English Synonyms and Antonyms

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suggestion, 347
suitable, adequate, 21 " becoming, 77
sulky, morose, 245
sullen, morose, 245
sully, defile, 124 " stain, 341
summary, abridgment, 7
summon, arraign, 56 " convoke, 120
sum up, add, 18 " calculate, 90
sunder, break, 86 " rend, 309
sunny, happy, 190
superabundance, excess, 160
superannuated, antique, 48
superciliousness, pride, 286
superfluity, excess, 160
superhuman, supernatural, 347
superintendence, oversight, 260
supernatural, 347
supersede, subvert, 346
superstition, fanaticism, 166
supervene, happen, 188
supervision, oversight, 260
supplant, abolish, 6 " subvert, 346
supple, active, 17
supplement, appendage, 53
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

supplicate, ask, 59 " pray, 281
supply, give, 185
support, v., 348 " abet, 4 " endure, 150 " keep, 226
support, n., help, 195 " subsidy, 345
supporter, adherent, 21
suppose, 348
supposition, fancy, 167 " hypothesis, 205 " idea, 206
suppress, abolish, 6 " hide, 197 " restrain, 315 " subvert, 346
supremacy, victory, 369
supreme, absolute, 8
sure, authentic, 67 " conscious, 116 " faithful, 165
surety, security, 326
surfeit, satisfy, 324
surly, morose, 245
surmise, v., doubt, v., 137 " suppose, 348
surmise, n., hypothesis, 205
surmount, conquer, 115
surname, name, 247
surpass, beat, 75
surplus, excess, 160
surplusage, circumlocution, 105
surprise, amazement, 39
surrender, 349 " abandon, 1
surrounded by, amid, 42
surveillance, oversight, 260
survey, look, 234
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

susceptibility, power, 279 " sensibility, 328
suspect, doubt, v., 137
suspense, doubt, n., 138
suspicion, doubt, n., 138
suspicious, envious, 155 " equivocal, 155
sustain, carry, 96 " confirm, 114 " endure, 150 " help, 195 " keep, 226 " support, 348
sustenance, food, 175
swallow, absorb, 9
swallow up, absorb, 9
swarm, flock, 173
swart, dark, 122
swarthy, dark, 122
sway, govern, 185 " influence, 217 " shake, 330
swear, state, 341
swearing, oath, 254
sweep, cleanse, 107
sweet, amiable, 42
swerve, fluctuate, 173 " wander, 371
swift, nimble, 253
swindle, n., fraud, 177
swindling, fraud, 177
swing, shake, 330
swinish, brutish, 87
switch, beat, 75
swoon, stupor, 344
swooning, stupor, 344
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

sworn statement, oath, 254
sycophancy, praise, 280
sylvan, rustic, 321
symbol, emblem, 146 " sign, 332
symmetry, harmony, 191
sympathetic, humane, 203
sympathize with, console, 117
sympathy, benevolence, 80 " pity, 273
symphony, melody, 238
symptom, sign, 332
syncope, stupor, 344
synonymic, synonymous, 349
synonymous, 349
synopsis, abridgment, 7
system, 350 " body, 84 " habit, 187 " hypothesis, 205
systematic, dogmatic, 137
system of government, polity, 278
taciturn, 351
tact, address, n., 20
taint, v., defile, 124
taint, n., blemish, 82
take, assume, 61 " carry, 96 " catch, 97
take away, abstract, 10
take hold of, catch, 97
take in, take up, absorb, 9
take into custody, arrest, 57
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

take-off, caricature, 95
take place, happen, 188
take prisoner, arrest, 57
take to task, reprove, 312
tale, report, 311 " story, 343
talent, genius, 183 " power, 279
talented, clever, 109
talents, genius, 183
talk, speak, 339
talk, n., conversation, 118 " speech, 339
talkative, garrulous, 181
tall, high, 198
tame, docile, 136
tangible, evident, 159 " physical, 272
tangled, complex, 112
tardy, slow, 337
tarnish, blemish, 82 " defile, 124 " stain, 341
tarry, abide, 5
tart, bitter, 81
tartness, acrimony, 15
tasteful, 352
tasty, tasteful, 352
tattle, babble, 71
taunt, sneer, 337
tautology, circumlocution, 105
teach, 353
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

teachable, docile, 136
teaching, doctrine, 136 " education, 143
tear, rend, 309
tease, affront, 24
tediousness, circumlocution, 105
teeming, plentiful, 276
tell, announce, 46 " speak, 339 " state, 341
temerity, 353
temper, anger, 44 " character, 102
temperament, character, 102
temperance, abstinence, 10
tempest, storm, 343
temporary, transient, 361
tempt, allure, 37
tendency, aim, 26 " direction, 132
tender, friendly, 178 " humane, 203
tender-hearted, humane, 203
tenderness, attachment, 63 " love, 235 " mercy, 239 " pity, 273
tenet, doctrine, 136
tenuous, fine, 172
term, 354 " boundary, 84 " time, 356
terminate, abolish, 6 " cease, 98 " end, v., 148
termination, boundary, 84 " end, n., 148
terminus, end, n., 148
terrible, awful, 70 " formidable, 176
terrific, awful, 70
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

terrify, frighten, 180
terror, alarm, 28 " fear, 168
terse, 354
testify, avow, 69 " state, 341
testimony, 355
that, but, 89
theme, topic, 359
then, therefore, 355
thence, therefore, 355
theology, religion, 307
theory, hypothesis, 205 " idea, 206
therefore, 355
thief, robber, 320
thin, fine, 172
think, esteem, v., 156 " suppose, 348
thirst, appetite, 54
tho, but, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254
thorough, radical, 299
thoroughfare, way, 372
thoroughgoing, radical, 299
thought, idea, 206 " mind, 241
thoughtless, abstracted, 11
thoughtlessness, neglect, 251
thrash, beat, 75
threatening, imminent, 212
thrift, frugality, 180
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

thrill, shake, 330
thrive, succeed, 346
throe, pain, 261
throng, 356 " company, 110
through, by, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254
throw, send, 327
thrust, drive, 140
thump, blow, 83
thus far, yet, 374
thwart, hinder, 199
tidy, neat, 249
tie, bind, 81
tillage, agriculture, 25
tilt, tip, 357
time, 356
time-honored, old, 257
timeless, eternal, 157
time-worn, old, 257
timid, faint, 164
timidity, alarm, 28 " fear, 168 " modesty, 244
tinge, stain, 341
tint, stain, 341
tiny, minute, 242
tip, v., 357
tip, n., end, n., 148
tire, v., 357
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

title, name, 247
tittle, particle, 264
toil, work, 374
toilsome, difficult, 132
token, emblem, 146 " sign, 332 " trace, 359
tolerate, abide, 5 " allow, 35 " endure, 150
tone, sound, 338
tongue, language, 228
too, also, 37
tool, 358
topic, 359
torment, pain, 261
torpor, stupor, 344
torture, pain, 261
total, radical, 299
totter, shake, 330
touching, pitiful, 273
tour, journey, 223
tow, draw, 138
towering, high, 198
trace, 359 " characteristic, 103
track, trace, 359 " way, 372
tractable, docile, 136
trade, business, 88 " sale, 323
trading, business, 88
traduce, slander, 336
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

traffic, business, 88
trail, trace, 359
train, teach, 353
trained, skilful, 335
training, education, 143
trait, characteristic, 103
trance, dream, 139
tranquil, calm, 91
tranquilize, allay, 31
tranquillity, apathy, 50 " rest, 313
transact, 360 " do, 135
transaction, 360 " act, 16 " business, 88
transcendent, transcendental, 361
transcendental, 361 " mysterious, 247
transcript, duplicate, 141
transfer, convey, 119
transfigure, change, v., 100
transform, change, v., 100
transformation, change, n., 101
transgress, break, 86
transgression, sin, 332
transient, 361
transit, journey, 223 " motion, 245
transition, change, 101 " motion, 245
transitory, transient, 361
translation, definition, 124
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

translucent, clear, 107
transmit, carry, 96 " convey, 119 " send, 327
transmutation, change, n., 101
transmute, change, v., 100
transparent, candid, 93 " clear, 107 " evident, 159
transport, carry, 96 " convey, 119 " enthusiasm, 153
trappings, caparison, 93
travel, journey, 223
travesty, caricature, 95
treachery, fraud, 177
treason, fraud, 177
treasure, cherish, 104
treat, transact, 360
tremble, shake, 330
trembling, fear, 168
tremendous, formidable, 176
tremor, fear, 168
trepidation, fear, 168
trespass, attack, n., 64
trial, endeavor, n., 150 " misfortune, 242
tribe, people, 266
tribulation, grief, 187 " misfortune, 242
tribute, subsidy, 345
trick, artifice, 58 " fraud, 177 " pretense, 283
trickery, deception, 123
trifling, idle, 208 " vain, 364
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

trim, neat, 249
trip, journey, 223
triumph, happiness, 189 " victory, 369
trivial, vain, 364 " venial, 367
troops, army, 56
trouble, anxiety, 49 " care, 94 " grief, 187 " misfortune, 242
true, authentic, 67 " faithful, 165 " honest, 202 " pure, 296 " real, 301
truism, axiom, 71 " proverb, 293
trunk, body, 84
trust, v., commit, 110
trust, n., assurance, 61 " faith, 164
trustworthy, authentic, 67 " faithful, 165 " honest, 202 " reliable, 306
trusty, faithful, 165 " honest, 202 " reliable, 306
truth, justice, 225 " veracity, 367 " virtue, 370
truthful, candid, 93
truthfulness, veracity, 367
try, chasten, 103 " endeavor, v., 149
trying, difficult, 132
tug, draw, 138
tuition, education, 143
tumult, revolution, 317
turbid, obscure, 255
turn, bend, 79 " change, v., 100 " revolve, 318
tutor, teach, 353
twaddle, babble, 71
twain, both, 84
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

twine, bend, 79
twinge, pain, 261
twinkle, light, 231
twinkling, light, 231
twist, bend, 79
two, both, 84
type, emblem, 146 " example, 160 " model, 243 " sign, 332
typical, normal, 253
tyrannical, absolute, 8
tyro, amateur, 39
umbrage, pique, 272
umpire, judge, 224
unadorned, clear, 107
unadulterated, pure, 296
unambiguous, clear, 107
unanimity, harmony, 191
unassured, precarious, 282
unavailing, vain, 364
unavoidable, necessary, 250
unavoidableness, necessity, 250
unbelief, doubt, n., 138
unbeliever, skeptic, 334
unbiased, candid, 93
unbidden, spontaneous, 340
unblemished, perfect, 268 " pure, 296
unbounded, infinite, 216
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

unbroken, continual, 117
unceasing, continual, 117 " eternal, 157
uncertain, equivocal, 155 " precarious, 282
uncertainty, doubt, n., 138
unchangeable, permanent, 269
unchanging, permanent, 269
uncivil, bluff, 83
uncivilized, barbarous, 73
uncommon, queer, 297 " rare, 300
uncommunicative, taciturn, 351
uncompromising, severe, 329
unconcern, apathy, 50
unconditional, absolute, 8
unconditioned, infinite, 216
uncongeniality, antipathy, 48
unconnected, alien, a., 29
unconquerable, obstinate, 256
unconsciousness, stupor, 344
uncontrollable, rebellious, 304
uncorrupted, pure, 296
uncouth, awkward, 70 " barbarous, 73 " rustic, 321
uncreated, primeval, 287
uncultivated, fierce, 171
undaunted, brave, 85
undefiled, perfect, 268 " pure, 296
undeniable, necessary, 250
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

underestimate, disparage, 134
undergo, endure, 150
underrate, disparage, 134
understand, perceive, 267
understanding, mind, 241 " wisdom, 372
undertake, endeavor, v., 149
undervalue, disparage, 134
undismayed, brave, 85
undisturbed, calm, 91
undulate, fluctuate, 173
undying, eternal, 157
uneducated, ignorant, 208
unemployed, idle, 208 " vacant, 363
unending, eternal, 157
unenlightened, ignorant, 208
unequivocal, absolute, 8 " clear, 107
unfading, eternal, 157
unfailing, eternal, 157
unfairness, injustice, 220 " prejudice, 283
unfathomable, infinite, 216 " mysterious, 247
unfathomed, mysterious, 247
unfeelingness, apathy, 50
unfilled, vacant, 363
unflinching, obstinate, 256
unfold, amplify, 43
ungainly, awkward, 70
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

ungodliness, sin, 332
ungovernable, perverse, 272 " rebellious, 304
unhandy, awkward, 70
unhealthful, pernicious, 270
unhealthiness, disease, 134
unhomogeneous, heterogeneous, 196
unification, union, 362
uniform, a., alike, 30
uniform, n., dress, 140
uniformity, harmony, 191
unimportant, vain, 364
uninformed, ignorant, 208
uninstructed, ignorant, 208
unintellectual, brutish, 87
unintelligible, obscure, 255
uninterrupted, continual, 117

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