Open Board Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2007
In Attendance: Steve Butsko, Kinton Fowler, Allen Tuck
President Steve Butsko called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Approval of the December 9, 2006 meeting minutes: Kinton Fowler moved to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2007 meeting. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
Addition to Agenda: Dolores Sasse announced the possibility of establishing a lending library in the Mist area and invited everyone to fill out a questionnaire.
Presentation by Scott Shulda (Operator of Record and Chief WTP and WWTP Operator for Clatskanie): Scott has been serving Fishhawk Lake for 6 ½ years and presented the following water production and treatment update. Improvements to the system include the WTP filter, WWTP Chlorine Contact Chamber, lab work done on site, ammonia testing will be done on site. All testing which can be done on site will pay for itself in a year. Fishhawk Lake has been proactive in making these improvements and members can have confidence in the Lake Manager’s ability to facilitate the WTP and WWTP operations. The industry is a profession in and of itself and having a competent operator is essential. Scott is paid $25.00 an hour to come to Fishhawk to sign paperwork. Average salary for a qualified operator is about $60,000 per year. Scott has confidence in Tim’s ability and encouraged his continued education. Nothing is more important than providing pristine water to the members of this community. Fishhawk is a remote community and locating a qualified operator may be difficult and an operator develops an important rapport with government agencies over time. Question: If Tim were not here, would Scott continue to be the Operator of Record? Answer: There is a possibility that Scott would not continue, as he must have confidence in the operator. Experience and education is important. Scott intends to stay until Tim is fully certified. Rules and Regulations must be met. Question: Did Scott refer Mike Peck to the lake? Answer: Yes, through the Preferred Worker Program. This program paid for Mike’s salary for the first six months. Question: Are you here to present an update on water production?
Answer: I’ve come to talk about improvements to the system. Regulations have become much more strict and it’s very important to have a competent operator.
Addition to Agenda: Tom Mahar announced that during the November record rainfall, three paddleboats were found drifting in the lake. They were taken to the island boat dock. Please be sure to place your membership number on your boat for identification purposes.
Lake Manager Report: Tim Couch –Bark chips have been placed under the play structure, satisfying requirements set forth by the insurance company.
Two broken pipes resulted from below freezing temperatures. Three sewer hookups and two water hookups were done. WOEC tagged trees to be removed near power lines and members will be notified. If a tree has been tagged and you do not wish to have it removed, it can be topped instead.
Downed trees on private property are the member’s responsibility. Two trees on the island also need to be removed. Two maintenance depot electrical bids have been received. One from Dennis Electric and one from Chandler Electric. $53,000. was for the shell of the building only. Kinton wanted it known in advance that Chandler Electric is his son-in-law and there may be a conflict of interest. Kinton moved to approve an expenditure of up to $4815. to install electrical service in the maintenance depot. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed. Steve and Allen agreed to go with the lower bid of $4425. (Chandler Electric). Kinton abstained. The possibility of Fishhawk members doing some of the work was discussed. A reminder was brought up that the building is a commercial building and falls under different rules than residential.
Question: What became of some of the books in the Fishhawk library when it was downsized? Books were donated, sold or disposed of.
Executive Secretary Report: Barbara Compton – Static cling vehicle decals for new member packets need to be ordered. The cost is 1.85 each plus 35.00 extra color charge for a total of 497.50 for 250 qty. Kinton moved to approve spending 497.50 for decals. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed. Kinton Fowler moved to make a $100.00 donation in Patty Decker’s name to the charity of the Decker family’s choice. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
Kinton Fowler suggested taking a new course of action regarding the resignation of six board members. Kinton made a motion to call a General Membership meeting on March 10 at 10:00 am to hold an election for an entirely new board. Existing board members would resign at that time and all new board members elected. Elected members could then choose to fill existing positions if they wish. Candidates should send their intention to run for a board position to the office. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed. All General Membership meeting information must be to the membership10 days in advance of the meeting.
Concerns raised by the membership in attendance at the meeting include – an objection to the election – the membership has not been adequately informed - can those who resigned be reinstated now – can we discuss why the board resigned in the first place – information is scarce regarding board issues – 50 households signed the petition to reinstate the board – why did the board resign – board members resigned because they were at a standstill and being barraged with accusations and inuendos – most board members resigned in support of Gary Rinehart’s resignation – Gary is willing to resume his position along with other board members – issues are still not resolved – the membership voted in August for this board - if resignations have not been accepted, the board should be allowed to return - it was suggested that harassment is still evident in a subtle manner referencing Scott Shulda’s report to the membership at today’s meeting. Kinton stated that he heard about only three board members willing to return. Eileen Rule offered to return, Art Mitchell offered to return via email but for the next seven months may not be able to attend all meetings. Arlene Stauning volunteered to serve.
Other concerns voiced – has a mediator be considered – the Board of Trustees, Employees and the membership deserve respect – mediation should be off site and private – why are some opposed to mediation - those opposed to mediation suggested it was not an appropriate way to deal with personnel issues – the situation resulted from an attack on certain board members who tried to create structure to the operation – a small group of 10 people were trying to cultivate dissension – a peaceful solution needs to be obtained to begin to function again - when the board members resigned, it was not up to the remaining board to accept them - an election is a good motion - look at the legal issues when reinstating those members who resigned - information has been one sided and the minutes have been controlled – the main idea was always to bring out information and to discuss it openly - mediation is an excellent idea because the issues are significant and past board members felt there were significant problems.
Kinton stated that the board still owes a meeting to the group who signed the complaint. Jean suggested that direct communications with the group took place. Kinton strongly disagreed. Jean stated that Art as chairman of the EAC, relayed discussions to Troy. Kinton and Troy disagreed with this. Art felt the issue was with personnel and the EAC should not meet on this. Kinton moved for reconsideration of the original motion of holding a General Election. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed. Steve Butsko stated the original motion was now back on the floor. Kinton and Allen both opposed the original motion. Motion failed. Gary referred to an ORS sent to the board – all it takes is existing board members to approve or disapprove. Jean stated they were not trying to close the door to working through the issues. The issues have been harsh on the membership and would like the membership to be relieved of the distress. The goal is to get things functioning. A concern was raised that the issues are still not resolved and what was the purpose of Jean’s remarks regarding Tim during the December board meeting. Jean said the information is public record. Kinton made a motion that those members who resigned at the Dec. meeting be reappointed to the board if they wish and as part of this motion, the Personnel Committee be restructured and Gary Rinehart and Jean Martwick will not be a part of the Personnel Committee due to inflammatory statements they made when they resigned. As part of this motion, the board would meet with a mediator and representatives of both sides of the issue. Also, Jean Martwick would not be Vice President. Allen Tuck did not second this motion. Motion failed. Other concerns discussed at this point included inaccurate emails being distributed – the fact that issues with personnel should be taken up with the Personnel Committee – the relevance of statements regarding Tim’s past – concerns regarding retribution by board members.
Break – 10:50 a.m.
Kinton made a motion that the board members who resigned in December 2006 be reinstated on the board if they wish to be. A professional mediator will be hired to mediate between the board and two opposing groups of members regarding the issues presented last fall. The Personnel Committee will be temporarily suspended until after mediation. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Glen Post volunteered to serve on the board, however, will not be attending the March meeting. Kinton moved to appoint Glen Post to fill the unexpired position of Fish and Wildlife vacated by Irene Dickson. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Treasurer: Kinton Fowler – Under budget by almost $15,000. due to spoils removal money not spent and increased HOA Initiation Fees. A 24 month CD for $107,000. has been rolled over at 4.9%. A new program offered by Wells Fargo for the money market and checking accounts will be presented at the next meeting.
Communications: Allen Tuck - No report
Kinton Fowler moved to approve the committee reports from the January 13, 2007 meeting. Allen Tuck seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion passed.
Personnel: Kinton Fowler – The time sheets have been revised to reflect vacation time and paid time off. The accounting firm who does payroll will now show these figures and it will be officially recorded for the Personnel Committee.
Architectural Committee: Ginele Hall – 4 applications were reviewed and approved. Next meeting – today at 1:00 p.m.
Security: Kathy Cardona – Mary Post volunteered to take over the Friday patrol.
Social: Diana Mahar – Game Night – first Saturday of every month at the clubhouse. Soup and Salad Feed – Saturday, Feb. 24, 6:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. $5.00 per person. This is a fundraiser for Funday/Independence Day Celebration (flyers are posted). Saturday, June 30 is a combined Funday/Independence Day Celebration on the island. The theme is Red,White and Blue. A fireworks display will be included. A licensed Pyrotechnician is needed. Call Diana at 755-2557 if you know someone. The permit process from the State Fire Marshall should begin soon. One hours worth of fireworks costs $1500. Donations are welcome. Casino Night and Bingo Night are in the future plans. Saturday, March 24 will be a Spring Break Kids Pizza and Movie Night at the clubhouse. $3.00 per person. Watch for flyers.
REO: Gary Rinehart – No report
Long Range Planning: Heather Berg – Met on Jan. 23. New member is not able to serve. The committee target is five members. The following statement was read by Heather Berg. Resignations: We discussed the announcement at the January meeting that Gary, Jean and Vic do not want the board to accept their resignations. The board has to date not addressed the lake manager’s request in August for an intervention into the hostile work environment, nor have they conducted an investigation into the matter as requested by members in October. We also discussed the seven responses Troy got to his email of Jan. 11, that he addressed to all members regarding the December minutes. Most were positive, one negative from Arlene Stauning. The one from Arlene was very detailed and could explain why she felt it necessary to circulate her petition. Unfortunately, it was full of inaccuracies regarding personnel issues that she probably heard from one of these past board members. We agreed that the long term future of the community depends on a legal review of this issue, and also that we were not willing to work on the LRP Committee anymore if these individuals are on the board. Heather will request an executive meeting to verify if the board has heard the same “stories” as Arlene and to advise that documentation does exist to refute it. Update: I met with the board on 03-Feb-07 and presented our concerns. I sent them the att. Email as follow up. Disaster Preparedness Plan: tabled until next meeting.
The cost of the bark chips for the playground area was $180.00.
Arlene Stauning volunteered to serve on the board to make a nine member board. If Art Mitchell returns to the board, it will then be complete with nine members. Board members are not allowed to miss more than three consecutive meetings.
Eileen Rule ask for clarification for reinstating board members. Kinton’s motion was read back. Jean Martwick suggested asking for advice from club attorney regarding the mediation process. Arlene Stauning ask for Troy’s email to be entered into the record. Glen Post ask for contact information for all board members.
Meeting adjourned: 11:30 a.m.
Barbara Compton, Executive Secretary
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