who did not produce Rolls of Vert before the Justices which were made in the time of their fathers.
mathew de .langesdon, because he did not produce the
Rolls of his father, fined 20s.
adam DE stanton, ditto.
hrs. oF luca de beley, who is in the custody of Rich. de
nicolas FIL AND HEIR thos. DE heanour, 5s., bl. jo fil
Wm. de Keythewayt and Ralf, fil Thomas de Heanour.
wm. DE gaydeford, fil and heir Galf de Kirkton, bail Robt.
le Vavasor of Morton and William de Bevercotes.
hugo FIL robt. DE normanton. rich. DE stvveton FIL AND HEIR NIGEL DE stokum, bl.
Wm. m Hugo de Stokes and John de Everingham.
robt. Fil. adam de clayword, bl. Thos. fil Reginald de
Clayword and Hy. fil Roger de ead.
wm. DE bevercotes de ead.
robt. i.e vavasor de Morton.
robert HEIR OF alexr. DE suledholm, 38., bl. John
Propositus de ead and Alan ad Fontem de Wudhouse.
robert LE -vavasor Vic de ead.
magr rado DE chaddesdon bl. Rich. fil Rich. de Athelardestre
thos. Fil. ralf. de chaddesdon, bl. Rich. le Marchand of
Sponden and Gervase de Rotington.
thos. fil adam de eton, bl. Peter fil Hugo de Eton and
Ad. fil Wymarc de ead.
simon DE clifton bailiff of Wirksworth.
peter DE menton, bailiff of Repindon.
All the undermentioned Agistators (men appointed by letters patent to take rents for agistments of the cattle of strangers agisted in the King's forest, that is sent to feed there ; they were created by letters patent, and there were four appointed for every forest where the King had pasturage) in misericor1a for not producing their rolls according to the customs and assize of the forest.
peter DEL. hurst, Regarder of the Forest of Pec (a sworn officer to look after offences'), because he did not present assarts and purprestures in his rolls, l0s.
adam DE langsdon,2s.
rich. de ferneley, ½m.
nigei. DE longford, ½m.
robt. DE AlDWERC, ½m.
wm. DE meysham, ½m.
peter DE brimington, ½m., Regarder in Scarsdale.
robt. DE osgotleston, ½m.
walter DE lynacre, ½m.
roger DE sydenhall, 2s.
rich. DE hanley, ½m.
wm. DE osgoteston, 2s.
wm. DE sutton in Dale, 2s.
peter DE ulkerthorpe, ½m.
robt. DE wenlesley, 5s.
henry DE ASSOP, 4S.
robt. DE torp, 2s.
hugo DE benetley, 2s.
john DE offidecote, ½m.
alex. DE lee, ½m.
thos. DE upton, 1m.
henry DE bentley, 2s.
john DE bucston, 2s.
henry DE lee, ½m.
walter DE kersington, 5s.
peter guband de Hertington, 2s.
First Roll of Assarts of Peak
Present that wm. faber assarted (assarteravit) in Chisworth 4a. of land within the regard of the forest, beyond the King's demesnes, by the license of Wm. de Ragged, deceased, who was a Forester of fee; and the said William Faber died, and it was worth in his time £4 16s., and Henry fil Ralf de Chisworth now holds it, and its value during his tenancy is 8s. for which he is answerable to the King, and the land is taken into the King's hands.
henry was attached, bail, Wm. Faber of Chisworth, Hugo fil
Hugo de dead.
hugo tybot de Ludworth (dead) assarted 3a. without warrant
within the regard of the liberties of the Abbot of Basingworth, who died, and it was worth in his time £4 l0s. ; and wm. gi.idothegres held that assart for 20 years and the value in his time was 18s., and he died and Roger Arnicroft now holds it, and the value during his tenancy is 36s.
regl. FIL aldene assarted 5a. (and died) in the liberty-of the said Abbot, and it was worth in his time 65s., and Richard de Haletheton now holds 2a. and it is worth us., and John de Ludworth holds 2a. worth 4s., and Adam de Bromhale holds 1a. and it is worth 2s., and that assart was made in the time of John de Grey then bailiff.
cecil1a DE ludworth assarted la. worth 2s., she did not appear.
Rich. her son and Rich. Halethorne her bail in m1a, it was made in the time of Wm. de Ferrars.
galf de ludworth, la. worth 13s. attached. Havise, widow of the same, 2a 6s.
William faber de ead 5a. worth £6: 6: 8; Robt. fil Marie now holds and it was worth in his time 20s.
alan DE merple assarted there in the liberty of the said Abbot 1a. and 3r. without warrant, it was worth in his time 30s. but he died and no one now holds it, and the land was taken, &c.
richard haldam (dead) assarted 4a. in the said liberty with £6, and William DE romel now holds it, and his tenure is worth 16s.
It is known that all the above-mentioned assarts were made whilst the Earl of Derby was Bailiff of Peak except those which are stated to have been made in the time of J. Grey.
William faber (dead) assarted without warrant 3a. in the liberty of the said Abbot worth 30s. and the present Abbot is tenant, it was made in the time of Robt. de Lexington,
roger fil stephen in Chavelesworth without warrant assarted 3a. in the Abbot's liberty worth 9s, he was attached, bail Will fil Ralf de Ley and William fil Thomas de Hathfield (tempe J. Grey).
wm. DE gamelesly assarted 3a. in the same liberty without warrant and died, it was worth 73s., and Wm. de Wainwright holds 1½a. worth 4s. 6d., Thos. de Gamel now holds la. and it is worth 4s., bail Madin de Glossop, Wm. fil Thos. de Eton.
simon de witefield assarted 2a. in the same liberty without warrant worth i8s. and William de Greenfield now holds it and his tenure 1a worth 6s., made in the time of Warner Engayne.
nic DE gamslesley assarted 1a. in same liberty and died, worth 26s., William de Hathfield now holds it. (tempe Brian de Insula.)
galf de batecock assarted 5a. in Osmondely, within the regard without the demesne of the King, of the liberty of the said Abbot, worth £6 l0s, Wm. le Franceys now holds it, worth 60s., t. Brian de Insula.
john de riley assarted 2a. 1r. worth 10s., Rd. de Osmondely now holds it, worth 27s. 6d., t. Robt. de Lexington.
—US DE osmondely assarted 1a. without warrant, worth 3s. bl. Rich. fil Peter de Osmondeley and Wm. fil Thos. de Aschfield.
rich. fil peter de ead assarted 1a. worth 3s., Rich. de Chayselhathe.
William LE franceys assarted 2a. worth 6s. 7d., bl. Rich. le Rus de Glossop and Mathew le Couper de Dinting, (t. J. Grey )
thos. DE arpeley assarted 1a worth 3s., bl. Andrew fil Galfry de Dinting and Ad. fil Robt. de Botha. (t. J. Grey.)
stephen DE lees, 3a. & 3r. in the Abbot's liberty and died, value 67s., and Rd. de Colhale holds it, worth 22s. (t. B. de Insula.)
William FIL ralf DE lees assarted 3a. worth 68s., bail Wm. fil Thos. de Hathfield.
the abbot de basingworth (dead) assarted 3a. worth 6s. and the present Abbot now holds it. (t. J. de Grey.)
ROLL viid.
The same assarted I½a. at Witefield, worth l0s.9d., and inclosed it so that the beasts could not enter to rove freely with their fawns, and John de Grey, then bailiff, promised the said assart without the demesne and inclosed it without warrant, therefore the same to be adjudged because it was promised to be done, besides many other assarts out of the demesne, and the present Abbot only holds it now not enclosed, wherefore nothing is received for that land and it remains in the hands of the Lord King.
stephen cleric Assarted l½a. without warrant worth 13s. 6d. and died, the herbage is worth 5s. 9d. The Abbot now holds it,(t. W. Engaine); and the said Abbot (who died) assarted at Glossop 2½a. worth with the herbage 32s. gd. (t. J. de Grey.)
rich. de mora la. (and died) worth gs., Rich. Rufus now holds it. (t. W. Engaine.)
madin DE glossop ass. la. worth . 6d. bl. Robt. fil Stephen de Chavelsworth and Wm. fil Thomas de Hatfield. (t. J. de Grey.)
adam le milner de Glossop ass. 3a. worth 29s. and Galf Textor and Wm. le Wainwright now hold it, value 3s. (t. J. Guband.)
wm. cap, 2a. (and died) worth 45s., and Ad. Bothe now holds it. (t. B. de Insula.)
john ryhal, 2a. and died, worth 38s. 6d. Alex. fil Wm. now holds it, worth in his time 55. (t. J. Guband.)
el1as FIL swan, i a. value i4s. wm. LE Ro now holds it, value 12s. (t. R. de Lexington.)
wm. cementarii, la. worth 245. Math. le Cuper now holds it. value us. (t. R. de Lexington.)
wm. clicus (?), 1½a. worth 36s. and died. Wm. fil' Thos. DE hetton now holds it, worth in his time 18s. (t. R. de Lexington.)
wm. tredgold, 1a. worth 22s. (and died). The Abbot now holds it. (t. R. de Lexington.)
roger ditting, la. worth 18s. Simon Pipeshill now holds it, worth 3s., bl. Robt. de Mainwaring and Wm. de Witefield. (t. B. de Insula.)
gilbert cap, la. (and died). Thos. Tredgold now holds it value 6s. (t. B. de Insula.)
andrew FIL galf de dinting, la. value 3s.,'bl. Wm. de Scholecroft and William fil Thos. de Eton.
rad mose ass. la. worth 398. (and died). El1as his son now holds it, value 15s. (t. B. de Insula.)
gamel DE merpel ass. 2a. worth 45s. and died. (t. J. de Grey) the abbot DE basingworth (dead) ass. la. value 20s. 4d. (t. J. de Grey.)
the same ass. 3a. value 403. in Langden in a place called Redebotham.
thb abbot oF welbec (dead) ass. 5a. ir., value 26. 6d., at Crochull, worth 26s. 6d., vert 2os. (t. Warner Engayne.) The Abbot produced the charter of King John who conceded to him pasture in the place for his beasts.
Sum ... £68 18s. 4d.
William DE kintwich assarted at Milner 21 a. without the demesne but within the regard, without warrant, value £18 18s., bail Mathew de Kinchwich, Robt. fil of. (t. B. de Insula.)
will de insula assarted 18a. (and died), value £9, and Simon de Staneley held it for 10 years (and died), value 50s., and Rich de Trafford and Roger de Trafford now hold it, value 72s. (tempe said Brian.)
simon de stanley ass. 2a. worth 16s (and died), Rich. de Trafford now holds it, and his tenure is worth 8s. (t. W. Engayne)
hugo mainwaring who was a forester of fee assarted at Witefield without the demesne 4a. value 155. (and died), and Eleanor his widow now holds it, value y. (t. W. Engayne) In 13 Ed. I this assarf was still held by James Maynwaring his descendant
William DE witefield who is Forester of fee in Langendale ass. in his baliwick 1a. without warrant and he is in mi’ericord1a, the value in his time is 10s., and because the said William who is a forester of fee assarted in his own baliwick he is at judgment. This was done in the time of Warner Engaine. (This assart was held by his daughter in 13 Ed. I.)
Villa de Castra de Pecco. ROLL III.
walter PIRROC assarted in the King's demesne in the 2nd year of King Henry III, 3a in the Vill of the Castle, by the license of the Earl of Derby then Bailiff of Peak, and Simon fil Mathew de ead now holds it at the rent of the King, paying 4d. per ann. for each acre, and the said Walter gave to the Earl for each acre 12d. for a fine (de gersum) and for rent 33. for which the heirs of the said Earl are answerable, and be it known that .... acre in the forest not enrolled, which he holds of the King and shall pay the rent each year for his lands, and the same Simon is attached by Reyner de Hope and William de Scerde,
And be it known that all the afterwritten pay tall1age to the King with any demesne of their own manors, and when they die those who hold the lands of the deceased shall double the rent the first year, and the King shall have the best beast which the tenant had, except one which the Church shall have.
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