To do exercises. Poets and writers ofUzbekistan. Theliteratureof Uzbekistan has a solid classical tradition whose roots go back into the ages. The earlyworks of its classicsgive powerfulexpression to thehopes andideals of its workingpeople. AlisherNavoithegreathumanistofthe15a‗centuryandtheprideofUzbekliteratureisknown throughout theworld. His immortal works havebeen translated into the languages of allthe fraternal peoples ofthe world andpublishedin great printings.
Uzbek foikioreis an inexhaustible sourcethat is enriched the storeof Uzbek literature. Gifted people
bakhs -his - composedsongs dastans- about thehard lifeofcommon people andtheirheroic struggle against tirans.
Remarkable poems as Alpo mish and Ravshan, amongmanyothers,fairytales aboundingin popular wisdom havebecome part and parcel of thewritten Uzbek literature. Manychanges took placein Uzbek literature, which had deep -goingnational traditions and these changes determined its origination.
A considerable contribution of Uzbek prosewas madebythe talented writerAbdulla Kadyri (1894- 1940), whosecomplexand creativelifewasfilled with painful guest. Hismonumental historical novels like―Bygonedays―,―Scorpionfromthealter‖,aregreatworksinthehistoryofUzbekprose.
A largegroupof writers formed themain detachment ofUzbek literature entered in themid of 20 centure. Amongthemare GafurGulom, Aibek,Khamid Alimjon,Uygun,Abdulla Kahhar, Mirtemir, and others. Uzbek literaturebegan to develop a diversityofgenres, with prose gainingin importance. These appeared epic poems and thenovel. Thedrama , children‘s literature and literarycriticism entered anew stage.That was thetime when Uzbek writers included thethemeo fcollectivization. That was the
period in which thetalented writer AbdullahKahhar (1907-1968) madehisappearance. His earlyworks
Famous Uzbek poets wasZulfia. When her first anthologyof verses with the title“Pages o f life“
was published shewas only18years old. Shewrote about life, about theUzbek women. Shewas not onlytalented poetess, butalso a champion ofpeace and friendship amongpeoples. Manypeople loved Muhammad Yusuf, hewas also agreat talented poet. Hewrote manypoems.
In the last fewyears the ranks of ourwriters havebeen swelled byanewgeneration o fcapableyoung writers and poets. l.Read and learn themeaning ofthefollowing new words. 1. literature-adabiyot 2.solid -stabil
2.Answer thequestions. 1 .Who is Alisher Navoi? When and wherewashebom?
Who is Abdulia Kodiriy?
What doyou know about his works?
What doyou know about fairytales?
Who is Zulfiya?
What doyou know about classics?
3. Read the sentences changingtheverbs from the FastIndefinite into theFuture Indefinite. 1 .Weplayedchess at theclubyesterday. She answered myletters at once'.
Iposted myletters at thepost-office.
Themeetinglasted two hours.
Feruzatriedon thenew coat.
Wewalked alongtime forthe bus.
Thepupils wrote adictationyesterday.
Ouraunt visited us last summer.
Myson did his homeworkyesterday.
Uzbek writers wrote manynovels. 12.TheUzbek literature began to develop.
4. Translatethefollowingsentences into English. 1.Ted qani?-U bog'da. -U uyerdanimaqilyapti?2. Men siznimahaqida gapirayotganingizga tushunaolmayapman.3.Mehmonxonaninghammaxonasida vannasi bor. 4. Sendiningonasi Yaponivadanimaqilyapti?5.Udedi:―BizhechqachonLondongaetibbormaymiz,agarsenehtiyot
bo‘libyurmasang. 6. Kelingmen suv quyib beray,qo‘lingizhali ham qaltirayapti.7. Sem , borib parkda o‘yna. 8. Otangizo‘zini yaxshi his qilmayapti. 9.Mennimagavig‘layotganimni ham bilmayman. 10. U bizningketayotganimiznibiladi. 11. Ko‘rmayapsanmi, men charchaganman. 12. Mengaotang yolg‘onchi , demoqchimisiz?13. Sizhozir qayergaketyapsiz?14. Otam teievizorko'ryapu, ukam esa o‘ynab o'tiribdi.
Hozirgitugallangan zamon (Thepresent perfect tense) Present perfect zamoni to havefe‘lininghozirgizamondagi shakllari HavevaHas handa asosiy fe‘liningo'tgan zamon sifatdoshiyordamidayasaladi:Ihaveworked. Hehas worked wehaveworked.
Ega+Have/has +P.P
Present Pcrfcktningso‘roq shakli havevahasyordamchi fe‘llarinicganingoldigaqo‘vish bilan yasaladi:
Present Perfektningbo‘iishsizshakli Havevahas danso‘ngnot inkoryuklamasini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi: