English Synonyms and Antonyms

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friendly, 178 " propitious, 291
friendship, 179 " acquaintance, 15 " association, 60 " attachment, 63 " love, 235
fright, alarm, 28 " fear, 168
frighten, 180
frightful, awful, 70
frisky, restive, 314
frolic, entertainment, 153
frolicsome, airy, 27
frontier, boundary, 84
front, previous, 285
froward, perverse, 272
frugality, 180 " abstinence, 10 " prudence, 294
fruit, harvest, 192
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

fruitless, vain, 364
frustrate, hinder, 199
fugitive, transient, 361
fulfil, do, 135 " keep, 226
fulfilment, end, n., 148
full, plentiful, 276
fun, entertainment, 153 " wit, 373
function, duty, 142
fundamental, radical, 299
funds, money, 244
funny, queer, 297
furious, fierce, 171
furnish, give, 185
further, v., promote, 291 " quicken, 297
further, adv., but, 89 " yet, 374
fury, anger, 44
fusion, alliance, 34
futile, vain, 364
gabble, babble, 71
gage, security, 326
gaiety, happiness, 189 " harmony, 191
gain, attain, 64 " get, 183 " profit, 288 " reach, 300
gallant, brave, 85
gallantry, prowess, 294
gang, cabal, 90
garb, dress, 140
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

gardening, agriculture, 25
garments, dress, 140
garnish, adorn, 23
garrulous, 181
gas, fluid, 174
gate, entrance, 154
gateway, entrance, 154
gather, amass, 38 " convoke, 120
gathering, company, 110
gauzy, fine, 172
gawky, awkward, 70
gay, airy, 27 " happy, 190
gaze, look, 234
gender, 181
general, 181 " usual, 362
generosity, benevolence, 80
generous, 182 " plentiful, 276
genial, comfortable, 110 " friendly, 178
genius, 183 " character, 102
genteel, polite, 277
gentle, amiable, 42 " docile, 136 " humane, 203
gentleness, mercy, 239
genuine, authentic, 67 " honest, 202 " pure, 296 " real, 301
get, 183 " attain, 64 " make, 236 " purchase, 295
get to, reach, 300
gibe, sneer, 337
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

gift, 184 " subsidy, 345
gifted, clever, 109
gigantic, large, 229
gild, adorn, 23
girlish, youthful, 375
give, 185 " allot, 34 " convey, 119 " surrender, 349
give instruction, teach, 353
give lessons, teach, 353
given, addicted, 19
given over or up, addicted, 19
give notice of, announce, 46
give oneself up, surrender, 349
give out, announce, 46
give over, cease, 98 " surrender, 349
give up, abandon, 1 " surrender, 349
glad, happy, 190
gladness, happiness, 189
glance, look, 234
glare, light, 231
glaring, evident, 159
gleam, light, 231
gleaming, light, 231
glimmer, light, 231
glistening, light, 231
glistering, light, 231
glitter, light, 231
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

gloomy, dark, 122 " morose, 245
glory, fame, 166
gloss over, palliate, 261
glow, light, 231
glowing, eager, 142
glut, satisfy, 324
glutinous, adhesive, 22
goal, aim, 26 " end, n., 148
go after, follow, 174
go astray, wander, 371
godliness, religion, 307
gold, money, 244
good, honest, 202 " profit, 288
good-by, farewell, 168
good-natured, amiable, 42 " pleasant, 275
goodness, virtue, 370
good will, benevolence, 80 " friendship, 179
gossip, babble, 71
govern, 185
government, form or system of, polity, 278
government, seat of, capital, 94
grace, mercy, 239
graceful, 186 " beautiful, 76 " becoming, 77
gracious, humane, 203 " polite, 277 " propitious, 291
grade, class, 106
gradual, slow, 337
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

grain, particle, 264
grand, awful, 70 " large, 229
grant, allot, 34 " allow, 35 " apportion, 54 " confess, 114 " gift, 184 " give, 185 " subsidy, 345
grasp, attain, 64 " catch, 97
grateful, delightful, 126
gratification, happiness, 189
gratify, entertain, 152
gratifying, delightful, 126
gratuity, gift, 184
gray, old, 257
great, large, 229
greedy, avaricious, 68
greet, address, v., 19
grief, 187
grievance, injustice, 220
grieve, mourn, 246
grip, catch, 97
gripe, catch, 97
grotesque, fanciful, 167 " queer, 297
ground, reason, n., 302
group, company, 110 " flock, 173
growl, complain, 112
growth, harvest, 192 " progress, 289
grudge, hatred, 193 " pique, 272
gruff, morose, 245
grumble, complain, 112
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

grunt, complain, 112
guard, v., keep, 226
guard, n., defense, 123 " shelter, 331
guess, hypothesis, 205 " suppose, 348
guile, artifice, 58 " deception, 123
guileless, candid, 93 " innocent, 220 " pure, 296
guilt, sin, 332
guiltless, innocent, 220 " pure, 296
guilty, criminal, 120
gummy, adhesive, 22
gyves, fetter, 169
habiliments, dress, 140
habit, 187 " dress, 140
habitation, home, 201
habitual, general, 181 " usual, 362
habituated, addicted, 19
habitude, habit, 187
hail, address, v., 19
hale, healthy, 195
half-hearted, faint, 164
hallowed, holy, 200
hallucination, delusion, 127 " dream, 139 " insanity, 221
hamper, hinder, 199
handcuffs, fetter, 169
handicraft, business, 88
handsome, beautiful, 76 " fine, 172
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

handy, skilful, 335
hankering, desire, 128
hap, accident, 14
happen, 188
happening, accident, 14
happiness, 189
happy, 190 " clever, 109 " fortunate, 177 " skilful, 335
harangue, speech, 339
harass, tire, 357
harbor, cherish, 104 " shelter, 331
hard, difficult, 132 " severe, 329
hardihood, temerity, 353 " effrontery, 144
hardship, misfortune, 242
hark, listen, 232
harken, listen, 232
harm, v., abuse, 12
harm, n., injury, 219 " misfortune, 242
harmful, pernicious, 270
harmonize, agree, 25
harmony, 191 " melody, 238
harness, arms, 55 " caparison, 93
harsh, bitter, 81 " severe, 329
harshness, acrimony, 15
harvest, 192
harvest-feast, harvest, 192
harvest-festival, harvest, 192
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

harvest-home, harvest, 192
harvesting, harvest, 192
harvest-tide, harvest, 192
harvest-time, harvest, 192
hasp, lock, 234
hasten, quicken, 297
hastiness, temerity, 353
hatch, flock, 173
hate, abhor, 5 " hatred, 193
hatred, 193 " abomination, 7 " antipathy, 48 " enmity, 152
haughtiness, pride, 286
haughty, absolute, 8
haul, draw, 138
have, 194
havoc, massacre, 237
hazard, 194 " accident, 14 " danger, 121
hazardous, precarious, 282
head, topic, 359
headstrong, obstinate, 256
heady, obstinate, 256
heal, recover, 305
healthful, healthy, 195
healthy, 195
heap up, amass, 38
hear, listen, 232
hearth, home, 201
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

hearthstone, home, 201
hearty, friendly, 178 " healthy, 195
heed, v., follow, 174 " listen, 232
heed, n., care, 94
heedless, abstracted, 11
heedlessness, neglect, 251 " temerity, 353
heel over, tip, 357
help, 195 " promote, 291
helper, accessory, 13 " auxiliary, 67
helpmate, associate, 60
hence, therefore, 355
henchman, accessory, 13
herald, announce, 46
herd, flock, 173
heresiarch, heretic, 196
heretic, 196
heroic, brave, 85
heroism, fortitude, 176 " prowess, 294
hesitancy, doubt, n., 138
hesitate, fluctuate, 173
hesitation, doubt, n., 138
heterogeneous, 196 " complex, 112
hidden, mysterious, 247 " obscure, 255
hide, 197 " palliate, 261
high, 198 " steep, 342
highroad, way, 372
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

highway, way, 372
highwayman, robber, 320
hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257 " prohibit, 290 " restrain, 315
hindrance, barrier, 74 " impediment, 213
hint, allude, 36 " suggestion, 347
hire, v., employ, 147
hire, n., pay, 266
hireling, venal, 365
history, 200 " record, 304
hitherto, yet, 374
hoard, amass, 38
hoary, old, 257
hoidenish, rustic, 321
hold, arrest, 57 " esteem, v., 156 " have, 194 " keep, 226 " restrain, 315
hold back, restrain, 315
hold dear, cherish, 104
hold in, restrain, 315
hold up, support, 348
holiness, religion, 307
holy, 200 " perfect, 268 " pure, 296
homage, allegiance, 32
home, 201
homogeneous, alike, 30
honest, 202 " candid, 93
honesty, veracity, 367 " virtue, 370
honor, v., admire, 23 " venerate, 366
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

honor, n., fame, 166 " justice, 225 " virtue, 370
honorable, honest, 202
honorarium, pay, 266
hook, lock, 234
hope, v., anticipate, 47
hope, n., anticipation, 48
hopelessness, despair, 129
horizontal, 202
horrible, awful, 70
horrific, awful, 70
horror, abomination, 7 " fear, 168
horticulture, agriculture, 25
host, army, 56 " company, 110 " throng, 356
hostile, alien, a., 29
hostility, antipathy, 48 " enmity, 152 " feud, 170 " hatred, 193
hot, eager, 142
house, home, 201
housings, caparison, 93
howbeit, notwithstanding, conj., 254
however, but, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254
huge, large, 229
hum, sing, 333
human, humane, 203
humane, 203
humanity, benevolence, 80
humble, abase, 2 " abash, 3 " chasten, 103 " conquer, 115
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

humiliate, abase, 2 " abash, 3
humiliation, chagrin, 100
humor, fancy, 167 " wit, 373
hunt, 203
hunting, hunt, 203
hurl, send, 327
hurry, quicken, 297
hurt, injury, 219
hurtful, pernicious, 270
husbandry, agriculture, 25
hygienic, healthy, 195
hypocrisy, 204 " deception, 123
hypocrite, 204
hypothesis, 205
idea, 206 " fancy, 167 " ideal, 206
ideal, 206 " example, 160 " idea, 206 " perfect, 268
identical, alike, 30 " synonymous, 349
idiocy, 207
idiom, language, 228
idle, 208 " vain, 364
ignite, burn, 87
ignorant, 208 " brutish, 87
ill, misfortune, 242
ill-advised, absurd, 11
ill-considered, absurd, 11
ill-defined, faint, 164
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

ill-doing, sin, 332
illegal, criminal, 120
ill-fortune, misfortune, 242
ill-humored, morose, 245
illimitable, infinite, 216
ill-informed, ignorant, 208
illiterate, ignorant, 208
ill-judged, absurd, 11
ill luck, misfortune, 242
ill-matched, incongruous, 214
ill-natured, morose, 245
illness, disease, 134
ill-treat, abuse, 12
illumination, light, 231
ill-use, abuse, 12
illusion, delusion, 127
illustrate, adorn, 23
illustration, allegory, 33 " sample, 323
ill-will, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193
image, emblem, 146 " fancy, 167 " idea, 206 " model, 243

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