’t plump.
Was he her classmate?
No, he wasn’t her classmate.
Was he her old friend? , No, she didn’t know that boy. Was she frightened of seeing him?
No, she wasn’t frightened of seeing him.
Was he holding a cat on his hand?
No, he wasn’t holding a cat on his hand.
Was he holding a bird on his hands?
No, he wasn’t holding a bird on his hands.
Was he holding flowers on his hand?
No, he didn’t have flowers on his hand.
Was he holding a dog on his hand?
Yes, he was holding a dog on his hand.
Did he ask “hey, are you chasing this cat?”
Yo4q, u semiz emas edi.
U uning sinfdoshi edimi? Yo‘q, u uning sinfdoshi emas edi.
U uning eski o‘rtog‘i edimi? Yo‘q, u bu bolani tanimas edi. U uni ко‘rib qo‘rqib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, u uni ко‘rib qorqib ketmadi.
U qo‘lida mushuk ushlab turgan edimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘lida mushuk ushlab turmagan edi.
U qo‘lida qush ushlab turgan edimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘llarida qush ushlab turmagan edi.
U qo‘lida gullar tutib olgan edimi?
Yo‘q, uning qo‘lida gullar yo‘q edi.
U qo‘lida kuchuk ushlab turgan edimi?
Ha, u qo‘lida kuchuk ushlab turgan edi.
U “Hoy, sen bu mushukni quvib yuribsanmi?” deb so‘radimi?
No, he didn’t ask “are you chasing this cat?”
Who asked “are yon chasing this puppy?” ?
The nice guy asked “hey, are you chasing this puppy?” .
Did he asked “hey is it your neighbor’s puppy?”
No, he didn’t say “hey is it your neighbor’s puppy”.
Was he a rude boy?
No, he wasn’t a rude boy. They acquainted, the boy was cheerful and talkative. His name was George.
Did they argue?
No, they did not argue.
Did they look at each other angrily?
No, they didn’t look at each other angrily.
What did they do?
Well, they acquainted.
Did they shout to each other? No, they didn’t shout to each other.
Did they stand long at the door?
Yo‘q, u “Sen bu mushukni quvib yuribsanmi?” deb so‘ramadi.
Kim “Sen bu kuchukni quvib yuribsanmi?” deb so4radi? “Sen bu kuchukni quvib yuribsanmi?” deb kelishgan yigit so‘radi.
U “Hoy bu sening qo‘shning- ning kuchugimi” dedimi? Yo‘q, u “Bu sening qo4shning- ning kuchugimi?” demadi.
U qo‘pol bola edimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘pol bola emas edi. Ular tanishib olishdi. Yigit hushchaqchaq va sergap edi. Uning ismi George edi.
Ular bahslashdimi?
Yo‘q, ular bahslashmadi.
Ular bir-biriga jahl bilan qaradilarmi?
Yo‘q, ular bir biriga jahl bilan qaramadilar.
Ular nima qilishdi?
Ular tanishishdi.
Ular bir biriga baqirishdimi? Yo‘q, ular bir biriga baqirishmadi.
Ular eshik yonida uzoq turib qolishdimi?
No, they didn’t stand long at the door.
Was he stubborn like Margaret?
No, he wasn’t stubborn like Margaret.
Was he serious?
No, he wasn’t serious.
Was he cheerful?
Yes, he was charming and talkative.
Was he nice?
Yes, he was a nice guy.
Was he a joker?
Yes, he was a joker.
Was he shy?
No, he wasn’t shy he was talkative.
Was he so quiet?
No, he wasn’t quiet.
Was his name John?
No, his name wasn’t John.
Was his name Shakhriyor? No, his name wasn’t Shakhriyor.
What was his name?
His name was George.
Yo‘q, ular eshik oldida ko‘p turib qolishmadi.
U Margaret kabi о‘jar edimi?
Yo‘q, u Margaret kabi о‘jar emas edi.
U jiddiy edimi?
Yo‘q, u jiddiy emas edi.
U huchchaqchaq edimi?
Ha, u quvnoq va sergap edi.
U yoqimli bola edimi?
Ha, u yoqimli yigit edi.
U hazilkash edimi?
Ha, u hazilkash edi.
U kam gap edimi?
Yo‘q, u kamgap emas edi, u sergap edi.
U juda bosiq edimi?
Yo‘q, u juda sokin emas edi. Uning ismi John edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi John emas edi.
Unitig ismi Shakhriyor edimi? Yo‘q, uning ismi Shakhriyor emas edi.
Uning ismi nima edi?
Uning ismi George edi.
He worked as a teacher at “Good club” innovational school of language.
He was handsome and communicative.
Was he a businessman?
No, he wasn’t a businessman. Was he a salesman?
No, he wasn’t a salesman.
Was he a welder?
No, he wasn’t a welder.
Was he a sailor?
No, he wasn’t a sailor too.
Was he a builder?
No, he wasn’t a builder.
Ok. What was he?
He was a teacher.
Was he an English teacher?
Yes, he was an English teacher.
Did he like English?
Yes, he liked English.
Did he work in hospital?
No, he didn’t work in hospital.
Was he a military?
No, he wasn’t a military.
U “Good club” innovatsion til maktabida o‘qituvchi bo‘lib ishlar edi.
U kelishgan dilkash yigit edi.
U tadbirkor edimi?
Yo‘q, u tadbirkor emas edi.
U savdogar edimi?
Yo4q, u savdogar emas edi.
U payvandchi edimi?
Yo‘q, u payvandchi emas edi. U qayiqchi edimi?
Yo‘q, u qayiqchi ham emas edi.
U quruvchi edimi?
Yo‘q, u quruvchi emas edi. Yaxshi. U kim edi?
U o‘qituvchi edi.
U ingliz tili o'qituvchisi edimi?
Ha, u ingliz tili o‘qituvchisi edi.
U ingliz tilini yoqtirar edimi? Ha, u ingliz tilini yoqtirar edi. U shifoxonada ishlar edimi? Yo‘q, u shifoxonada ishlamas edi.
U harbiy edimi?
Yo‘q, u harbiy emas edi.
Did he work at school or at collage?
Well, he worked none of them.
Ok. Where did he work?
He worked at “Good club”. Was “Good club” innovatsion school of language?
Yes, “Good club” innovatsion school of language.
Was he a guard of “Good club”?
No,-he wasn’t a guard of “Good club”.
Wasn’t “Good club” a cinema?
No, it wasn’t a cinema.
Was he ugly and wrinkled? No, he wasn’t ugly and hunch back.
Was he thin as a sick?
No, he wasn’t thin as a sick.
Was he handsome?
Yes, he was handsome.
Was he friendly with people? Yes, he was friendly.
Was he a kind boy?
Yes, he was a kind boy.
U maktabda ishlar edimi yoki kollejda?
U hech qaysi birida ishlamas edi.
Unda u qayerda ishlar edi.
U “Good club”da ishlar edi. “Good club” innovatsion til maktabimi?
Ha, “Good club” innovatsion til maktabi.
U “Good club” qorovuli edimi?
Yo‘q, u “Good club” qorovuli emas edi.
“Good club” kinoteatr emas edimi?
Yo‘q, u kinotear emas edi.
U hunuk va bujmaygan edimi? Yo‘q, u hunuk va bukur emas edi.
U huddi kasaldek ozg‘in edimi?
Yo‘q, u kasaldek ozg‘in emas edi.
U kelishgan edimi?
Ha, u kelishgan edi.
U odamlarga samimiy edimi? Ha, u samimiy edi.
U mehribon bola edimi?
Ha, u mehribon bola edi.
Was he ugly?
No, he wasn’t ugly.
Was he moustached?
No, he wasn't moustached.
Was he dirty?
No, he wasn’t dirty.
Was he lonely?
No, he wasn’t lonely.
At first she thought that he wasn’t a polite, but then she changed hes mind because he was so polite,
Did she like him at first sight?
No, first she thought that he was not polite,
Did she think “he is a bad boy"?
Yes, she though “he is a bad boy”.
Did she think that he was her worker?
No, she didn’t think that he was a worker.
Did she refuse him?
No, she did not refuse him. Did she like him?
U hunuk edimi?
Yo‘q, u hunuk emas edi.
U ino‘ylovli bola edimi? Yo‘q, u mo‘ylovli bola emas
U kir-chir edimi?
Yo‘q, u kir emas edi.
U so‘qqabosh edimi?
Yo‘q, u so4qqabosh emas edi. Awal и uning muomalasi yomon deb o4yladi, lekin keyin uning hushmtmmalaligidan fikrini 0‘zgartirdL
Uni birinchi ko‘rishidayoq yoqtirib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, awal u uning muomalasi yomon deb o‘yladi.
U uni “U yomon bola” deb ocyladimi?
Ha, u “U yomon bola” deb o‘yladi
U uni uy mardikori deb 0‘yladimi?
Yo‘q} u uni mardikor deb o'ylamadi.
U uni rad etdimi?
Yo‘q, u uni rad etmadi.
U unga yoqdimi?
Yes. she liked him, especially, she liked his politeness.
Didn’t she listen to him?
No, she didn’t listen to him. Did she liked his character?
Yes, she liked his character.
The boy had a good attitude t© Margaret George invited her to go out with him.
That day she was over the moon.
Did he do anything bad for
No, he didn’t do anything bad for her.
Did he have a bad attitude to Margaret?
No, he didn’t have a bad attitude to Margaret.
Did Margaret invite him to have dinner?
No, she didn’t invite him to have dinner.
Who had a good attitude to her?
George had a good attitude to Margaret.
Did George like Margaret too?
Ha, u unga yoqdi, asosan unga hushmuomalaligi yoqdi.
U uni tinglamadimi?
Yo‘q, u uni tinglamadi.
U uning harakterini yoqtirdimi?
Ha, u uning harakterini yoqtirdi.
Yigit Margaretga yaxshi munosabatda bo4ldi. George uni sayrga takiif qildi.
0‘sha kuni u yettinchi osmonda uchar edi.
U unga yomonlik qildimi?
Yo‘q, u unga yomonlik qilmadi.
U Margaretga yomon munosabatda bo'ldimi?
Yo‘q, u Margaretga yomon munosabatda boHmadi. Margaret uni kechki ovqatga takiif qildimi?
Yo'q, u uni kechki ovqatga takiif qilmadi.
Kim unga yaxshi munosabatda bo‘ldi?
George unga yaxshi munosabatda bo‘ldi.
George ham Margaretni yoqtirib qoldimi?
Yes, he liked her.
Did Margaret invite him to go out?
No, she didn't invite him.
Did George invite her to go out with him?
Yes, he invited her to go out with him.
Did she get his offer?
Yes, she got his offer.
Did she refuse him?
No, she didn’t refuse him.
Did she say “Don’t try to be a friend of me”
No, she didn’t say “Don’t try to be a friend of me”.
Did she agree with him?
Yes, she agreed with him.
Was she on cloud nine?
Yes, she was over the moon, that day, she wore new dress and plaited her hair.
Did she wear a uniform in order to meet with George?
No, she didn’t wear a uniform.
Ha, u uni yoqtirib qoldi. Margaret uni sayrga taklif qildimi?
Yo‘q, u uni taklif qilmadi. George uni u bilan sayrga taklif qildimi?
Ha, u uni u bilan sayrga taklif qildi.
U uning taklifini qabul qildimi?
Ha, u uning taklifini qabul qildi.
U uni rad etdimi?
Yo‘q, u uni rad etmadi.
U unga “Men bilan do‘st boiishga harakat qilma” deb aytdimi?
Yo4q, u “Men bilan do4st boiishga harakat qilma” deb aytmadi.
U unga rozi boidimi?
Ha, u unga rozi boidi.
U yettinchi osmonda edimi? Ha, u yettinchi osmonda edi, o‘sha kuni u yangi ko‘ylak kiydi va sochini о‘rib oldi.
U George bilan uchrashish uchun ocquv formasini kiydimi?
Yo‘q, u forma kiymadi.
Did she wear sport clothes? No, she didn’t wear sport clothes.
Did she wear a T-shirt?
No, she didn’t wear a T-shirt. Did she wear boots for meeting?
No, she didn’t wear boots for meeting.
Did she wear a watch for meeting?
No, she didn’t wear a watch for meeting.
What did she wear in order to meet with him?
She wore a new dress, and plaited her hair.
Was her dress long?
Yes, her dress was long.
Did she do her hair curly for meeting?
No, she didn’t do her hair curly for meeting.
Was she more beautiful than
Yes, she was more beautiful than yesterday.
Was she as a flower?
Yes, she was as a flower.
U sport kiyimlarini kiydimi? Yo‘q, u sport kiyimlarini kiymadi.
U futbolka kiydimi?
Yo‘q, u futbolka kiymadi,
U uchrashuvga etik kiydimi?
Yo*q; u uchrashuvga etik kiymadi.
U uchrashuvga soat taqdimi?
Yo‘q, u uchrashuvga soat taqmadi.
Unda u u bilan uchrashish uchun nima kiydi?
U yangi ko‘ylak kiydi, va sochini о4rib oldi.
Uning ko‘ylagi iizun edimi?
Ha, uning ko‘ylagi uzun edi.
U uchrashuviga sochini jingalak qildimi?
Yo‘q, u uchrashuvga sochini jingalak qilmadi.
U kechagidan ko‘ra chiroyliroq edimi?
Ha, u kechagidan ko‘ra chiroyliroq edi.
U gul kabi edimi?
Ha, u gul kabi edi.
Coming to take her he was astonished. There was another girl.
Yes, another Margaret!
The preveious Margaret was always sad but this girl looked so cheerful.
Was George surprised when he came to take her?
Yes, coming to take her he was astonished.
Was George scared taking her?
No, George wasn’t scared taking her.
Was he shocked?
Yes, he was shocked.
Why was he surprised? Because she looked happy but old Margaret always looked upset and frowned with strangers.
Did he change his mind about the girl?
Yes, he changed his mind about this girl.
And now she looked cheerful, and happy, didn’t she?
U uni olib ketishga kelganida hayratga tushdi.
U yerda boshqa qiz bor edi. Ha, boshqa Margaret! Awalgi Margaret doimo qovog4mi solib yurar, lekin bu qiz quvnoq ko‘rinar edi. George uni olib ketishga kelganida hayratga tushdimi? Ha, uni olib ketishga kelganida hayratga tushdi. George uni olib ketishga kelganida qo‘rqib ketdimi? Yo‘q, George uni olib ketishga kelganida qo‘rqib ketmadi.
U qattiq hayratda qolgan edimi?
Ha, u qattiq hayratda qolgan edi.
Nima uchun u hayratlandi. Chunki u hursand ko‘rinar edi lekin awalgi Margaret hafa ko‘rmib doimo begonalarga qovoq solar edi.
U qiz haqida fikrini o‘zgartirdimi?
Ha, u qiz haqida fikrini o‘zgartirdi.
Endi esa u quvnoq va hursand ko‘rinar edi, to‘g‘rimi?
Yes, she looked cheerful and happy.
Was she glad to see George?
Yes, she was glad to see George.
Did she look as a hero of fairy tale?
Yes, he looked a hero of fairy tale.
The boy asked “Do you want me to show you miracles?” she shrugged.
So they went to the cinema.
They went out again and again. Finally they got married and became happy.
Did the boy refuse her?
No, the boy didn’t refuse her. Did the boy ask if she wanted him to show her the pyramids?
No, he did not ask if she wanted him to show her the pyramids.
Did the boy ask for walking through the garden?
No, she didn’t ask him for walking though the garden. What did he ask?
Ha, u quvnoq va hursand ko‘rinar edi.
U Georgeni ko‘rganida hursand edimi?
Ha, u Georgeni ko‘rganidan hursand edi.
U ertak qahramonlaridek ko‘rinar edimi?
Ha, u ertak qahramonlaridek ko‘rinar edi.
Yigit so‘radi “Men senga mo‘jiza ko‘rsatishimni xohlaysanmi?” u yelka qisdi. Shunday qilib ular kinoga ketishdi.
Ular tinimsiz uchrashar edilar. Va nihoyat ular oila qurishdi va baxtli bo^shdi.
Uni bola rad etdimi?
Yo‘q, bola uni tark etmadi. Yigit undan ehromlami ko‘rishni xohlash yoki xohlamasligini so‘radimi? Yo‘q, u undan ehromlami ko'rishni xohlash yoki xohlamasligini so‘ramadi. Yigit bog* bo‘ylab sayr qilishni so‘radimi?
Yo‘q, u bog4 bo‘ylab sayr qilishni so‘ramadi.
U nimani so'radi?
Well, he asked wether she wanted him to show her miracles.
Did she refuse him?
No, she didn’t refuse him. Did the girl think that he was restless?
No, she didn’t think he was restless.
Did she think that “it’s boring”?
No, she didn’t think that “it’s boring”.
Did she think about trick? No, she didn’t think about trick.
What did she do then, frightened?
No, she was not frightened. She just shrugged.
Did they go to the zoo?
No, they didn’t go to the zoo.
Did they go to Me Donald’s?
No, they did not go to Me. Donald’s.
Did they fly to Egypt?
No, they didn’t fly to Egypt.
Yaxshi, u undan unga mo‘jiza ko‘rsatishini xohlash yoki xohlamasligini so‘radi.
U uni rad etdimi?
Yo‘q, u uni rad etmadi.
U qiz uni hovliqma deb olyladimi?
Yo‘q, u uni hovliqma deb o‘ylamadi.
U buni “zerikarli” deb o‘yladimi?
Yo‘q, u “bu zerikarli” deb o‘ylamadi.
U fokus haqida o‘yladimi? Yo‘q, u fokus haqida o‘ylamadi.
Keyin u nima qildi, qo‘rqib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘rqib ketmadi.
U faqat yelka qisdi.
Ular hayvonot bog£iga bordimi?
Yo4q, ular hayvonot bog‘iga bormadi.
Ular Me Donald’sga borishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular Me Donald’sga borishmadi.
Ular Misrga uchishdimi? Yo‘q, ular Misrga uchishmadi.
Did they go to the boy’s friend’s?
No, they didn’t go the boy’s friend.
Did they go to the theatre?
No, they didn’t go to the theatre.
So, where did they go?
They went to the cinema.
Was she ready to walk?
Yes, she was ready to walk. Did she smile during inviting?
Yes, she smiled during inviting.
Was the film great?
Yes, the film was great.
After that did she apart from him?
No, she didn’t give up their warm relationship with him. Did she run away after walking?
No, she didn’t run away after walking.
Did they meet again?
Yes, they met again and again. Did they phone to each other again and again?
Ular yigitning do‘stinikiga borishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular yigitning do‘stinikiga borishmadi.
Ular teatrga borishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular teatrga borishmadi.
Xo‘sh, ular qayerga borishdi? Ular kinoteatrga borishdi.
U sayr qilishga tayyor edimi? Ha, u sayr qilishga tayyor edi. U taklif qilinganda jilmaydimi?
Ha, u taklif qilinganida jilmaydi.
Kino zo‘rbosldimi?
Ha, kino zo'r bocldi.
Undan keyin u undan ayrilib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, u yigit bilan iliq munosabatini to‘htatmadi.
U sayrdan keyin qochib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, u sayrdan keyin qochib ketmadi.
Ular yana uchrashdimi?
Ha, ular tinimsiz uchrashishdi. Ular bir biriga tinmay qo‘ng‘iroq qilishdimi?
No, they didn’t phone each other again and again.
Did they want to meet a lot?
Yes, they wanted to meet a lot.
Did they get married?
Yes, they got married.
Did they make a mistake?
No, they didn't make a mistake.
Were they divorced?
No, they weren't divorced. Were they happy?
Yes, of course, they became
Were they unhappy?
No, they weren’t unhappy. Who became happy?
Margaret and George became happy,
Yo‘q, ular bir biriga yana va у ana qo'ng‘iroq qilishmadi. Ular ko‘p ko4rishib turishni xohladimi?
Ha, ular ko‘p uchrashishni xohladi.
Ular oila qurdimi?
Ha, ular oila qurdi.
Ular xato qildimi?
Yo‘q, ular xato qilmadi.
Ular ajralishib ketdimi?
Yo'q, ular ajralishib ketmadi. Ular baxtli edimi?
Ha, albatta, ular baxtli bo‘lishdi.
Ular baxtsiz edimi?
Yo6qs ular baxtsiz emas edi. Kim baxtli bo‘ldi?
Margaret va George baxtli bo'lishdi.
So, that’s all for the mini story, but I want you to listen to the mini story again and again as soon as possible. So, make sure, that you are listening to these lessons one hour every day at least but more than 20 times a week. I would like you to listen to the mini story, while listening to the traeks smile, breathe duply, be active and more your body. So, My dear that’s milfor the mini story for you today.
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