Curriculum trends Increasingly important changes that are taking place in
the field of curriculum to respond to current and
anticipated developments in society and education.
O'quv tendentsiyalari Borgan sari muhim o'zgarishlar ro'y bermoqda
joriy javob berish uchun o'quv dasturi sohasi va
jamiyat va ta'limdagi kutilayotgan o'zgarishlar.
career education
Information, advice and guidance (IAG) aimed at helping students with career choices, and
to plan and prepare for future employment and further education or training.
kasbiy ta'lim
Talabalarga kasb tanlashda yordam berishga qaratilgan ma'lumot, maslahat va yo'l-yo'riq (IAG) va
kelajakdagi ishga joylashish va keyingi ta'lim yoki malaka oshirishni rejalashtirish va tayyorlash.
certificate of higher education
See ‘undergraduate certificate’, ‘graduate certificate’ and ‘postgraduate certificate’.
oliy ma'lumot to'g'risidagi guvohnoma
"Bakalavriat sertifikati", "bitiruvchi sertifikat" va "aspirantura sertifikati" ga qarang.
See ‘Royal Charter’.
"Qirollik nizomi"ga qarang.