1.4. Critical listening
Critical perception is based on both global and detailed perception, but, in addition, it requires a critical understanding of what is heard: expressing one's point of view on what and how the text says, motivated agreement or disagreement with the main idea of the author, his argumentation, with the form of expression of thought, etc. The installation on the critical perception of the text is practiced when a presentation is carried out with an additional task, a search task in which the text is used.
Every time a teacher encourages students to be attentive, to listen carefully, he, in essence, teaches this skill, but far not always aware of this and the children, and the teacher himself. Meanwhile, attention is most effectively organized by the motivation of the proposed task, attitude to perception, control over the task: “We learn to discuss controversial issues. Try to understand another point of view, then you can convincingly reveal your own, object ”; “You must evaluate the answer of a friend and motivate, explain, justify your mark”; “Your task is to isolate and write down the main position of the statement” [7:297]. Etc.
Serious attention should be paid to the culture of behavior when listening, or the culture of listening. Students should know that listening is as important as speaking, that listening and speaking are equally important in interpersonal and group communication. Good listening facilitates the assimilation of information, promotes the establishment of contacts between people. A person who knows how to listen will not interrupt another and understand him more easily, he will not argue over trifles without understanding the essence of the matter, etc. In the ability to listen, the interlocutor’s upbringing, respect for another person, i.e., are manifested. e. its culture.
The following types of work on the development of listening skills are known[1:268]:
- repetition by students of the installation expressed by the teacher -
- recording while listening to words denoting specific
names of facts, everything that the listener considers necessary to remember, for example, the thesis of a statement, controversial
position, transition to a new part of the message, etc.; a record of everything that the speaker fixes on the board during the explanation, etc .;
— drafting a plan of more or less extensive —
depending on what students have to do based on
what was heard: answer questions in detail or briefly, retell, interpret what was heard, etc.;
- taking notes, writing abstracts;
- coding (symbolic image) of information (drawing up tables, diagrams, etc.);
- multiple listening to a tape recording, gramophone record, etc., which involves critical reflection on what was heard, an assessment of both the essence and the form of presentation (including its
CHAPTER II. Activities which are necessary for teaching speech
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