Intermediate assessment.
Task 1: Translate the text
Dalya Rahman specialises in setting up e-commerce systems. Here, she tells New Careers magazine about her job.
I work with B2B (business to-business) e-commerce systems as well as B2C (business-to-consumer) systems and integrate all the components: the user interface, the shopping basket and the payment system. The user interface is the part that shoppers see on their screens. For this, I work closely with designers to make it look good; it’s important that customers enjoy using it.
When customers see an item that they want to buy, they put it in their shopping basket. To set this up, I usually integrate standard software packages with the companys website. This software uses small files that the browser puts on the users computer, called cookies, to track the items in the basket. This stage isn’t too difficult mostly I just match up the code with the clients website.
The next step is the payment processing system. This takes the customers information delivery address, credit card number, etc. It processes the payment and outputs the details so that the company can send out the order. This component is more complicated: I have to integrate it into several different systems, including the companys accounting system.
Fortunately, there is a special data format, EDI, that is Electronic Data Interchange, which makes this easier. EDI is standard in e- commerce systems so that other kinds of software, such as accounting systems can accept data from it.
My job is fun because every project is different and I use my technical skills as well; a great combination!
Dalya Rahman elektron tijorat tizimlarini o'rnatishga ixtisoslashgan. Bu erda u New Careers jurnaliga o'z ishi haqida gapirib beradi.
Men B2B (biznesto-biznes) elektron tijorat tizimlari, shuningdek, B2C (biznesdan iste'molchiga) tizimlari bilan ishlayman va barcha komponentlarni birlashtiraman: foydalanuvchi interfeysi, xarid savati va to'lov tizimi. Foydalanuvchi interfeysi xaridorlar o'z ekranlarida ko'radigan qismdir. Buning uchun men dizaynerlar bilan yaqindan ishlayman, uni chiroyli ko'rinishga keltiraman; mijozlar undan zavq olishlari muhim.
Mijozlar sotib olmoqchi bo'lgan narsani ko'rganlarida, uni savatga qo'yishadi. Buni sozlash uchun men odatda standart dasturiy paketlarni kompaniya veb-sayti bilan birlashtiraman. Ushbu dastur savatdagi narsalarni kuzatish uchun brauzer cookie fayllari deb ataladigan foydalanuvchi kompyuteriga joylashtiradigan kichik fayllardan foydalanadi. Bu bosqich juda qiyin emas, men shunchaki kodni mijozlar veb-saytiga moslashtiraman.
Keyingi qadam - to'lovlarni qayta ishlash tizimi. Bu mijozlar ma'lumotlarini yetkazib berish manzilini, kredit karta raqamini va hokazolarni oladi. U to'lovni qayta ishlaydi va kompaniya buyurtmani yuborishi uchun tafsilotlarni chiqaradi. Ushbu komponent murakkabroq: men uni bir nechta turli tizimlarga, jumladan, kompaniyaning buxgalteriya tizimiga birlashtirishim kerak.
Yaxshiyamki, EDI maxsus ma'lumotlar formati, ya'ni Elektron ma'lumotlar almashinuvi mavjud bo'lib, bu buni osonlashtiradi. EDI elektron tijorat tizimlarida standart hisoblanadi, shuning uchun boshqa turdagi dasturiy ta'minot, masalan, buxgalteriya tizimlari undan ma'lumotlarni qabul qilishi mumkin.
Mening ishim qiziqarli, chunki har bir loyiha boshqacha va men o'zimning texnik ko'nikmalarimdan ham foydalanaman, ajoyib kombinatsiya!
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