Patrimoniul cultural de ieri: implicații în dezvoltarea societății durabile de mâine
~ 518 ~
Aliona GRATI
doctor habilitat în
filologie, conferențiar universitar
Universitatea de Stat „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Chișinău
The patrimony of Paul Goma.
On October 2 this year, the writer Paul Goma would
have turned 85 years old. In March he was killed by the new trouble of mankind – Covid 19.
In Chi-
sinau, there should have been intense talk about the possibility of a bust of Paul Goma on
Aleea Clas-
. And they even talk, but in very small circles. The bust of Paul Goma is required to be with other
great bessarabians, also talented nonconformists, such as B. P. Hasdeu and Constantin Stere. The
article points out the main features of Paul Goma that make it a heritage of romanians everywhere,
spiritual, artistic and general-human heritage. Paul Goma is a hero, in the classic aesthetic sense of
„tragic hero”, but also in almost every sense of the explanatory dictionary of a person who is worthy
of being glorified and esteemed due to the supreme courage he showed in full totalitarian regime.
Paul Goma is a model of civic activism, because he initiated in communist
Romania a campaign for
the defense of human rights, being the only anti-communist opponent in this country approved at
Western level. For his novels about the communist gulag in Romania, he was called „a Romanian
Solzhenitsyn”. Paul Goma
has written over forty books, several of which have been translated into
languages of international circulation. Paul Goma created a whole gallery of bessarabian-characters
with a special way of reacting to the world around them, with a special philosophy and behavior. His
beautiful characters are: the rebellious and subversive bessarabian against the communist regime, the
country teacher
trained in the romanian school, on duty at home and in the transylvanian refuge, as
well as the child from the bessarabian village in inhuman historical conditions. His gallery of female
characters impresses with its aesthetic quantity and quality. There are enough reasons to firmly believe
that Paul Goma is an important personality that must be taken into account by a people who respect
themselves and even be proud to have them.
Paul Goma, hero, opposing writer,
rebellious bessarabian, bessarabians in refuge, tor-
La 2 octombrie, anul curent, scriitorul Paul Goma ar fi împlinit 85 de ani. În martie a fost
răpus de noul necaz al omenirii – Covid-19. La Chișinău ar fi trebuit să se vorbească intens de
eventualitatea plasării unui bust al lui Paul Goma pe Aleea Clasicilor. Și chiar se discută, în cer-
curi foarte restrânse însă. Bustul Paul Goma se cere a fi alături de ale celorlalți mari basarabeni
inconformiști,constituind valori naționale monumentale, Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu și Constan-
tin Stere. Colosurile pot dispărea fizic, nu se vor pierde însă din memoria colectivă.
Credem cu hotărâre că Paul Goma este o personalitate importantă de care trebuie să ținem
cont atunci când ne evaluăm patrimoniul de ieri și de azi. În ceea ce urmează, cu riscul de a ne
repeta, de a spune ceea ce am afirmat și în alte rânduri, au vorbit și alții în cunoștință de cauză,
vom puncta principalele argumente în favoarea ideii că Paul Goma este un adevărat patrimoniu
al românilor de pretutindeni, o prețioasă moștenire spirituală, artistică și general-umană.
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