Head of chair of the department:
PhD. Panjiyeva N N.
Date:_____________ Sign:_____________
SUBJECT: The main foreign language being studied
THEME: Manner and Mannerism
Lesson type: Practical
Auditory: 3rd course students
Level: B2/C1
Total time: 80 minutes
Materials: Handouts
P edagogical methods: students-centered, audio lingual, grammar translation
- Use your laptop
- Homework
Warming-up: Home tasks of the previous lesson. Checking practical results of
video and audio materials.
Time: 15 minutes.
Discussion: Discuss the previous material with your students. Analysing using body
language in their speech
Time: 20 minutes.
A ctivity 1: Close-reading and vocabulary
Hand out ONE should be presented to all of the students in the classroom and make the students write down all the words.
O r you can use the url link here.