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There are many higher education institutions that offer distance learning technologies. This is
because, unlike the same colleges, universities have a very good information and technical base.
However, the principle of organizing distance learning is no different.Students attend online lectures
and seminars, use e-libraries over the Internet, receive assignments in teaching materials and e-mail
boxes, and have the opportunity to consult with tutors and teachers via Internet telephony. If the
university has such an opportunity (laboratory equipment, computer simulators) with remote access,
then students can perform both laboratory and practical work remotely. However, training in some
specialties (e.g., medicine) is not distance-based.
Advantages of distance learning
Ability to read at any time
The distance learning student can independently decide when and how much time to devote to
studying the material during the semester. She creates an individual workout schedule for herself.
Some educational institutions allow their students to leave school for a long
time and return without
paying again for educational services.
Ability to learn at your own pace
There is no need to worry that distance learners will lag behind other students. You can always
go back to learning more complex issues, watch a few video lectures, re-read correspondence with a
teacher, and skip topics that are already known. The most important thing is to successfully pass the
intermediate and final certifications.
Opportunity to study anywhere
Students can study comfortably in their home or office from anywhere in the world. You must
have a computer connected to the Internet to begin learning. The fact that there is no need to visit the
educational institution every day will undoubtedly be a comprehensive convenience for parents with
disabilities, young children.
Read without interrupting the main activity.
You can study remotely in several courses at the same time, get another higher education. It is
not necessary to go on vacation at work, to go on business trips. The educational institutions that
organize the existing corporate training (professional development) for employees of the firm and
civil servants.
In this case, the study does not stop the work experience and the learned issues can be
immediately applied in the work.
High learning outcomes
Research by American scientists shows that the results of distance learning are not less or even
superior to the results of traditional forms of education. The distance student learns most of the learn-
ing materials independently. This improves memorization and comprehension of the topics covered.
And the ability to apply knowledge immediately in practice, at work, helps to strengthen it. Also, the
latest technology you use in the learning process makes it more fun and lively.
Availability of training materials
Distance learners are not well aware of problems such as lack of textbooks, problem books, man-
uals. Access to all required literature will be opened to the student upon registration on the university
website or he or she will receive the study materials by mail.
Distance education is cheaper
If we compare training in a particular specialty on a commercial, face-to-face and distance basis,
the latter will be cheaper. The student does
not have to pay for travel, accommodation, and there is no
need to spend money on a visa and an international passport in the example of foreign universities.
Individual approach
In the traditional teaching process, it is very difficult for the teacher to pay enough attention to all
the students in the group, to adapt to the pace of work of each student. The use of remote technology
is suitable for organizing an individual approach. In addition to the fact that the student chooses the
speed of learning, he or she can quickly get answers from the teacher to the questions that arise.
Disadvantages of distance learning
Strong motivation is needed
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The distance student learns almost all learning materials independently. This requires strong will,
responsibility and self-management. Not everyone will be able to maintain the desired learning pace
without external supervision.
Distance learning is not suitable for developing communication skills
In a
distance learning environment, students have very little, if any, personal contact with each
other and with teachersis also possible. Therefore, this form of training is not suitable for developing
communication skills, confidence, teamwork skills.
Lack of practical knowledge
Teaching specialties that involve a large number of practical courses becomes difficult from a
distance. Even the most advanced technology is no substitute for “live” practice for future physicians
or educators.
User identification problem
For now, the most effective way to monitor a student’s passing exams or tests honestly and inde-
pendently is through video surveillance, which is not always possible. Therefore, for final certifica
tion, students must come in person to the university or its affiliates.
The quality of information obtained through distance learning is lower than that of full-time
Whatever form
of education, its quality depends primarily on the student himself. Distance ed-
ucation implies great independence. If a student has a strong motivation, it means that he / she will
successfully cope with the curriculum ... However, the quality of education obtained independently is
usually higher than the level of knowledge traditionally obtained at the school desk.
It is difficult to communicate with teachers and other students.
Sometimes it can be easier to consult a teacher when studying remotely than full-time and part-
time students. There are several ways to communicate with a tutor: email, personal messaging system
on the educational institution’s website, chat systems, Internet telephony. The same tools are used to
communicate with colleagues. Thus, it is possible to communicate with both teachers and classmates
almost every day.
In conclusion, a high-quality distance learning program allows not only to copy lecture programs,
but also to read them on a computer screen. Rather than simply copying
a face-to-face study program,
the course should be carefully organized in a way that engages the student purposefully. At the same
time, many students begin to feel that they are more involved in the learning process than they are in
their personal processes. The lesson should be student-oriented so that we can achieve the required
quality and purpose in distance learning.
Advantages and disadvantages of online learning prep.uz
Distance learning- TAMI.UZ
Distance learning texnology - NSPI.UZ