I Should go thereifI had time.Agarvaqtimbo‘Iganda u yerga brogan bo‘lardim.
Should noreal shartgaplamingergashgapidataxminning yuz berish ehtimolligining juda kamligi
ta‘kidlab o‘tiladi:
ifI Shouid come, I shaii speak to themabout it.Agar men keia oisamedi buhaqdauiar biian gapiashar cdim.
Shouidfe‘li bosh gapIt is important( muhim), it is necessary!kerak. zarur), itis desirabie(
ma‘qul, kerak),it is impossible( imkoniyo‘q) it is improhable( ehtimoldan uzoq), it is better(yaxshi si) kabi birikmalardanyasalgan boshgapli qo‘shmagaplardathat bilan bog‘langan qo‘shmagaplarda ishlatiladi. Bu holda bosh gapdagito beqaysi zamondabo‘lishidan qat‘iynazar, Shoulddan keyin fe‘lningSimple Infinitiveshakli toyuklamasisizishlatiladi: It is importantthat heShould return tomorrow. Uning ertasa qavtishi muhim.
Used to Used to ni doim infinitivebilan ishlatamiz(usedto do, used to smoke)biror ish harakatni odatda sodir bo‘lishini vauzoq davom etmasligini bildiradi:
Tomused to travel a lot, thesedays hedoesn‘tgo away very often. Torn ko'psayohatqiiardi, sliukumania juda kaindan-kani boryapti.
Yanausedto ni o‘tgan zamonda ham ishlatiladi, lekin uzoq davom etmaganish-harakatlarda:
Weused to liveina small villagebutnowweliveinLondon.
Biz kichkina qishloqdayashaganmiz ammo hozir Londonda yashaymiz.
Used to +Infinitiv doimo ‘tgan zamonda bo‘ladi. Uningso‘roq shakli quyidagichabo‘ladi;
Didyou useto eat a iotofsweets whenyou werea child?
Bo‘lishsizshakli esaquyidagichabo‘ladi:
-Jack didn‘tuse to go out very often until hemet Jill. Complete thesentences with used to.
l.Dennis doesn‘t anymorebuthe....40 cigarettes aday. 2. Thebabydoesn‘tcryso much now but
she... everynight. 3. She... mybest friend but wearen‘t friends anylonger.4. Welivein Nottingham now but we... in Moscow. 5. Now'thereis onlyshop in thevillagebut there... three. 6. WhenIwas a childI... ice-cream, butIdon‘t likeit now. 7. Now Tom has gota car. He... amotor car. Writesomesentences. Ron used to studyhardbut now
Tom usedto playtennis alot but now Annnever used to drink coffeebut now
Jill didn‘t use to be fat but now 5.Jack didn‘t use togo out much but
me.”5. Whyshould hethink that?6.I’m veryshocked indeed thatyou should have felt it necessarytolie to me. 7. that heshould hear ofthe exposureof hisfavorite author of view.8. Hewas verysorrythat
Phillip should be disturbed.9. hewas oneof themselves now and theydidn't seewhyheshould puton airs. 10. theiris no reason whyheshouldn‘t win 2 or 3 matches. 11 .i‘m sorrythatyou should havehad a rowwith Pat about it. 12.It was much better that he should learn thebusiness thoroughly, and if they' had beenable to wait forayear thereseemed noreason whytheyshould not wait another. 13.He seemedtoseenothingexceptionalintheideathatheshouldgetupandspeakatthemeeting.14.―
WhereisMeg?‖―Whereshouldshebeifnotinschool?"i5.Whyshouldyoutellpeoplethe disagreeable things thataresaid about them?16.Hedidn‘t know whyheshould haveexpected them to look different. 17. This istoo terrible! To think thatyou should talk to mein this way. 18.It outraged him that the man should havebeen to foolish
. Translatethefollowingsentencesinto English.
1 .Bu judag‘alati, u bu haqdahech narsademadi.2. lshongim kelmaydi, xaftadavomidaJonm bizni ko‘rgani vaqti bo‘lmaganiga. 3. Uningismi nima?-Nimagasizgaaytishim kerak?4. Men haqimda yomon o‘ylagamngdan afsusdaman. 5. bilmadim nimagau Jorjm ko‘rgisi keldi.6. Vanihoyat u uyga qaytishgaqarorqildi. Men haqida uyerdas eshitishi mumkin.7. Keyt boiam uningismi bilan ataganidan u hursandbo‘ldi. 8. unganimabo‘lgan bo‘lishi mumkin. Nimagau kech qlayotganigaishongim kelmayapti.9. Uningbundaykuchsizbo‘lganidanjuda xafabo‘ldim. 10.Lola hali ham nimaga ketayotganigatushunmasdi.