The standard program as a basic document, which regulates and directs the educational process, the teacher needs for proper understanding of the objectives, content and structure of foreign language teaching in schools.
Set of audio and videotapes are created in order to provide primarily rational learning listening and speaking in a dialogical and monological form.
Distributing didactic material-handouts (letters, numbers, transcription signs cards to work in pairs, games) is particularly relevant in the initial stage of learning, where students learn the art of reading, writing, basic skills which are formed on the basis of the speech communication speech samples.
In today's teaching process, an important role is given to the use of large paintings and wall charts on sections of grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, according to the rules of reading and word building which serve excellent tool not only for the initial familiarization with the test material, but also for its systematization on advanced stages of learning. A special place in the set for teacher’sis given to the workbooks that are based on programming (for study in the first grammatical and lexical material), and notes for laboratory assignments. The role of these collections especially increases in working conditions of teachers in specialized classrooms equipped with language laboratory equipment. It is in the language lab where students should do large number of laboratory tasks, constructed in accordance with the teaching materials presented in the textbook for the student.
Thus, a set of teachers consists of sufficient number of components through which the teacher of foreign language can implement the educational process at a high level of performance of all students.
What do you understand by means of teaching foreign language?
What does the set of students include?
Speak about set of foreign language teacher.
What is the role of distributing didactic material?
Speak about the content of standard program of the subject” Foreign language”
1.Сысоев П.В., Евстигкеев М.Н. Методика обучения иностранному языку с использованием новых технологий: Учебно-методическое пособие для учителей, аспирантов и студентов. -Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс; Москва: Глосса пресс, 2010. -182 с.
2.Тарасюк Н.А. Иностранный язык для школьников: Уроки общения (на материале английского языка). –Москва: Флинта; Наука, 1999. -112 с.
3.Юзликаев Ф.Р. Методика интецификации дидактической подготовки учителя-бакалавра. -Ташкент: ТГПУ, 2008. -215 с.
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