To‘satdan, u portret ko‘zlarining birl siljigamei ko‘radi va bu uni taxlikaga soladi. U o‘zini tutib olib to‘pponcha oladi va portretni nishonga olib o4tib tashlaydi.
U uni shamol deb o‘ylaydimi? Ha, u uni shamol deb o‘ylaydi. Bu shamol boiadimi?
Yo‘q, bu shamol boimaydi.
U shamol emasligini tushunib yetadimi?
Ha, u shamol emasligini tushunadi.
Unga nima ko'rinadi?
U shishada portret ko‘zlarining biri siljiganini ko'radi.
U qochib ketadimi?
Yo‘q, u qochib ketmaydi.
U qo‘rqib ketadimi?
Ha, u taxlikaga tushadi.
U aqldan ozadimi?
Yo‘q, u aqldan ozmaydL
U politsiyaga qo‘nglroq qiladimi?
Yo‘q, u politsiyaga qo‘g‘iroq qilmaydi,
Well, she will take the revolver aimed the portrait and fired.
Her servant will run up stairs and will enter to her room. The widow will be smiling and crying at the same time, “I thought that was the ghost of my husband but that’s a rat Thank goodness44.
Will people run up stairs?
No, people will not run up stairs.
Who will run up stairs and enter to her room?
The widow’s servant will run up stairs and will enter to her room.
Will she afraid of the sevant too?
No, she will not afraid of the servant.
Will her servant call the police?
No, her servant will call the police.
Will people be scared?
No, people will not hear.
Will people come in her house?
U qurol oladi va portretni moijallab otadi.
Uning hizmatkori yuqoriga ko4tariladi va xonasiga kiradi. Ayol jilmaygan holda yig4layotgan bo4ladi,
“Men turmush o4rtog4ining arvohimi desam, kalamush ekan Xudoga shukur”.
Yuqoriga odamlar chiqadimi?
Yo‘q, yuqoriga odamlar chiqmaydi.
Kim yuqoriga yugurib chiqadi va xonaga kiradi?
Bevaning xizmatkori yuqoriga chiqib uning xonasiga kiradi.
U hizmatkordan ham qo‘rqib ketadimi?
Yo‘q, u hizmatkoridan qo‘rqib ketmaydi.
Hizmatkomi politsiya chaqiradimi?
Yo‘q, uning hizmatkori politsiya chaqirmaydi.
Odamlar qo‘rqib ketadimi?
Yo‘q, odamlar eshitmaydi.
Odamlar uni uyiga kiradimi?
Will she be able to concentrate?
Yes, she will be able to concentrate.
Will she take a carpet beater?
No, she will not take a carpet beater.
Will she take a revolver?
Yes, she will take the gun.
Will she have a gun?
Yes, she will have a gun.
Will she point the thief?
No, she will not point the thief.
Will she point the portrait? Yes, she will aim the portrait.
Why will she aim the portrait?
Because she was scared of the portrait.
Will she think a lot before pointing?
No, she will not think a lot before pointing.
Will she shot?
Yes, she will shot.
Will she shot herself ?
No, she will not shot herself.
So what will she shot?
U о‘zini tutib oladimi?
Ha, u о‘zini tutib oladi.
U gilam urgichni oladimi?
Yo‘q, u gilam urgichni olmaydi.
U to‘pponcha oladimi?
Ha, u qurol oladi.
Uning quroli bo‘ladimi?
Ha, uni quroli boiadi.
U o‘g‘rini moi]alga oladimi? Yo‘q, u o‘g‘rini moijalga olmaydi.
U portretni mo‘ljalga oladimi?
Ha, u portretni mo ij alga oladi.
Nima uchun u portretni mo ij alga oladi?
Chunki u portretdan qo‘rqib ketadi.
Mo ij alga olishdan oldin ko‘p o‘ylaydimi?
Yo‘q, mo ij alga olishdan oldin ko‘p o‘ylamaydi.
U otib tashlaydimi?
Ha, u otib tashlaydi.
U о‘zini otib tashlaydimi?
Yo‘q, u о‘zini otib tashlamaydi.
U nimani otib tashlaydi?
No, people will not come in her house.
Will the widow be crying? Yes, she will be crying.
Why will she cry?
Because she was afraid of. Will she be scream?
No, she will not be scream.
Why will she be scared?
Because she will see a strange thing.
So, what will she be doing at that time?
The widow will be crying and smiling at the same time.
Will she see a ghost?
Yes, she will think like this, but it will not ghost.
Will she angry?
No, she will not angry.
Will she say that she saw a ghost?
No, she will not say that she saw a ghost.
Will she say that she fell off? No, she didn’t fall off.
So what will she say?
Yo‘q, odamlar uni uyiga kirmaydi.
Beva yiglayotgan edimi?
Ha, u yiglayotgan edi.
U nima uchun yiglaydi. Chunki u qo'rqib ketadi.
U baqiradimi?
Yo‘q, u baqirmaydi.
Nega u qo‘rqib ketgan boiadi?
Chunki u g‘ayri oddiy holatni ко‘rib qo‘rqib ketgan boiadi.
U bu paytda nima qilayotgan boiadi?
Beva bu paytda jilmayib yiglayotgan boiadi.
U arvoh ko‘radimi?
Ha, u shunday deb o'ylaydi, lekin bu arvoh boimaydi.
Uning jahli chiqqan boiadimi?
Yo‘q, uning jahli chiqmaydi.
U arvoh koiganini aytadimi?
Yo'q, u arvoh ko'rganini aytmaydi.
U yiqilib tushganini aytadimi? Yo‘q, u yiqilmagan boiadi.
U nima deydi?
She will say that she thought U arvoh deb o‘ylasam that was the ghost of her kalamush ekan deydi.
husband, but that was a rat.
Hi my dear that is me again your English teacher. How was the lesson? Are you tired? If you want listen without tireness while listening you need to the tracks smile, breathe deeply, be active and more your body, not sit still please ok? So, My dear
that’s all for the mini story far you today\ Do your best! See you next lesson!!!
POV 6.3
Welcome back today we are ready to another PO К And I hope you are ready to listen, so make sure you are standing up, make sure you are alert so hand around jump up and down whatever tastes to give ready and get blood moved in and circulating and give ready to pay attention and listen and remember more you listen better you will learn. So let’s start!!!
A widow’s adventure
There was a widow. She was a big woman, very tall, with a strong mind and will. She was a brave woman as you call. Her husband was a thin, small, very weak man. All in all he was no match for her. Since their marriage he began to become smaller and weaker. His wife’s powerful mind was too much; it undetermined his health, and very soon he fell ill. She took all possible care for him. Half doctors in town visited him and give a whole medicine of the hospitals recipe. She made him take all medicines given by the doctors, but all was in vain. Her husband become worse and worse and one day she found him dead. She was very much upset by the death of her poor dear husband. Anyway, she did all the widow could do to honor his memory. She spent so much money on her mooring dress, she wore a miniature of him about her neck as large as a small о‘clock; and she had a full length portrait of him always hanging in her bedroom. Sometimes everything passed, and the widow decided to move to another part of the town. One night, at her house, suddenly she thought she heard something move behind her. She looked around quickly, but there was nothing to be seen. “Oh it’s only the wind «she thought and went on putting her hair in papers, but her eyes were still fixed on her own reflection and the reflection of her husband’s portrait in the looking glass. Suddenly, it seemed to her that in the glass she saw one of the eyes of the portrait move. It gave her a shock.
She concentrated and took the gun aimed the portrait and shot.
Her servant run up stairs and entered the room. The widow was smiling and crying at the same time: “I thought that was the ghost of my husband but hated a rat Thank Goodness.
So, it was all for past tense. And now it’s time to listen to the story in the perfect tense. Shoulders back, jump up, breathe deeply, make a huge smile on your face. Are you ready if so, let’s start in the present tense.
There is a widow. She is a big woman, very tall, with a strong mind and will. She is brave as you call. Her husband is a thin, small, very weak man. He is no match for her. Since their marriage he has become smaller and weaker. His wife’s powerful mind is too much for him. It undetermined his health, and very soon he has felt ill. She takes all possible care for him. Half doctors in town visits him and give whole the medicine of the hospital’s recipe. She makes him take all medicines given by the doctors, but all is in vain. Her husband become worse and worse and one day she has found him dead. She is very much upset by the death of her poor dear husband. Anyway, she does all the widow can do to honor his memory. She spends so much money on her mooring dress, she wears a miniature of him about her neck as large as a small o‘clock and she has a full length portrait of him always hanging in her bedroom. Sometimes everything has passed, and the widow decides to move to another part of the town. One night, at her house, suddenly she thought she hears something move behind her. She looks around quickly, but there is nothing to be seen. “Oh it’s only the wind “she thought and goes on putting her hair in papers, but her eyes are still fixed on her own reflection and the reflection of her husband’s portrait in the looking glass. Suddenly, it seems to her that in the glass she sees one of the eyes of the portrait move. It gives her a shock. She concentrates and takes the gun aimed the portrait and shots. Her servant runs up
stairs and enters the room. The widow is smiling and crying at the same time: “I thought that was the spirit of my husband but hated a rat Thank Goodness”.
Ok, it is also present form. Now it is time to listen to the future form of the story. Imagine that this story will happen in the future.
There will be a widow. She will be a big woman, very tall, with a strong mind and will She will a brave woman as you call. Her husband will be a thin, small man, very weak. He will not be match for her. Since of their marriage he will have become smaller and weaker. His wife’s powerful mind will be too much for him it will undetermined his health, and very soon he will have felt ill. She will take all possible care of him. Half doctors in town will visit him and give him whole the medifce of the hospital recipe. She will make him take all medicines given by the doctors, but all will be in vain. Her husband will become worse and worse and one day she will find him dead. She will be very much upset by the death of her poor dear husband. Anyway, she will do all the widow will be able to do to honor his memory. She will spend so much money on her mooring dress, she will wear a miniature of him about her neck as large as a small о‘clock and she will have a full length portrait of him always hanging in her bedroom. Sometimes everything will pass, and the widow will decide to move to another part of the town. One night, in her house, suddenly she will think she will hear something move behind her. She will look around quickly, but there will be nothing to be seen. “Oh it’s only the wind” she will think and go on putting her hair in papers, but her eyes will be still fixed on her own reflection and the reflection of her husband's portrait in the looking glass. Suddenly, it will seem to her that in the glass she will see one of the eyes of the portrait move. It will give her a shock. She will concentrate and take the gun aimed the portrait and shot. Her
servant will run up stairs and enter the room. The widow will be smiling and crying at the same time: “1 thought that was the spirit of my husband but hated a rat Thank Goodness.
k, that’s all today’s POV lesson. Be sure to remember listen to these lessons ever day. For at least one week, seven days, make sure listen to these over and over. And as you do remember to move your body smile, jump, and shout while you do it Remember always enjoy your English learning. I will see you next time good bye.
Welcome back to our next lesson, in this lesson you are given only one short story, and your job is to change the tenses by yourself. I’m sure that you can do this without any difficulties. So are you ready, in that case, let Is startI
Ann and her mother had lived in a small unattractive cottage. It was party time. Christmas was so close, and so was her birthday, Ann wished she could get a new dress with frills and lace as a wonderful Christmas gift. All her friends would be getting new frocks. But Ann didn’t want to ask her Mom for a new dress. She knew how hard her mom worked to make both ends meet. May be she could make a wish. May be Santa Claus would come. Ann couldn’t help dreaming about the new frock even though she knew that Santa Claus is just an imaginary character. The days passed and soon it was Christmas Eve, it every one, except Arm’s house Christmas tree adorned the living room in the kitchens there hung the lovely aroma of freshly baked cakes and turkey. But nothing lovely was being cooked in Ann's house. Every child went to bed early waiting for the lovely gifts that he or she would receive the next day. Ann went to bed with a heavy heart. She knew that there would be no gifts for her. Arm wished with her whole heart that at least this time she would get a gift from Santa. Ann slowly drifted off to sleep. She suddenly remembered that it’s Christmas day. Without much hope she looked if there were any gifts for her. Wonder of wonders! There lay a beautiful packet lied with a red ribbon. Ann excitedly opened the package. It was a pretty white frock with fluffy frills, and attractive lace. She touched material it was soft and silky unlike the hard coarse material of the dresses she usually wore. She checked the gift carefully to find out who gave her this beautiful frock. Suddenly a small piece of paper fell out from the inner layer of frock. Ann eagerly started to read the note, “Dear Ann This frock is gifted to you for being a good girl. Hope you continue to do good things and help your mother. Your loving friend Santa Claus”
So, that’s all of the lesson. But I want you to listen to the lessons again and again as soon as possible. So, make sure, that you are listening to these lessons two hour an every day at least but more than 20 times a week. I would like you to listen to the storys, while listening to the tracks smile, breathe deeply, be active and more your body. So, My dear that’s all for you today.
Mana qadrli talaba kitobning oxirgi qismini ham tugatdingiz* Sizni tabriklaymiz!
Siz kitobning 4 oddiy qoidasidan chetga chiqmagan holda, uzluksiz eshitgan bo‘lsangiz, Siz xozir muvaffaqiyatga erishib turibsiz. Endi Siz Ingliz tilida erkin gapira olasizI Siz ingliz tiliga oid xohlagan ishingizni qila olasiz- Xohlasangiz: xalqaro biznes qilishingiz mumkin, gid xizmati tashkillashtirishingiz mumkin, xalqaro iurizm firmasida ishlashingiz mumkin, xohlasangiz ingliz tilidan dars berishingiz mumkin. Va bu biz kutgan natijaning o(zginasi! Bu bilan BOOKNOMY kompaniyasi Siz TABRIKLAYDI! Sababi Siz 4 qoidaga amal qilib eshitgan ekansiz, biz ishonamizki Siz albatta natijaga erishdingiz!!!
Mamnuniyat bilan shuni ayta olamizki Siz muvaffaqiyatli talabalarimizdan birisiz. Endi o(z maqsadlaringiz yoHida til borasida hech qanday muammolarga duch kelmasligingizga aminmiz»
BOOKNOMY kompaniyasi har qadamni Siz bilan bosib oHganidan mamnunl
Kelajakdagi ishlaringizga Muvaffaqiyatlar tilab qolamiztlI
Assaiomu aleykum! Biz uchun 6 oy davomida aziz va qadrli boiib qolgan o'quvchl Audio kurslarimizni tamomlaganingiz bilan tabriklaymiz! Mana bugun siz ingliz tilida erkin muloqot qila olasiz. Bugun siz oldingizga qo'ygan maqsaqlaringizdan birini uddaladingiz.
Bizning omadli о ‘quvchilanmiz safida bo‘lganingiz va o‘z maqsadingiz у о lida qat’iyat bilan harakat qilganingiz uchun minnatdorlik bildiramiz.
Oyiaymizki olgan bilimlaringiz umringizning oxirigacha beminnat xiztnat qiladi
I )oes he have enough money?
No, he does not have enough
Why doesn’t he have enough
I iecause the aliens got scared and vanish.
Did they escape?
Yes, they escaped.
I) id Chris like this event?
Yes, Chris like this event bccause it was amazing ml venture.
Who saved the planet?
Г he kids saved their planet.
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