Drogheda borough council

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Comhairle Thoghlach Dhroichead Átha


Minutes of Council Meeting of Drogheda Borough Council held in the Council Chamber, Fair Street, Drogheda, on Monday 1st November 2004 at 7. 30 p.m.
In attendance:
MEMBERS : In the Chair: The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash

Councillors: P. Bell, T. Byrne, M. Coogan, A. Donohoe,

M. Godfrey, F. Maher, J. Mulroy, T. Murphy,

M. O’Dowd, K. O’Heiligh, D. Wilton.

OFFICIALS: Mr. D. Foley, Town Clerk,

Mr. D. Agnew, Borough Engineer,


Draft Review of Development Plan.
On the proposal of The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash, seconded by Councillor M. Godfrey, the Members agreed to meet on Thursday 4th November, 2004 at 7.00 p.m. to continue the review of submissions received in response to the Draft Development Plan.

The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash and Councillors paid their tribute to the former Mayor , Matt Nolan who had passed away in the previous week. They also extended their sympathy to The Nolan Family on their sad loss.
Condolences were also expressed to the following;
The Fairclough Family on the death of Dermot Fairclough.

Ann McGuinness and family on the death of Martin McGuinness.

The Carter Family on the death of Michael Carter, Yellowbatter.
A minute silence was then observed as a mark of respect to the deceased.

Suspension of Standing Orders
On the proposal of Councillor D. Wilton, seconded by The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash, the Members agreed to suspend Standing Orders to discuss the issue of a Waste Licence by the EPA to Indaver Ireland in respect of a facility at Carronstown, Duleek , Co. Meath.
Each of the Members objected to the proposed decision to grant the Waste Licence Application and agreed with the terms of the following motion “that the Members of Drogheda Borough Council
object to the awarding of Waste Management Licence to Indaver Ireland at Carronstown, Duleek, Co. Meath.

Confirmation of Minutes.
On the proposal of Councillor T. Murphy, seconded by Councillor F. Maher, the Minutes of Special Council meeting held on 4th October, 2004 were adopted.
On the proposal of Councillor J. Mulroy, seconded by Councillor T. Murphy, the Minutes of Council Meeting held on 4th October, 2004 were adopted.

Matters arising from Minutes.
In response to a query by Councillor K. O’Heiligh, the Town Clerk confirms that he had quoted the Section from The Local Government Act 2001as referred to in the Minutes of Council Meeting held on 4th October, 2004.
Disposal of piece of ground adjoining No. 1 Chord Terrace to Mr. Terry O’Brien and surrender of Lease at Millmount
On the proposal of The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash and seconded by Councillor J. Mulroy, the Members agreed to dispose of plot of ground to the rear of No. 2 Chord Terrace, Drogheda to Mr. Terry O’Brien in exchange for surrender of Lease on Unit at Millmount, Drogheda to facilitate DKIT Incubation Units at Millmount.

Disposal of Various Properties
Proposed by Councillor P. Bell, seconded by The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash.
Kevin Maguire & Brenda O’Brien, 56 Ascal A Do, Yellowbatter €10.16 & €114.28

Kathleen B. Dowdall, 9 Laburnum Square “

Catherine Garry, 13 Park View “

Michael & Olive Hodgins, 3 Hardmans Gardens “

Clare Walsh, 5 St. Bridgets Tce. “

Joseph & Mary Durnin, 208 Pearse Park “

Diarmuid O’Doherty &

Fiona Doherty, 9 Curshrod Ave. “

Dermot & Geraldine Saurin, 40 Bothar Burgha “

Julia Clarke, 3 Beechgrove Tce. “

Stephen McNamara, 11 Corporation Cottsl, Duleek St. “

Peter Conway &

Michael Foley, 17 Corporation Cotts., Duleek St. “


To fix date for Budget 2005 Meeting.
The Members agreed to hold the Budget Meeting on Wednesday, 1st December, 2004 at 7.00 p.m.
Nomination of two Members to Strategic Policy Committees.
Councillor T. Murphy was nominated on the proposal of Councillor F. Maher, seconded by Councillor J. Mulroy.
Councillor M. Godfrey was nominated on the proposal of Councillor A. Donohoe, seconded by Councillor M. O’Dowd.

Nomination of two Members to Board of VEC.
Councillor D. Wilton, proposed by Councillor M. Coogan, seconded by Councillor K. O’Heiligh.
Councillor J. Mulroy, proposed by Councillor T. Murphy, seconded by Councillor F. Maher.
Councillor A. Donohoe, proposed by Councillor P. Bell, seconded by The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash.
The matter was put to a roll call vote which resulted as follows:
Councillor D. Wilton: Councillors: T. Byrne, M. Coogan,

K. O’Heiligh, D. Wilton. = 4

Councillor J. Mulroy: Councillors: P. Bell, T. Byrne,

A. Donohoe, M. Godfrey,

F. Maher, J. Mulroy, G. Nash,

T. Murphy, M. O’Dowd, = 9

Councillor A. Donohoe: Councillors: P. Bell, A. Donohoe, M. Godfrey,

F. Maher, J. Mulroy, T. Murphy,

G. Nash, M. O’Dowd = 8
Councillor J. Mulroy and Councillor A. Donohoe were declared to be nominated.

Taking in charge of Housing Estates.
Mr. D. Agnew, Borough Engineer, reported that significant progress is being made in the process of taking Housing Estates in charge and that he was very satisfied with the cooperation from Developers. He indicated that he would submit a report to the Members at the next Council Meeting.
Notice of Motion – Councillor T. Murphy. (deferred from July Meeting)
“That this Borough Council make the Rathmullen Road a clearway, as it is currently very dangerous, as we have a children’s playground in this area.”
Reply: The problem of roadside parking is limited to a 100metre length of the roadway in the vicinity of the children’s playground. Persons working in the town centre are parking in this area and there is a shortage also of parking spaces in the playground car park. The problem can be solved by increasing the number of spaces in the playground car park and by making available additional car parking in the central town area by opening up vacant lands at the rear of private properties.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor T. Murphy. (deferred from July Meeting)
“That this Borough Council provide a playground at the Glen, Yellowbatter and St. Laurence’s Park/Moneymore due to the large number of children in the area.
Reply: The RAPID Playground Grants Scheme 2004 has approved funding to provide for a play area. The Rathmullen area is being considered for this play area. A location within the Rathmullen area is currently being considered by the Borough Council. Subject to the availability of finance and successful public consultation, the Glen/Yellowbatter area will be considered for the purpose of the provision of a small play area.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor A. Donohoe. (deferred from September Meeting)
“That immediate consultations take place between the Borough Council and all affected

residents associations to resolve all outstanding issues in relation to the proposed link

road between Dublin Road and Meadow View”.
Reply: The completion of the remaining portion of the Bryanstown Cross Route is

currently under construction. Discussions with the Developer are ongoing in relation to

the junction with Meadow View. Prior to the route being open to traffic all road

markings and required traffic signs will be in place. The Borough Engineer will also

have the route investigated in relation to traffic calming measures. If required,

discussions will be undertaken with the Developer with a view to having appropriate

traffic calming measures installed.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor A. Donohoe. (deferred from September Meeting)
“That immediate consultations take place between the Borough Council and all affected

residents associations to resolve all outstanding issues in relation to the proposed link

road between Dublin Road and Meadow View”.
Reply: The completion of the remaining portion of the Bryanstown Cross Route is

currently under construction. Discussions with the Developer are ongoing in relation to

the junction with Meadow View. Prior to the route being open to traffic all road

markings and required traffic signs will be in place. The Borough Engineer will also

have the route investigated in relation to traffic calming measures. If required,

discussions will be undertaken with the Developer with a view to having appropriate

traffic calming measures installed.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor T. Murphy. (deferred from July Meeting)
“That this Borough Council repair the footpaths in Newfield as they are in a dangerous condition”
Reply: The repairing of footpaths throughout the Borough area is ongoing. Footpaths in the Newfield area will be included in this programme of works.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor F. Maher. (deferred from July Meeting)
“That Drogheda Borough Council resurface and if possible widen the section of road adjacent to Calvary Cemetery, from the railway bridge to the junction with Blackbush Avenue”
Reply: This matter will be investigated to determine if it is possible to widen the

roadway adjacent to Calvary Cemetery, from the Railway Bridge to Blackbush

Avenue junction. Any widening which may be possible will

have to be put forward in next years budget.

The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor F. Maher. (deferred from September Meeting)
“That Drogheda Borough Council carry out footpath repairs between house numbers 50 & 59 Beamore Road”.
Reply: Footpath repairs are ongoing throughout the Borough Area and repairs to the

footpaths between house numbers 50 & 59 Beamore Road will be added to the list of

repair works to be undertaken.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor F. Maher. (deferred from September Meeting)
“With the completion of the Bryanstown Cross Route that Drogheda Borough

Council take the following measures, upgrade junction with Meadow View, improve

signage and road markings and implement traffic calming measures to ensure

safety of residents due to increased traffic volumes”.

Reply: The completion of the remaining portion of the Bryanstown Cross Route is

currently under construction. Discussions with the Developer are ongoing in relation to

the junction with Meadow View. Prior to the route being open to traffic all road

markings and required traffic signs will be in place. The Borough Engineer will also

have the route investigated in relation to traffic calming measures. If required,

discussions will be undertaken with the Developer with a view to having appropriate

traffic calming measures installed.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor M. O’Dowd. (deferred from September Meeting)
“To request an up to date report on Donors Green and in particular to ask what action is been taken to enforce Articles 6 and 9 (I) (x) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 in relation to the fencing erected”.
Reply: The lands in question appear to be in a disputed ownership although Drogheda

Port Company have claimed that they are the legal owners of the strip of land in question. The issue of the legal owner of the site requires further investigation.

The fencing erected around the site is considered minor in nature and Drogheda Borough Council has not instigated any enforcement proceedings at this stage.
The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor M. O’Dowd. (deferred from September Meeting)
“In relation to the Saturday Market that Drogheda Borough Council provide an on-site office to be opened with a manager and appropriate staff to provide orderly parking by sellers (and buyers), maintain order and cleanliness in particular to ensure litter control, exercise supervisory control, record names and addresses of sellers and collect seller fees, confer with local gardai concerning authority to regulate behaviour at the market especially in relation to traffic control, removal of unauthorized sellers, and control of disorders at the market.
Reply: The operation and control of the Saturday Market is a matter which is giving rise to concern. It is intended, in the coming weeks, to review all aspects of the operation of the market with a view to its orderly, safe and controlled operation.
The reply to Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.
Notice of Motion – Councillor A. Donohoe. (deferred from September Meeting)
“That immediate consultations take place between the Borough Council and all affected

residents associations to resolve all outstanding issues in relation to the proposed link

road between Dublin Road and Meadow View”.
Reply: The completion of the remaining portion of the Bryanstown Cross Route is

currently under construction. Discussions with the Developer are ongoing in relation to

the junction with Meadow View. Prior to the route being open to traffic all road

markings and required traffic signs will be in place. The Borough Engineer will also

have the route investigated in relation to traffic calming measures. If required,

discussions will be undertaken with the Developer with a view to having appropriate

traffic calming measures installed.

The reply to the Notice of Motion was noted by the Members.


On the proposal of Councillor D. Wilton, seconded by Councillor J. Mulroy, the Members agreed with the recommendations of The Arts Officer to allocate Arts Grants.
On the proposal of The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash, the Members unaminously agreed to make contribution of €1,000.00 to Mr. Dermot Kelly in respect of his participation in the Deaf Olympics.
With regard to the 150th Anniversary of The Sisters of Mercy , the Members agreed to meet at St. Mary’s Church at 11.45 a.m. to attend the 12.00 o’clock celebration Mass.

Monthly Progress Report
The Mayor, Councillor G. Nash congratulated everyone involved in the Swimming Pool Project to date and referred to the Sod Turning Cermony which has taken place in the past week.
The Mayor expressed concerns at the number of fireworks and bonfires over the Halloween Weekend and the danger to health and safety and suggested that the Local Authority should consider organising a controlled Fireworks and Bonfire Display next year.
The Mayor indicated that a meeting of The Protocol Committee would be arranged in the coming weeks to continue the review of protocol matters.
The Mayor referred to a public seminar on Anti-Social Behaviour and indicated that details would be notified to the Members.
Finally, The Mayor congratulated Drogheda Borough Council , Dhroichead Arts Centre and in particular the Arts Officer on the very successful Childrens Arts Festival held in the past week.
The Members noted the Monthly Progress Report and raised queries on the following matters;

  • St. Marys Bridge to Shop Street – Pedestrian access required.

  • Ramps needed at second entrance to Ballsgrove.

  • Yellow box needed at entrance to Rosevale Estate.

  • Lane required for traffic going left to Dublin at Wheaton Hall.

  • Area owned by Drogheda Borough Council at Wheaton Hall required cleaning.

  • Traffic signs needed at crossroads between Spring View and Acorn Way in Wheaton Hall.

  • Stamp duty threshold should be increased from €190,500 to €225,000.

  • Second pedestrian crossing needed at shops at Hardman’s Gardens.

  • Danger for pedestrians to cross safely at Bullring/Mary St. junction and at Haymarket junction.

  • Repairs required to footpath at Brookville.

  • Road surface in poor condition at Constitution Hill.

  • Small car park required at plot of ground at Calvary Cemetry.

  • Pedestrian crossing from town center to Haymarket building – two steps impeding safe crossing.

  • Repairs required to Bog Lane.

  • Road signs needed at crossroad in Yellowbatter.

  • Footpath repairs required at Maple Drive.

  • Public lighting required with footpath at Cement Road.

  • Developers urged to carry out street cleaning in respect of building sites e.g. Peter Street.

  • Footpath repairs required at Ballsgrove.

  • Roof leaking again at Arts Centre.

  • Bank requires to be removed at Industrial Estate junction with Donore Road.

  • Position regarding No. 58 and 59 Rathmullen to be clarified.

  • Dangerous pothole at entrance to Ballsgrove.

  • Poor sight lines at Marleys Lane onto Donore Road.

  • Traffic not warned of pedestrian crossing at back of Town Centre, signage required.

  • Pedestrian lights required at Black Bull.

  • E.S.B. wires causing injuries to ducks on River Boyne.

The Borough Engineer responded in detail to a number of the queries raised by Members and noted remaining queries for further examination .

This concluded the Business of the Meeting.


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