HRAF: NE06 SCCS#132 EA# 471 Nb9 Bellacoola.
G: 52°20'N, 126°30'W. T: 1880.
1111001 McIlwraith, T.F. 1948. The Bella Coola Indians. 2 vols. Toronto.
0022003 Smith, H.I. 1925. Sympathetic Magic and Witchcraft Among the Bellacoola. American Anthropologist 27: 116-121.
0033002 Drucker, P. 1950. Northwest Coast. Anthropological Records 9: 157-294. 0000001 Boas, F. 1891. The Bilqula. Report, British Association for the Advancement of Science 61: 408-424.
71 Nb2 Twana.
G: 47°25'N, 123°15'W.
T: 1860.
Elmendorf, W. W. 1960. The Structure of Twana Culture. Washington State University Research Studies, Monographic Supplement 2: 1-576.
Eells, M. 1877. Twana Indians of the Skokomish Reservation. Bulletins of the U.S. Geographical and Geological survey of the Territories 3: 57-114.
HRAF: NS31 SCCS#134 EA# 172 Nb4 Yurok. P: village of Tsurai.
G: 41°30'N, 124°W. T: 1850.
0124001 Kroeber, A. L. 1925. Handbook of the Indians of California. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 78: 1-97.
2233000 Kroeber, A. L. 1960. Comparative Notes on the Structure of Yurok Culture. Washington State University Research Studies, Monographic Supplement 2: 1-576.
1400002 Heizer, R. F., and J. E. Mills. 1952. The Four Ages of Tsurai. Berkeley.
0312000 Loeffelholz, K. von, ed. 1893. Die Zoreisch-Indianer der Trinidad-Bai. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 23: 101-123.
0041001 Erickson, E. H. 1943. Observations on the Yurok: Childhood and World Image. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 25: 257-302.
0500003 Waterman, T. T., and A. L. Kroeber. 1934. Yurok Marriages. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 35: 1-14.
SCCS#135 EA# 533 Nc18 Eastern Pomo. P: village of Cignon, Clear
G: 39°N, 123°W. T: 1850.
1211001 Loeb, E.M. 1926. Pomo Folkways. University of California
Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 19: 149-
2123003 Gifford, E.W. 1926. Clear Lake Pomo Society. University of
California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology
18: 287-390.
0002100 Aginsky, B.W., and E.G. Aginsky. 1967. Deep Valley. N.Y.
0000213 Gifford, E.W., and A.L. Kroeber. 1937. Culture Element
Distributions IV: Pomo. University of California
Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 37: 117-
0000300 Barrett, S.A. 1908. The Ethno-geography of the Pomo and
Neighboring Indians. University of California Publications
in American Archaeology and Ethnology 6: 1-332.
0300000 Barrett, S.A. 1917. Ceremonies of the Pomo Indians.
University of California Publications in American Archaeology
and Ethnology 12: 397-441.
0400000 Barrett, S.A. 1916. Pomo Buildings. Holmes Anniversary
Volume, pp. 1-17. Washington.
0000002 Barrett, S.A. 1952. Material Aspects of Pomo Culture.
Bulletin, Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee 20: 1-508.
0030000 Kroeber, A.L. 1953. Handbook of Indians of California.
0000001 Freeland, L.S. 1923. Pomo Doctors and Poisoners. Uniersity
of California Publications in American Archaeology and
Ethnology 20: 57-73.
SCCS#136 EA# 539 Nc24 Lake Yokuts. P: Tulare lake.
G: 35°10'N, 119°20'W. T: 1850.
1112000 Gayton, A.H. 1948. Yokuts and Western Mono Ethnography.
Anthropological Records 10: 1-301.
2000100 Gayton, A.H. 1936. Estudillo Among the Yokuts. Essays in
Anthropology presented to A.L. Kroeber, ed. R.H. Lowie,
pp. 67-85. Berkeley.
0421000 Latta, F.F. 1949. Handbook of Yokuts Indians. Oildale.
3200000 Kroeber, A.L. 1925. Handbook of the Indians of California.
Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 78: 474-543.
0300000 Beals, R.L. and J.A. Hester. 1958. A Lacustrine Economy in
California, Miscellanea Paul Rivet Octogenario Dictata
1: 211-217. Mexico.
0000200 Cook, S.F. 1955. The Aboriginal Population of the San
Joaquin Valley. Anthropological Records 16: 31-81.
0000300 Powers, S. 1877. Tribes of California. Contributions to
North American Ethnology 3: 369-392.
SCCS#137 EA# 564 Nd22 Paiute. P: Wadadika of Harney Valley.
G: 43°30'N, 119°W. T: 1870.
1111001 Whiting, B.B. 1950. Paiute Sorcery. Viking Fund
Publications in Anthropology, 15: 1-110.
2202001 Stewart, O.C. 1941. Northern Paiute. Anthropological
Records 4: 361-446.
0000003 Stewart, O.C. 1937. Northern Paiute Bands. Anthropological
Records 2: 127-149.
EA# 523 Nc8 Klamath.
G: 42°40'N, 121°50'W.
T: 1860.
Spier, L. 1930. Klamath Ethnography. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 30: 1-338.
Pearsall, M. 1950. Klamath Childhood and Education. Anthropological Records 9: 339-353.
Stern, T.
The Klamath Tribe.
Voegelin, E.W. 1942. Records 7: 47-251.
Northeast California.
Gatschet, A.S. 1890. The Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon. U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, Contributions to North American Ethnology 2. 2v. Washington.
SCCS#139 EA# 380 Nd7 Kutenai. P: lower or eastern branch.
G: 49°N, 116°40'W. T: 1890.
2111001 Turney-High, H. H. 1941. Ethnography of the Kutenai.
Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, 56:
1222003 Chamberlain, A. F. 1892. Report on the Kootenay Indians of
South-Eastern British Columbia. Reports of the British
Association for the Advancement of Sciences 62: 539-617.
0003011 Ray, V. F. 1942. Plateau. Anthropological Records 8: 99-262.
0000003 Boas, F. 1918. Kutenai Tales. Bulletins of the Bureau of
American Ethnology 59: 1-387.
HRAF: NQ13 EA# 75 Ne1 Gros Ventre.
G: 48°N, 108°W.
T: 1880.
Flannery, R. 1953. The Gros Ventres of Montana. Catholic University of America Anthropological Series 15: 1-221.
Kroeber, A. L. 1908. Ethnology of the Gros Ventre. Anthropological Papers of the Museum of Natural History 1: 141-281.
Cooper, J. M. 1956. The Gros Ventre of Montana: Religion and Ritual. Catholic University of America Anthropological Series 16: 1-491.
EA# 622 Ne15 Hidatsa.
G: 47°N, 101°W.
T: 1836.
Bowers, A.W. 1965. Hidatsa Social and Ceremonial Organization. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 194: 1-528.
Matthews, W. 1877. Ethnography and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians. U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey Miscellaneous Publication 7: 1-239.
Curtis, E.S. 180-196.
The North American Indian 4: 129-172,
Wied-Neuwied, M.zu. 1906. Travels in the Interior of North America. Early Western Travels, ed. R.G. Thwaites 22: 357-366; 23: 252-385.
Wilson, G.L. 1917. Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians. University of Minnesota Studies in the Social Sciences 4: 1-129.
HRAF: NQ18 SCCS#142 EA# 342 Nf6 Pawnee. P: Skidi band.
G: 42°N, 100°W. T: 1867.
1121001 Weltfish, G. 1965. The Lost Universe. New York.
0212003 Dorsey, G. A., and J. R. Murie. 1940. Notes on Skidi Pawnee Society. Field Museum of Natural History Anthropological Series, 27: 67-119.
0000003 Dorsey, G.A. 1904. Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee. Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society 8: 1-366. 0000002 Lounsbury, F.G. 1956. A Semantic Analysis of the Pawnee Kinship Usage. Language 32: 158-194.
SCCS#143 EA# 179 Nf3 Omaha. P: tribe.
G: 41°25'N, 96°31'W. T: 1860.
1111001 Fletcher, A. C. and F. La Flesche. 1911. The Omaha Tribe.
Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 27:
0222013 Dorsey, J. O. 1884. Omaha Sociology. Annual Reports of the
Bureau of American Ethnology 3: 205-320.
2003003 Mead, M. 1932. The Changing Culture of an Indian Tribe.
Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology 15: 1-313.
0000003 Fortune, R.F. 1932. Omaha Secret Societies. Columbia
University Contributions to Anthropology 14: 1-193.
SCCS#144 EA# 79 Ng1 Huron. P: Attignawantan and Attigneenongnahac
or Bear and Cord subtribes.
G: 44°30'N, 79°W. T: 1634
0111001 Trigger, B. G. 1969. The Huron. New York.
1222001 Tooker, E. 1964. An Ethnography of the Huron Indians,
1615-1649. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology
190: 1-183.
2300001 Kinietz, W. V. 1940. The Indians of the Western Great
Lakes, 1615-1760. Occasional Contributions from the Museum
of Anthropology, University of Michigan 10: 1-427.
HRAF: NN11 EA# 180 Ng3 Creek.
P: Upper division.
G: 34°N, 86°W.
T: 1800.
Swanton, J. R. 1928. Social Organization and Social Usages of the Indians of the Creek Confederacy. Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 42: 23-472, 859-900.
Swanton, J. R. 1946. The Indians of the Southeastern United States. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 137: 1-943.
Swanton, J. R. 1928. Religious Beliefs and Medical Practices of the Creek Indians. Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology 42: 473-672.
Bartram, W. Indians. 3: 1-81.
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Murdock, G. P. 1956. Political Moieties. The State of the Social Sciences, ed. L. D. White, pp. 133-147. Chicago.
Speck, F. G. 1907. The Creek Indians of Taskigi Town. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 2: 99-164.
EA# 385 Ng7 Natchez.
G: 31°30'N, 91°25'W.
T: 1718.
Swanton, J. R. 1911. Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi Valley. Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology 43: 1-387.
MacLeod, William C. 1924. Natchez Political Evolution. American Anthropologist 26: 201-229.
Douglas R. White, G. P. Murdock, and R. Scaglion. 1971. Natchez Class and Rank Reconsidered. Ethnology 10: 369-88.
HRAF: NO06 EA# 177 Ne3 Comanche.
G: 34°N, 100°W.
T: 1870.
Hoebel, E. A. 1940. The Political Organization and Law-Ways of the Comanche Indians. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 54: 1-149.
Wallace, E. and E. A. Hoebel.
The Comanches.
Gladwin, T. 1948. Comanche Kin Behavior. Anthropologist 50: 73-94.
Lee, N.
Three Years Among the Comanches.
Rister, C. C.
Comanche Bondage.
SCCS#148 EA# 81 Nh1 Chiricahua Apache. P: Central band.
G: 32°N, 109°30'W. T: 1870.
1111001 Opler, M. E. 1941. An Apache Life-Way. Chicago.
0202103 Opler, M. E. 1937 (Second Edition 1955). An Outline of
Chiricahua Apache Social Organization. Social Anthropology
of North American Tribes, ed. F. Eggan, pp. 173-242. Chicago.
0000001 Opler, M.E. 1936. Some Points of Comparison and Contrast
between the Treatment of Functional Disorders by Apache
Shamans and Modern Psychiatric Practice. American Journal of
Psychiatry 92: 1371-1387.
0020000 Opler, M. E. 1971. Personal communication.
0003000 Opler, M. E. 1936. An Interpretation of Ambivalence of Two
American Indian Tribes. Journal of Social Psychology 7:
0000003 Gifford, E.W. 1940. Apache-Pueblo. Anthropological Records
4: 1-207.
HRAF: NT23 SCCS#149 EA# 183 Nh4 Zuni.
G: 35°40'N, 108°45'W.
T: 1880.
Stevenson, M. C. 1904. The Zuni Indians. Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology 23: 1-634.
Stevenson, M. C. 1909. Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians. Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology 30: 31102.
Leighton, D. C. and J. Adair. 1966. Place: A Study of the Zuni Indians.
People of the MiddleNew Haven.
Kroeber, A. L. 1917. Zuni Kin and Clan. Anthropological Papers of the Museum of Natural History 18: ii, 39-204.
Roberts, J. M. 1956. Zuni Daily Life. New Haven University of Nebraska Laboratory of Anthropology Monographs, Note Book 3: i, 1-23. Lincoln.
Roberts, J.M.
Personal communication.
Eggan, F. Pueblos.
1950. Social Organization of the Western Chicago.
Bunzel, R. 1930. Zuni Katcinas. Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology 47: 837-1086.
Bunzel, R. 1932. Introduction to Zuni Ceremonialism. Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology 47: i, 467-544. Washington.
Cushing, F. H. 1920. Monographs 8: 1-673.
Zuni Breadstuffs.
Indian Notes and
Smith, W., J.M. Roberts. 1954. Zuni Law. Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University 43: 1-185.
Gifford, E.W. 4: 1-207.
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Benedict, R.
Patterns of Culture, pp. 57-129.
Parsons, E. C. 1919. Mothers and Children at Zuni, New Mexico. Man 19: 168-173 (Article 86).
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