котирующиеся на фондовой бирже (акции) (IFC) (kotirujyushhiesja na fondovoj birzhe (akcii); L.t.: quoted on a stock exchange (shares)): “РДР будут выпущены на акции Rusal, котирующиеся на Гонконгской фондовой бирже” (Kamneva, Starostina, Verzhbickij, 2010. Ruscorpora);
котирующиеся на фондовом рынке (акции) (Ruscorpora) (kotiruyushhiesja na fondovom rynke (akcii); L.t.: quoted on a stock market (shares)): “Более 95% акций Allianz, котирующихся на фондовых рынках, представлены на биржах в Германии, несмотря на то что около 70% акций принадлежат иностранным инвесторам” (Hepner & Shnel', 2009) (Ruscorpora).
Accordingly, the use of DT and Calque can be considered as the preferred translation method for the term listed (shares).
The term tag-along right with figurative meaning means “a contractual obligation used to protect a minority shareholder (usually in a venture capital deal). If a majority shareholder sells
his or her stake, then the minority shareholder has the right to join the transaction and sell his or her minority stake in the company” (Investopedia). This term is represented in the glossary in the extra explanatory form, obtained using the Additional and Irrelevant Components method: право акционера на продажу своих акций в случае продажи акций другими акционерами на тех же условиях (IFC) (pravo akcionera na prodazhu svoih akcij v sluchae prodazhi drugimi akcionerami na teh zhe uslovijah; L.t.: a right of a shareholder to sell his/her shares in the case of the sale of shares by other shareholders under the same conditions). This term form is unwieldy and difficult to track down in specialized texts. In most cases, only the parts of the whole Russian term can be found in Ruscorpora: “<…> что решение совета директоров носит рекомендательный характер и никак не влияет на право акционера продавать или отказаться от продажи принадлежащих ему акций” (Fadeev, 2008. Ruscoropra) (L.t.: a right of a shareholder to sell or to refuse from the sale of the shares owned by him). The dictionaries offer other equivalents of the term tag-along right, which can be attributed to the Calque and DT method: права последовать (присоединиться) (к продаже) (prava posledovat’ (prisoedinit’tsja) (k prodazhe) (a comment); L.t.: the rights to follow (to join) (the sail); права присоединения к сделке (к продаже) (prava prisoedineniya (k prodazhe); L.t.: fin. (finance) the rights to join a transaction (the sail)); права присоединения (Academic) (prava prisoedinenija; L.t.: the rights of joining).
All the terms retrieved using Calque and DT have explicit and clear forms, which makes them convenient to use and can be recommended as the translation of the term. All of the recommended forms can actually be used, depending on whether the context requires a construction with a verb or a nominative construction.
Aasndstpabralectical as the DT and Calque method has proven to be, in some cases it can be replaced by other translation techniques. A total of 99 terms were offered in the glossaries in forms triggered by Calque and DT. Nevertheless, in the course of the research and the analysis, other translation methods proved to be more relevant and practical and were recommended in place of Calque and DT. The following methods were competing with Calque and DT and were suggested as translation for the source terms:
Calque : cost of capital: (Calque and DT) затраты на привлечение капитала (IFC) (zatraty na privlechenie kapitala; L.t.: the costs for the capital attraction) - (Calque ) cтоимость капитала (IFC; Academic) (stoimost’ kapitala; L.t.: the cost of capital);
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