The peritonitis of the typhoid is accompanied by the onset of:
Stefanskyy's symptom
Mayo-Robson's symptom
Voskresensky symptom
Krymov's symptom
* Guarding symptom
The subcompensated dehydrationous shock develops at:
A diastolic and systolic blood pressure boost
* A decrease of the systolic blood pressure
A diastolic blood pressure decrease
A diastolic blood pressure boost
A systolic blood pressure boost
The typhoid fever enterorrhagia is characterised with:
A normal pulse
A bradycardia
* A tachycardia
An alternating pulse
An asystole
To the district doctor a patient, complaints on abundant excretions from a nose, moderate headache, hearing loss, perversion of taste. On examination – dry of skin, nose excoriation, in a pharynx – mild hyperemia. Temperature of body is subfebrile. Pathological changes of internal organs are absent. Which acute respiratory viral infection carries the patient?
Adenoviral infection
* Rhinoviral infection
Typhoid fever bleedings appears:
On 5-6 week of disease
* On 3-4 week of disease
On 1-2 week of disease
On 2 week of disease
On 1 week of disease
Typhoid fever bleedings are accompanied with:
Body temperature decrease and pulse decrease
Body temperature increase and pulse increase
The temperature does not change
* Body temperature decrease and pulse increase
Body temperature increase and pulse decrease
?Virus causing hemorrhagic cystitis, diarrhea and conjunctivitis:
* Adenovirus
?Virus causing hemorrhagic cystitis, diarrhea and conjunctivitis:
* Adenovirus
What clinically active forms of cholera do you know?
* Very rapid acute for the children and elderly persons
“Choleric typhoid”, acute subclinical, for the children and elderly persons
Dry, very rapid, “choleric typhoid”, subclinical for the children and elderly persons
Very rapid “choleric typhoid”, acute, subclinical, for the children and elderly persons
Very rapid, dry, subclinical, for the children and elderly persons
What from is the given measures during the secondary rehydration?
Determining degree of dehydration from clinical data
Amount of lost liquid, which was preceded at the time of hospitalization
Application of isotonic crystalloid solutions
Simultaneous introduction of liquid in a few vessels
* Amount of liquid loss
What from the below mentioned preparations can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?
* Disalt
What from the below mentioned preparations, can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?
* Polyhybrid
What from the below mentioned preparations, can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?
* Cryoplasma
What is conduct specific passive immunnoprophylaxis of flu?
Living antenuated vaccine
Inactive parenteral vaccine
* By an immunoprotein
Antibiotics of wide spectrum of action|
What is conduct specific passive immunnoprophylaxis of flu?
Living antenuated vaccine
Inactive parenteral vaccine
* By an immunoprotein
Antibiotics of wide spectrum of action|
What laboratory and instrumental examinations are needed for confirming the diagnosis of flu?
Complete analysis of blood
-ray of organs of thoraxic cavity
Analysis sputum|
* Determination of viruses by the method of immunofluorescence
Biochemical blood test
What laboratory and instrumental examinations are needed for confirming the diagnosis of flu?
Complete analysis of blood
-ray of organs of thoraxic cavity
Analysis sputum|
* Determination of viruses by the method of immunofluorescence
Biochemical blood test
What level is necessary to reduce the temperature of patient’s body with hyperthermia?
39 °C
* 38 °C
37,5 °C
37 °C
38,5 °C
What level is necessary to reduce the temperature of patient’s body with hyperthermia?
39 °C
* 38 °C
37,5 °C
37 °C
38,5 °C
What solutions must be applied for compensatory rehydration in cholera?
Hypertensive epitonic polyionic crystalloid
* Isotonic polyionic crystalloid
Isotonic solution of glucose
What time is it necessary to complete primary rehydration at dehydration shock?
3-5 hrs
0.5 hrs
2-3 hrs
* 1-1.5 hrs
4-6 hrs
What type of a diarrhoeia is typical for a salmonellosis?
* Secretory
Which from the below is a complication of cholera?
Infectious-toxic shock
Acute renal insufficiency
* Dehydration shock
Status typhosis
Which salt solutions do not contain potassium?
* Disalt
Who must be admitted in the hospital from the focus of cholera?
Patients with cholera
* Persons with disfunction of intestine
Contact persons
Persons with high temperature
With the purpose of specific prophylaxis of cholera is used:
* Cholerogen-toxoid
What is the entrance gate at infectious mononucleosis?
Mucus of colon
Mucus of digestive highway
Epithelial mews of skin
Peyer‘s plate and follicles
* Mucus of nazo-pharig
A boy 6 years was in the close touch with a patient with diphtheria. What treatment-prophylactic measures need to be conducted, if vaccine anamnesis is unknown?
Introduction of AWDT vaccine
Antibacterial therapy
Introduction of ADT-м to the toxoid
* Antibacterial therapy and double introduction of ADT toxoid
Antibacterial therapy and introduction of immunoprotein
A child 2 years carries a diphtherial croup. There was the stop of breathing on 2nd days of whey therapy. What was the reason of asphyxia?
* Mechanical obturation by tapes
A diagnosis is “diphtheria of otopharynx” put to the 3-years-old child (not instiled through the refusal of parents). Family lives in a 3-room apartment, a mother does not work, a father is the director of factory. Specify the method of isolation of child.
* Obligatory hospitalization
Hospitalization after clinical testimonies
Hospitalization after epidemiologys testimonies
Isolation in home terms
Does not need isolation
A new born child on 10th day of life became worse: Temperature 39.2 °C, no frequent vomiting, generalized cramps, violations of consciousness, spastic paresis of left extremities. Month prior to his birth herpes virus was present in the mother, which she did not treat. What disease is most possible?
* Herpetic encephalitis
Meningococcal meningitis
Subarechnoid hemorrhage
Cerebral abscess
Violation of blood cerebral circulation
A patient came with complaints of sickly erosions on his penis. From anamnesis frequent appearance of similar rashes is found out during a year. Objectively: on a balanus are the grouped blisters and erosions, soft on palpation. What is your diagnose?
* Recurrent herpes of ІІ type
Vulvar pemphigus
Primary syphyllis
Shankoform pyoderma
Recurrent herpes of ІІІ type
?A patient has herpetic meningitis. What preparation of specific therapy for viral neuro infection should be given?
* Acyclovir
A patient has herpetic meningitis. What preparation of specific therapy for viral neuro infection should be given?
* Acyclovir
A patient has herpetic meningitis. What preparation for specific therapy of viral neiroinfection would you appoint?
* Acyclovir
A pregnant woman, 27 years (pregnancy ІІ, 8-10 weeks.), temperature of body increased. At the inspection on a TORCH-infection antibodies are found to the herpes virus, ІІ types of class IGM. What we must recommend to pregnant women?
* To cut pregnancy
To prolong the supervision
Treatment with acyclovir
Symptomatic treatment
Appoint of alpha-fetoprotein
A sick 3 years old child came to the doctor with symptoms of the fever, languor, waiver of meal. A boy is capricious, temperature of body 37.9 °C. On the mucus shell of soft palate, cheeks are single vesicle hypersalivation. What is the diagnosis?
* Herpetic stomatitis
Candidosis of oral cavity
Follicular tonsillitis
Lacunar tonsillitis
After the disease which was accompanied by the fever and pharyngalgias, there were an odynophagia, dysarthria, weakness and violation of motions in hands and feet, hyporeflexia, violation of sensitiveness in extremities to the polyneurotic type. What disease does it follow to think about above all things?
Neuropathy of hypoglossus
* Diphtherial polyneuropathy
Neuropathy of glossopharyngeus nerve
Trunk encephalitis
Pseudobulbar syndrome
At a child 4 years on the third day of disease the widespread form of diphtheria of nasopharynx is diagnosed. Preparation of specific therapy:
Macrolids per os
Penicillin i/m
* Antidiphterial serum i/v
Antitoxic therapy
At a child 6 years with a diphtherial widespread croup the first dose of antidiphterial serum makes:
* 40 AО
15 AО
20 AО
80 AО
60 AО
At a girl, 22 years old, severy form of diphtheria of otopharynx have happened. Specific treatment begun only on a 5th day from the beginning of disease. What complication of diphtheria is potentially dangerous?
Stenotic laryngotracheitis
* Infectious-toxic shock
At a patient the dense darkly-grey raid covers tonsills is considerably megascopic and spreads for their scopes. Mucus shell bloodshot accented cyanochroic, was considerably swollen. Immediate medical measure:
* Antidiphterial whey
Punction of peritonsillar space
Section of peritonsillar space
Microscopic research of stroke from under tape
Bacteriologic examination of stroke from under pallatum
At a patient the dense darkly-grey raid covers tonsills is considerably megascopic and spreads for their scopes. Mucus shell bloodshot accented cyanochroic, was considerably swollen. Immediate medical measure:
* Antidiphterial serum
Punction of peritonsillar space
Section of peritonsillar space
Microscopic research of stroke from under tape
Bacteriologic examination of stroke from under pallatum
At a patient the dense darkly-grey raid covers tonsils is considerably megascopic and spreads for their scopes. Mucus shell bloodshot accented cyanochroic, was considerably swollen. Immediate medical measure:
Ultraviolet irradiation of throat
Punction of peritonsillar space
Section of peritonsillar space
* Introduction of antidiphterial serum
Compress on a neck
At a patient which carried diphtheria with an incessant pharyngalgia, disartria, weakness and loss of motions; hyperreflexia, decline of sensitiveness on a polyneuritis type developed. Put a diagnose.
Hemorrhage in a brain
Viral encephalitis
* Diphtheria polyneuropathy
Psevdobulbar syndrome
Bulbar form of lateral Amiotrophic sclerosis
At a patient, 17 years: angina. Temperature 38,2 °C, generilised lymphadenopathy (the first multiplied neck lymphatic knots which are located along m. sternocleidomastoideus), small icterus, hepatospleenomegaly. Previous diagnosis?
Tuberculosis of lymphatic knots
Bacterial quinsy
* Infectious mononucleosis
At how many percents of grown man does present antibodies to the virus of simple herpes?
10-20 %
20-30 %
40-60 %
* 80-90 %
60-70 %
At junior nurse, who works in child’s infectious department, herpes simplex was found. What should manager of department must do?
* Create a quarantine in the department
At junior nurse, who works in child’s infectious department, herpes simplex was found. What should manager of department must do?
* Create a quarantine in the department
To appoint an immunoprotein to the children
Discharge all children from the department
To appoint immunomodulators with a prophylactic purpose
To inspect a junior nurse on a staphylococcus
At maintenance of call on a house a district pediatrician put to the sick 5 years old child diagnosis “Acute lacunar tonsillitis”. Specify, who must carry out the laboratory inspection of patient and in what terms.
Worker of SES upon receipt report
A district medical sister is at once after determination of diagnosis
Doctor pediatrician in 5 hours
* Doctor pediatrician at once after determination of diagnosis
District medical sister on a next day
At sick L, 35 years old, a diagnosis is set is diphtheria of pharynx, noncommunicative form. What first dose of antitoxic antidiphtheria whey is it necessary to appoint?
120 thousand of AО
80 thousand of AО
* 30 thousand of AО
50 thousand of AО
150 thousand of AО
Before revaccination from diphtheria of adult persons, they are recommended:
* To explore an immune type
To use antibiotics
To use antihistamines
5 years after last revaccination
10 years after last revaccination
Before revaccination from diphtheria of adult persons, they are recommended:
* To explore an immune type
To use antibiotics
To use antihistamines
5 years after last revaccination
10 years after last revaccination
Complication of diphtheria of larynx:
Paresis of auditory nerve
* Croup
Complications of 4-5th week of diphtheria:
Bulbar disorders, pancreatitis, hepatitis
* Poliomyelitis, myocarditis
Stenotic laryngotracheitis
Complications which often develop on the first week of diphtheria of otopharynx:
Insufficiency of glandulars
* Paresis of soft palate
Corynebacterium diphtheria:
Contain endotoxin only
* Exotoxin products
Exotoxin does not product
An enterotoxin products
Myelotoxin products
Diphtheria planned vaccination begin in:
In first days after birth of child
* In 3 month age
In 6-month age
In 1 year
In 6 years
Diphtheria planned vaccination begin in:
In first days after birth of child
* In 3 month age
In 6-month age
In 1 year
In 6 years
Early complications of diphtheria of otopharynx:
* Paresis of soft palate
Especially high title of ant diptherial antitoxic antibodies testifies to:
Acute period of diphtheria
* Bacteriocarriering
Forming of immunity to diphtheria
About nothing does not testify
Especially high titre of ant diptherial antitoxic antibodies testifies to:
Acute period of diphtheria
* Bacteriocarriering
Forming of immunity to diphtheria
About nothing does not testify
For what disease are characterize changes in blood (presence of atypical mononucleares)?
* Kissing disease
For what disease characterize changes in a blood (presence of lymphomonocytes and a typical mononuclears)?
* Infectious mononucleosis
For what disease characterize changes in a blood (presence of lymphomonocytes and a typical mononuclears)?
* Infectious mononucleosis
How mach are exist subfamilies of herpes-viruses?
* 3
How mach types of herpes-viruses do you know?
* 8
In an epidemic cell rationally to organize verification of the state of immunity. The Use of RUHA allows to find out persons unimmune to diphtheria during a few hours. What minimum protective titre?
* 1:40
In preschool is case of disease on diphtheria. What prophylactic measures must be conducted above all things?
Urgent hospitalization
Urgent vaccination
* Quarantines measures
Urgent by chemical prophylactic antibiotics
Introduction of antidiphterial whey
In preschool the registered case of diphtheria. What from the measures adopted below does not conduct to the contact children?
* Introduction of antidiphterial whey
Non-permanent is stroke from a pharynx and nose for the bacteriologic examination
Daily is supervision during 7 days
Determination of titres of specific antibodies
At the repeated cases of disease is extraordinary revaccination diphtheria
In what age are infected by primary herpes more frequent?
55-65 years
5-10 years
12-18 years
to 6 months
* 6 months – 5 years
Is a vaccination conducted at a kissing disease?
Ribosom vaccine
Alive vaccine
Dead vaccine
Chemical vaccine
* On the stage of
Name the most reliable of kissing disease?
* Became healthy
Chronic form
Hematological violations
Changes in the nervous system
Patient C., 60 years old during one year has 4th relapse of Herpes zoster. Recommended treatment and relapses prophylaxis?
* Valcyclovir
Patient, 24 years old, with diagnosis dyphtheria was admitted to the infectious disease department. What remedy is most effective for treatment and should be used immediately?
* Antitoxic antidyphtherial serum
Antipyretic drugs
Patient, 35 years was hospitalized with diagnosis localized diphtheria of pharynx. What is the first dose of antitoxic antidyphtherial serum?
* 30 000 AU
50 000 AU
80 000 AU
120 000 AU
150 000 AU
Rules hospitalizations of patients with a kissing disease?
* In a room for the patients with infections of respiratory tracts
Patients are not hospitalized
In a separate chamber
In a chamber for the patients with infections of external covers
In a chamber for the patients with intestinal infections
Specify the correct method of introduction of whey after the method of Bezredko:
1,0 ml of divorced 1:100 hypodermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of undivorced hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
0,1 ml of divorced 1:1 000 endermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of divorced 1:10 hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
0,1 ml of undivorced endermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
* 0,1 ml of divorced 1:100 endermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of undivorced hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
1,0 ml of divorced 1:10 hypodermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of undivorced hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
Specify the correct method of serum introduction after the Bezredko method:
1,0 ml of divorced 1:100 hypodermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of undivorced hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
* 0,1 ml of divorced 1:1 000 endermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of divorced 1:10 hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
0,1 ml of undivorced endermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
0,1 ml of divorced 1:100 endermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of undivorced hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
1,0 ml of divorced 1:10 hypodermic – through 30 min. 0,1 ml of undivorced hypodermic – through 30 min. all dose of intramuscle
The duration of latent period at a kissing disease are?
* 25-50 days
3-6 days
1-4 weeks
From a few hours to 3 days
From a few days to 1-2 months
The exciter of diphtheria is:
Virus of Epshtein-Barr
* Bacillaof Leffler
Corynebacteria ulcerans
Fusiform stick
Corynebacteria xerosis
The otolaryngologist during the review of patient marked hyperemia, considerable edema of tonsills with the grey raid on them. During the microscopy of raid it was found out sticks located under a corner to each other. What disease does it follow to think about?
Scarlet fever
Aerosol of saliva and epipharyngeal mucous of patients
The source of infection at diphtheria is:
* Sick people and carriers
Sick agricultural animals
Aerosol of saliva and epipharyngeal mucous of patients
The source of infection at infectious mononucleosis is:
* Sick people and carriers
Sick agricultural animals
Aerosol of saliva and epipharyngeal mucous of patients
What additional inspections must be conducted to the patient with infectious mononucleosis?
* IFA on HIV-infection, bacteriology inspection on diphtheria
IFA on HIV-infection, bacteriology inspection on a rabbit-fever
Bacteriology inspection on diphtheria and typhoid
Reaction of Burne and Rihth-Heddlson
Reaction of Paul-Bunnel and punction of lymphatic knot
What additional inspections must be conducted to the patient with a kissing disease?
Reaction of Burne and Rayt
ELISA test on AID, bacteriological examination on a rabbit-fever.
Bacteriological examination on diphtheria and typhoid
* ELISA test on AID, bacteriological examination on diphtheria
Reaction of Paul-Bunnel and punction of lymphatic no
What additional test should hold for the patient with infectious mononucleosis?
Burne and Wright-Hadlson‘s reactions
ELISA-test, bacteriological test for tularemia
Bacteriological test for diphtheria and typhoid fever
* ELISA-test, bacteriological test for diphtheria
Paul-Burne reaction and lymph node puncture
What are the possible ways of transmission of herpes-viruses?
* Contact, air, sexual, vertical
Contact, sexual, vertical
Contact, air, vertical
Contact, air, sexual
Air, sexual, vertical
?What are the rules of hospitalization of patients with infectious mononucleosis?
Patients are not hospitalized
In a chamber for the infections of respiratory tracts
* In a separate chamber
In a chamber for the infections of external covers
In a chamber for intestinal infections
What characteristic signs of raid at diphtheria?
One-sided, grey-white, on-the-spot crateriform ulcers
* grey-white, dense with clear edges and brilliant surface
Yellow-white, fragile, perilacunar is located
One-sided, yellow-white, in lacunas
White, fragile, is easily taken off by a spatula
What complication has developed in patient with diphtheria of mouth pellicle severe form was diagnosed. On the 6th day of disease when pain in the heart region, palpitation were appeared. Pulse – 120 per 1 min, systolic noise on apex of heart. On ECG is incomplete blockade of left leg of Giss bunch?
* Early infectious-toxic myocarditis
Myocardial dystrophy
Heart attack of myocardium
Acute cardio-vessel insufficiency
Stenosis of mitral valve
What complications do happen at a kissing disease?
Autoimmune diseases
* Break of spleens
What complications more often develops during 4-5th week of diphtheria:
Bulbar disorders, pancreatitis, hepatitis
* Poliomyelitis, myocarditis
Stenotic laryngotracheitis
What complications more often develops during the first week of diphtheria of otopharynx:
* Paresis of soft palate
What disease can the acute second tonsillitis be at?
* Typhoid
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 1th type?
Genital herpes
* L herpes
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
Sarcoma of Kaposi
Cytomegalovirus infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 2 type?
* Genital herpes
L herpes
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
Sarcoma of Kaposi
Cytomegalovirus infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 3 type?
Genital herpes
L herpes
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
* Herpes zoster
Cytomegalovirus infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 3 type?
Genital herpes
L herpes
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
* Chicken pox
Cytomegalovirus infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 4 type?
Genital herpes
L herpes
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
Chicken pox
* Cytomegalovirus infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 5 type?
Genital herpes
* Eczema of new-born
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
Sarcoma of Kaposi
Epshtein-Barr‘s infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 6 type?
Genital herpes
* Eczema of new-born
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
Sarcoma of Kaposi
Epshtein-Barr‘s infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 7 type?
Genital herpes
Eczema of new-born
* Syndrome of chronic fatigue
Sarcoma of Kaposi
Epshtein-Barr‘s infection
What disease is by the herpes-virus of 8 type?
Genital herpes
Eczema of new-born
Syndrome of chronic fatigue
* Sarcoma of Kaposi
Epshtein-Barr‘s infection
What family does the exciter of kissing disease belong to?
* Family of herpes virus
Family of pox virus
Family of retro virus
Family of reo virus
Family of toga virus
What from the following symptoms are not characteristic of infectious mononucleosis?
* Defeat of kidneys
Increasing of liver and spleen
What from the following symptoms are not characteristic of infectious mononucleosis?
* Defeat of kidneys
Increasing of liver and spleen
What group of infections does infectious mononucleosis behave to?
* Antroponoz
What group of infectious diseases by L. Gromashevsky classification diphtheria belong to?
External covers
* Respiratory ways
What group of infectious diseases diphtheria belong to?
* Anthroponosis
A group is not certain
What group of infectious diseases infectious mononucleosis belong to?
* Anthroponosis
A group is not certain
What is characteristic signs of raid at diphtheria?
One-sided, grey-white, on-the-spot crateriform ulcers
* Grey-white, dense with clear edges and brilliant surface
Yellow-white, fragile, perilacunar is located
One-sided, yellow-white, in lacunas
White, fragile, is easily taken off by a spatula
What is early complications of diphtheria of otopharynx:
* Paresis of soft palate
What is immediately investigation in suspicious of diphtheria:
Strokes with tonsills, nose or other areas for the exposure of diphtherial stick
* Microscopy (painting for Neiser)
RDHA with a diphtherial diagnosticum
What is main complication of diphtheria of larynx:
Paresis of auditory nerve
* Croup
What is material for the bacteriologic examination in time to suspicion on diphtheria?
* Mucus from the area of defeat
What is mechanism of transmission of Corynebacterium diphtheria?
A 24 y/o man .was seen by a doctor on the 2d day of illness with complaints about a fever up-to 38,1 °C, painful swallowing, malaise. On the skin of trunk and extremities, especially in natural folds, point rash on hyperemic background was faund. The nasolabial triangle was white with no rash. Enantema on a soft palate, and purulent exudates on tonsils were observed. A few enlarged and painful submandibular lymph nodes were palpated. What is the most probable diagnosis?
* Scarlet fever
Enteroviral infection
A 24.y/o man was seen by a doctor on the 2d day of illness with complaints about subfebrile temperature, and insignificant catarrhal phenomena. On the skin of trunk and extremities spotted-papular elements of rash without a tendency to congregate was observed. The mucous membrane of oro-pharinx was not changed. A few enlarged and painful cervical lymph nodes were found. What is the diagnosis?
Scarlet fever
* Rubella
Enteroviral infection
A 24.y/o patient was seen by a doctor on the 2d day of illness with complaints about a fever up-to 38 °C, headache, and malaise. On the skin of hairy part of head, runk and extremities vesicular rash with red hallow was found. Also some vesicular elements were found on the mucous membrane of pharynx. Lymph nodes were not palpable. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Scarlet fever
* Chicken-pox
Herpetic infection
A 4 years old child complains about: cough, temperature of body 38,1 °C. Skin without rashes. Conjunctiva hyperemic. Exanthema on skin. On mucous of cheeks there are points of hyperemia gum blushs. In lungs difficult breathing. What is the most possible diagnosis?
Scarlet fever
* Measles
Enteroviral infection
A child 10 years old presents with temperature 38 °C, renitis, conjunctivitis, moist cough. On the mucous membrane of cheeks, lips, gums there are greyish-white points, reminding a farina. What is the diagnosis?
* Measles
Adenoviral infection
Enteroviral infection
Infectious mononucleosis
A normal indices of impalpable fluid losses of the adult person with 70 kg body weight is:
* 1000 ml per a day
500 ml per a day
700 ml per a day
1500 ml per a day
2000 ml per a day
?A pathological state which develops owing to catastrophic reduction of a circulating fluid volume and electrolytes loss is:
An infectious-toxic shock
An anaphylactic shock
* A dehydrationous shock
A hemorrhagic shock
All right
A patient is sick with meningococcal meningitis. He take a massive dose of penicillin. 4 days temperature of body 36,6-36,8 °C. Meningeal signs are negative. When is it possible to stop the antibiotic therapy.
* At a cytosis in a CSF 100 and less, lymphocytes prevail
After 10 days from the beginning antibiotic therapy
After 7 days from the beginning antibiotic therapy
At a cytosis 100 and less, neutrophil prevail
From 6 days from the beginning antibiotic
A patient with meningococcal meningitis gets penicillin during 7 days. The temperature of body is normal 4 days. Meningeal signs are negative. When is it possible to stop the antibiotic therapy.
In default of leucocytosis displacement in blood
* At a cytosis in a neurolymph 100 and less, lymphocyte prevail
At a cytosis in a neurolymph 100 and less, neutrophil prevail
At a cytosis in a neurolymph 150, lymphocyte prevail
At once immediately
A patient with meningococcal meningitis gets penicillin during 7 days. Last 4 days temperature of body is normal. Meningeal signs are absent. When is it possible to abolish an antibiotic?
* At cytosis in liquor 100 and less, lymphocytes prevails
At absence of leukocytosis and stab-nucleus shift in a blood
At cytosis in liquor 100 and more less, neutrophils prevails
At cytosis in liquor 150, lymphocytes prevails
At once
A patient’s temperature is 40 °C. There are olso deep and unproductive cough, photophobia, face puffiness whitish points on the mucous membrane of cheeks opposite molar teeth. What is the most possible diagnosis?
* Measles
Enteroviral infection
Staphylococcus sepsis
All are the clinical signs of measles except:
Acute beginning of high fever
* Icterus
Maculo-papular rash
Sequential appearance of rash
All are the clinical signs of measles EXEPT:
Acute beginning of high fever
* Icterus
Maculo-papular rash
Sequential appearance of rash
All are the clinical signs of measles EXEPT:
Acute beginning of high fever
* Icterus
Maculo-papular rash
Sequential appearance of rash
Among the students of school 2 cases of generalized form of meningococcal infection are registered. What preparation does it follow to enter to the contact persons with the purpose of urgent prophylaxis?
Normal immune globulin
Leukocytic interferon
* Meningococcal vaccine
Meningococcal anatoxin
And. 5 days after the isolation of the last patient
11 days
21 day
10 days
No need for quarantine
* 5 days after isolation of the last child
And. 5 days after the isolation of the last patient
11 days
21 day
10 days
No need for quarantine
* 5 days after isolation of the last child
Can the symptoms of an acute appendicitis be the complications of typhoid fever:
* Yes
Not always
May be
Compensated dehydrationous shock develops:
Rise level of toxins
At a decrease of the systolic blood pressure
At a hyperthermia
At hypohemoglobinemia
* Because of the haemodynamics changes absence in peace
Enterorrhagia feces:
* Melena
Does not change
With mucous
With billirubin
Etiology agent of meningitis is:
* Neisseria meningitides
Entamoeba histolytica
Vibro cholerae
Clostridium botulinum
Campylobacter pylori
?Etiology agent of meningitis is:
* Neisseria meningitides
Entamoeba histolytica
Vibrio cholerae
Clostridium botulinum
Campylobacter pylori
For how long a patient with complicated form of measles should be isolated:
For 4 days from the beginning of rash
For 7 days from the beginning of rash
* For 10 days from the beginning of rash
For 17 days from the beginning
For 20 days from the beginning of illness
For how long a patient with complicated form of measles should be isolated:
For 4 days from the beginning of rash
For 7 days from the beginning of rash
* For 10 days from the beginning of rash
For 17 days from the beginning
For 20 days from the beginning of illness
For how long a patient with complicated form of measles should be isolated:
For 4 days from the beginning of rash
For 7 days from the beginning of rash
* For 10 days from the beginning of rash
For 17 days from the beginning
For 20 days from the beginning of illness
For the treatment of acidosis at meningococcal meningitis is better to use.
10-20 % glucose solution
10 % chloride solution
* 4 % sodium bicarbonate solution
Concentrated dry plasma
For the treatment of acidosis at meningococcal meningitis is better to use.
10-20 % glucose solution
10 % chloride solution
* 4 % sodium bicarbonate solution
Concentrated dry plasma
How is it possible to specify the diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis.
Meningitis is primary
Presence of a lot of cells in the CSF
Presence of gram-negative diplococcus in CSF
Meningococes from the throat
* All the above
How is it possible to specify the diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis.
Meningitis is primary
Presence of a lot of cells in the CSF
Presence of gram-negative diplococcus in CSF
Meningococes from the throat
* All the above
In patients with intensive head acke, nausea, pain in a neck and lumbar area, expressed meningeal symptoms; light, tactile, pain hyperesthesia what method of inspection is most informing?
* Lumbar puncture
Computer tomography
Transcranial dopplerography
In the blood analysis at an enterorrhagia:
Leukocytosis and hyperhemoglobinemia
* Coagulation failure
In the kindergarden a child had a meningococcal infection. She was immediately hospitalized. After clinical convalescence in child sowed meningococcus. To which category can the carrier (child) of pathogen belongs?
Convalescent, chronic
* Convalescent, acute
Immune in vaccinated
Immune in those, that had infection
In what daily interval should the dose of benzylpenicillin at meningococcal meningitis administered.
2 hrs
* 4 hrs
6 hrs
5 hrs
8 hrs
In what daily interval should the dose of benzylpenicillin at meningococcal meningitis administered.
2 hrs
* 4 hrs
6 hrs
5 hrs
8 hrs
In what dose should| benzyl penicillin be administered at meningococcal meningitis?
From a calculation 100-300 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
* From a calculation 200-500 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
From a calculation 500-700 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
From a calculation 700-900 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
Regardless of mass of body
In what dose should| benzyl penicillin be administered at meningococcal meningitis?
From a calculation 100-300 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
* From a calculation 200-500 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
From a calculation 500-700 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
From a calculation 700-900 thousands unit on 1 kg of mass of body on days
Regardless of mass of body
Measures of urgent prophylaxis for unvaccinated children who have never been ill with measles in case of exposure to an ill with measles
Separation from the source
Measures of urgent prophylaxis for unvaccinated children who have never been ill with measles in case of exposure to an ill with measles:
Separation from the source
* Vaccination
Administration of antibiotics
Does not exist
Measures of urgent prophylaxis for unvaccinated children who have never been ill with measles in case of exposure to an ill with measles
Separation from the source
* Vaccination
Administration of antibiotics
Does not exist
Measures of urgent prophylaxis of measles for contacts which have never been ill, but were vaccinated against measles
Separation from the source
Use of antibiotics
Use of immunoglobulin
* No need to conduct
Measures of urgent prophylaxis of measles for contacts which have never been ill, but were vaccinated against measles
Separation from the source
Use of antibiotics
Use of immunoglobulin
* No need to conduct
Measures of urgent prophylaxis of measles for people who had been ill with measles, but never have been vaccinated
Separation from the ill
Use of immunoglobulin
Use of antibiotics
No need to conduct
Measures of urgent prophylaxis of measles for people who had been ill with measles, but never have been vaccinated:
Separation from the ill
Use of immunoglobulin
Use of antibiotics
* No need to conduct
Measures of urgent prophylaxis of measles for people who had been ill with measles, but never have been vaccinated
Separation from the ill
Use of immunoglobulin
Use of antibiotics
No need to conduct
Meningococemia and DIC-syndrome require above all things.
dministration of diuretics
Administration of analgesic
* Administration of heparin
Administration of vitamins
Administration of antihistaminic preparations
Meningococсemia and DIC-syndrome require above all things.
Administration of diuretics
Administration of analgesic
* Administration of heparin
Administration of vitamins
Administration of antihistaminic preparations
Methods of specific prophylaxis of scarlet fever:
Isolation of ill
Use of antibiotics
Does not exist
Methods of specific prophylaxis of scarlet fever:
Isolation of ill
Use of antibiotics
* Does not exist
Methods of specific prophylaxis of scarlet fever:
Isolation of ill
Use of antibiotics
Does not exist
More often the dehydrationous shock develops at:
* Acute intestinal diseases
Respiratory diseases
Blood infections
Diseases of investments
Diseases of never system
Normal potassium concentration in blood plasma:
1,5-2,0 mmol/l
2,0 mmol/l
2,5 mmol/l
* 3,5-5,5 mmol/l
4,5 mmol/l
Normal sodium concentration in blood plasma:
* 135-150 mmol/l
125 mmol/l
170 mmol/l
110 mmol/l
90 mmol/l
Patient ?. 27 years old, was admited on the 4th day of illness with the diagnosis of viral URTI, and allergic dermatitis”. The patient felt ill suddenly with increase of temperature up-to 38 °C, headache, sore throat, and intensive cough. On the 3d day rash appeared on the skin of neck and face. Patient was taking aspirin in order to decrease the temperature. Objectively: temperature of body 38,8 °C. The face of patient looks puffy. Signs of conjunctivitis, and renitis were observed. On the skin of neck face and chest there was intensive papular rash, without itch. Mucous membrane of oropharynx was brightly hyperemic. Submandibular and frontal neck lymph nodes were enlarged. The liver and spleen were not palpable. What is the diagnosis?
* Measles
Allergic dermatitis
Infectious mononucleosis
Scarlet fever
Patient A 24y/o. Appealed on the 5th day of illness with complaints about cough, malaise, fever up-to 38,1 °C. On face and behind the ears maculo-papular rash, appeared a day ago, and other areas of skin are without rash. Conjunctiva is hyperemic. Enantema on a soft palate, on the mucous membrane of cheeks are whitish points with the halo of hyperemia. There is the hard breathing in the lungs. Most credible diagnosis is
Scarlet fever
German measles
* Measles
Enteroviral infection
?Sick C., 8 years, appealed to the infectious hospital on the second day of disease with complaints about a pharyngalgia at swallowing, increase of temperature. Objectively: temperature 38,6 °C, sharp hyperemia of soft palate, tonsills, filling out, loose, on both there are festering stratifications which are taken off by a spatula. Megascopic sickly submandibular lymphonoduses are palpated. Pulse – 114 per a min. Present roseol-papular pouring out on all body. Pastia‘s symptom is positive. It is known from epidemogical anamnesis, that its comrade had alike symptoms. It is not found out the change from the side of other organs. What previous diagnosis can be suspected?
Lacunar quinsy
Diphtheria of pharynx
* Scarlet fever
Infectious mononucleosis
Sick C., 8 years, appealed to the infectious hospital on the second day of disease with complaints about a pharyngalgia at swallowing, increase of temperature. Objectively: temperature of body – 38,6 °C, sharp hyperemia of soft palate, tonsills, filling out, loose, on both there are festering stratifications which are taken off by a spatula. Palpated megascopic, sickly submandibular lymphonoduses. Pulse – 114 shots per min. Present roseol-papular pouring out on all body. Pastia symptom is positive. It is known from epid anamnesis, that at its comrade were alike symptomes. It is not found out the change from the side of other organs. What previous diagnosis can be suspected?
lacunar quinsy
Diphtheria of pharynx
Infectious mononucleosis
* Scarlet fever
Source of meningitis is:
Pediculus humanus
* People
Source of meningitis is:
Pediculus humanus
* People
Term of contagious period of patient diagnosed with uncomplicated form of measles
Until clinical recovery
After rash starts disappearing
Before appearance of rash
* 4 days from the beginning of rash
10 days from the beginning of illness
Term of contagious period of patient diagnosed with uncomplicated form of measles
Until clinical recovery
After rash starts disappearing
Before appearance of rash
* 4 days from the beginning of rash
10 days from the beginning of illness
Term of contagious period of patient diagnosed with uncomplicated form of measles
Until clinical recovery
After rash starts disappearing
Before appearance of rash
* 4 days from the beginning of rash
10 days from the beginning of illness
The bowel perforation of the typhoid fever can appear:
On 1-5 weeks of disease
On 1 week of disease
On 2 week of disease
* On 3 week of disease
On 5 week of disease
The bowel perforation of the typhoid fever is accompanied by the onset of:
* Protective muscle tension of a stomach
Absence of respiratory excursion of a abdominal wall
Pains in a stomach
Disappearances of hepatic dullness of percussion
All answers are right
The collapse, a severe intoxication of a typhoid fever develops:
* On 1-2 week of disease
On 3 week of disease
On 4 week of disease
On 4-5 week of disease
On 5-6 week of disease
The diarrheic syndrome and vomiting are the reason:
An infectious-toxic shock
An anaphylactic shock
* A dehydrationous shock
A hemorrhagic shock
All right
The hypovolemic shock develops owing to fluid loss at:
A long-term fever
A bleeding (a hemorrhagic shock)
Vomiting and diarrheas
All answers are not true
* All answers are true
The hypovolemic shock is:
І degree of dehydration
ІІ degree of dehydration
ІІІ degree of dehydration
* ІV degree of dehydration
V degree of dehydration
The peritonitis of the typhoid is accompanied by the onset of:
Stefanskyy's symptom
Mayo-Robson's symptom
Voskresensky symptom
Krymov's symptom
* Guarding symptom
The subcompensated dehydrationous shock develops at:
A diastolic and systolic blood pressure boost
* A decrease of the systolic blood pressure
A diastolic blood pressure decrease
A diastolic blood pressure boost
A systolic blood pressure boost
The typhoid fever enterorrhagia is characterised with:
A normal pulse
A bradycardia
* A tachycardia
An alternating pulse
An asystole
Typhoid fever bleedings appears:
On 5-6 week of disease
* On 3-4 week of disease
On 1-2 week of disease
On 2 week of disease
On 1 week of disease
Typhoid fever bleedings are accompanied with:
Body temperature decrease and pulse decrease
Body temperature increase and pulse increase
The temperature does not change
* Body temperature decrease and pulse increase
Body temperature increase and pulse decrease
What antibiotics preparations of choice of etiotropic therapy at a meningococcal infection.
* Benzylpenicillin and it derivatives
What antibiotics preparations of choice of etiotropic therapy at a meningococcal infection.
* Benzylpenicillin and it derivatives
What are the anti epidemic measures in regards to people who were in contact with chicken-pox patient:
* Separation and limit of contacts with others
Use of antibiotics
Does not exist
What are the anti epidemic measures in regards to people who were in contact with chicken-pox patient:
* Separation and limit of contacts with others
Use of antibiotics
Does not exist
What are the anti epidemic measures in regards to people who were in contact with chicken-pox patient:
* Separation and limit of contacts with others
Use of antibiotics
Does not exist
What are the rules at taking of smear material on the discovery of meningococal infection?
The taken away material at drawing out must not touch only mucus shell of cheeks and tongue
The taken away material at drawing out must not touch only teeth and tongue
The taken away material at drawing out must not touch only teeth, mucus shell of cheeks
* The taken away material at drawing out must not touch teeth, mucus shell of cheeks and tongue
The taken away material at drawing out can touch teeth, mucus shell of cheeks and tongue
What are the rules at taking of smear material on the discovery of meningococal infection?
The taken away material at drawing out must not touch only mucus shell of cheeks and tongue
The taken away material at drawing out must not touch only teeth and tongue
The taken away material at drawing out must not touch only teeth, mucus shell of cheeks
* The taken away material at drawing out must not touch teeth, mucus shell of cheeks and tongue
The taken away material at drawing out can touch teeth, mucus shell of cheeks and tongue
What clinical form of meningococcal infection more often may happened?
* Nasopharengitis
What group of infectious diseases measles belong to:
* Respiratory
External covers
What group of infectious diseases meningococcal infection belong to:
* Respiratory
External covers
What group of infectious diseases scarlet fever belong to:
* Respiratory
External covers
What is duration of contagious period for a patient with epidemic parotitis?
21 days
First week of illness
First 10 days from the beginning of disease
Whole period of clinical symptoms
* First 9 days of disease.
What is duration of contagious period for a patient with epidemic parotitis?
21 days
First week of illness
First 10 days from the beginning of disease
Whole period of clinical symptoms
* First 9 days of disease.
What is duration of contagious period for a patient with epidemic parotitis?
21 days
First week of illness
First 10 days from the beginning of disease
Whole period of clinical symptoms
* First 9 days of disease.
What is duration period of supervision after ill with scarlet fever?
* 7 days from time of contact
21 day
Till patient’s rash is present
Till patient is discharged from permanent establishment
Not conducted
What is duration period of supervision after ill with scarlet fever?
* 7 days from time of contact
21 day
Till patient’s rash is present
Till patient is discharged from permanent establishment
Not conducted
What is duration period of supervision after scarlet fever?
* 7 days from time of contact
21 days
Till patient’s rash is present
Till patient is discharged from permanent establishment
Not conducted
What is seasonal character of meningococcal infection?
* Winter-spring
What is seasonal character of meningococcal infection?
* Winter-spring
What is seasonal character of scarlet fever?
* Winter-spring
What is taken for serum research for confirmation of meningococcal infection?
* Blood
What is taken for serum research for confirmation of meningococcal infection?
* Blood
What is the duration of contagious period for a patient diagnosed with scarlet fever?
10 days from the beginning of illness
Until patient is discharged from the hospital
Until rash is present
* Till the 22d day from the beginning of illness
Not contagious
What is the duration of contagious period for a patient diagnosed with scarlet fever?
10 days from the beginning of illness
Until patient is discharged from the hospital
Until rash is present
* Till the 22nd day from the beginning of illness
Not contagious
What is the duration of contagious period for a patient diagnosed with scarlet fever?
10 days from the beginning of illness
Until patient is discharged from the hospital
Until rash is present
* Till the 22d day from the beginning of illness
Not contagious
What is the duration of quarantine in child's establishment in case of rubella?
11 days
* 21 day
10 days
No need for quarantine
5 days after isolation of the last child
What is the mechanism of transmission of measles?
* Air-drop
What is the mechanism of transmission of meningococcal infection?
* Air-drop
What is the mechanism of transmission of scarlet fever?
* Air-drop
What is used as specific prophylaxis in the period of epidemic spreading of meningococcal infection.
Immun globulin
* Vaccine
What is used as specific prophylaxis in the period of epidemic spreading of meningococcal infection.
Immune globulin
* Vaccine
What laboratory methods should be taken to discharge meningitis?
* Lumbar puncture
Serologic detection
Urine examination
Biopsy of tissues
What laboratory methods should be taken to discharge meningitis?
* Lumbar puncture
Serologic detection
Urine examination
Biopsy of tissues
What measures are conducted in the place of meningococcal infection?
Supervision during 2 weeks
* Bacteriological inspection of contact
What measures are conducted in the place of meningococcal infection?
Supervision during 2 weeks
* Bacteriological inspection of contact
What measures should be taken in regards to persons, who were in contact with a patient diagnosed with epidemic parotitis?
Observation after contact people during a maximal length of incubation period
Quorantin in child's establishment
Isolation of people who were in contact with ill from 11th to the 21t day of illness
Isolation of children up to 10 years old, who were not ill with epidemic parotitis, for 21 day from a moment of contact
* All above enumerated
What measures should be taken in regards to persons, who were in contact with a patient diagnosed with epidemic parotitis?
Observation after contact people during a maximal length of incubation period
Quorantine in child's establishment
Isolation of people who were in contact with ill from 11th to the 21th day of illness
Isolation of children up to 10 years old, who were not ill with epidemic parotitis, for 21 day from a moment of contact
* All above enumerated
What measures should be taken in regards to persons, who were in contact with a patient diagnosed with epidemic parotitis?
Observation after contact people during a maximal length of incubation period
Quorantin in child's establishment
Isolation of people who were in contact with ill from 11th to the 21t day of illness
Isolation of children up to 10 years old, who were not ill with epidemic parotitis, for 21 day from a moment of contact
* All above enumerated
What syndrome may appear in severe meningococcemia?
* Waterhause-Friedrichsen
What temperature terms is it needed for cultivation of meningococcal on artificial mediums?
23-40 °C
35-43 °C
* 35-37 °C
23-35 °C
37-39 °C
What temperature terms is it needed for cultivation of meningococcal on artificial mediums?
23-40 °C
35-43 °C
* 35-37 °C
23-35 °C
37-39 °C
What type of a diarrhoeia is typical for a salmonellosis?
* Secretory
When does the laboratory give the results of bacteriological examination of smear from throat?
On 2th days
On 3th days
* On 4th days
On 5th days
On 6th days
When does the laboratory give the results of bacteriological examination of smear from throat?
On 2th days
On 3th days
* On 4th days
On 5th days
On 6th days
When patient refered to the doctor with such complaints: prodromal respiratory illness, sore throat, fever, headache, stiff neck, vomiting, confusion, irritability what is previous diagnosis. What main methods can confirm the diagnosis?
Epidemic typhys. ELISA-test
Hemorrhagic fever. ELISA-test
Leptospirosis. Lumbar puncture.
Typhoid fever. ELISA-test
* Meningococcal infection. Lumbar puncture
Which preparation has a bacteriostatic action, and is more expedient to begin etiotropic therapy in the case of infectious toxic shock.
From benzylpenicillin and its derivatives
From rovamicin
From gentamycin
From ciprofloxacin
* From ceftriaxon
Which preparation has a bacteriostatic action, and is more expedient to begin etiotropic therapy in the case of infectious toxic shock.
From benzylpenicillin and its derivatives
From ciprofloxacin
From gentamycin
From acyclovir
* From chloramphenicol
Wich of these symptoms are often present in patients with meningitis?
Algor, high temperature, headache