(ikat) ipak matolari bilan mashhur. “Abr naqshli” murakkab texnikali qo’l mehnati
orqali hosil bo’ladigan mato bo’lib, iplarni bosqichma-bosqich bog’lab bo’yoqqa
botiriladi. Abr texnikasida to’qilgan atolarning ajoyib naqshlari va yorqin ranglari
XIX asr Markaziy namuna Osiyoning timsoliy mavqeini belgilab beradi. Sovet
davlatidan avval O’zbekiston va Tojikistonda bu yorqinlikka shunchaki urg’u
berilmasdan, Abr naqshlar xunarmandlar san’atining yuksak namunasi. Abr
matolari hayotning siyosiy, iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy kabi turli sohalarini bog’lovchi
bo’g’imi bo’lgan. Abr texnikasida toqilgan matolarning nufuzining ortishiga sabab,
bu uning tayyorlanish jarayonini mashaqqatliligidadir.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar
1. B. Baymetov. “Plastik anatomiya”. Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU
rizografida nashr qilingan. Toshkent. 2011.
2. Tojiyev, N. Isahojayeva.
Qalamtasvir, rangtasvir va kompozitsiya
asoslari. “Sharq” NMAK “Tezkor nashr markazi” bosmahonasi. 11-bet.
Илмий котиб
Barnokhon Qo’shoqova,Umirova Dilshoda
Uzbekistan World State Languages University
No one can deny that in order to learn effectively
we should create our
fruitful, useful environment for step by step studying , not only reading fictional,
romantic books, articles ,
listening records , writing letters,
speaking fluently
without any pauses, but also we feel comfortable environment for breathing,
sitting , and also be confident. One after another, we should pay attention with
great carefulness our classroom’s design for both cheerful mood and not bored air
due to the fact that some instructors are be attentive for every classroom’s colour
and toys in it for playing time with great interest.
Now I will show the effect of the such kind of classrooms
1.Great and fascinating atmosphere
2.Knowledge for every type of language
If we come to its affects, here they are :
1.Only learning as a visual learner
2.They accostomed to this atmosphere
3.Children then can not see negative points.
If I tell about other necessary points for effective classroom, it should not be
on the way and near of the cars standing, to put it another way it will be in the
nature not next to traffic jams in spite of the fact that today our population is being
more and more, I f we tell about its causes , here they are ;
1. Being a great many of traffic jams are noisy
These are the couse of noise, air pollution
3. Concentrating mind is difficult
4. Unfortunate accidents
It is popularly believe that organizing pretty good eating time for student is
the most significant point, regardless of the fact that these days they are fond of
fast foods, hamburgers, hot-dogs and so on. What is more, we are the main weapon
is true, fruitful , healthy food due to the fact that we will prepare specially for
students and schoolchidrens’ kitchen without any doubt, any fast foods in cheap
costs , in high standards with great comfortability.
In conclusion
For learning with pleasure we can creat true atmosphere with the help of
nature’s comforability, If our environment
is for only learning, we can not
evaluate, If we create for studying how to learn living, of course we
achieve our
1. Prater, M.A. Dyches, T.T.,&Johnstun, M.R (2006) Teaching students about
learning disabilities through children’s literature,
Intervention in School and
Clinic, 42(1), 14-24
2. Samuels, C.A (2007). Universal design concept pushed for education.
Education week, 27(10), 1,12
3. Nelsen,J., Lott,L.&Glenn, H.S(1997). Positive discipline in the classroom.
Tulsa,OK ;Empowering People Books.
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