Stepped (degree):
u˙ –
[t] ←↓→ [s]
Language advancement
Tongue lift
Different locations and
active organ
An affricate is
a phoneme
that combines an attack
like a vocal consonant
and an indentation of a
slotted consonant.
1. By the number of phonemes with common differential features and
by one differential feature, one-dimensional and multi-dimensional
oppositions are distinguished. One-dimensional oppositions are inherent in only
two phonemes of this system. For instant, in Russian phonemes [i]-[u] having the
only differential feature upper rise of tongue, contrasted in labialization and non-
labialization. In multidimensional oppositions, general
differential features are
inherent in a larger number of phonemes. So, the general differential features –
explosive, deaf, hard in phonemes [n]-[t]-[k] are contrasted at the place of
2. If the relationship between members of one-dimensional opposition is
also observed among members of some other oppositions or a number of the
oppositions, they are called proportional. For example, contrast of phonemes in
deafness and voicedness is inherent in many other phonemes. In Uzbek, Russian,
English, German and French there is a contrast in
deafness and voicedness: [b]-
[p], [z]-[s], [d]-[z], etc. The opposition can also be isolated, because the relation
between phonemes is not repeated in any other pair of phonemes. The
phonological structure of the Arabic language is
characterized by a binary
opposition of simple and emphatic connective phonemes: [s]-[s], [h]-[h], [t]-[t]
and [d]-[d], which we do not find in many other languages, for example in
English, German, Russian.
3. Multidimensional oppositions are represented by three types: stepped,
chain and bundle oppositions.
For instant, stepped opposition of [i]-[e]-[ε] is
characterized by the degree of tongue lift in French. The chain oppositions are
characterized by different places of formation and active speech organs, as in
English phonemes [m]-[n]-[ŋ] or Russian [n]-[t]-[k]. Bundle oppositions occur in
the affricates: [t] ← [ts] → [s] in English and Turkmen.
As V.D.Arakin states, some one-dimensional proportional oppositions,
characterized by the same features
by which phonemes are opposed, make up
. For example, the extent of hardness
and softness correlation in
Russian: [k – k`], [g – g`], [h – h`], [ts – tʃ], [ꭍ – ꭍtʃ], [ʒ – ʒ`].
Additionally, to the opposition and correlation discussed above, there is
another notion called neutralization, that is, removal of a feature distinguishing
one phoneme from another in binary opposition, for example, neutralization of
the sign of sonorousness in all voiced phonemes in the final position in the word,
which is especially characteristic of the Russian and German languages, but is
not represented either in English or in French:
Аракин В.Д. Типология языков и проблема методического прогнозирования. Учебноe
пособие. – М.: ВЫСШАЯ ШКОЛА. 1989.