WRITE about LAN and topology using the chart.
Star topology is a network topology in which each network component is physically connected to a central node such as a router, hub or switch. In a star topology, the central hub acts like a server and the connecting nodes act like clients.
Bus topology, also known as line topology, is a type of network topology in which all devices in the network are connected by one central RJ-45 network cable or coaxial cable. The single cable, where all data is transmitted between devices, is referred to as the bus, backbone, or trunk.
A ring topology is a network configuration where device connections create a circular data path. Each networked device is connected to two others, like points on a circle. Together, devices in a ring topology are referred to as a ring network.
A tree topology is a special type of structure where many connected elements are arranged like the branches of a tree. For example, tree topologies are frequently used to organize the computers in a corporate network, or the information in a database.
A What the Web is
The World Wide Web, Web or WWW is a network of documents that works in a hypertext environment, i.e. using text that contains links, hyperlinks to other documents.
The files, web pages, are stored in computers, which acts as servers. Your computer, the client, uses a web browser, a special program to access and download them. The web pages are organized in websites, groups of pages located on the Web, maintained by a webmaster, the manager of a website.
The Web enables you to post and access all sorts of interactive multimedia information and has become a real information highway.
B How to surf the Web
To surf or navigate the Web, access and retrieve web pages or websites, you need a computer with an Internet connection and a web browser. After you have launched it, you must type the website address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
A Internet nima
World Wide Web, Web yoki WWW - bu gipermatnli muhitda ishlaydigan hujjatlar tarmog'i, ya'ni boshqa hujjatlarga havolalar, giperhavolalarni o'z ichiga olgan matndan foydalanadi.
Fayllar, veb-sahifalar server vazifasini bajaradigan kompyuterlarda saqlanadi. Sizning kompyuteringiz, mijoz ularga kirish va yuklab olish uchun veb-brauzerdan, maxsus dasturdan foydalanadi. Veb-sahifalar veb-saytlarda, veb-saytda joylashgan sahifalar guruhlarida, veb-usta, veb-sayt menejeri tomonidan tashkil etilgan.
Internet har xil interaktiv multimedia ma'lumotlarini joylashtirish va ularga kirish imkonini beradi va haqiqiy axborot magistraliga aylandi.
B Internetda qanday kezish kerak
Internetda kezish yoki navigatsiya qilish, veb-sahifalar yoki veb-saytlarga kirish va ularni olish uchun sizga Internetga ulangan kompyuter va veb-brauzer kerak bo'ladi. Uni ishga tushirgandan so'ng veb-sayt manzilini yoki URL manzilini (Uniform Resource Locator) kiritishingiz kerak.
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