PBL is an instructional model that involves students in investigations of compelling problems that culminate in authentic products. Projects that make for stronger classroom learning opportunities can vary widely in subject matter and scope, and can be delivered at a wide range of grade levels. Nonetheless, they tend to share defining features.
Projects grow out of challenging questions that cannot be answered by rote learning. Projects put students in an active role such as: problem solver, decision maker, investigator, or documentarian. Projects serve specific, significant educational goals; they are not diversions or adds to the "real" curriculum. According to the result of research, it is determined that the implementation of PBL is applicable method in the language learning process. In addition to this, speaking in PBL is extremely vital and it can lead to improve learners’ speech according to conducted researches.
The teaching learning process was also improved by applying project-based learning in teaching learning speaking. This was proved by the description of the observation checklist and field notes from each cycle. Finally, it can be concluded that PBL is applicable if this method implemented in teaching a speaking skill to the eleventh graders of senior High School.
Speaking as a skill needs much exercise and practice, otherwise the students’ speaking cannot be improved. Brown states anxiety is one of problems faced by students in speaking because they are afraid to be judged as stupid and incomprehensible persons. So, it can be concluded that some students do not want to speak because they are afraid of making mistakes in speaking.
PBL teaches students not just content, but also important skills in ways students have to be able to function like adults in our society. These skills include communication and presentation skills, organization and time management skills, research and inquiry skills, self-assessment and reflection skills, group participation and leadership skills, and critical thinking.
This finding is examined based on the instruments of study that have been used, that are field note, observation sheet, and students performance score. In the end of this chapter, there will be several suggestions for the teacher and the writer. Since the nature of PBL requires a long time for completing the project, the teacher should manage the speaking session as well so that it will not disrupt other materials that are being taught. Therefore, the writer suggests teachers as well as readers to use project-based learning for increasing students’ speaking skill since it is simple, easy to do, enjoyable and up to date.
During PBL, the teacher should be prepared well with any device or tools that support the project. The teacher has to handle the schedule well and be on time about the deadline of the project. The teacher also can use project-based learning with other technique which supports the PBL. The teacher should be creative in deciding the project to make the activities become more interesting as well as challenging to the students. Project-based Learning is innovative by its emphasis on cooperative learning.
Additionally, students create tangible results to represent what they have learned. Students use technology and inquiry to respond to a complex issue, problem or challenge. PBL focuses on student-centered inquiry and group learning with the teacher acting as a facilitator, as op-posed to the one in charge. Activities match as nearly as possible the real-world tasks of professionals in practice rather than classroom-based tasks.
PBL is an effective approach that allows multiple skills to be developed through an integrated, meaningful activity. This type of learning is valuable since it is connected to real-world issues and enables learners to demonstrate their knowledge in practical ways. It also engages learners in sustained investigations and allows learners to participate in a variety of tasks that seek meaningful interactions.
Loyihaga asoslangan ta'lim – bu o'quv modeli bo'lib, u o'quvchilarni haqiqiy mahsulotlar bilan yakunlanadigan jiddiy muammolarni tekshirishga jalb qiladi. Sinfda o'rganish imkoniyatlarini kengaytiradigan loyihalar mavzu va ko'lamda juda xilma-xil bo'lishi mumkin va keng doiradagi sinflarda topshirilishi mumkin. Shunga qaramay, ular aniqlovchi xususiyatlarni baham ko'rishga moyildirlar. Loyihalar qiyin savollardan kelib chiqadi, ularga eslab o'rganish orqali javob berib bo'lmaydi. Loyihalar talabalarni muammoni hal qiluvchi, qaror qabul qiluvchi, tergovchi yoki hujjatchi kabi faol rolga qo'yadi. Loyihalar aniq, muhim ta'lim maqsadlariga xizmat qiladi; ular "haqiqiy" o'quv rejasiga chalg'itish yoki qo'shimchalar emas. Tadqiqot natijalariga ko'ra, loyihaga asoslangan ta'lim ni amalga oshirish til o'rganish jarayonida qo'llaniladigan usul ekanligi aniqlandi.
Loyihaga asoslangan ta'lim – integratsiyalashgan, mazmunli faoliyat orqali bir nechta ko'nikmalarni rivojlantirishga imkon beruvchi samarali yondashuv. Ushbu turdagi o'rganish qimmatlidir, chunki u real muammolar bilan bog'liq va o'quvchilarga o'z bilimlarini amaliy usullarda namoyish etish imkonini beradi. Shuningdek, u o'quvchilarni doimiy tekshiruvlarga jalb qiladi va o'quvchilarga mazmunli o'zaro ta'sirlarni izlovchi turli vazifalarda qatnashish imkonini beradi.
Loyihaga asoslangan ta'lim o'quvchilarga nafaqat mazmunni, balki jamiyatimizda kattalar kabi ishlay olishlari kerak bo'lgan muhim ko'nikmalarni ham o'rgatadi. Bu ko‘nikmalarga muloqot va taqdimot ko‘nikmalari, tashkilotchilik va vaqtni boshqarish ko‘nikmalari, tadqiqot va izlanish ko‘nikmalari, o‘z-o‘zini baholash va mulohaza yuritish qobiliyatlari, guruhda ishtirok etish va yetakchilik qobiliyatlari hamda tanqidiy fikrlash kiradi.
Ushbu topilma qo'llanilgan o'rganish asboblari, ya'ni dala yozuvi, kuzatish varag'i va talabalarning ishlash ballari asosida tekshiriladi. Ushbu bobning oxirida o'qituvchi va yozuvchi uchun bir nechta takliflar bo'ladi. Loyihaga asoslangan ta'limning tabiati loyihani bajarish uchun uzoq vaqt talab qilganligi sababli, o'qituvchi o'qitilayotgan boshqa materiallarni buzmasligi uchun nutq sessiyasini ham boshqarishi kerak. Shu sababli, yozuvchi o'qituvchilarga, shuningdek, o'quvchilarga talabalarning nutq qobiliyatini oshirish uchun loyihaga asoslangan ta'limdan foydalanishni tavsiya qiladi, chunki bu oddiy, bajarish oson, yoqimli va dolzarbdir.
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