Diet 5, regidron, polifepan, enzymes, nifuroksazyd
Diet 5, regidron, polifepan, enzymes, furagin
* Diet 5, regidron, polifepan, enzymes
Diet 5, regidron
Diet 5, polifepan, enzymes, furagin
A 23 years old person, became ill sharply: fever 38.2 °C, moderate diffuse pharyngalgia at swallowing, pain and itching in the right eye. Objectively: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis. What is previous diagnosis?
* Adenoviral infection
Enteroviral infection
Acute respiratory infection
A 25 years old patient, fell ill rapidly, with chills and temperature rose to 39,9 оC, headache appeared in frontotemporal regions, pain in eyeballs, dull pain in all trunk, closed nose. Dry cough after 2 days of illness, there was nose bleeding. Objectively: hyperemia with sputum, isolated petechial rash and shallow grittiness of soft palate. Difficult breathing in lungs. What is the most possible diagnosis?
Adenoviral infection
Typhoid fever
* Flu
Epidemic typhus
A 4 years old child complains about: cough, temperature of body 38.1 °C. Conjunctiva is hyperemic. On mucous of cheeks there are points of hyperemia gum blushs. Weaken breathing in the lungs. What is the most possible diagnosis?
Scarlet fever
* Measles
Herpetic infection
A child 10 years old with temperature 38,0 °C, conjunctivitis, moist cough, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of cheeks and lips. Gums are pallor. What is your diagnosis?
* Measles
Adenoviral infection
Acute respiratory viral infection
Enteroviral infection
Infectious mononucleosis
A child 3 years old is found in the grave condition – naughty, forced breathing, dry «barking» coughing, voice is hoarse, perioral cyanosis. The third day, temperature of body is subfebrile, mild common cold. In lungs single dry wheezes can be heard. Moderate tachycardia. For which disease these symptoms are characteristic?
Localized diphtheria of oropharynx
* Parainfluenza, false croup
Adenoviral infection
A child of age 2 years has temperature of body 37.3 °C, cold, hoarse voice “barking cough” appeared suddenly the anxiety, shortness of breath, appeared with participation of auxiliary muscles. Supposed diagnosis?
* Parainfluenza, false croup
Diphtheria croup
Allergic laryngitis, croup
Flu, laryngitis
Acute exudative pleuritis
A normal indices of impalpable fluid losses of the adult person with 70 kg body weight is:
* 1000 ml per a day
500 ml per a day
700 ml per a day
1500 ml per a day
2000 ml per a day
?A pathological state which develops owing to catastrophic reduction of a circulating fluid volume and electrolytes loss is:
An infectious-toxic shock
An anaphylactic shock
* A dehydrationous shock
A hemorrhagic shock
All right
A patient 14 years old, hospitalized in the infectious department in severe condition with considerable headache mainly in frontal and temporal area, pain in eyeballs, in muscles and joints. Objectively: patient is excited, temperature of the body is 39 оC. Bradycardia changed by tachycardia. Muscles tonic and clonic cramps. Positive meningeal signs. It is found in epidemic anamnesis, his brother is also sick. What is your diagnosis?
* Flu with pneumonia and edema of brain
Flu, typical course
Parainfluenza, false croupe
Respiratory-sencytial infection
Adenoviral infection, pneumonia
A patient 17 years old, became suddenly ill: temperature rose to 40,3 °C. Severe headache, motive excitation, frequent vomiting, tremor of fingers of extremities. Hemorrhagic spots of round form and different sizes, more frequently as stars, mainly on buttocks and trunk. Meningeal signs are positive. What is the most possible diagnosis?
Flu with a hemorrhagic syndrome
* Meningococcal infection
A patient 17 years, 11th class student, were a lot of cases of ARI (acute respiratory infection) have happened, appealed to a doctor in clinic at 3rd day of disease with complaints of chills, general weakness, a moderate sore throat, running nose, swelling of face, watering from eyes Objective examination: minor palatal hyperemia brackets and tonsillitis, on a background of moderate edema of tissues. Conjunctivitis. During palpation not painful enlarged inframaxillary lymph nodes, and enlarged neck lymph nodes were found. Crepitation can’t be find. Liver and spleen moderately increased. What is the most likely diagnosis?
* Adenoviral infection
Meningococcal nasopharyngitis
Infectious mononucleosis
A patient 18 years old, with complaints about headache, pharyngalgia, weakness, high temperature. Objectively: all groups of lymphonodes, 1-3 cm in a diameter, dense, elastic, enlarged, hepatospleenomegaly. Blood analysis: leukocytosis, mononuclear – 15 %. What is possible diagnosis?
* Infectious mononucleosis
Adenoviral infection
Acute lympoleycosis
A patient 20 years old fell ill rapidly with increasing of temperature to 39.9 °C. complains about headache in frontotemporal region, pain in eyeballs, dull ache in whole trunk, closed nose, scrapes in the throat, dry cough. There was nose-bleeding. What diagnosis is most possible?
* Influenza
Adenoviral infection
Enteroviral infection
A patient 20 years old, complains about increasing of temperature up to 39 оC, headache in frontal area, pain in eyeballs, photophobia, pain in muscles, dry cough. Became ill sharply. Objectively: severe state. Face is hyperemic, eyes brilliant, injections of scleras. Pulse 96/min, rhythmic, tones of heart are hyposthenic. Menengial symptoms are not present. Blood analysis: leuk 9?109, е 1 %, bands 6 %, seg 51 %, lymp 35 %, mono 7 %. What is the most possible diagnosis?
* Ifluenza
Adenovirus infection
Epidemic typhus
A patient 26 years old, became sick rapidly: temperature 39.5 оC, severe headache, mainly in frontal and temporal areas, pain in muscles and joints. Examined on the 2nd day of illness: state of middle weight, skin is clean. Moderate hyperemia with cyanosis, pulse 120 per min, rhythmic. Heart activity is rhythmic, tones are muffled, in lungs there is vesicular breathing. What is the treatment of this patient?
* Remantadin
Ascorbic acid
A patient 27 years old, entered clinic on the 4th day of illness with a diagnosis ARVI, allergodermia. Fell ill with the rise of temperature to 38,0 °C, headache, hyperemia of the throat, then barking cough appeared. On the 3rd day rash appeared on the skin and neck. Was treated by aspirin. Objectively: temperature 38.8 °C. Face is puffy, conjunctivitis. On the skin of neck and upper part of chest is abundant red-papular rashes as rings which does not itch. Mucosa of epiglottis is brightly hyperemic. Submandibular and neck lymphadenitis. Liver and spleen were not enlarged. What is your diagnosis?
* Measles
Allergic dermatitis
Infectious mononucleosis
German measles
Scarlet fever
A patient 52 years old, hospitalized with the severe form of viral hepatitis B. The signs of flu appeared in the department. The indexes of bilirubin rose up and transaminase falls down. What complication can arise in that patient?
* Acute hepatic insufficiency
Infectious-toxic shock
Gastric bleeding
Cerebral comma
A patient 56 years old, the day before felt easy indisposition, insignificant headache, and weakness. Afterwards the increasing of temperature appeared to 38,5 оC with chills, headache increased considerably, mainly in forehead and temples. Skin and conjunctiva is hyperemic, dry, barking cough. Pharynx is hyperemic. On soft palate present grainy granules, placed point hemorrhages. Difficult breathing. What is the most possible diagnosis?
Typhoid fever
Epidemic typhus
* Flu
Enteroviral infection
A patient 56 years old, workwomen of pig farm, on a background chills appeared, the temperature rose to 39,9 °C, headache, nausea. The next day marked pains in the muscles of lower extremities appeared, the nose bleeding began. At the receipt, on the 3rd day common state deteriorated. Hyperemic spots, subecteric appeared. Liver +3 cm. Daily – diuresis 700 ml. What is the previous diagnosis?
Hemorrhagic fever with a kidney syndrome
Hepatitis A
* Leptospirosis
A patient A., 30 years old, on the 4th day of illness a district doctor marked such subjective and objective data: insignificant indisposition, mild headache, hoarseness of voice, itching in throat, breakingdry cough, temperature of the body 37,4 °C. Pulse 86/min., difficult nasal breathing, insignificant serous excretions from nose. Which acute respiratory infection does the patient carry?
* РC-viral infection
Adenoviral infection
Enteroviral infection
A patient admitted in the infectious department with diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infection. Became ill suddenly, the disease is accompanied by the increase of temperature of body till 39 °C, by severe headache, mainly in area of frontal, temporal, above eyes, dryness in nose, itching in throat, dry cough, dull pain in all body. He had bleeding from nose twice at home. Which acute respiratory disease has the patient?
Adenoviral infection
* Flu
Enteroviral infection
A patient becomes sick very fast: chills, increasing of temperature to 40,1 оC, headache in frontal and temporal regions, pain in eyeballs, close nose, dry cough and pain in the chest. The nose bleeding, nausea, double vomits. Objectively: conjunctivitis, hyperemia, edema, hemorrhages in mucous of otopharhynx, tachycardia. Blood pressure is low. Difficult breathing . What is the most possible diagnosis?
Epidemic typhus
* Flu
Typhoid fever
A patient C., 25 years old, fell suddenly ill. Every morning severe headache, frequent vomiting, temperature of the body is 39.9 °C. Adopted fatigue, then state got much worse. In the evening lost of consciousness. Expressed muscles pains of back and head. Positive Кеrning’s symptom. Leukocytes – 18,0?109. What is the most reliable diagnosis?
Epidemic typhus, typhus state
Viral menigoencephalitis
Sepsis, infectious-toxic shock
* Bacterial menigoencephalitis
A patient C., was hospitalized on the 2nd day of illness with complaints about hoarseness of voice, rough barking cough, labored breathing. Objectively: the state is severe, uneasy, pallor, temperature 37.1 °C, BR 30/min., breathing is noisy, can hear from the distance, with participation of auxiliary musculature. Which viruses could cause development of similar state?
Rhino virus
Influenza virus
* Parainfluenza virus
A patient caused a doctor home. Age – 75 years. Complaints of a subfebrile temperature, general weakness, pharyngalgia, conjunctivitis. In family a child is ill the acute adenoviral disease. A patient considers itself a patient the second day. At a review are found out the signs of acute blepharoconjunctivitis, pharyngitis. There are megascopic lymphatic knots: neck front and back, arm-pits and inguinal, to 1 sm in a diameter, soft, not is soldered between itself and with a surrounding cellulose. A pharynx is hyperemic, tonsills are hypertrophied and hyperemic. In lights of wheezes it is not. Breathing clean. Tones of heart are muffled. BP is 140/80 mm Hg. Ps – 80 per 1 minute. Stomach soft. A megascopic liver which comes forward on 3 cm below costal arc and spleen are palpated – soft, painless. Choose the most credible diagnosis:
* Acute adenoviral infection
Infectious mononucleosis
Hepatitis A
A patient fell ill very rapidly: chills, increase of temperature to 40.1 °C, headache in frontotemporal regions, pain in eyeballs, close nose, dry cough, and chest pain. Nose bleeding, nausea, vomiting appeared after 4 hours. Objectively: conjunctivitis, hyperemia, edema, point hemorrhages in mucus of epiglottis, tachycardia. Blood pressure is low. Weaken breathing in the lungs. What is the most possible diagnosis?
Epidemic typhus
* Flu
Enteroviral infection
A patient H., 22 years old, with flu was hospitalized into infectious department with the acute worsening of the common state. Consiousness is stored. The patient strangles. Pallor of skin with cynosis. Respiratory rate 50 per min, AP 80/55 mmHg, pulse 110 per a min, temperature 39.8 оC. During percussion of lungs tympanic sound with dullness in lower quadrant was found. Crackles in the lower-back parts of lungs. What complication of influenza has developed in that patient?
* Edema of lungs
Edema of brain
Infectious-toxic shock
A patient K., 23 years old, with 3 days of moderate illness, with high temperature of body to 40.0 °C, headache and petechial rash on skin, is hospitalized. After introduction of penicillin at 2 o’clock, the BP fell down to 40/10 mm of hg. Peripheral pulse and мeningeal signs does not concerne. What is the diagnosis of the patient?
* Меningococcemia, infectious-toxic shock
ARVI, anaphylactic shock
Measles, severe course
Epidemic typhus, severe course
Scarlet fever, severe course
A patient of 5 years old, which treated at home on an occasion of flu by aspirin, calcium gluconatis, on the second day from the beginning of disease “coffee grounds” vomiting appeared, melena. What complication arises?
* Hemorrhagic syndrome
Bowel obstruction
A patient on the background of ARVI the fever developed to 40,1 °C, frequency of breathing is 40 for a minute. What measures are necessary?
* Decreasing of patients temperature
Artificial ventillation
Oxygen. inhalation
Infusion therapy
A patient P., 14 years old, is hospitalized in the infectious dept. in grave condition. Complaints on headache, mainly in frontal and temporal regions, superciliary arcs, vomiting on severe pain, pain on movement of eyeballs, in muscles, joints. Objectively – a patient is excited, temperature of the body 39 °C. BP 100/60 mmHg. Bradycardia was replaced by tachycardia. Tonic cramps appeared. Doubtful meningial signs. From anamnesis it is found that at home his brother has flu. What preparations must be injected?
Verospiron, euphyllin, dimedrol
* Mannitol, paracetamol, prednisolone, euphyllin
Analgin, dimedrol, aspirin, ampicillin
Mannitol, aspirin
Lasix, analgin, ampicillin
A patient with flu complicated by pneumonia, during some days there are the displays of infectious-toxic shock of ІІ degree. In BA the level of urea and creatinine increases. What from these preparations is not recommended to enter in such a situation?
* Adrenalin
Polioniic solutions
A patient with temperature of body 40.0 °C, nonproductive cough, photophobia, puffiness of face, dots on gums, blushes on the mucus of cheeks your diagnosis?
* Measles
Enteroviral infection
Staphylococcal sepsis
A patient Т., 45 years old, was hospitalized at the 2nd day of disease. One week ago got back from India (sailor of the distant swimming). Complains of temperature 41.3 °C, great headache, shortness of breathing; cough with foamy pink colour sputum. Objectively: pale of face, cyanosis of mucous, breath rate 24/min, tachycardia. Lungs: breathing is hyposthenic, moist wheezes in both lungs, crepitation. What is possible diagnosis?
Miliary tuberculosis
* Plaque, pulmonary form
A patient, 20 years old, during few days complains about pharyngalgias. After supercooling the state became worse: sudden chills, increase of temperature to 40.6 °C, headache. On the skin of low extremities, trunk and buttocks there are a lot of different sizes hemorrhagic spots, acrocyanosis. Consiouness is preserved. Meningeal signs are absent. What is the previous diagnosis?
* Meningococcal infection
Epidemic typhus
Hemorrhagic fever
A patient, 75 years old, called a doctor to home. Rashes and subfebrile temperature, general weakness, pharyngalgia, conjunctivitis. In family a child is ill with acute adenoviral disease. A patient considers himself ill on the second day. At a review there are signs of pharyngitis. There are enlarged lymphatic nodes: of neck, front and back, armpits and inguinal up to 1 cm in diameter, soft. Pharynx is hyperemic, tonsils are hypertrophy and hyperemic. Both lungs have wheezing sounds. Not clean breathing. Tones of heart are muffled. AP 140/80 mm Hg. Heart rate 80 for 1 minute. Stomach is soft. Enlarged liver 3 cm below costal arch and spleen is palpable. Palpation is soft, painless. Choose the most possible diagnosis:
* Acute adenoviral infection
Hepatitis B
Infectious mononucleosis
Hepatitis A
A sick 15 years old, 3rd day of illness. On the background the catarrhal pneumonia, weakness in hands appeared, double vision, cross-eye. Voice is weak. Palatoplegia and extended extremities. Pulse 90/min. AP 130/90 mm Hg .What is your previous diagnosis?
* Poliomyelitis
Epidemic encephalitis
Enteroviral infection
A sick 19 years old, fell ill rapidly, when a temperature rose to 39,2 °C, coughing appeared, closed nose. Pains in muscles and joints. On the 3rd day of disease, shallow spots on the trunk appeared, extremities with hyperemia and edematous feet. Generalized lymphadenopathy, hyperemia of cheeks, enlargement of the liver were found out. What is previous diagnosis?
* Pseudotuberculosis
Infectious mononucleosis
Herpetic infection
Epidemic typhus
A sick 70 years old, became ill sharply, the temperature of body rose to 39.2 °C, excited, euphoric, hyperemia of face, Rozenberg’s exanthema appears. Ricketsia titer is 1:160, IgG – 87 %. What is diagnosis?
* Epidemic typhus
Meningococcal infection
Epidemic spotted fever
A sick explorer of train, 39 years old is hospitalized on the 4th day of illness with complaints about headache, weakness, dizziness, chills, insomnia, fever. The person is hyperemic, conjunctivitis. On the transitional fold of conjunctiva there is a single rash. On the skin of trunk, thorax, stomach, extremities there are abundant red coloured rashes. Tachycardia. AP 100/60 mm of Hg. Tremor of tongue. Liver and spleen were enlarged. Stool fistula is detained. What is the most reliable diagnosis?
* Epidemic typhus
A sick person, 45 years old, was hospitalized after 2 days of disease. On Sunday he came back from India (sailor). Complains about increasing of temperature to 41 оC, severe headache, shortness of breath, cough, with sputum. Objectively: pallor, cyanosis of mucous, tachycardia. Breathing is weaken, crackles in the lower-back parts of the lungs, crepitation. What is the possible diagnosis?
* Flu complicated by pneumonia
Miliary tuberculosis
Plague, pulmonary form
A sick woman, 42 years old, complaints about temperature 39.3 °C, headache in the frontal area, pain in the eyeballs, photophobia, pain in muscles, dry cough. Became ill suddenly one day before. Objectively: state is severe. Hyperemia of the face, eyes shinny, injection of scleras. Pulse 96/min., rhythmic. Tones of heart are hypotonic. Both lungs are dissipated. Dry wheezes. Mucosa of epiglottis is hyperemic, grainy, vessels are extended. Meningeal symptoms are not present. Analysis of blood: leuk – 3?109/l, еos – 1 %, band – 6 %, seg – 51 %, lymp – 35 %, mono – 7 %. What is the most possible diagnosis?
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