English Synonyms and Antonyms

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collision, 109
colloquialism, slang, 336
colloquy, conversation, 118
color, pretense, 283 " stain, 341
colossal, large, 229
coma, stupor, 344
combat, v., attack, v., 63
combat, n., battle, 74
combination, cabal, 90 " union, 362
combine, agree, 25
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

combustion, fire, 173
come, reach, 300
come after, follow, 174
comely, beautiful, 76 " becoming, 77
come to an end, cease, 98
come to pass, happen, 188
comfort, cherish, 104 " console, 117 " happiness, 189
comfortable, 110
comical, queer, 297
comity, friendship, 179
command, v., govern, 185
command, n., law, 229 " order, 258 " oversight, 260
commanding, absolute, 8
commandment, law, 229
commemorate, celebrate, 99
commencement, beginning, 78
commensurate, adequate, 21
comment, definition, 124 " remark, 308 " reproof, 311
commentary, definition, 124
commerce, business, 88
comminuted, fine, 172 " minute, 242
commiseration, pity, 273
commit, 110 " do, 135
commodious, comfortable, 110 " large, 229
common, general, 181 " mutual, 246 " normal, 253 " usual, 362
commonplace, general, 181
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

commonwealth, people, 266
communicate, announce, 46 " give, 185
communication, conversation, 118
communion, conversation, 118 " sacrament, 321
communism, socialism, 338
community, association, 60 " people, 266
commute, change, 100
compact, a., terse, 354
compact, n., alliance, 34 " contract, 118
companion, accessory, 13 " associate, 60
companionable, friendly, 178
companionship, acquaintance, 15 " association, 60
company, 110 " association, 60 " class, 106
compare, contrast, 118
comparison, analogy, 43
compass, attain, 64
compassion, mercy, 239 " pity, 273
compassionate, humane, 203
compel, 111 " bind, 81 " drive, 140 " influence, 217 " make, 236
compend, abridgment, 7
compendious, terse, 354
compendium, abridgment, 7
compensate, requite, 313
compensation, pay, 266
competency, power, 279
competent, adequate, 21
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

competition, ambition, 40
competitor, enemy, 151
complain, 112
complaint, disease, 134
complaisant, friendly, 178 " polite, 277
complete, v., do, 135 " end, v., 148
complete, a., perfect, 268 " plentiful, 276 " radical, 299
completed, perfect, 268
completion, end, n., 148
complex, 112 " obscure, 255
compliant, docile, 136
complicate, involve, 223
complicated, complex, 112 " obscure, 255
compliment, praise, 280
comply, agree, 25
component, part, 264
compose, allay, 31 " make, 236
composed, calm, 91
composite, complex, 112
composition, metrical, poetry, 277
composure, apathy, 50 " patience, 265
compound, complex, 112
comprehend, catch, 97 " perceive, 267
comprehension, knowledge, 227
compulsion, necessity, 250
compulsive, absolute, 8
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

compulsory, absolute, 8
compunction, repentance, 310
compute, calculate, 90
comrade, associate, 60
conceal, hide, 197 " palliate, 261
concede, allow, 35 " confess, 114
conceit, egotism, 145 " fancy, 167 " idea, 206 " pride, 286
conceivable, likely, 232
conceive, perceive, 267
concept, idea, 206
conception, fancy, 167 " idea, 206
concern, anxiety, 49 " business, 88 " care, 94
concise, terse, 354
conclave, cabal, 90 " company, 110
conclude, cease, 98 " end, v., 148
conclusion, end, n., 148 " demonstration, 127
concomitant, appendage, 53 " circumstance, 105
concord, harmony, 191
concourse, company, 110 " throng, 356
concupiscence, desire, 128
concur, agree, 25
concurrence, harmony, 191
concussion, blow, 83 " collision, 109
condemn, 113 " reprove, 312
condemnation, reproof, 311
condensed, terse, 354
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

condition, cause, 98 " term, 354
condolence, pity, 273
condole with, console, 117
condone, pardon, 262
conduct, v., keep, 226 " transact, 360
conduct, n., behavior, 79
confabulation, conversation, 118
confederacy, alliance, 34 " association, 60 " cabal, 90
confederate, accessory, 13 " associate, 60 " auxiliary, 67
confederation, alliance, 34 " association, 60
confer, deliberate, 125 " give, 185
conference, company, 110 " conversation, 118
confess, 114 " avow, 69
confession, apology, 51
confide, commit, 110
confidence, assurance, 61 " faith, 164
confine, restrain, 315
confines, boundary, 84
confirm, 114
conflagration, fire, 173
conflict, battle, 74 " collision, 109
conflicting, alien, a., 29 " incongruous, 214
conformity, harmony, 191
confound, abash, 3 " refute, 306
confront, abide, 5
confuse, abash, 3 " displace, 135
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

confused, complex, 112 " heterogeneous, 196
confusion, amazement, 39 " chagrin, 100 " perplexity, 270 " revolution, 317
confute, refute, 306
congé, farewell, 168
congenial, delightful, 126
congenital, inherent, 218
conglomerate, complex, 112 " heterogeneous, 196
congratulate, 115
congregation, company, 110
congruity, harmony, 191
congruous, becoming, 67
conjectural, likely, 232
conjecture, v., suppose, 348
conjecture, n., hypothesis, 204
conjugal union, marriage, 236
conjunction, association, 60 " union, 362
conjure, pray, 281
connect, attribute, v., 65
connection, association, 60
connoisseur, amateur, 39
conquer, 115 " beat, 75
conquest, victory, 369
consanguinity, kin, 227
conscious, 116
consciousness, mind, 241
consecrated, holy, 200
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

consent, v., agree, 25
consent, n., harmony, 191 " permission, 269
consent to, allow, 35
consequence, 116 " demonstration, 127 " end, n., 148 " event, 158
consequent, consequence, 116
consider, calculate, 90 " deliberate, 125 " esteem, 156
considerable, large, 229
consideration, friendship, 179 " prudence, 294 " reason, n., 302
consign, commit, 110
consistency, harmony, 191
console, 117
consonance, harmony, 191
consort, associate, 60
conspicuous, evident, 159
conspiracy, cabal, 90
constancy, industry, 216
constant, continual, 117 " permanent, 269
consternation, alarm, 28 " fear, 168
constituent, part, 264
constitute, make, 236
constitution, character, 102
constitutional, radical, 299
constrain, compel, 111 " make, 236 " restrain, 315
constraint, modesty, 244
construct, make, 236
consult, deliberate, 125
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

consume, absorb, 9 " burn, 87
consummate, v., do, 135
consummate, a., perfect, 268
consummation, act, 16 " end, n., 148
contact, collision, 109
contagion, 117
contaminate, defile, 124
contemplate, look, 234
contemptible, pitiful, 273
contend, reason, v., 302
content, satisfy, 324
contented, comfortable, 110
contention, feud, 170
contentment, happiness, 189
conterminous, adjacent, 22
contest, battle, 74 " feud, 170
contiguity, approximation, 55
contiguous, adjacent, 22
continence, abstinence, 10
continent, pure, 296
contingency, accident, 14 " event, 158 " hazard, 194
continual, 117
continue, abide, 5 " protract, 293
continuous, continual, 117
contract, 118
contraction, abbreviation, 4
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

contradictory, alien, a., 29 " incongruous, 214
contrariety, difference, 131
contrary, alien, a., 29 " incongruous, 214 " perverse, 272
contrast, v., 118
contrast, n., difference, 131
contrasted, alien, a., 29
contriteness, repentance, 310
contrition, repentance, 310
contrivance, artifice, 58
control, v., govern, 185
control, n., oversight, 260
controlling, absolute, 8
controversy, feud, 170
controvert, reason, v., 302
contumacious, obstinate, 256 " rebellious, 304
conundrum, riddle, 318
convene, convoke, 120
convenient, comfortable, 110
convention, company, 110
conversation, 118
converse, conversation, 118 " speak, 339
conversion, change, n., 101
convert, v., change, 100
convert, n., 119
convey, 119 " carry, 96
convict, condemn, 113
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

conviction, faith, 164
convince, persuade, 271
convocation, company, 110
convoke, 120
cool, calm, 91
cooperate, help, 195
copious, plentiful, 276
copy, v., follow, 174
copy, n., duplicate, 141 " model, 243
cordial, friendly, 178
corporal, physical, 272
corporation, association, 60
corporeal, physical, 272
corpse, body, 84
corpuscle, particle, 264
correct, v., amend, 41 " chasten, 103
correct, a., perfect, 268
correlative, mutual, 246
correspondent, synonymous, 349
corresponding, synonymous, 349
corroborate, confirm, 114
corrupt, decay, 122 " defile, 124
cost, expense, 162 " price, 285
costume, dress, 140
coterie, class, 106
coterminous, adjacent, 22
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

count, calculate, 90
countenance, abet, 4
counteract, hinder, 199
counterpart, duplicate, 141
countless, infinite, 216
countrified, rustic, 321
country, rustic, 321
courage, fortitude, 176 " prowess, 294
courageous, brave, 85
course, career, 95 " direction, 132 " way, 372
court, address, v., 19 " caress, 95
courteous, polite, 277
courtesy, address, n., 20
courtly, polite, 277
covenant, contract, 118
cover, hide, 197 " palliate, 261 " shelter, 331
coveting, desire, 128
covetous, avaricious, 68
covey, flock, 173
cow, frighten, 180
coyness, modesty, 244
crabbed, morose, 245
crack, v., break, 86
crack, n., blemish, 82
craft, artifice, 58 " business, 88 " deception, 123
crafty, astute, 62
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

crave, ask, 59
craving, appetite, 54 " desire, 128
craziness, insanity, 221
create, make, 236
creator, cause, 98
creature, animal, 45
credence, faith, 164
credible, likely, 232
credit, faith, 164 " fame, 166
credulity, fanaticism, 166
creed, faith, 164
cremate, burn, 87
crew, cabal, 90
crime, abomination, 7 " sin, 332
criminal, 120
criminality, sin, 332
critic, amateur, 39
critical, minute, 242
criticism, reproof, 311
croak, complain, 112
crook, bend, 79
crop, harvest, 192
cross off, or out, cancel, 92
crotchety, queer, 297
crowd, company, 110 " mob, 243 " throng, 356
crowd out, displace, 135
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

cruel, barbarous, 73
crush, break, 86 " conquer, 115
crusty, morose, 245
cry, call, 91
cudgel, beat, 75
cuff, blow, 83
cull, choose, 104
culpable, criminal, 120
cultivated, polite, 277
cultivation, agriculture, 25 " education, 143 " refinement, 305
culture, agriculture, 25 " education, 143 " refinement, 305
cultured, polite, 277
cunning, a., astute, 62
cunning, n., artifice, 58 " deception, 123
curb, govern, 185 " restrain, 315
cure, recover, 305
cured, be, recover, 305
curious, inquisitive, 221 " queer, 297 " rare, 300
currency, money, 244
current, authentic, 67
curse, abomination, 7 " oath, 254
cursing, oath, 254
curve, bend, 79
custody, fetter, 169
custom, habit, 187
customary, general, 181 " usual, 362
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

cut, blow, 83
cutting, bitter, 81

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