For here of enter on cash me
Excuse _____me__.
I’m just looking.
Do you sell …..?
Do you have one ____fo__ these in red / blue/ a large size?
Can I try it /this_on___?
Where the fitting room?
It doesn’t fit/fits. I’ll take it.
Shop- assistant
Can I help you?
Are you looking __for____ anything particular?
Who’s next, please?
Are you paying by_cash___ or credit card?
Can you___enter_ your PIN please?
Can you just sign__here___ please?
I f I need a vegetable, I go to the back yard to see what’s in the garden. If that’s a disappointment, my next option is the farmers’ market. There I find beautiful, fresh, and uneaten vegetables (as
well as breads, meats, eggs, plants and crafts) to suit my needs. Only if I can’t find what I need at the farmers’ market do I go to the supermarket for produce. Why is the local supermarket my third choice for produce? Supermarket produce is not as fresh as farmers’ market fare. Some items are
coated or treated to give the appearance of freshness. Supermarket produce typically loses nutritional value as it is transported from far away. Produce in supermarket tends to come from large producers who use heavy pesticides and petroleum-based fertilizers to provide “perfect” specimens for the consumer. Produce in supermarkets tends to be varieties that
ship well, but don’t necessarily
taste good. Why do I prefer the farmers’ market? Produce is fresh, sometimes picked only a few hours before I buy it. In general, the produce has fewer pesticides. Talk about customer service. Local farmers literally stand behind their produce, eager to talk with you about varieties,
preparation, and preservation. It’s local. That impacts quality, taste, nutritional value, even carbon footprint. What about price? The supermarket offers convenience and variety. But on comparable items the farmers’ market competes well in price and, in my opinion, quality. The farmers’ market doesn’t replace the supermarket, but it’s a good alternative for fresh produce.
Agar menga sabzavot kerak bo'lsa, men bog'da nima borligini bilish uchun orqa hovliga boraman. Agar bu umidsizlik bo'lsa, mening keyingi variantim - dehqon bozori. U erda men ehtiyojlarimga mos keladigan go'zal, yangi va iste'mol qilinmagan sabzavotlarni (shuningdek non, go'sht, tuxum, o'simliklar va qo'l san'atlari) topaman. Faqat dehqon bozoridan kerakli narsani topa olmasam, mahsulot olish uchun supermarketga boraman. Nima uchun mahalliy supermarket mahsulot uchun uchinchi tanlovim? ..Supermarket mahsulotlari dehqon bozorlaridagidek yangi emas . • Ba'zi narsalar yangilik ko'rinishini berish uchun qoplangan yoki ishlov berilgan.
Supermarket mahsulotlari, odatda, uzoqdan tashilganligi sababli ozuqaviy qiymatini yo'qotadi. .. Supermarketdagi mahsulot iste'molchi uchun "mukammal" namunalarni taqdim etish uchun og'ir pestitsidlar va neftga asoslangan o'g'itlardan foydalanadigan yirik ishlab chiqaruvchilardan keladi. .. Supermarketlarda ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulotlar yaxshi jo'natiladigan, ammo ta'mi yaxshi bo'lishi shart emas. Nega men dehqon bozorini afzal ko'raman? .. Mahsulot yangi, ba'zan uni sotib olishdan bir necha soat oldin tanlanadi. .- . Umuman olganda, mahsulotda kamroq pestitsidlar mavjud. • + Mijozlarga xizmat ko'rsatish haqida gapiring. Mahalliy fermerlar tom ma'noda o'z mahsulotining orqasida turishadi va siz bilan navlar, tayyorlash va saqlash haqida gaplashishga tayyor. .. Bu mahalliy. Bu sifati, ta'mi, ozuqaviy qiymati, hatto uglerod iziga ta'sir qiladi. Narx haqida nima deyish mumkin? Supermarket qulaylik va xilma-xillikni taklif etadi. Lekin taqqoslanadigan mahsulotlar bo'yicha dehqon bozori narx va, menimcha, sifat jihatidan yaxshi raqobatlashadi. Dehqon bozori supermarketning o'rnini
bosa olmaydi, lekin bu yangi mahsulot uchun yaxshi muqobildir.
Where do you buy the following things:
1 ) to buy fish, crabs i) at the fishmonger's
2) to buy potatoes, bananas, onions, apples f) at the grocer’s
3) to buy a pair of shoes, boots h) at the footwear
4) to buy meat, sausages e) at the butcher's
5) to buy milk, sour cream, k) at the dairy
6) to buy tea, sugar, salt a market
7) to buy a loaf of bread, cakes, rolls
a) at the baker's