7.3. Classification of innovative methods. Method is a generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Methods tend to be primarily concerned with teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of audiences in a variety of contexts. Educators distinguish the passive and active methods. In the Passive methods a teacher is in the center of teaching and plays an active role but the learners are passive. In the Active methods learners and teachers are active. Their role and activity is equal in the process of interaction. Learners may ask questions, express their ideas, discuss some matters with the members of the group, etc. In the FLT methodology the interactive methods are described as the modernized form of the active methods. The most of teachers usually understand these methods as cooperative language learning, where internal and external motivation must be taking into consideration. Within interactive methods the interactive tasks, techniques and activities are used.
The innovative methods may be divided into four main groups: 1) information-processing, 2) social, 3) personal, 4) behavioral. l. The first group proposes using techniques that deal with organizing information-processing and problem solving. One of these techniques is inductive thinking, which means analysis of data and creation of concepts. The next technique is concept attainment, which helps the students to learn concepts. The next model is the picture-word inductive model. It proposes the work on the basis of printed texts where focus on development of listening, speaking and lexical skills.Scientific inquiry is the next model that involves students into scientific activity and helps them to know how to work on the scientific materials. Mnemonics is the last model within this group. The model is used to assist students to memorize the received information.
2. The second group of innovative methods is called as the social methods. They involve the learners to work together in groups to develop reflective, interactional, decision-making skills. It likes Communicative language learning, and inductive teaching. The group ostentation method is one of the techniques (or strategies) used in the group of social methods. It deals with the direct teaching and the real situations of interaction. That is why it is more useful for the students who learn to solve academic and social problems. A teacher helps the students to study different viewpoints within any topical problem. Role playing is the next technique in the group of social methods. It is unique because it allows students to see and understand various social roles and peoples interactions. The third technique can be, for example, the jurisprudential inquiry which is based on a case-study method. The teacher's role is to guide students through study of social issues in details.
3.The third group of innovative methods is the person-directed method. The following two techniques characterize this method. They have a form of the indirect teaching and enhancing self-esteem. A teacher’s role is to help students in their endeavors in setting goals and in reaching these goals. Enhancing self-esteem is used when learners have a best confidence in their abilities. The teacher should help and inspire them.
4. The fourth group of the innovative methods is the behavioral method. In this method such strategies as mastery learning, direct instruction are used In learning students take the information they want to learn and the material is presented by various means. Students will be tested at the end of learning. If they cannot pass it they will go back and relearn.Direct instruction is based on the research activity. A teacher monitors the progress of students and feedback achievements. The next strategy is contextual and situational learning.