English Synonyms and Antonyms

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make, 236 " compel, 111
make better, amend, 41
make haste, quicken, 297
make known, announce, 46
make out, make, 236
make prisoner, arrest, 57
make up, add, 18 " make, 236
make use of, employ, 147
make void, cancel, 92
make white, bleach, 82
maladroit, awkward, 70
malady, disease, 134
male, masculine, 237
malediction, oath, 254
malevolence, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193
malice, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193
malign, abuse, 12 " slander, 336
malignity, acrimony, 15 " enmity, 152 " hatred, 193
maltreat, abuse, 12
manacles, fetter, 169
manage, govern, 185
manageable, docile, 136
management, care, 94 " oversight, 260
mandate, law, 229 " order, 258
maneuver, artifice, 58
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

manful, masculine, 237
mangle, rend, 309
mania, insanity, 221
manifest, clear, 107 " evident, 159
manifestation, revelation, 316 " sign, 332
manifold, complex, 112
manlike, masculine, 237
manly, masculine, 237
manner, air, 27 " behavior, 79 " system, 350
manners, address, n., 20 " behavior, 79
mannish, masculine, 237
manufacture, make, 236
marauder, robber, 320
marches, boundary, 84
marge, bank, 72 " boundary, 84
margin, bank, 72 " boundary, 84
marine, nautical, 248
maritime, nautical, 248
mark, aim, 26 " characteristic, 103 " sign, 332 " trace, 359
market-gardening, agriculture, 25
marriage, 236
masculine, 237
mask, v., hide, 197
mask, n., pretense, 283
mass, throng, 356
massacre, 237 " kill, 226
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

masses, mob, 243
massive, large, 229
master, attain, 64 " conquer, 115
mastery, victory, 369
mate, associate, 60
material, physical, 272
matrimony, marriage, 236
matter, topic, 359
maxim, proverb, 293
means, agent, 24
measure, meter, 240
measureless, infinite, 216
mechanic, artist, 58
mechanism, tool, 358
meddle, interpose, 222
meddlesome, 238 " inquisitive, 221
meddling, inquisitive, 221 " meddlesome, 238
mediate, interpose, 222
meditate, deliberate, 135
meet, becoming, 77
meeting, collision, 109 " company, 110
melancholy, grief, 187
meliorate, amend, 41
melody, 238
member, part, 264 " term, 354
memoir, history, 200
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

memorandum, record, 304
memorial, record, 304 " trace, 359
memorials, history, 200
memory, 239
mend, amend, 41
mendicancy, poverty, 279
mention, allude, 36
mercenary, auxiliary, 67 " venal, 365
merciful, humane, 203 " propitious, 291
merciless, barbarous, 73
mercy, 239 " pardon, 262 " pity, 273
mere, pure, 296
merely, but, 89
merriment, entertainment, 153 " happiness, 189
merry, happy, 190
metamorphose, change, v., 100
metaphor, allegory, 33
mete out, allot, 34
meter, 240 " poetry, 277
method, system, 350
metrical composition, poetry, 277
metropolis, capital, 94
middle, center, 99
midst, center, 99 " (in the midst of), amid, 42
mien, air, 27
might, power, 279
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

migrate, emigrate, 147
mildness, mercy, 239
military, army, 56
mimicry, caricature, 95
mind, 241
mingled, heterogeneous, 196 " complex, 112
mingled with, amid, 42
minute, 242 " fine, 172
miraculous, supernatural, 347
mirth, happiness, 189
mirthful, happy, 190
misadventure, accident, 14 " misfortune, 242
miscellaneous, heterogeneous, 196
mischance, catastrophe, 97 " misfortune, 242
mischief, injury, 219
mischievous, pernicious, 270
misdeed, sin, 332
misemploy, abuse, 12
miserable, pitiful, 273
miserly, avaricious, 68
miserliness, frugality, 180
misery, misfortune, 242
misfortune, 242 " accident, 14 " blow, 83 " catastrophe, 97
misgiving, alarm, 28 " anxiety, 49 " doubt, n., 138 " fear, 168
mishap, accident, 14 " catastrophe, 97 " misfortune, 242
mislay, displace, 135
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

mismatched, incongruous, 214
mismated, incongruous, 214
misplace, displace, 135
mistaken, absurd, 11
mistrust, doubt, v., 137
misuse, abuse, 12
mite, particle, 264
mitigate, abate, 3 " alleviate, 33 " amend, 41 " palliate, 261
mixed, complex, 112 " heterogeneous, 196
mob, 243
mobile, active, 17
mock, sneer, 337
mockery, banter, 73
mode, system, 350
model, 243 " example, 160 " idea, 206 " ideal, 206
moderate, v., abate, 3 " alleviate, 33
moderate, a., slow, 337
moderation, abstinence, 10
modern, new, 252
modesty, 244
modify, change, v., 100
mold, bend, 79 " govern, 185
mold, model, 243
molder, decay, 122
molecule, particle, 264
molest, abuse, 12
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

mollify, allay, 31
momentary, transient, 361
monetary, financial, 172
money, 244
monomania, insanity, 221
monstrous, absurd, 11
mood, fancy, 167
mop, cleanse, 107
morality, religion, 307 " virtue, 370
moreover, but, 89
morose, 245 " severe, 329
moroseness, acrimony, 15
mortification, chagrin, 100
mortify, abash, 3
mother tongue, language, 228
motion, 245 " act, 16 " topic, 359
motive, cause, 98 " reason, n., 302
motto, proverb, 293
mourn, 246
mournful, pitiful, 273
mourning, grief, 187
move, v., carry, 96 " convey, 119 " influence, 217 " persuade, 271
move, n., motion, 245
movement, act, 16 " motion, 245
mover, agent, 24
moving, pitiful, 273
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

muddy, obscure, 255
mulish, restive, 314 " obstinate, 256
multiform, complex, 112
multitude, army, 56 " company, 110 " throng, 356
munificence, benevolence, 80
munificent, generous, 182 " royal, 320
muniment, record, 304
muniments, history, 200
murder, kill, 226
murky, dark, 122
murmur, babble, 71 " complain, 112
music, melody, 238
muster, convoke, 120
mutation, change, n., 101
mute, taciturn, 351
mutinous, rebellious, 304 " restive, 314
mutiny, revolution, 317
mutual, 246
mysterious, 247 " dark, 122 " obscure, 255
mystic, mysterious, 247
mystical, mysterious, 247
myth, fiction, 170 " story, 343
naive, candid, 93
name, 247 " term, 354
narration, history, 200 " report, 311 " story, 343
narrative, history, 200 " report, 311 " story, 343
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

natal, native, 248
nation, people, 266
native, 248 " inherent, 218 " radical, 299
natty, neat, 249
natural, inherent, 218 " native, 248 " normal, 253 " physical, 272 " radical, 299
nature, character, 102
nauseate, abhor, 5
nautical, 248
naval, nautical, 248
near, adjacent, 22
nearness, approximation, 55
neat, 249 " becoming, 77 " terse, 354
necessary, 150
necessitate, compel, 111
necessity, 250 " predestination, 282
need, necessity, 250 " poverty, 279
needed, necessary, 250
needful, necessary, 250
nefarious, criminal, 120
neglect, 251
neglectfulness, neglect, 251
negligence, neglect, 251
negligent, abstracted, 11
negotiate, transact, 360
neighborhood, approximation, 55
neighboring, adjacent, 22
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

neighborly, friendly, 178
neophyte, convert, 119
never-ending, eternal, 157
never-failing, eternal, 157
nevertheless, but, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254
new, 252
new-fangled, new, 252
new-fashioned, new, 252
new-made, new, 252
next, adjacent, 22
nice, fine, 172 " neat, 249 " tasteful, 352
niggardly, avaricious, 68
nigh, adjacent, 22
nimble, 253 " active, 17 " alert, 28
noble, awful, 70 " generous, 182 " high, 198
noise, sound, 338
noisome, pernicious, 279
non-conformist, heretic, 196
non-homogeneous, heterogeneous, 196
nonsensical, absurd, 11
normal, 253 " general, 181 " usual, 368
note, remark, 308 " sign, 332 " sound, 338
notes, money, 244
notify, announce, 46
notion, idea, 206
notoriety, fame, 166
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

notwithstanding, prep., 254
notwithstanding, conj., 254 " but, 89
nourish, cherish, 104
nourishment, food, 175
novel, a., new, 252
novel, n., fiction, 170 " story, 343
novelty, change, n., 101
novice, amateur, 39
now, immediately, 211 " yet, 374
noxious, pernicious, 270
nugatory, vain, 364
nuisance, abomination, 7
null, vain, 364
nullify, abolish, 6 " cancel, 92
number, calculate, 90
numberless, infinite, 216
numbers, poetry, 277
nuptials, marriage, 236
nurse, cherish, 104
nurture, cherish, 104 " education, 143 " teach, 353
nutriment, food, 175
nutrition, food, 175
oath, 254
obdurate, obstinate, 256
obedience, allegiance, 32
obedient, docile, 136
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

obey, follow, 174 " keep, 226
obiter dictum, precedent, 282
object, aim, 26 " design, 128 " reason, n., 302
objective, subjective, 345
objurgation, reproof, 311
obligation, contract, 118 " duty, 142
oblige, bind, 81 " compel, 111
obliging, pleasant, 275 " polite, 277
obliterate, abolish, 6 " cancel, 92
oblivion, pardon, n., 262
oblivious, abstracted, 11
obscure, 255 " complex, 112 " dark, 122 " equivocal, 155 " mysterious, 247
observance, sacrament, 321
observation, remark, 308
observe, celebrate, 99 " discern, 133 " follow, 174 " keep, 226
obsolescent, obsolete, 256
obsolete, 256
obstacle, barrier, 74 " impediment, 213
obstinate, 256 " restive, 314 " perverse, 272
obstruct, 257 " hinder, 199
obstruction, barrier, 74 " impediment, 313
obtain, attain, 64 " get, 183 " purchase, 295
obtrusive, meddlesome, 238
obtuseness, stupidity, 344
obviate, prevent, 284
obvious, clear, 107 " evident, 159
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

occasion, cause, 98 " make, 236
occult, mysterious, 247
occupation, business, 88 " exercise, 162 " work, 374
occupied, industrious, 215
occupy, entertain, 152 " have, 194
occur, happen, 188
occurrence, circumstance, 105 " event, 158
ocean, a., nautical, 248
oceanic, nautical, 248
odd, queer, 297 " rare, 300
offend, affront, 24
offense, abomination, 7 " anger, 44 " pique, 272 " sin, 332
offer, v., allege, 31
offer, n., proposal, 292
offhand, extemporaneous, 163
office, duty, 142
officious, active, 17 " meddlesome, 238
officiousness, impudence, 213
old, 257 " obsolete, 256 " primeval, 287
olden, old, 257
old-fashioned, antique, 48
omen, sign, 332
omission, neglect, 251
oneness, union, 362
onerous, difficult, 132
only, but, 89
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

onset, attack, n., 64
onslaught, attack, n., 64
on the alert, vigilant, 369
on the lookout, vigilant, 369
on the watch, alert, 28
opaque, dark, 122
open, bluff, 83 " candid, 93 " evident, 159
open-handed, generous, 182
open-hearted, generous, 182
opening, beginning, 78 " entrance, 154
operation, 258 " act, 16 " exercise, 162
operative, artist, 58
operator, agent, 24
opinion, faith, 164 " idea, 206
opinionated, dogmatic, 137 " obstinate, 256
opponent, enemy, 151
oppose, contrast, 118 " hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257
opposed, alien, a., 29 " reluctant, 308
opposition, ambition, 40 " antipathy, 48 " collision, 109
oppress, abuse, 12
option, alternative, 38
oral, verbal, 368
oration, speech, 339
oratory, speech, 339
order, 258 " array, 57 " class, 106 " law, 229 " system, 350
orderly, neat, 249
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

order of battle, array, 57
ordinance, law, 229 " sacrament, 321
ordinary, general, 181 " normal, 253 " usual, 362
organic, radical, 299
origin, beginning, 78 " cause, 98
original, a., authentic, 67 " native, 248
original, n., ideal, 206 " model, 243 " primeval, 287 " radical, 299 " transcendental, 361
originator, cause, 98
ornament, adorn, 23
oscillate, fluctuate, 173 " shake, 330
ostentation, 259 " pride, 286
ostracize, banish, 72
ought, 260
oust, banish, 72
outcome, consequence, 116 " end, n., 148 " event, 158
outgo, expense, 162
outgrowth, consequence, 116
outlandish, rustic, 321
outlay, expense, 162 " price, 285
outline, abridgment, 7 " sketch, 334
out of date, obsolete, 256
outrage, injury, 219
outset, beginning, 78
overawe, abash, 3
overbearing, absolute, 8 " dogmatic, 137
overcome, beat, 75 " conquer, 115
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

over-confidence, temerity, 353
overflowing, plentiful, 276
overlook, pardon, v., 262
overmaster, conquer, 115
overmatch, conquer, 115
overplus, excess, 160
overpower, conquer, 115
oversight, 260 " care, 94 " neglect, 251
overt, evident, 159
overtake, catch, 97
overthrow, abolish, 6 " conquer, 115 " demolish, 127 " exterminate, 163 " refute, 306 " subvert, 346
overture, proposal, 292
overturn, demolish, 127 " subvert, 346
overwhelm, hide, 197 " involve, 223
own, avow, 69 " confess, 114 " have, 194
pabulum, food, 175
pacify, allay, 31
pack, load, 233 " flock, 173
pact, contract, 118
pageant, ostentation, 259
pageantry, ostentation, 259
pain, 261
pains, industry, 216
palaver, babble, 71
palliate, 261 " alleviate, 33
palpable, evident, 159
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

paltry, pitiful, 273
pamper, caress, 95
panegyric, praise, 280
pang, pain, 261
panic, alarm, 28 " fear, 168
parable, allegory, 33
parade, array, 57 " ostentation, 259
paradox, riddle, 318
paradoxical, absurd, 11
parapet, barrier, 74
paraphrase, quote, 298
parcel, portion, 279
pardon, v., 262 " absolve, 9
pardon, n., 262 " mercy, 239
pardonable, venial, 367
parity, analogy, 43
parley, conversation, 118
parody, caricature, 95
paroxysm, pain, 261
parsimonious, avaricious, 68
parsimoniousness, frugality, 180
parsimony, frugality, 180

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