English Synonyms and Antonyms

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daily, 121
dainty, delicious, 126 " fine, 172 " tasteful, 352
damage, abuse, 12 " injury, 219
danger, 121 " hazard, 194
dangerous, formidable, 176
dapper, neat, 249
daring, brave, 85
dark, 122 " mysterious, 247 " obscure, 255
darksome, obscure, 255
dart, send, 327
date, time, 356
daub, blemish, 82
daunt, abash, 3 " frighten, 180
dauntless, brave, 85
dawdling, slow, 337
day-dream, dream, 139
deadly, pernicious, 270
deal, apportion, 54 " sale, 323
deathless, eternal, 157
debar, prohibit, 290
debase, abase, 2
debasement, alloy, 36
debate, v., deliberate, 125 " reason, v., 302
debate, n., reasoning, 303
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

decay, 122
decease, die, 130
deceit, deception, 123 " fraud, 177
deceitful, vain, 364
deceitfulness, deception, 123
deceiver, hypocrite, 204
decent, becoming, 77
deception, 123 " fraud, 177
deck, adorn, 23
declaim, speak, 339
declare, allege, 31 " announce, 46 " avow, 69 " speak, 339 " state, 341
decline, abate, 3 " die, 130
decompose, decay, 122
decorate, adorn, 23
decorous, becoming, 77
decoy, allure, 37
decrease, abate, 3
decree, law, 229
decrepit, old, 257
decry, disparage, 134 " slander, 336
deduction, demonstration, 127 " induction, 215
deed, act, 16 " work, 374 " transaction, 360
deem, calculate, 90 " esteem, v., 156 " suppose, 348
deep, obscure, 255
defacement, blemish, 82
defame, abuse, 12 " slander, 336
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

default, neglect, 251
defeat, beat, 75 " conquer, 115
defect, blemish, 82
defend, keep, 226 " shelter, 331
defense, 123 " apology, 51
defer, protract, 293
defile, 124 " abuse, 12
definition, 124
deflect, bend, 79
deformity, blemish, 82
deft, skilful, 335
degrade, abase, 2
deist, skeptic, 334
delay, hinder, 199 " protract, 293
delaying, slow, 337
delegate, v., send, 327
delegate, n., 125
deleterious, pernicious, 270
deliberate, v., 125
deliberate, a., slow, 337
delicate, fine, 172 " tasteful, 352
delicious, 126 " delightful, 126 " tasteful, 352
delight, v., entertain, 152
delight, n., entertainment, 153 " happiness, 189
delighted, happy, 190
delightful, 126 " beautiful, 76 " charming, 103 " delicious, 126 " happy, 190
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

delight in, admire, 23
delinquency, sin, 332
delirium, insanity, 221
deliver, give, 185 " speak, 339
delusion, 127 " deception, 123
delusive, vain, 364
demand, ask, 59
demeanor, air, 27 " behavior, 79
dementia, insanity, 221
demolish, 127 " break, 86
demonstrable, real, 301
demonstrate, reason, v., 302
demonstration, 127
denomination, name, 247 " term, 354
denouement, catastrophe, 97
denounce, condemn, 113
dense, obscure, 255
dent, blemish, 82
denunciation, oath, 254 " reproof, 311
deny, renounce, 309
depart, die, 130
depart from, abandon, 1
deplore, mourn, 246
deportment, behavior, 79
depose, state, 341
deposit, put, 296
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

deposition, testimony, 355
depravity, sin, 332
depreciate, disparage, 134 " slander, 336
depredator, robber, 320
depress, abase, 2
depth, wisdom, 372
depute, send, 327
deputy, delegate, 125
derange, displace, 135
derangement, insanity, 221
derision, banter, 73
derogate from, disparage, 134
descent, kin, 227
description, definition, 124 " report, 311
descry, discern, 133 " discover, 133 " look, 234
desert, abandon, 1
design, 128 " aim, 26 " end, n., 148 " idea, 206 " model, 243 " reason, n., 302 " sketch, 334
designation, name, 247
designer, cause, 98
desire, 128 " appetite, 54 " fancy, 167
desirous, eager, 142
desist, cease, 98 " end, v., 148
despair, 129
despatch, kill, 226 " quicken, 297 " send, 327
desperation, despair, 129
despicable, pitiful, 273
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

despise, abhor, 5
despite, notwithstanding, prep., 254
despoiler, robber, 320
despondency, despair, 129
despotic, absolute, 8
destine, allot, 34
destiny, necessity, 250
destitution, poverty, 279
destroy, abolish, 6 " break, 86 " demolish, 127 " exterminate, 163 " subvert, 346
destructive, pernicious, 270
detach, abstract, 10
detail, circumstance, 105
detailed, minute, 242
detain, arrest, 57 " keep, 226
detect, discover, 133
deterioration, alloy, 36
determination, aim, 26
determined, obstinate, 256
detest, abhor, 5
detestation, abomination, 7 " antipathy, 48 " hatred, 193
detract from, disparage, 134
detriment, injury, 219
detrimental, pernicious, 270
develop, amplify, 43
developed, real, 301
development, education, 143 " progress, 289
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

deviate, bend, 79 " wander, 371
device, artifice, 58 " design, 128
devoted, addicted, 19 " faithful, 165 " holy, 200
devotion, allegiance, 32 " attachment, 63 " enthusiasm, 153 " friendship, 179 " love, 235 " religion, 307
dexterity, 129 " address, n., 20 " power, 279
dexterous, clever, 109 " happy, 190 " skilful, 335
dialect, language, 228
dialog(ue, conversation, 118
diaphanous, clear, 107
dictatorial, absolute, 8 " dogmatic, 137
diction, 130 " language, 228
dictum, proverb, 293
die, 130
diet, food, 175
difference, 131
differentiate, contrast, 118
difficult, 132 " obscure, 255
difficulty, impediment, 213
diffidence, modesty, 244
diffuseness, circumlocution, 105
digest, abridgment, 7
digress, wander, 371
dilate, amplify, 43
dilatory, slow, 337
dilettante, amateur, 39
diligence, industry, 216
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

diligent, active, 17 " industrious, 215
dim, dark, 122 " faint, 164 " obscure, 255
diminish, abate, 3
diminutive, minute, 242
dip, immerse, 212 " tip, 357
dire, awful, 70
direct, govern, 185
direction, 132 " care, 94 " order, 258 " oversight, 260
directly, immediately, 211
direful, awful, 70
disadvantage, injury, 219
disagreement, difference, 131
disallow, prohibit, 290
disappointment, chagrin, 100 " misfortune, 242
disapproval, reproof, 311
disarrange, displace, 135
disaster, accident, 14 " blow, 83 " catastrophe, 97 " misfortune, 242
disavow, renounce, 309
disbelief, doubt, n., 138
disbeliever, skeptic, 334
discard, renounce, 309
discern, 133 " discover, 133 " look, 234
discernible, evident, 159
discerning, astute, 62 " sagacious, 322
discernment, acumen, 18 " wisdom, 372
discharge, absolve, 9 " banish, 72 " cancel, 92 " do, 135 " send, 327
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

disciple, adherent, 21 " convert, 119 " scholar, 324
discipline, v., chasten, 103 " teach, 353
discipline, n., education, 143
disclaim, renounce, 309
disclose, confess, 114 " discover, 133
disclosure, revelation, 316
discolor, stain, 341
discomfit, conquer, 115
discompose, abash, 3
discomposure, chagrin, 100
disconcert, abash, 3
discontinue, abandon, 1 " cease, 98
discordant, heterogeneous, 196 " incongruous, 214
discouragement, despair, 129
discourse, conversation, 118 " speak, 339 " speech, 339
discourteous, bluff, 83
discover, 133 " catch, 97
discredit, abase, 2 " disparage, 134
discrepancy, difference, 131
discrepant, incongruous, 214
discretion, address, n., 20 " prudence, 294 " wisdom, 372
discriminate, abstract, 10 " contrast, 118 " discern, 133
discriminating, astute, 62
discrimination, difference, 131
discuss, reason, v., 302
disdain, pride, 286
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

disease, 134
disfigurement, blemish, 82
disgrace, v., abase, 2 " stain, 341
disgrace, n., blemish, 82
disguise, v., hide, 197
disguise, n., pretense, 283
disgust, abomination, 7 " antipathy, 48
dishearten, abash, 3
dishonesty, fraud, 177
dishonor, v., abase, 2 " disparage, 134 " stain, 341
dishonor, n., blemish, 82
disinclined, reluctant, 308
disinfect, cleanse, 107
disintegration, revolution, 317
disinterested, generous, 182
dislike, v., abhor, 5
dislike, n., antipathy, 48 " hatred, 193
dislodge, banish, 72
dismal, dark, 122
dismay, v., frighten, 180
dismay, n., alarm, 28 " chagrin, 100 " fear, 168
dismiss, banish, 72 " send, 327
disobedient, rebellious, 304
disorder, disease, 134 " revolution, 317
disown, renounce, 309
disparage, 134 " abuse, 12 " slander, 336
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

disparity, difference, 131
dispassionate, calm, 91
dispense, apportion, 54
displace, 135
display, ostentation, 259
displease, affront, 24
displeasure, anger, 44 " pique, 272
disport, entertain, 152
dispose, influence, 217 " persuade, 271
disposed, addicted, 19
disposition, appetite, 54 " array, 57 " character, 102 " mind, 241
disprove, refute, 306
dispute, v., reason, v., 302
dispute, n., feud, 170
disquiet, anxiety, 49
disquietude, alarm, 28 " fear, 168
disquisition, speech, 339
disregard, neglect, 251
disrespect, neglect, 251
dissemble, hide, 197
dissembler, hypocrite, 204
dissension, feud, 170
dissenter, heretic, 196
dissertation, speech, 339
dissimilar, heterogeneous, 196
dissimilarity, difference, 131
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

dissimilitude, difference, 131
dissimulation, deception, 123 " hypocrisy, 204 " pretense, 283
dissipation, excess, 160
distant, alien, a., 29
distaste, antipathy, 48
distemper, disease, 134
distinct, clear, 107 " evident, 159
distinction, characteristic, 103 " difference, 131 " fame, 166
distinguish, abstract, 10 " discern, 133
distract, abstract, 10
distraction, perplexity, 270
distress, grief, 187 " misfortune, 242 " pain, 261 " poverty, 279
distribute, allot, 34 " apportion, 54
distributively, apiece, 51
distrust, v., doubt, v., 137
distrust, n., doubt, n., 138
disturb, displace, 135
disturbance, anxiety, 49 " perplexity, 270 " storm, 343
disused, obsolete, 256
diurnal, daily, 121
diverge, bend, 79 " wander, 371
divergence, difference, 131
diversify, change, v., 100
diversion, entertainment, 153
diversity, change, n., 101 " difference, 131
divert, abstract, 10 " entertain, 152
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

divide, allot, 34 " apportion, 54
divine, v., augur, 66
divine, n., holy, 200
division, part, 264 " topic, 359

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