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When the final hours of

autumn came, Mary had only a few amount of food stored away.

When w inter came, did she have a few amount of food stored away?

No, not in winter.

When summer came, did she have a few amount of food?

Uning ismi Mery edi?

Besning onasini ismi Mery edimi?

Yovq, onasining ismi Mery emas edi.

Kimning ismi Mery edi? Uning singlisini ismi Meiy edi.

U kunini olqish va o‘rganishga sarfladimi?

Wq, u kunini o‘qishga va o‘rganishga sarfiamadi.

U kunlarini qanday o'tkizdi? U kunlarini raqsga tushishga va o4ynashga sarfladi. Kuzning ohirgi onfari kelganda, Meryni m miqdorda ovqati qolgan edi,

Qish keiganda, uni oz miqdorda ovqati qolgan edimi?

Yo4q, qishda emas Yoz keiganda, uni oz miqdorda ovqati qolgan edimi?

She had a few amount of food stored away when winter came.

When winter came, did she have few amount of money? No, she had much money. What did she have a few amount of?

She had few amount of food stored away.

Who had a few amount of food stored away?

Mary had a few amount of food stored away.


Because she didn’t gather beans.

What did she do then?

Qish kelganda unda oz miqdorda ovqat bor edi.

Qish kelganda, unda oz miqdorda pul bor edimi?

Yo‘q, unda ko‘p pul bor edi. Uni yetarli miqdorda nimasi bor edi?

Unda oz miqdorda ovqat qolgan edi.

Kimda oz miqdorda ovqat bor edi?

Meryni oz miqdorda ovqati bor edi.


Chunki, u loviya yig'magan edi.

U keyin nima qildi?

Mary realized that her food supply was too small to last (Ii rough winter.

She visited her sister.

Mary said, Beth, I’m in a dire situation.

I did not gather enough food lor winter. Will you let me share your beans? Please lend some beans for your sister!”

Ditl she realize that she had lots of food?

No, she didn’t realize that she had lots of food.

I >ul she realize that she had •.( utlios?

No, she didn’t realize that she hntl studios.

What did she realize?

She realized that she had a lew amount of food stored nway.

Was it enough for winter?

No, it was not enough for winter.

Mery shuni tushunib yetdiki, uning ovqati qishga yetarli emas edi.

U opasini uyiga bordi.

Bes men qiyin ahvoldaman, dedi Mery.

Men qishga yetarli ovqat yig‘madim. Sen o4zingni donlaringni menga ham berasanmi? Iltimos singlingga ozgina don berib tur.

U ovqati ko‘pligini tushunib yetdimi?

Yo‘q? u ovqat ko‘p ekanligini tushinib yetmadi.

U o‘qishi borligini tushunib yetdimi?

Yo‘q, u 0‘qishi borligini tushnib yetmadi.

U nimani tushunib yetdi?

U ozgina ovqati qolganini tushunib yetdi.

U qishga yetarli edimi?

Yo‘q? bu qishga yetarli emas edi.

What did she do?

She went to her sister.

Did she go to her mother? No, she did not go to her mother.

Did she go to her father?

No, she did not go to her father.

Where did she go?

She went to her sister.

Who went to her sister?

Mary went to her sister.

Why did she go to her sister?

Because she had few amount of food left for winer.

Did she ask money from her sister?

No, she didn’t ask money from her sister.

What did she ask from her sister?

She asked food from her sister.

U nima qildi?

U singlisini yoniga bordi.

U onasini yoniga bordimi? Yo‘q, u onasini yoniga bormadi.

U otasini yoniga bordimi? Yo4q, u otasini yoniga bormadi.

U qayerga bordi?

U singlisini yoniga bordi. Kim singlisini yoniga bordi? Mary singlisini yoniga bordi. Nimaga singlisini yoniga bordi?

Chunki, unda qishga yetarli bolmagan ovqat qolgan edi. U singlisidan pul so‘radimi?

Yo‘q, u singlisidan pul so‘ramadi.

U singlisidan nima so‘radi? U singlisidan ovqat so‘radi.

Beth thought for a moment, (lien she replied,” Mary I’m (ruly sorry for you but I will not give you any of my beans.

You can still work hard and gather enough food for the winter.

What did her sister do?

She thought for a moment.

Did she give her foods without thinking?

No, she thought for a moment. W ho thought for a moment? Did Mary think for a moment? No, Mary didn’t think for a moment.

Who thought for a moment? lieth thought for a moment. Did she close the door?

No, she didn’t close the door.

What did she do?

SI ic replied her sister.

What did she reply her sister? She said, Fm sorry, I can’t к i vc foods.

Bes bir daqiqa o‘y!andi va aytdi, “Mery men! kechir lekin men senga donlarimdan bermiman.

Sen hozir ham qattiq ishlab qishga yetarli ovqat yig6a olasan.

Uning singlisi nima qildi?

U bir daqiqa o‘yladi.

U ovqatini o4ylamasdan berdimi?

Yo‘q, u bir lahza o‘yladi.

Kim bir lahza o‘yladi?

Mary bir lahza o‘yladimi? Yo‘q, Mary bir lahza o‘ylamadi.

Kim bir lahza o4yladi?

Bes bir lahza o‘yladi.

U eshikni yopib qo‘ydimi? Yo‘q, u eshikni yopib qo‘ymadi.

U nima qildi?

U opasiga aytdi.

U opasiga nima dedi?

U aytdi, “meni kechir, men ovqat bera olmiman”.

Did she say she might take foods for winter?

No, she didn’t say that.

What did she say?

She said she had to work hard. Who said she had to work hard?

Beth said to her sister the has to work hard.

Why did she say that to her sister?

Because her sister didn’t work and gather food for winter, and she asked food from her sister.

What did she say to her sister as advice?

,nie said you may still work.

It will be tedious, but you will leam the value of hard work.”

U “mayli qishga ovqat olaver” dedimi?

Yo‘q, u bunaqa demadi.

U nima dedi?

U sen ishlashing kerak dedi. Kim senga qattiq ishlashing kerak dedi?

Bes singlisiga sen qattiq ishlashing kerak dedi.

Nega u singlisiga bunaqa dedi?

Chunki, uning singlisi ishlamadi va qishga ovqat yig‘magan edi, va opasidan ovqat so‘radi.

U singlisiga nima deb maslahat berdi?

U ishlaseng boTadi dedi.

Bu zerikarli boTadi, lekin sen qattiq ishlashni qadrini o‘rganasan.

llethV words frightened Mary.

Mary cried with outrage, “(here is too much work!

I won’t have any time to dance or play!” Beth said, “it’s crucial that you gather enough food.

You must have food before having fun.

(io now, and rectify your situation.”

M ary stayed some more, but she knew that her sister was right. She took the bag and went to work gathering her own beans for winter.

Was she happy from her sister’s advice?

No, she was sad.

I )id she cry?

Yes, she cried.

Did she cry inside?

No, she cried outrage.

Who cried outrage?

Mary cried outrage.

I )id she say it was easy?

Besning gaplari Meryni cho‘chitdi.

Mery g‘azab bilan yig6ladi. U yerda ish ko‘p! Meni o‘ynashga va raqsga tushishga vaqtim yo‘q! Bes aytdi “Seni ovqat yig‘ishing muhim.

Sen o‘ynashdan oldin ovqat yig‘ishing kerak.

Xozir borib, vaziyatingni to‘g‘rila.”

Mery ozgina turdi, lekin singlisi xaqligini bildi.

U xaltani olib qishga don terishga ketdi.

U opasini maslahatidan xursand bo‘ldimi?

Yo‘q, u xafa bo‘ldi.

U yig*ladimi?

Ha, u yigUadi.

U ichida yig‘ladimi?

Yo‘q, u g‘azablanib yig‘ladi. Kim g‘azablanib yig‘ladi? Mery g‘azablanib yig‘ladL U bu oson dedimi?

No, she didn’t say it was easy. What did she say?

She said it was difficult What was difficult?

Gathering food was difficult. What did her sister say?

She said she should have food before she danced and played.

Did she know her sister wrong?

No, she knew that her sister was right.

Did she go to working after that?

Yes, she went to working.

Yo‘q, bu oson demadi.

U nima dedi?

U bu qiyin dedi.

Nima qiyin edi?

Ovqat yig‘ish qiyin edi. Uning opasi nima dedi?

U ocynash va raqsga tushishdan oldin ovqat topishing kerak dedi.

U opasi nohaqligini bildimi?

Yo‘q, u opasi haq ekanligini bildi.

U bund an keyin ishlashga kettimi?

Xa, u ishlagani bordi.

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Lesson 3.4 Short Story 3.4.1 The little mice

Welcome back, it’s time again to learn more about Short story. And of course, when you say Short story it means point of view. So, are you ready? I In that case let's start!!!

Beth was a very clever and conservative mouse. She knew that winter was coming and that there would soon be a dearth of food. So she decided to make gathering food for winter her primary job. Gathering food was a hard and boring activity, but Beth made a deliberate effort because she knew that it was significant. Ciathering food was a hard and boring activity, she forced herself a few hours every day to collect beans. By winter she had collect a massive pile and hid them in a cache. Beth had a sister named Mary. She was very slothful. She had fanciful ideas about how she would survive winter. She thought that food just come to her and that she could work at her own convince. She spent the tiays playing and dancing, instead of gathering beans. When the final hours of autumn came, Mary had only a few amount of food stored away. Mary realized that her food supply was too small I о last through winter. She visited her sister. Mary said: “Beth, I’m in a dire situation. I did not gather enough food for winter. Will you let me share your beans? Please lend some beans for your sister!” Beth thought for a moment, then she replied, “Mary I ’ m truly sorry for you but I will not give you any of my beans.

You can still work hard and gather enough food for the winter. It will be tedious, but you will learn the value of hard work. Beth’s words frightened Mary, Mary cried with outrage, “there is too much work! I won’t have any time to dance or play!” Beth said, “it’s crucial that you gather enough food. You must have food before having fun. Go now, and rectify your situation.” Mary stayed some more, but she knew that her sister was right. She took a bag and went to work gathering her own beans for winter.

All right, that's the end of our second Short story. Very simple, very easy, just listen to this again and again and again and again. Put a big smile on your face when you listen, have your body upright, breathe deeply and move while you're listening to every single lesson. See you next time good byeIII


Qadrli talaba Sizni kitobning 3-qismini tugatganingiz bilan tubriklaymiz! Siz ntaxsus metodikamizning keying qismiga o'tar ekansiz o‘ylaymizki, metodikani samara beruvchi 4 oddiy qoidasidan chetga chiqmagan holda kitobni tarn от la dingiz! iziz talaba! Keying metodikamizga darxol o‘ting, chunki oldin takidlaganimizdek zanjir uzulmasiligi lozim. Siz to keyingi kitobimizga bir yoki ikki kun o(tgunicha shu oyning darsliklaridan foydalanib zanjirni uzmay turishingiz kerak.

Hozirda Booknomy kompaniyasining Intensive” kitobi orqali 300 dan ortiq insonlar ingliz tilida ravon gapira oldi I'ndi esa siz ham gapira boshlaysiz.

E’tibor bering maqsadingizga tobora yaqinlashib borayapsiz, qolgan 3 oyni ham xuddi shunday shiddat bilan oddiy 4 qoidaga asoslanib davom ettirsangizgina natijaga erishasiz


Case 4


Gulbaxor MIRZALIYEVA Shaxriyor FOZILOV Odilbek IKROMOV Nurmuhammad DAUTOV Zarifa AXMURADO VA



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