HRAF: SD09 EA# 191 Se3 Jivaro.
G: 3°S, 78°W.
T: 1920.
Karsten, R. 1935. The Head-Hunters of Western Amazonas. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 7: 1-588. Helsingfors.
Stirling, M. W. 1938. Historical and Ethnographical Material on the Jivaro Indians. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 117: 1-148.
Harner, M. J. 1960. Machetes, Shotguns, and Society: An Inquiry into the Social Impact of Technological Change among the Jivaro Indians. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Berkeley.
Harner, M.J. 1962. 64: 258-272.
Jivaro Souls.
American Anthropologist,
Rivet, P. 1907-08. Les Indiens Jibaros. L'Anthropologie 18: 333-368, 583-618; 19: 68-87, 235-259.
Up de Graff, F. W. York.
Head Hunters of the Amazon.
SCCS#170 EA# 634 Se8 Amahuaca. P: on upper Inuya River.
G: 10°20'S, 72°15'W . T: 1960.
0111001 Huxley, M. anc C. Capa. 1964. Farewell to Eden. N.Y.
1000000 Carneiro, R.L. 1964. Shifting Cultivation Among the
Amahuaca. Niedersachsisches Landesmuseum, Volkerkundliche
Abhandlungen 1: 9-18. Hannover.
2200003 Carneiro, R.L. 1962. The Amahuaca Indians. Explorers
Journal 40: iv, 28-37.
3302000 Carneiro, R.L. 1968. Hunting and Hunting Magic Among the
Amahuaca. Ms.
0000001 Carneiro, R.L. 1964. The Amahuaca and the Spirit World.
Ethnology 3: 6-11.
0404000 Dole, G.E. 1962. Endocannibalism Among the Amahuaca
Indians. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences,
ser. 2, 24: 567-573.
0020003 Tessmann, G. 1930. Die Indianer Nordost-Perus. Hamburg.
0004000 Dole, G.E. 1961. The Influence of Population Density on the
Development of Social Organization Among the Amahuaca of
East Peru. Paper presented at American Anthropological
Association meeting, Philadelphia.
SCCS#171 EA# 93 Sf1 Inca. P: city and environs of Cuzco.
G: 13°30'S, 72°W. T: 1530.
1121001 Rowe, J. H. 1946. Inca Culture at the Time of the Spanish
Conquest. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 143:
ii, 183-330.
0000010 Metraux, A. 19??. History of the Incas. New York.
0000100 Brundage, B. C. 1963. Empire of the Inca. Norman.
0000020 Molima, C. de. 1915. Relacion de las fabulas y ritos de los
Inca, ed. T. Thayer Ojeda. Revista Chilena de Historia y
Geografia 5: 117-190.
2000000 Cieza de Leon, P. de. 1554. Parte primera de la cronica del
Peru. Antwerp.
3213000 Cobo, B. 1890-95. Historia del Nuevo Mundo. 4v. Seville.
0300001 Mason, J. A. 1957. The Ancient Civilizations of Peru.
0002000 Baudin, L. 1962. Daily Life in Peru. New York.
0440003 Murdock, G. P. 1934. Our Primitive Contemporaries.
pp. 403-450. New York.
0000003 Means, P.A. 1931. Ancient Civilizations of the Andes, New
0030000 Baudin, L. 1961. A Socialist Empire: The Incas of Peru.
New York.
SCCS#172 EA# 193 Sf2 Aymara. P: an ayllu near Chucuito.
G: 16°OS, 70°W. T: 1940.
1122001 Tschopik, H., Jr. 1951. The Aymara of Chucuito, Peru.
Anthropological Papers of the Museum of Natural History 44:
2211001 Tschopik, H., Jr. 1946. The Aymara. Bulletins of the
Bureau of American Ethnology 143: ii, 501-573.
0330003 LaBarre, W. 1948. The Aymara
Indians of the Lake Titicaca
Plateau, Bolivia. Memoirs of the American Anthropological
Association, 68: 1-250.
0003000 Bouroncle Carreon, A. 1964. Contribucion al estudio de los
Aymaras. America Indigena 24: 129-169, 233-269.
SCCS#173 EA# 91 Se1 Siriono. P: near the Rio Blanco.
G: 14°30'S, 63°W. T: 1942.
1111001 Holmberg, A. R. 1950. Nomads of the Long Bow. Publications
of the Institute
of Social Anthropology, Smithsonian
Institution 10: 1-104.
HRAF: SP17 EA# 198 Si4 Nambicuara.
P: Cocozu group.
G: 13°S, 59°W.
T: 1940.
L‚vi-Strauss, C. 1948. La vie familiale et sociale des Indiens Nambikwara. Journal de la Soci‚t‚ des Am‚ricanistes 37: 1-131. Paris.
L‚vi-Strauss, C. 1948. The Nambicuara. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 143: iii, 361-369.
L‚vi-Strauss, C.
Tristes tropiques.
pp. 235-310. Paris.
L‚vi-Strauss, C. 1944. The Social and Psychological Aspects of Chieftainship in a Primitive Tribe. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, ser. 2, 7: 1642.
Oberg, K. 1953. Indian Tribes of Northern Matto Grosso. Publications of the Institute of Social Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution 15: 82-105.
Roquette-Pinto, E. 39: 1-401.
ed. Edit.
HRAF: SP23 EA# 98 Si2 Trumai.
G: 11°50'S, 53°40'W.
T: 1938.
Murphy, R. F., and B. Quain. 1955. The Trumai Indians of Central Brazil. Monographs of the American Ethnological Society 24: 1-108.
Levi-Strauss, C. 1948. Tribes of the Upper Xingu River. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 143: iii, 321-348.
SCCS#176 EA# 200 Sj4 Timbira. P: Ramcocamecra or Canella subtribe.
G: 6°30'S, 45°30'W. T: 1915.
1111001 Nimuendaju, C. 1946. The Eastern Timbira. University of
California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology
41: 1-357.
0032010 Arnaud, E. 1964. Noticia sobre los Indios Gavioes de Oeste.
Antropologia 20.
0000023 Kissenberth, W. 1912. Bei den Canella-Indianern in Zentral
Maranhas. Baessler-Archiv 2: 45-54.
0003000 Lowie, R.H. 1946. The Northwestern and Central Ge. Bulletins
of the Bureau of American Ethnology 143: i, 477-517.
0020003 Snethlage, E. H. 1930. Unter nordostbrasilianischen
Indianern. Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie 62: 111-205.
0000003 Crocker, W.H. 1961. The Canela since Nimuendaji.
Anthropological Quarterly 23: 69-84.
SCCS#177 EA# 400 Sj8 Tupinamba. P: village near Rio de Janeiro.
G: 22°50'S, 43°15'W. T: 1550.
1250001 Metraux, Alfred. 1948. The Tupinamba. J.H. Steward, ed.,
Handbook of South American Indians, U.S.
Bureau of American
Ethnology, Bulletin 143, Vol. 3, pp. 95-133. Washington, D.C.
0011043 Yves d'Evreux. 1864. Voyage dans le nord du Br‚sil fait
durant les ann‚es 1613 et 1614, ed. F. Denis. Leipzig and
2022001 Thevet, A. 1878. Les singularitez de la France antarctique,
ed. P. Gaffarel. Paris.
0333033 Soares de Souza, G. 1851. Tratado descriptivo do Brazil em
1587. Revista do Instituto Historico e Geographico do Brazil
14: 1-423.
4104003 Staden, H. 1928. The True Story of His Captivity, ed. M.
Lotts. London.
3040003 Lery, J. de. 1880. Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre
du Br‚sil, ed. P. Gaffarel. Paris.
0000400 Lery, J. de. 1906. Extracts out of the Historie of John
Lerius, ed. S. Purchas. Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His
Pilgrimes 16: 518-579. Glasgow.
Magalhaes de Gandavo, P. de. 1922. History of the Province
of Santa Cruz. Documents and Narratives Concerning the
Discovery and Conquest of Latin America: The Histories of
Brazil 2: 11-121. N.Y.
0000010 Abbeville, C. d'. 1614. Histoire de la mission des Peres
Capucins en I'isle de Maraguan et terres circonvoisines.
0000020 Cardim, F. 1906. A Treatise on Brasil. Haklyutus Posthumus
or Purchas His Pilgrimes 16: 417-517. Glasgow.
SCCS#178 EA# 299 Sj5 Botocudo. P: Naknenuk subtribe.
G: 19°S, 41°W. T: 1884.
1111000 Ehrenreich, P.M.A. 1887. Ueber die Botocudos. Zeitschrift
fur Ethnologie, 19: 49-82.
2222000 Metraux, A. 1946. The Botocudo.
Bulletins of the Bureau of
American Ethnology 143: i, 531-540.
0000010 Keane, A. H. 1883. On the Botocudos. Journal of the
(Royal) Anthropological Institute 13: 199-213.
0303000 Saint-Hilaire, A. 1930-33. Voyages dans l'int‚rieur du
Br‚sil. Paris.
0000100 Wied-Neuwied, M. zu. 1820-21. Reise nach Brasilien in den
Jahren 1815 bis 1817, v. 2. Frankfurt am main.
SCCS#179 EA#1184 Sj11 Shavante (Serente). P: vicinity of Sao
G: 13°30'S, 51°30'W. T: 1958.
1111000 Maybury-Lewis, D. 1967. Akwe-Shavante Society. Oxford.
0000010 Nimuendaji, C. 1942. The Serente. Publications of the
Frederick Webb Hodge Anniversary Publications Fund 4: 1-106.
SCCS#180 EA# 199 Sj3 Aweikoma (Caingang). P: Duque de Caxias
G: 28°S, 50°W. T: 1932.
1111111 Henry, J. 1941. Jungle People. New York.
2322223 Metraux, A. 1946. The Caingang. Bulletins of the Bureau of
American Ethnology 143: i, 445-475.
0200000 Paula, J. M. de. 1924. Memoria
sobre os Botocudos do Parana
e Santa Catharina. Proceedings of the International Congress
of Americanists 20: i, 117-138.
SCCS#181 1170 Sj10 Cayua. P: Southern Mato Grosso.
G: 23°S, 55°W. T: 1890.
1212000 Keonigswald, G. von. 1908. Die Cayuas. Globus 93: 376-381.
0021010 Ambrosetti, J.B. 1895. Los Indios Caingua del alto Parana. Boletin del Instituto Geografico Argentino 15: 661-744.
0100000 Rengger, J.R. 1835. Reise nach Paraguay in den Jahre 1818 bis 1828. Aarau.
0003020 Muller, F. 1934-35. Beitrage zur Ethnographie der Guarani-Indianer im ostlichen Waldgebiet von Paraguay. Anthropos 29: 177-208, 441-460, 695-702; 30: 151-164, 433-450, 767-783.
2400000 Strelnikov, I.D. 1928. Les Kaa-iwaua de Paraguay. Proceedings of the International Congress of Americanists 22: ii, 333-366. 3300000 Watson, J.B. 1952. Cayua Culture Change. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 73: 1-144.
SCCS#182 EA#1168 Sh9 Lengua.
G: 23°30'S, 58°30'W. T: 1889.
1121111 Grubb, W.B. 1911. An Unknown People in an Unknown Land. London.
0012013 Baldus, H. 1931. Indianerstudien im nordostlichen Chaco. Forschungen zur Volkerpsychologie und Soziologie II: 1-239.
0200003 Hawtrey, S.H.C. 1901. The Lengua Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 31: 280-299. 0003000 M‚traux, A. 1946. Ethnography of the Chaco. Bulletins of the American Ethnology 143: 8, 197-370.
HRAF: SI04 SCCS#183 EA# 196 Sh3 Abipon.
G: 28°S, 59°W. T: 1750.
1111110 Dobrizhoffer, M. 1822. An Account of the Abipones. 3v. London.
0022000 Metraux, A. 1946. Ethnography of the Chaco. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 143: i, 197-370.
SCCS#184 EA# 195 Sg2 Araucanians (Mapuche). P: vicinity of Temuco.
G: 38°30'S, 72°35'W. T: 1950.
2133003 Faron, L. C. 1961. Mapuche Social Structure. Illinois
Studies in Anthropology, 1: 1-247.
1200001 Faron, L. C. 1968. The Mapuche Indians of Chile. New York.
0300001 Faron, L. C. 1964. Hawks of the Sun. Pittsburgh.
3422021 Titiev, M. 1951. Araucanian Culture in Transition.
Occasional Contributions from the Museum of Anthropology,
University of Michigan 15: 1-164.
Hilger, M. I.
Araucanian Child Life and Its Cultural
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection 133: 1-495.
Nutini, H. G.
Personal communication.
HRAF: SH05 SCCS#185 EA# 349 Sg4 Tehuelche.
G: 45°S, 68°W. T: 1870.
1211001 Musters, G. C. 1871. (2nd Ed. 1873.)At Home with the Patagonians. London.
0025000 Musters, G.C. 1972. On the Races of Patagonia. Journal of the (Royal) Anthropological Institute 1: 193-207.
0303003 Cooper, J. M. 1946. The Patagonian and Pampean Hunters. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 143: i, 127-268.
0134001 Viedma, A. de. 1837. Descripcion de la costa meridional del sur. Coleccion de obras y documentos relativos a la historia antigua y moderna de la provincias del Rio de la Plata, ed. P. de Angelis 6: 63-81. Buenos Aires. 0442002 Bourne, B. F. 1874. The Captive in Patagonia. Boston.
HRAF: SH06 SCCS#186 EA# 94 Sg1 Yahgan.
G: 55°30'S, 70°W. T: 1865.
1111111 Gusinde, M. 1937. Die Feuerland-Indianer 2: Yamana. Modling bei Wien.
3200001 Cooper, J. M. 1946. The Yahgan. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 143: i, 81-106.
2000003 Cooper, J. M. 1917. An Analytical and Critical Bibliography of the Tribes of Tierra del Fuego. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 63: 1-243.